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Back to Gov Letters | Jan. 29, 1865 | Feb. 2, 1865 | Feb. 3, 1865 | Dec. 24, 1864
Dakota Territory
Executive Office
Yankton Feby 2nd 1865
I have the honor herewith to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 29th ultimo, in relation to the custody of one Joseph Bourette, held temporarily by you, for a capital crime, and requesting to be relieved of the prisoner, etc.
In reply I have to inform you that at this time, there is neither (to my knowledge ) a U.S. Marshal or his Deputy, U.S. Dist[rict] Atty, or a U.S. Dist[rict] Judge within our territorial limits and at this writing, however humiliating the admission, I know of no civil authority to whom the prisoner, under the circumstances, could properly be turned over.
In view of the magnitude of the offence of which the prisoner is charged, I can but regard the necessity of holding him of paramount importance, to the continued peace and Safety of Society. I therefore request that you will hold the prisoner until the return to the Territory of some officer to whom he (the Prisoner) may be properly delivered, to be taken before a proper civil tribunal for examination.
(over) Copy
I will in the mean time make every effort to procure the speedy return of those officers.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt
Newton Edmunds
Col. M. Pollock
6th Iowa Cav'y
Comanding Post at Fort Randall
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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