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Manuscripts by Subject - Religion

10077 First Baptist Church
Records, 1881-1920
Bathgate, Pembina County, ND
Minutes, treasurer’s account book, financial ledger, and minutes of the Fuller Regular Baptist Church. (.5ft)

10086 Church History
Records, 1939
Photographs, newspaper clippings, and histories of various Baptist, Catholic, Congregational, Episcopal, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches in North Dakota. Also the history of the North Dakota Sunday School Association and a report of the North Dakota Council of Christian Education. (1ft)

10101 Leroy F. Jackson
Papers, 1894-1908
Transcripts of letters from Rev. John Robinson, St. Mary’s Mission, concerning Methodist missionary activities near Sisseton, SD, biographical sketches of John Robinson and Samuel Spates, transcript of letters from Rev. Samuel Spates and the Spates family concerning missionary activity in Dakota Territory,
Transcript of the Jedediah Dwight Stevens diary describing mission work among Indians in Wisconsin, and a manuscript by Rev. John H. Pietzel entitled, “Story of Backwoods Life,” describing mission work in Michigan and Wisconsin. (.25ft)

10110 North Dakota Conference of Churches
Records, 1891-1982
Minutes, constitution and by-laws, financial records, reports, printed materials, correspondence, annual meeting yearbooks, county council records, photographs, subject files, legislative files, region files, denomination files, and newsletters. Records relate to legislation, ecumenism, religious education, and politics. Includes records of the Dakota Sunday School Association, North Dakota Sunday School Association, North Dakota Council of Religious Education, North Dakota Council of Christian Education, North Dakota Interchurch Council, and the North Dakota Council of Churches. (14.5ft)

10128 United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Synod of North Dakota
Records, 1881-1993
Records of the Synod of North Dakota, including minutes, correspondence, reports, programs, treasurer's records, and annual reports, records of the Grand Forks, Pembina, Northern Pacific, Fargo, Bismarck, Mouse River, Oakes, and Minot presbyteries, including minutes, rosters of ministers, treasurer's records, reports, investigations, certificates, articles of incorporation, correspondence, and check registers, and records of many Presbyterian churches in North Dakota, including minutes, records of Women's Missionary Aid Societies, constitutions, notes, correspondence, articles of incorporation, deeds, receipts, reports, church registers, membership lists, historical sketches, certificates, records of the Ladies' Aid Societies and the Christian Endeavor Society, Sunday School records, treasurer's and secretary's records, check registers, and cemetery registers. (40 ft/31v)

10156 Johan August Johanson
Papers, 1901-1909
Diaries, photographs, Chinese and Tibetan language manuscripts, and printed material relating to Johanson’s work as a Methodist missionary. (3ft/1r/#16068)

10206 Henry G. Dralle
Papers, 1891-1950
Bismarck, ND
Correspondence, notes, printed material (some in German), and financial records relating to personal, business, and ministerial activities. (25ft)

10231 Dakota Jewish History Project
Records, 1953
Reports, correspondence, bank statements, notes, newspaper clippings, printed material, and questionnaires containing information on Jewish history in the Dakotas. (.5ft)

10241 Alfred A. Thal
Papers, 1916-1968
Family history information, scrapbooks, audio recordings of interviews concerning the Jewish community in North Dakota, records of the Dickinson Jewish Congregation, photographs, and sheet music. (6ft)

10279 Bethel United Methodist Church
Records, 1935-1982
Mercer, ND
Minutes, receipt and disbursement books, scrapbook, guest books, Sunday school record, and photographs. (.5ft.)

10281 Bismarck Ministerial Association
Records, 1972-1982
Bismarck, ND
Minutes, letters, rosters, schedules, and printed materials relating to religious education, ecumenism, legislation and politics, and prison and hospital ministries. (.75 ft)

10285 American Lutheran Church. Western North Dakota District
Records, 1938-1982
Annual reports and convention proceedings, miscellaneous files, district council minutes, executive committee minutes, reports, and newsletters. Also included are the records of German Lutheran Church (McLean Co., ND) Parish Records, 1906-1957; Our Savior's Lutheran; Hope Lutheran; Zion Lutheran; St. Paulus Lutheran; and Emmanuel Lutheran all of Mercer, ND. (1.5ft/2r/#14282-14283)

10286 Harold W. Case
Papers, 1864-1989
Correspondence, diaries, sermons, subject files, reports, maps, photographic materials, records of various civic and women's organizations, and records of the Fort Berthold Mission. Included are a diary, architectural drawings, pamphlets, and stationery letterhead for Reverend Case, a Congregational missionary. (59ft)

10288 Church Women in North Dakota
Records, 1963-1980
Annual meeting reports, programs, agendas, news releases, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and photographs. Records relate to annual meetings, administration, women’s issues and the North Dakota Conference of Churches. (.5ft)

10333 United Methodist Church. (U.S.) North Dakota Conference
Records, 1825-1975
Minutes, correspondence, audits, church histories, programs, photographs, newsletters, yearbooks, history files, journals, biographies, directories, audio tapes, microfilm, Women's Missionary Society records, Youth Fellowship records, Young People's Missionary Circle records, Quarterly Conference of the Methodist Mission Church minutes, Minister's Wives Association minutes, South Dakota Conference of the United Methodist Church yearbooks, sermons, speeches, Evangelical United Brethren Church yearbooks, and records of many local E.U.B. and Methodist Churches in North Dakota. Includes records of churches in the following communities: Anamoose, Aneta, Ashley, Balfour, Benedict, Bethel, Bismarck, Braddock, Carlisle, Cavalier, Chasely, Dawson, Edgeley, Goodrich, Grandin, Gwyther, LaMoure, Napoleon, Newburg, New Rockford, Saline, Velva, and Wahpeton; and historical church posters from across the state during the celebration of North Dakota's centennial. (33ft/oversize/2r/#7049-7050)

10360 Bloomfield Lutheran Church
Records, 1900-1960
Upham, ND; McHenry Co., ND
Baptism, confirmation, marriage and burial registers, record of communicants and membership record (1r/#5643)

10364 Evangelical Lutheran Church
Records, 1912-1974
Venturia, ND; McIntosh County, ND
Minutes, notes, guest register, articles of incorporation, membership record, receipts, burial register, and records of collections. (1r/#6954)

10365 Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel Church
Records, 1888-1899
Emmons County ND; Campbell County SD; McIntosh County DT
Minutes, newspaper clippings, obituaries, and cemetery records of the church members. (1r/#6953)

10366 Catholic Diocese of Fargo
ca. 1908-1930s
Parish history questionnaires, historical sketches, parish anniversary books, and photographs of churches in eastern North Dakota. Arranged by town and parish. Survey forms sent out by Bishop Shanley to each church asking questions about every aspect of the church: dates established, when church was built, names and dates of pastors, number of parishioners, nationality of parishioners, is there a school, when was it built, is there a priest's house? a cemetery? Some surveys were sent out in 1908, others in the 1930s. Some of the surveys are followed by typed parish histories, some in German. (3r/#0600-0602)

10372 Frieden Lutheran Church
Records, 1904-1958
Minutes and records of a baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and burials for a church in Hague, ND which later merged with the Zion Lutheran Church of Zeeland, ND. (1r/#06953)

10380 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. Mc Henry, ND
St. Jakobus Church. Wishek, ND
St. James Lutheran Church. Ashley, ND
Peace Lutheran Church. Ashley, ND

Records, 1893-1970
Baptism register, confirmation register, burial record, and record of contributions. Originals at the Foster County Historical Society, Carrington, ND. (1r/#5388)

10382 St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Church
Records, 1911- 1918
Bullhead, SD
Baptism register. (1r/#0731)

10383 St. Andrew's Lutheran Church
Records, 1893-1975
Zeeland, ND; McIntosh Co., ND
Parish council minutes, baptism register, confirmation register, burial register, first communion register, marriage register, collections record, and a guest register. (1r/#6952)

10384 St. John's Reformed Church and Catholic Church, Zeeland, ND
Records, 1897-1961
St. Johns Reformed Church, 1897-1961, minutes, legal documents, financial records, annual reports, membership records, baptism register, burial register, first communion register, confirmation register, and a constitution.
Zeeland Catholic Church, 1884-1971, baptismal register, marriage register, and burial register. (1r/#6951)

10385 St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church
Records, 1868-1957
Fort Yates, ND
Baptismal, first communion, confirmation, marriage, and burial register, and parish membership record. (1r/#0731)

10393 Venturia Baptist Church
Records, 1912-1964
Venturia, ND
Minutes, baptism register, annual reports, membership record, burial register, and church history. (1r/#6954)

10396 R. T. Wanberg
Papers, 1919-1951
Book documenting Wanberg's ministerial activities at Bethel Lutheran Church and First Lutheran Church, Rugby, ND; Trinity Lutheran Church, Berwick, ND; Bloomfield Lutheran Church, Upham, ND; Zion Lutheran, Towner, ND; Zion Lutheran Church, Tunbridge, ND; and First Lutheran Church, Granvill, ND. (1r/#5643)

10398 Zion Lutheran Church 
Records, 1919-1971
Upham, ND; McHenry Co., ND
Baptism register, confirmation register, marriage register, burial register, record of communicants, and roster of officers of the congregation. (1r/#5643)
10399 Kermit Karns Lutheran Church Records
Consists of Lutheran Church records from Emmons, Logan, and McIntosh Counties (N.D.) and Campbell and McPherson Counties (S.D.). Contains minutes, baptisms, first communion registers, marriage registers, burial registers, membership registers, cemetery records, and record of collections. Some of these records were written in the German language. (7r./#06953, 17292-17297)

10401 Ashley First Baptist Church
Records, 1954-1977
Ashley, ND
Membership roll, minutes, and constitution and by-laws. (1r/#7004)

10402 Ashley Baptist Church
Records, 1896-1976
Ashley, ND
Chronological Register (1896-1976); Minutes (1954-1976). (1r/#7004)

10403 Berlin Baptist Church
Records, 1931-1961
Berlin, ND
Cemetery record. (1r/#7004)

10405 Commission for Educational Ministries
Records, 1968-1983
Minutes, correspondence, rosters, notes, financial reports, budgets, memoranda, newsletters, and instructional materials. The Commission was sponsored jointly by the Presbytery of the Northern Plains and the North Dakota Conference of the United Church of Christ to coordinate religious educational activities. (1ft)

10414 Congregational Church
Records, 1886-1972
Oberon, ND
Church record book providing rosters of pastors, deacons, church committees and membership; minutes of church organizations; baptismal, marriage, and burial registers; worship attendance records, and record of contributions. (1r/#6380)

10436 First United Methodist Church
Records, 1947-1971
Bismarck, ND
Minutes document the activities and interests of the Women’s Society of Christian Service affiliated with the First Methodist Church. (5v)

10445 American Lutheran Church. Eastern North Dakota District
Records, 1917-1984
Annual convention minutes; district council minutes; executive committee minutes; correspondence; memoranda; reports; notes; subject files; convention files; committee files; congregation study files; congregation files; annual reports; letters of call; Bishop's pastoral letters; printed material; administrative records of the Lutheran Free Church, including minutes, correspondence, subject files, and minutes of the Fargo Circuit Meeting. Records document administration of the Eastern North Dakota District Office, study and formulation of congregational boundaries, merger of the American Lutheran Church and the Lutheran Free Church in 1962, pastoral assignments, annual conventions, and involvement with various social and religious issues. (23.75ft)

10447 Ambrose Mattingly
Papers, 1888-1939
Correspondence, poetry, and programs relating to the history of the Little Flower Mission at St. Michael, ND, St. Ann’s Indian Mission at Belcourt, ND, and Seven Dolors Indian Mission at Fort Totten; essay, biographies, and histories concerning Brother Giles Laugel, Tamazakanhotanka, Rev. Jerome Hunt, Bishop Martin Marty, Rev. Lorenz Spitzelberger, Rupert Seidenbush, Rev. Jean Baptiste Genin, and the George Hall family; and letters to Rev. Claude Ebner, Devils Lake, ND. (.25ft)

10462 Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota
Records, 1881-2005
Minutes of the Bishop, Chancellor, and Standing Committee, Council of Advice, Bishop and Council, and Diocesan Council, correspondence, subject files, reports, audits, grant files, parish files, property files, deeds and abstracts, architectural drawings, Indian Convocation records, clergy files, histories, programs, scrapbooks, publications, papers of Bishop George T. Masuda (1964-1979), convention proceeding materials, memoranda, news releases, treasurer's reports, financial statements, ledgers, journals, policy manuals, newspaper clippings, photographs, altar books, and artifacts. Records relate to administration of the Diocese, religious education, women's guild, ecumenism, administration of parishes, episcopate of George T. Masuda, Indian missions, clergy affairs, ministerial activities, and various social issues. (64ft/1r/#14559)

10468 North Dakota Baptist State Convention
Records, 1865-1982
Minutes, convention proceedings, correspondence, memoranda, subject files, congregation files, pastor files, audit reports, list of pastors, ledgers, journals, convention files, scrapbooks, bulletins, histories, photographs, and publications. Records relate to the administration of the Baptist State Convention and churches, missionary work, women's organizations, youth camps, conventions, and ministerial affairs. (24ft/4r//#13691-13694)

10522 Deborah (Hall) Hertz
Papers, ca. 1915-1977
Scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, memorabilia, and photographs relating to the Reverend Charles L. Hall, early missionary on the Fort Berthold Reservation at Elbowoods, DT. (.25ft)

10535 Griggs County Church Records
Records, 1989
Pickert, ND; Cooperstown, ND; Sharon, ND
Transcriptions by the Griggs County Genealogical Society include:
Pickert Presbyterian Church, minutes, 1887-1892; baptisms, 1887-1899
Cooperstown Methodist Episcopal Church Register, 1887-1925 (includes official members, classes, members in full connection, probationers, marriages, baptisms)
Sharon Presbyterian Church Register, 1902-1984 (includes pastors, elders, deacons, communicants, baptisms, marriages, deaths) (.25ft)

10555 Reverend H. D. McLean
Papers, 1919-1943
Sermons, poetry, and a doctoral certificate. (.25ft/oversize)

10562 B'nai Israel Synagogue
Records, 1905-1925
Grand Forks, ND
Copy of the congregational minutes in Yiddish. (.25ft) Original records at the University of North Dakota

10590 First Lutheran Church
Records, 1883-1991
Bismarck, ND
History, constitution, by-laws, minutes, letters, financial records, legal records, property records, membership roll, pastoral acts and deeds, anniversaries, dedications, celebrations, memorials, church bulletins, photographs and a videotape. (6r/#16056-16061/1 videotape)

10604 E. F. Brinckerhoff
Papers, ca. 1948-1958
Scrapbooks include newspaper clippings of the 1948-1949 winter storm, a reprint of an article of the story of “Fort Berthold”, written by Charles L. Hall, letters, magazine articles, newspaper clippings regarding Indian churches, undated newspaper clippings regarding Indian reservation affairs, a variety of newspaper clippings relating to Indian affairs on and off the reservations, and publications from the American Missionary Association. (5v)

10615 United Methodist Church. Tuttle, ND
Records, 1905-1970
Early historical records, minutes, records of the officers, membership lists, records of deaths, baptisms, financial records, marriages, and inserts of miscellaneous correspondence of the Evangelical Church of Tuttle, ND, several identified photographs of early church buildings and the pictorial directories of the Salem Evangelical United Brethren of Tuttle, ND and the United Methodist Church of Robinson, ND. Original records returned. (1r/#12246)

10626 Congregational Parish of Medina-Kassel-Cleveland
Records, 1915-1983
The group organized in 1903, and Reverend William Strauch served as minister. Because of his leadership other churches were built including Kassel, Frieden, and Cleveland, ND. (1r/#12467)

10639 Robert W. Teichmann
Papers, 1800-1947
Letters, diaries, receipts and expenditures of church accounts, financial records of gifts, dues, and salaries, catechisms, a ministerial manual, a Universal Bible, and a songbook. Much of the material is in the German language. (11v)

10673 Alexander Burr
Papers, ca. 1860-1900
Reverend Burr's biographical material, correspondence, financial and real estate papers, academic works, sermons and theological material, publications, photographs, and memorabilia. (4ft)

10726 Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church
Records, 1909-2004
Pettibone, ND
Constitution, minute books, and a history of the congregation, written in Norwegian until 1918, providing information about the financial condition and cost of living in the early history of the church,  a description of Pettibone Church pioneers, lists of pastors, church officers, charter members, and officers of the Ladies Aid. (5v)

10766 First Church of Christ Scientist and Society. Bismarck, ND
Records, 1911-1990
Board of directors report, correspondence, rental leases, pamphlets, and newspaper clippings. (2ft)

10796 Abraham Hodel
Papers, 1890-1927, 1980s-1990s
Records of baptism, confirmation, marriage, death, church minutes, and offerings written in German by Hodel who was a German Congregational minister to churches in Culbertson, Hayes Co., McCook Co., and Palisade, NE (1890-1896); Scotland, Siementhal, Peterburg, Neuberg, Hoffnungstahal, and Eigenheim, SD (1896-1906); and Glen Ullin, Leipzig, Eben-Ezer, Emahus, Bethanien, Bethesda, Neuberg, St. Johannesthal, Philadelphia, and Hebron, ND (1906-1927); Missoula, MT (1925-1927). (.25ft)

10841 United Methodist Church. McClusky, ND
Records, 1912-1992
Birth, marriage, burial, and membership records and ladies aid minutes for the Jehovah, Emmanuel, Zion, Ebenezer, and Bethel congregations of the Evangelical, Evangelical United Brethren and United Methodist Church of McClusky. Includes historical sketch of the Jehovah EUB Church. (1r/ #14670)

10924 Northern Plains Conference of the United Church of Christ
Records, 1872-2010
Records of the Congregational Christian Conference of North Dakota (CCCND), North Dakota Conference of the United Church of Christ (NDCUCC), Northern Plains Conference of the United Church of Christ (NPCUCC), North Dakota Congregational Home Missionary Society (NDCHMS), Congregational Church Building Society of North Dakota (CCBSND), German Evangelical Congregational Conference of North Dakota, North Dakota Women's Home Missionary Society, North Dakota Branch of the Women's Board of Missions, the Congregational Women's Society of North Dakota, associations and individual churches within the NPCUCC. Records include church record books (founding documents, histories, baptism records, marriage records, death records, membership lists, pastors, deacons, officers, minutes, annual meeting reports, and financial information), founding documents, policies, information on organizational mergers, minutes, Board of Directors records, committees records, conference and annual meeting material, correspondence, memoranda, records of women’s organizations, records of Native American churches, files of people associated with the organization(s), histories and historians, reports, legal documents, scrapbooks, records relating to the Fargo College, Phillips Academy (New Rockford), and Pilgrim Park, printed material, photographs, slides, negatives and audio-visual material. (41ft)

10939 Anton P. Ness
Papers, 1880s-2007
Consists of business records, correspondence, testimonials, photographs, ephemera, publications, financial material,and legal documents relating to lands that Ness owned, his practice of spiritual healing, and personal life. (5.5ft)

10966 Missionaries of Our Lady of the Prairies. Powers Lake, ND. Marian Hour Radio Rosary Broadcast.
Records, 1970-2004
Audio cassette recordings of traditional masses broadcast by the Missionaries of Our Lady of the Prairies, Powers Lake, ND,  the November-December 1988 memorial issue of "The MARYFAITHFUL," and tracings of Notre Dame Academy of Powers Lake, Marian House, Eugene Kolvenbach, Shrine of Our Lady and MARYFAITHFUL. (7.5ft)

11013 Dakota Youth Ranch. Sheyenne, ND
Records, 1952-2006
Minutes, an annual report, legal papers, financial papers, membership lists, a camp diary, and newsletters for Dakota Youth Ranch founded in 1947 by Lutheran minister E. Edward Tornow. Also includes the secretary's records of the Valley Missionary Church Women's Missionary Fellowship. (2ft)

11016 St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Woodworth, ND
Records, 1940-2005
Sacramental record book of baptismal, confirmation, marriage, burial, and communicant records.  Burial Register lists cause of death - CONFIDENTIAL. (1v)

11017 Trinity Lutheran Church. Newhome, ND
Records, 1925-1966
Sacramental record book of baptismal, confirmation, marriage, burial, and communicant record.  Burial Register lists cause of death - CONFIDENTIAL. (1v)

11018 Our Saviors Lutheran Church. Sykeston, ND
Records, 1900-1925
Sacramental record book of baptismal, confirmation, marriage, communion, and burial records.  Cause of death may be listed - CONFIDENTIAL.  1975 worship service bulletin lists the church in Pettibone, ND.  Written in German language. (1v)

11024 Bethel United Church of Christ Evangelical and Reformed Church. New Salem, ND
Records, 1908-2009
Sacramental record books of baptisms, confirmations, marriages, deaths and burials, communion numbers, family register, collections and gifts, church history, fiftieth and seventy-fifth anniversary publications, list of ministers, and minutes.  The volume on microfilm is written in the German language with much of it translated into English. (1.25ft./1r/#16004) 

11025 First Lutheran Church of Harvey, ND
Records, 1896-2007
Minutes, record books which include baptismal and member lists, ministerial logs, anniversaries and other celebrations.  Records include Lutheran churches that closed and joined First Lutheran. They are East Scandia (1913-1934), Eden Valley (1898-1951), Hillsdale (1901-1957), and St. Johns (1938-1961). (2r/#16005-16006)

11026 First Congregational Church, Harvey, ND
Records, 1900-2001
Church record books providing rosters of pastors, church committees, membership, minutes of church organizations, baptisms, confirmations, marriages, deaths, worship attendance, and records of contributions. Includes consolidated churches of Eigenheim, Bethlehem, Ebenezer, and the Harvey German Congregational Church. Most early records are written in the German language. (4ft)

11070 Trinity Lutheran Church of Flasher
Records, 1908-2010
include the records of St. Luke's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Leith, 1938-1974; Trinity Lutheran Church of Carson, 1908-2010; Trinity Evangelical Church of Flasher, 1909-1996; Regent, Burt and Runckel School Congregations, 1912-1975; St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Carson (Paradise) and Trinity Lutheran Church of Flasher, 1914-1010. (1r #16247)

11180 Gethsemane Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Free Church, Tolna, ND
Church minutes, pastors’ logs, church guest books, 75th anniversary programs, and historical information about the church. The church was incorporated in 1904. (.5ft)

11181 St. Olaf Lutheran Church, Deering, ND
Records consist of one Ministerial Log that contains baptism, confirmation, marriage, death, communicants, and membership records, as well as a calendar of events and a Ladies Aid Society book of minutes, photographs, and history. Some of the Ministerial Log is in Norwegian. (1r. #17086)

11232 Elmer Oliver Lee
Diaries, 1923-1960
Diaries with church records (1923-1960, missing 1951) and service programs from the Hannaford Parish (Hannaford, Union, St. Olaf and Eidfjord) (Griggs County, ND). Many of the diaries contain church records such as funerals, baptisms, births, deaths and weddings in addition to a record of Lee's  daily activities. Elmer Oliver Lee was born January 14, 1895 to Elmer and Maria Lee in Harwood (Cass County, ND). Lee was pastor of Fairview church from 1925-1930 and pastor of the Hannaford Parish from 1930-1947. (1ft)

11261 Farland (N.D.) Lutheran Church
Consists of founding documents, membership information, lists of baptisms and marriages, minutes, annual meeting information, correspondence, pastor's reports, church histories, records relating to the dissolution of the church, programs, bulletins, financial records, a photograph, and records of the Farland Ladies' Aid, Young People's meetings, and Farland Lutheran League. (.75ft)

11269 Emmanuel United Church of Christ, Hankinson (N.D.)
Consists of baptisms, confirmations, marriages, deaths and burials, communion record, cemetery records, constitutions, and 75th, 100th and 125th anniversary publications. The records were borrowed for microfilming in August 2015 and returned to the Church. (1 r. #17119)

11302 Bethel Lutheran Church (Malcolm, N.D.)
Consists of papers stored in the cornerstone of Bethel Lutheran Church, originally of Malcolm, N.D. (near Coleharbor, N.D.), now located at Buckstop Junction (Bismarck, N.D.). The papers include a list of subscribers or funders for construction of the original Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Bethel Congregation church, a history and closing program of the church in 1991, a portrait of Reverend and Mrs. E. O. Valberg, and several newspapers and publications: "The Lutheran Companion" (7/3/1915), "Augustana" (7/1/1915), "Rock Island Almanack" (1915), "Stats Tidning" (6/30/1915), and "The Times" (Underwood, N.D.) (7/2/1915). MSS 50382, a program from the closing services of the church, was added to the collection on October 27, 2016 (1 ft.).

11309 St. Matthew’s German Lutheran Church
Contains a register of persons & souls, baptism records, confirmation register, marriage records, communion register, funeral/death records and a brief history of the church located in Upland and Palmer Townships, Divide County, N.D.. The case file contains historical information and a translation of the ledger. (1v.)

11312 St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church (Flaxton, N.D.)
Includes programs from the 90th anniversary and centennial celebrations, miscellaneous membership and church records, and three ledgers that include baptism, first communion, marriage, funeral, membership, pastor, and confirmation records, as well as a church history (1 ft.).

20087 Ministers' Association of Fargo and Vicinity
Records, ca. 1890
Copy of a resolution addressed to the North Dakota Legislative Assembly protesting a proposal to establish a state lottery in North Dakota. (1 item)

20142 Claude M. Ebner
Papers, 1887, 1892
Woonsocket, SD
Letters from Father Ebner, A Catholic priest, to Mrs. Ella Redmond concerning church work. (3 items)

20146 Jean Baptiste Marie Genin
Papers, ca. 1880-1907
Notes concerning Indian languages and theology by a Catholic priest. (27 items)

20164 Mrs. Leonard Flaagan
Papers, 1982
History of the Sigdal Lutheran Church near Tolna, ND. (1 item)

20165 Bishop Vincent Wehrle
Papers, 1855-1921, 1935
Bismarck, ND
Letter to Mrs. Arthur C. Selke, Dickinson, ND providing information on German-Russian Catholics. (1 item/1r/#16033)

20175 St. Claude Mission
Records, 1882-1887
Rolette County, ND
Baptismal, marriage, and burial registers. (1r/#16033)

20188 Henricka Beach
Papers, 1948-1953
Letters concerning Beach's experiences as a missionary in the Near East. Actuary, Provident Life Insurance Company, and missionary in the Near East. (23 items)

20248 German Evangelical Colonization Society
Records, 1882-1883
Meeting minutes, membership roster, constitution, reports, correspondence, warranty deed, and printed materials. (7 items)

20335 Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church
Papers, 1937
Fried, ND
Parish history by Father Edward McDonald. (1 item)

20368 St. Paul's Church
Papers, 1952
Hanover, ND; Otter Creek, ND
Brief history of the church, ca. 1885-1947. (1 item)

20381 James Peery Schell
Papers, 1900-1909
Correspondence, reports, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and historical sketches relating to early Presbyterian churches and ministers, Christian Endeavor Societies, and reminiscences of home mission work in Dakota Territory. Schell was a Presbyterian minister. (45 items)

20386 Walter Essig
Papers, 1969
A history entitled "History of St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Lincoln Valley, North Dakota, 1899-1969." (1 item)

20393 Zions Gemeinde
Records, 1900-1925
Hazen, ND; Mercer Co., ND
Copies of the church register and minute book.   (2 items)

20396 A. E. (Ted) Smith
Papers, 1973
Speech delivered at the St. George's Church centennial service in Bismarck, ND by Smith, an Episcopalian minister. (1 item)

20419 Glenn J. Fruth
Papers, 1974
Typescript entitled, “The Brethren Churches of the District of North Dakota and Eastern Montana,” describing missionary activities and includes brief histories of many Brethren congregations in North Dakota. Includes a dedication program for the Cando Church of the Brethren. (2 items)

20447 Benjamin Stites Terry
Papers, 1923
Fargo, ND
Transcript of an address before the Baptist State Convention at Fargo entitled, “The History of One Frontier Family,” providing the history of the Elijah Stites Terry family, Baptist missionaries to Dakota Territory. (1 item)

20450 Azariah S. Root
Papers, 1927
Transcript of an address presented at the 75th celebration of the death of the first Walhalla Martyrs, Walhalla, ND, entitled "The Oberlin Band," recounting the history of Congregational missionaries from Oberlin College and the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions in North Dakota and other parts of the world. (1 item)

20471 James C. Melhouse
Papers, July 1970
Copy of a University of North Dakota master’s thesis  entitled, "The German Evangelical Church Colony, New Salem, North Dakota, 1883-1915." (1 item)

20490 First Presbyterian Church, Bismarck (N.D.)
1873-1900, 1957
Directory, schedules, operation manual, newsletter, transcript of pastor’s register, membership register, death register, and dedication program (1957). (1r. #16038)

20494 Edmund Bauer
Papers, 1953
New Salem, ND
Brief history of Zion Lutheran Church. (1 item)

20529 First Methodist Episcopal Church
Records, 1883
Minto, ND; Divide County, ND
Articles of incorporation. (1 item)

20533 Methodist Church
Records, n.d.
Ludden, ND; Dickey Co., ND
Brief history of the Ludden Methodist Church. (1 item)

20535 South Trinity Lutheran Church
Papers, n.d.
Park River, ND
Copy of a brief history of South Trinity Lutheran Church, 1879-1929. (1 item)

20536 Williston Presbyterian Fellowship
Records, 1955-1956
Annual reports. (4 items)

20541 Legion of Decency
Papers, 1957
Photocopy of a newspaper clipping and a petition circulated by Bismarck Protestant ministers protesting activities of the Legion of Decency, a Catholic organization focused on banning objectionable content from motion pictures. (2 items)

20551 North Trinity Church
Records, n.d.
Haitian, ND
Brief history of the church. (1 item)

20554 First Presbyterian Church
Records, 1873-1877
Bismarck, ND
Minutes and church programs of the Ladies Mite Society. (4 items/1r/#1242)

20565 Henry Vieth
Papers, 1964
Photocopy of a paper entitled, "The History of Congregationalism in Glen Ullin." (1 item)

20586 Dora Aronson
Papers, 1913-1937.
Fargo, ND
Photocopy of the Reform Advocate, 1913, containing a "History of the Jewish Community in Fargo," by B. N. Lesk, photocopies of newspaper clippings, programs, and a letter relating to the Aronson family and the Fargo Jewish Community. (11 items)

20619 Lizzie May Brown
Papers, ca. 1958
Typescript biographies of Presbyterian ministers John Allan Brown and Andrew Christy Brown describing their pastoral activities in North Dakota. (1 item)

20659 Betty Topp
Papers, n.d.
Histories of the Methodist Church in Grace City, ND. (2 items)

20688 John G. Christianson
Papers, 1953
History of the Scandinavian Lutheran Church in Mandan, ND. Includes a biography of the Reverend Ole Jorisen Norby. (1 item)

20709 Bishop Hilary B. Hacker
Papers, 1987
Bismarck, ND
Oral history transcript concerning Hacker’s life and the Diocese of Bismarck. (1 item)

20714 Sister Ursula
Papers, 1930
Nelson Co., ND
Letter and typescript describing a Bishop’s visit to the Ursaline nuns’ shanty and school near Stump Lake, DT, ca. 1883. (2 items)

20727 St. Andrew Lutheran Church
Records, 1903, 1907
Lincoln Valley, ND
Certificates of incorporation. (2items/oversize)

20732 Jerusalem Congregation
Records, 1886-1923
Copy of constitution and minutes for a Ramsey Co., ND church written in Norwegian. (1 item)

20733 Hamar Lutheran Church
Records, 1926-1930
Hamar, ND
Photocopy of the original minute book covering organization of the church and election of officers. (1 item)

20734 Odessa Congregational Church
Records, n.d.
Photocopy of the Ramsey County, DT church constitution. (1 item)

20786 Pierre DeSmet, S.J.
Engraving, n.d.
Engraving of the mid 19th century Jesuit priest and missionary known to the Indians as 'Black Robe'. (1 item)

20852 Caring for a Broken World
Records, 1988
Bismarck, ND
Handouts and a participant list from a ministerial association sponsored workshop on abuse. (24 items)

20883 Germantown Baptist Church
Records, 1884-1972
Wells Co., ND
Microfilm of church records and an audiocassette of the Germantown quartet. Originals held at the North American Heritage Commission, Sioux Falls, SD (2 items)

20910 Reverend Ronald Korfmacher
Papers, 1960
Memoir of Korfmacher’s experience as a pastor in Rhame, ND and comments about life, geographical features, and inhabitants of western North Dakota. (1v)

20943 Kvernes Evangelical Lutheran Church
Records, 1900-1960, sc.
Copy of handwritten history of the congregation in Norwegian, three letters, and a picture postcard of the church altar. Typescript translation available. (.05ft)

20984 Methodist Episcopal Church. McHenry Co., ND
Papers, 1906, n.d.
Watford City, ND
Photograph of the church and dedication program. (2 items)

20985 Saline (ND) Baptist Church
Records, 1910, 1944-1948, n.d.
McHenry Co., ND
Certificate of corporation, record book, membership list, and a photograph of the church. (.1ft)

20995 Orville H. Meth
Papers, 1949-1952
Letters, research material, three pamphlets, and five publications. Pamphlets include: "The Oaks Hills Fellowship," Bemidji, MN; "Alliance Mission to the American Indians," St. Paul, MN; and "American Indian Mission, Inc.", Custer, SD. The other publications include: "Spotlight of Fort Berthold", by Ione Catton; Northern Lights, vol. XVI, no. 9; "Indians in Transition", by G. E. E. Lindquist; Forth Magazine, Jan. 1949; and the South Dakota Journal, 1950, an annual report. All materials relate to Rev. Meth's paper entitled, "Modern Missionary Methods among the Indians in Dakota," which is also included in the collection. See also MS-20883

21009 Methodist Episcopal Church of Verona, ND
Records, 1901-1924
Financial and legal documents mainly dealing with banking and land transactions, mortgages and other business with church members. (1ft)

21054 Douglas-Steele [ND] Methodist Church
Records, 1904-1980
Photocopies of a Douglas-Steele, ND area Methodist Church Membership Record, cradle roll certificates (blank), and sample post cards the Church sent for birthdays, new babies, and get well wishes. (.1ft)

21074 Young People's League of the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America. Imanuels Congregation
Records, 1912
Delamere [Milnor], ND
Two letters to Pastor R. Lavik, Delamere [Milnor], ND (in Norwegian) from a Mr. M. E. Waldeland (St. Ansgar, IA); a handwritten certificate of appointed delegates from Imanuels Congregation to attend the Convention at the New Richland Congregation at Christine, ND, June 26-27, 1912; a blank form for membership (in Norwegian); and a membership and dues payment certificate. (.05ft)

21131 Kulm (ND) Swedish Baptist Church
Songbook (in Swedish) that belonged to the Church and research about the church compiled by the donor, including: "the moving of the church," "A History of the Swedish Baptist Conference in North Dakota From the Beginning until 1912" and a description of the early Swedish Baptist Church in Swede Township by Oscar Lindgren (from the Historical Data Project [WPA] Biography files). (.1ft)

21163 Pastor’s Log (Walsh County)
The log, most likely in Norwegian, contains a record of church events, such as confirmations, from 1880 to 1894. (.05ft)

21221 Zion Lutheran Church, Landa (ND)
ca. 1900-1970
Research on the Zion Lutheran Church, Landa (ND), including copies of newspaper clippings, photographs, church records, correspondence, and a handwritten history of the church. Many of these records are in Norwegian. The church was formally organized in 1900 by Reverend C. D. Eikness of Rolette (ND), although services had been conducted in homes as early as 1898. The church was renovated and restored in 1968 (0.05 ft).

21224 Grue Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church (Buxton, ND)
Book that includes marriage records (1881-1951), baptisms (1878-1952) and funerals (1891-1992) transcribed from the Grue Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church (Buxton, ND) record book and a church history. The church was founded by Norwegian immigrants from Solör in 1879 (.05 ft).

21239 St. Paul's Lutheran Church (Hazen, ND)
ca. 1900-2014
Consists of a brief history of the church, copies of early photographs of confirmants, photographs of the church, parsonage, a horse-drawn team carrying members of the congregation to the cemetery, and members of the congregation, programs from the 75th, 85th, 90th, 95th, 100th and 125th anniversary celebrations, and published articles about the church and the 125th anniversary celebration. St. Paul's Lutheran Church was built in 1889 and celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2014 (.05 ft.).

21253 Church of St. Mary (Hague, N.D.)
Consists of the specifications for construction of a church building for the Church of St. Mary (Hague, N.D.) by Harles A. Hausler and Harry Firminger (St. Paul, Minn). The provenance of this collection is unknown (.05 ft.).

21327 Hull (N.D.) Reformed Church
Photocopied minute book from the Hull North Dakota Reformed Church, 1888-1892 containing handwritten minutes in the Dutch language and a typed translation. MSS 20387, a photocopy of the 1937 booklet commemorating the 50th anniversary of the church, was added to the collection in 2016. (.05ft.)

21333 St. Elizabeth's Church (Sykeston, N.D.)
Consists of a souvenir booklet from the 30th anniversary celebration of the St. Elizabeth's Church (Sykeston, N.D.). The booklet includes a history of the church (.05 ft.).

80071 Dickinson Agoodas Achim Congregation
Records, 1916
Articles of Incorporation. (1 item)


1122A&B Early Members of Mandan Presbyterian Church
90 minute cassette
Reminiscences of early members of the Mandan Presbyterian Church. Recorded in 1951 on the Church’s 75th Anniversary. Copy of the 1951 recording, quality of which was very poor, copied January 17, 1977.

1354-1355 Drayton Methodist Church Centennial Communion Service
180 minutes - 2 reel-to-reel masters
Recording of the Centennial Communion service on July 8, 1928.

1388-1391 Hilary Hacker
240 min. 4 tapes
Series of interviews recorded January 10, 1987 and January 17, 1987. Transcript available, MSS 20709. Interviewer: David Gray.

612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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