Title: Northern Plains Conference of the United Church of Christ Records
Dates: 1872-2010
Collection Number: MSS 10924
Quantity: 42.5 feet
Abstract: Collection consists of records of the Congregational Christian Conference of North Dakota (CCCND), North Dakota Conference of the United Church of Christ (NDCUCC), Northern Plains Conference of the United Church of Christ (NPCUCC), North Dakota Congregational Home Missionary Society (NDCHMS), Congregational Church Building Society of North Dakota (CCBSND), German Evangelical Congregational Conference of North Dakota, North Dakota Women's Home Missionary Society, North Dakota Branch of the Women's Board of Missions, the Congregational Women's Society of North Dakota, associations and individual churches within the NPCUCC.
Records include church record books (founding documents, histories, baptism records, marriage records, death records, membership lists, pastors, deacons, officers, minutes, annual meeting reports, and financial information), founding documents, policies, information on organizational mergers, minutes, Board of Directors records, committees records, conference and annual meeting material, correspondence, memoranda, records of women’s organizations, records of Native American churches, files of people associated with the organization(s), histories and historians, reports, legal documents, scrapbooks, records relating to the Fargo College, Phillips Academy (New Rockford), and Pilgrim Park, printed material, photographs, slides, negatives and audio-visual material.
Provenance: The Northern Plains Conference of the United Church of Christ records were donated by Wade Schemmel on August 24, 2006. Additional material was donated by Shemmel on May 7, 2012.
The Congregational Christian Conference of North Dakota Records (MSS 10094) were added to the collection in May 2012.
Forrest Daniel donated records of the First Congregational Church of Sykeston on May 31, 1983. Lawrence Juell donated organizational records in 1982. Reverend Lester Soberg donated records in 1970 and 1973. Reverend Henry Vieth, Conference Historian, donated material in 1966, 1967, and 1968.
Dale Carmen donated records of the Emmaus UCC of Carson in July 2018.
Property Rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to this collection.
Copyrights: Copyrights to materials in this collection remain with the donor, publisher, author, or author's heirs. Researcher should consult the 1976 Copyright Act, Public Law 94‑553, Title 17 U.S. Code and an archivist at this repository if clarification of copyright requirements is needed.
Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
Transfer: Numerous publications were transferred to State Archives Publications. See case file for titles.
Related Collections:
MSS 10005 Charles Lemon Hall Papers, 1879-1938
MSS 10086 Church History Records, 1939
MSS 10103 Eben E. Saunders Papers, 1890-1928
MSS 10286 Harold W. Case Papers, 1864-1989
MSS 10288 Church Women United in North Dakota Records, 1963-1980
MSS 10312 Austin Engel Papers, ca. 1900s-1999
MSS 10405 Commission for Educational Ministries Records, 1968-1983
MSS 10414 Congregational Church of Beron, ND Records, 1886-1972
MSS 10513 Fort Berthold Indian Reservation Records, 1907-1933
MSS 10522 Deborah (Hall) Hertz Papers, ca. 1915-1977
MSS 10604 E. F. Brinckerhoff
MSS 10626 Congregational Parish of Medina-Kassel-Cleveland Records
MSS 10796 Abraham Hodel Papers
MSS 11024 Bethel United Church of Christ Evangelical and Reformed Church, New Salem, ND Records
MSS 11026 First Congregational Church, Harvey, ND Records
MSS 20450 Azariah S. Root Manuscript, June 26, 1927
MSS 20471 James C. Melhouse Papers
MSS 20565 Henry Vieth Manuscript, 1964
MSS 20734 Odessa Congregational Church Records, n.d.
MSS 21014 First Congregational Christian Church (Bismarck, ND) Charter
MSS 21120 May Hinton Collection, 1914-1930s
A0663 Congregational Mission School Photograph
A0676 Children at Colton Cottage Congregational Mission School Photograph
A0924 Hankinson Congregational Church Photograph
A3797 Congregational Church Photograph
A3890-3896 Fort Berthold Reservation; Congregational Mission Photograph collections
A4141-4143 Fort Yates (ND) Congregational Mission Photograph collections
A4498 Tappen (ND) Congregational Church Photograph
A5189 Elbowoods(ND) Catholic Indian Mission and Congregational Mission Photograph
C3676 United Church of Christ Confirmation Class Photograph
00041 Reverend Harold W. Case Photograph Collection
00087 Stanley Morrow Photograph Collection Copies State Historical Society of South Dakota (for reference use only)
00113 Frank White Photograph Collection
00132 Annetta Erickson Photograph Collection
00136 Public School Rolla (ND) Photograph Collection
00165 Robert W. Johnston Photograph Collection
00197 Fred Olson Photograph Collection
00219 Lawrence Juell Collection
00729 Wahpeton (ND); Sixth Street looking North Photograph Collection
00737 Antelope Township Methodist Church Photograph Collection
00770 Postcard Collection
00772 Portraits and Group Photographs Collection
00781 Mrs. Norman McKendry Photograph Collection
1952 Frank Bennett Fiske Photograph Collection
From “The Creation of the United Church of Christ in North Dakota,” Charles A. Maxfield and “The Northern Plains Conference of the United Church of Christ: A Condensed History,” Eunice Shapleigh Brinckerhoff
“The early Congregationalists thought of themselves, not as an organized denomination, but as congregations seeking fellowship with all-like-minded Christians. They did not become a denomination and affirm a national identity until 1871 when they established a national council of Congregational churches in Oberlin, Ohio.
By the end of the 18th century new New England Congregationalists had opened their first church in Ohio. After the American Home Missionary Society was organized in 1826, Congregational missionaries, along with other Christian groups, set out to fill the empty territory of Northern Dakota with churches.
Walhalla received a brief visit from a Congregational missionary family as early as 1853. But, after the mother was shot by unfriendly Indians in 1854, the family returned to the east. During the decade of 1870, Congregational missionary work began in Wahpeton, Fargo, Jamestown and Bismarck, and, in 1876, Reverend Charles L. Hall began his lifelong ministry with the Three Affiliated Tribes. He organized the first reservation church at Fort Berthold in October 1880.
From 1880-1910, ministers commissioned by the American Home Missionary Society combed the territory with vast amounts of energy and enthusiasm for their work as general missionaries for Northern Dakota. In 1880, the first English Congregational church in the state was organized in Mandan. In 1881, churches sprang up in Wahpeton, Fargo (First), Sanborn and Valley City, followed by 8 more eastern churches in 1882. By 1885, 32 Congregational churches were organized; by 1895 there were 64, and by 1910, there were 164 Congregational congregations on the prairie.
Fargo was the center of great Congregational activity during the ‘80s. As the city grew, a group of people on the north side desired their own church. Plymouth Chapel was built in December, 1882, and this second Fargo church was organized in 1885. The General Congregational Association of North Dakota was organized in 1882. Members called on seminary graduates to come and help shape this growing territory into an ‘Empire of Christ’. They discussed the establishment of a Christian academy and opened Fargo College in 1887.
When North Dakota became a state in 1889, the church in Williston was among the 15 Congregational churches that opened that year. The Gospel was quickly spreading west! The need for a centrally located education facility prompted the founding of Phillips Academy in New Rockford in 1905. From 5 teachers and 94 students in 1909, it grew into a Junior College of 11 departments and was renamed the New Rockford Collegiate Institute in 1911.
In 1910, the General Congregational Association of North Dakota became the Congregational Conference of North Dakota and expansion continued. The peak of these growing years came in 1916 when the number of German and English Congregational churches combined totaled 242.
Although the state population continued to rise until the depression years, North Dakota never became as thickly settled as states farther east, and towns did not grow into cities as expected. As a period of retrenchment began, the New Rockford Collegiate Institute closed in 1917, followed by Fargo College in 1922. During the ‘30’s, when severe drought destroyed the farm economy and 1/3 of the churches were forced to close, records show church membership, amazingly, continuing to grow. In 1931, when Congregational churches united with Christian churches, the Conference became the North Dakota Congregational Christian Conference, and, in 1935, land for a youth camp at Lake Metigoshe was purchased. By 1941, the church structure within the state had been consolidated and stabilized.
From its inception in 1882, the North Dakota Conference was a “Home Missionary” conference. All operating expenses were paid by national missionary organizations which evolved into the National Board of Home Missions. In 1960 there were 70 active Congregational churches in the state with a resident membership of 6,577. They were scattered from Fargo to Beach and Grand Forks to Williston. Although the Conference became self-supporting in 1955, the Board of Home Missions continued to fund outreach ministries, aid to local churches, and salaries of the Christian Education Director and Associate Minister.
After the United Church of Christ was born in 1957, the Conference appointed a joint steering committee to make plans for this union. The other denominational groups were invited to Pilgrim Park, Congregational youth rallies and women’s’ activities. With strong leadership to provide support for 44 additional churches, the new conference would be centrally located in Bismarck…” (Brinckerhoff, 4-7).
On October 11, 1963 the Constituting Convention of the North Dakota Conference United Church of Christ was held at the Jamestown Congregational Church. The purpose of the meeting was to create a new legal entity, the North Dakota Conference, United Church of Christ. On June 25, 1957, the Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian churches united to form the United Church of Christ. In 1960 the General Synod of the UCC had approved a new constitution and by-laws for the new denomination. On October 13, 1963 the North Dakota Congregational Conference, the North Dakota (German Congregational) Association, the churches of the Northern Synod (Evangelical) in North Dakota and the churches of the Dakota Synod (Reformed) in North Dakota and Canada united to form the North Dakota Conference United Church of Christ. (“The Creation of the United Church of Christ in North Dakota,” Charles A. Maxfield, 1-3)
1995 was a banner year for the conference...In June, 1995, members of Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian and United Church of Christ faith traditions gathered at the Bismarck Civic Center for a three day Ecumenical Assembly. And when the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bismarck delivered the keynote address at the closing worship service of the assembly, it was truly a ‘united and uniting’ experience. At that historic meeting, the conference was renamed the Northern Plains Conference to more accurately reflect its boundaries” (Brinckerhoff, 16).
Records of the Congregational Christian Conference of ND (CCCND) (formerly MSS 10094) were added to the collection in May 2012 because the CCCND was the precursor to the North Dakota Conference of the United Church of Christ (NDCUCC), which in turn became part of the Northern Plains Conference of the United Church of Christ (NPCUCC) in 1995. Because several mergers were involved in the history of the organization(s), often accompanied by the incorporation of other organizations, it is important to maintain the provenance of these records.
As a result, this collection contains the earliest records to present day records, beginning with the North Dakota Congregational Home Missionary Society (NDCHMS), Congregational Church Building Society of North Dakota (CCBSND), Northern Dakota Association of Congregational Churches and the General Congregational Association of North Dakota and Eastern Montana minutes. The General Congregational Association of North Dakota became the Congregational Conference of North Dakota (CCND) in 1910. In 1931, the Conference became the North Dakota Congregational Christian Conference (NDCCC) when Congregational churches united with Christian churches. In 1963 the North Dakota Congregational Conference, the North Dakota (German Congregational) Association, the churches of the Northern Synod (Evangelical) in North Dakota and the churches of the Dakota Synod (Reformed) in North Dakota and Canada united to form the North Dakota Conference United Church of Christ. Finally, in 1995, members of Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian and UCC united to form the Northern Plains Conference of the United Church of Christ. The collection contains records of the organization under all of these names and some documentation of the processes involved in the mergers and name changes.
A major strength in the collection for researchers lies in the records of the individual churches, which often include birth, marriage, and death records, along with church histories and some photographs. Also of research value are the span of annual meeting programs and minutes, which help trace the history of the organization(s) from 1881 to 1999, with few gaps. Finally, for those interested in the history of congregationalism in North Dakota and the history of church organizations, the continuity of records from the earliest years to the present are of considerable value. From mission work and the initial incorporation of local churches to the grouping of those churches underneath a mother organization; from changes in organizational structure, the incorporation of religious organizations and philosophies, to finally a unified regional organization, helps to illuminate the full history of religion generally, and congregational churches specifically, in North Dakota.
Series I. Founding Documents and Policies, 1890-2001, Box 1
Consists of records pertaining to the organization’s name changes from NDCHMS to CCND and from CCND to CCCND; CCND by-laws; CCCND constitution, by-laws, articles of incorporation; NDCUCC incorporation papers, constitution, bylaws, articles of incorporation and NPCUCC by-laws. Also includes resolutions; policy on changing Association boundaries; policy on dissolution of a church; new Conference minister selection; ND/SD covenant and policy on Clergy misconduct.
Series II. Merger of CCND and Reformed Church into NDUCC, 1947-1963, Box 1
Consists of correspondence, voting information, records of the UCC Steering Committee and NDUCC constituting convention, and miscellaneous publications/printed material related to the merger.
Series III. Minutes and Records: Board of Directors, Committees, Miscellaneous, 1882-2000, Boxes 1-2 and phase boxes
Consists of minutes and/or records of the Northern Dakota Association of Congregational Churches, General Congregational Association of ND and Eastern MT, CCBSND, NDCHMS, CCND, State Home Missionary Committee (NDHMS), NDCUCC Board of Directors, Church and Ministry Committee and the Conference Council.
Series IV. Annual Meetings, 1881-1999, Boxes 2-4
Consists of programs, minutes, reports, booklets, church directories, and miscellaneous material from annual meetings.
Series V. Correspondence and Memoranda, 1896-1961, Box 4
Consists of general correspondence, correspondence of the State Superintendent, Board of Directors, and memoranda of the CCCND.
Series VI. Women’s Organizations, 1917-1986, Boxes 4-5 and phase boxes
Consists of records of women’s organizations associated with the Congregational Church, including the ND Women’s Home Missionary Union, ND Branch of the Women’s Board of Missions of the Interior, Congregational Woman’s Society, ND Fellowship of Congregational Christian Women (NDFCCW), Northeast Association women’s groups and UCC State Women’s Committee. Records include founding documents, by-laws, organizational histories, reports, lists of officers, minutes, annual meeting material, correspondence, and printed material.
Series VII. Native American Churches, 1873-1990s, Boxes 5-6 and phase boxes
Consists of records relating to several Native American churches, including Fort Berthold, the Arickaree/Arickara/Arikara Congregational Church, Elbowoods, New Town UCC, New Town Snow Bird Chapel, and the Shell Creek First Congregational. Original order as received by the donor was retained when constructing the series. See also Series XI Individual Church Records for churches not included in this series. Church records include marriage, baptism and death records, lists of pastors and deacons, membership information, church histories, correspondence, research papers, news clippings, and printed material, information about the Indian ministries, Fort Berthold Mission, Garrison Dam, and Fort Berthold Community College.
Series VIII. German Evangelical Congregational Conference of ND, 1907-1966, Box 7 and phase boxes
Consists of correspondence, minutes, programs, lists of ministers, committee members, delegates, Germans from Russia 100th Anniversary Celebration material, registrar’s books, and constitution, by-laws and minutes of the Christian Endeavor and Sunday School Convention.
Series IX. Miscellaneous Groups, 1893-2005, Box 7
Consists of records of the Evangelical and Reformed Church, Fargo College, Phillips Academy, ND Congregational Brotherhood, Charles Hall Youth Services, Churchmen’s Fellowship UCC, Commission for Educational Ministries, United Ministries in Higher Education, UCC Professional Association of Clergy and Association of Conference Attorneys.
Series X. Associations, 1872-1999, Boxes 7-8 and phase boxes
Consists of records of various associations within the CCND/CCCND/NDCUCC/NPCUCC, including the Fargo Association, Grand Forks Association, Jamestown Association, Minot Association, Wahpeton Association, Eastern Association, Missouri Valley Association, Northeast Association, Northwest Association, Southeast Association and Southwest Association.
Series XI. Individual Churches, 1881-2008, Boxes 8-27, 47-49, and phase boxes
Consists of records of most North Dakota churches in the Conference, several county parishes, and two churches in Winnipeg, organized alphabetically by city name. Records for each church contain a combination of the following materials: minutes, record books, membership records, correspondence, office files, reports, manuscripts, sermons, research papers, reminiscences, legal documents, financial material, scrapbook materials, newspaper clippings, certificates, awards, pamphlets, brochures, and programs. Most photographic material and audio-visual recordings have been removed and organized into Series XIX. and Series XX.
Series XII. People, 1881-1965, Box 28
Consists of files containing papers of, or information about, the following people who were involved with the organization(s): Dr. Brandt, Reverend William Gimblett, Reverend Charles Lemon Hall, Reverend Erich Kaempchen, Reverend Charles A. Mack, Reverend Charles H. Phillips, Reverend H. C. Simmons, Edward S. Treat, Henry A. Vieth and Reverend David Wirt.
Files include correspondence, reminiscences, manuscripts, published articles, diary entries, genealogical information, newspaper clippings and printed material.
Series XIII. Histories and Historians, 1872-2000, Box 28 and phase box
Consists of organizational and church histories, chronologies, manuscripts, published articles, files on church closings, history committee records, material from the UCC and NPUCC archives, reports, notes, newspaper clippings, files of Dr. Charles J. Kennedy, Mrs. Harry Christensen, and Charles A. Mack, and a historian’s record book that was compiled ca. 1903-1921 with biographical notes of ministers and notes on individual churches.
Series XIV. Reports, ca. 1900s-1956, Box 28
Consists of a NDCHMS expenditures report, ca. 1900s, Missionary Pastor’s
reports, 1940s and a by-laws committee report, 1956.
Series XV. Legal Documents, Box 28
Consists of legal documents pertaining to the CCND and NDCUCC.
Series XVI. Scrapbook, 1920-1958, Box 28
Consists of loose pages from a scrapbook of biographies of ministers and
individuals associated with churches, organized alphabetically by last name spanning the years 1920-1958 and compiled between 1941 and 1958.
Series XVII. Pilgrim Park Records, 1930s-2000s, Box 29
Consists of records pertaining to the history of Pilgrim Park, the acquisition and construction of the park in 1935, activities from the 1930s to the 1990s, and records from the sale of the park.
Series XVIII. Printed Material, ca. 1900s-2000s, Boxes 29-30
Consists of circulars, published articles, programs, news releases, scholarly studies, newspaper and magazine clippings, and miscellaneous printed material.
Series XIX. Photographic Material, 1896-2000s, Boxes 31-45
Consists of photographs, a photograph album, negatives, and slides of individual churches, and organizational activities. Photographs include churches of the conference, Pilgrim Park, 1960 churchmen fellowship, 1961 convocation, women’s retreat, annual meetings and conferences, historic photographs of Canadian churches, and miscellaneous. The photograph album documents the 1984 annual conference of the UCC, Minot, ND.
The slides were from the Lawrence Juell Collection and consist of images of Lake Metigoshe, merger related images, pastors and men’s fellowship retreats, conferences, annual meetings, presentations, scripts, and miscellaneous images of churches. The negatives consists of photos of the 1982 annual conference, Ed Treat, 1961 State Church, Pilgrim Park Camp, Hettinger church construction, First Congregational Church of Glen Ullin, Cando (ND), and unidentified.
Series XX. Audio-Visual Material, 1994-1998, Box 46
Consists of four cassette tapes that were removed from Series XI. Individual Church records. Tapes include the Ebenezer UCC (Elgin) 100th anniversary celebration, Michigan UCC closing service, and St. John UCC (Hebron).
Series I. Founding documents, policies
Box 1:
1 Name change from NDCHMS to CCND, 1911
2 CCND by-laws, 1931-1932
3 Name change from CCND to CCCND, 1953
4 CCCND constitution, by-laws, articles of incorporation, 1953
5 NDUCC incorporation papers, constitution, bylaws, articles of incorporation
6 NPCUCC by-laws, 1958-1988
7 Resolutions (including proposed Louisiana Lottery, 1890), 1890-2000
8 Changing Association boundaries, 1956
9 Policy on dissolution of a church, 1962
10 New Conference minister selection, 1989
11 North Dakota/South Dakota covenant, 1989
12 Policy on Clergy Misconduct, 2001
Series II. Merger of CCND and Reformed Church into NDUCC
13 Correspondence, first voting on the merger, March 1947-April 16, 1952
14 Merger material, 1952-1957
15 Formation, 1957
16 Realignment, 1959-1961
17 Votes on merger, 1961
18 UCC Steering Committee, 1961-1963
19 NDUCC constituting convention, Jamestown, October 11-13, 1963
20 Miscellaneous publications/printed material related to the merger
Series III. Minutes and Records: Board of Directors, Committees, Miscellaneous
VOL.001 Northern Dakota Association of Congregational Churches minutes (1882) and
General Congregational Association of ND (and Eastern MT) minutes (1883-1903), constitution, by-laws, listing of ordinations and installations (1883-1892)
VOL.002 NDHMS Board of Directors minutes (1902-1910) and the Congregational Conference of ND minutes (1911-1926).
VOL.003 CCBSND and NDCHMS financial ledger, 1900-1927
VOL.004 CCBSND and NDCHMS Charles Phillips, State Secretary, record book, 1904-1928
Volume consists of lists of CHMS applications and accounts (1905-1927) CCBS applications and accounts (1905-1928), Ministerial relief applications (1914-1921), Home Missionary Schedule (1910), mailing list minutes, members of the Cong. Board of Ministerial Relief (1921-1926), and Phillips’ appointment letter (1904).
VOL.005 CCBSND and NDCHMS financial ledger, 1912-1930
21 State Home Missionary Committee minutes, 1896
22 NDHMS Board and CCND loose material from record book, 1902-1926
23 NDHMS record book, 1901-1913
24 CCND Executive Committee minutes, 1914, 1927-1930
25 CCND Board of Directors file (meeting minutes, agenda, memoranda, financial information, correspondence), 1932-1939
26 CCND Board of Directors file, 1940-1949
27 CCND AND CCCND Board of Directors file, 1950-1954
28 CCCND Board of Directors file, 1955-1959
29 CCCND and NDCUCC Board of Directors file, 1960-1964
30 NDCUCC Board of Directors file, 1965-1969
31 NDCUCC Board of Directors file, 1970-1974
Box 2:
1 NDCUCC Board of Directors file, 1975-1979
2 NDCUCC Board of Directors file, 1982-1987
3 Church and Ministry Committee, 1950-1959
4 Church and Ministry Committee, 1960-1969
5 Church and Ministry Committee, 1970-1979
6 Church and Ministry Committee, 1980-1989
7 Church and Ministry Committee, 1980-1989
8 Church and Ministry Committee, 1980-1989
9 Church and Ministry Committee, 1980-1989
10 Church and Ministry Committee, 1990-2000
11 Conference Council meeting minutes, 2000
Series IV. Annual Meetings
12 Programs, 1899-1959
13 Programs, 1960-1999
14 Minutes, 1881-1900
15 Minutes, 1901-1914
Box 3:
1 Minutes, 1915-1922
2 Minutes, 1923-1929
3 Minutes, 1930-1939
4 Minutes, 1940-1955
5 Minutes, 1956-1968
6 Minutes, 1969-1980
7 Minutes, 1981-1988
8 Reports, 1937-1949
9 Reports, 1950-1955
10 Reports, 1956-1960
11 Reports, 1961-1965
12 Reports, 1966-1970
13 Reports, 1971-1975
14 Reports, 1976-1981
15 Annual meeting booklets (minutes, reports, etc.), 1985, 1992-1994
16 Annual meeting booklets (minutes, reports, etc.), 1995-1999
17 Church Directories, 1974, 1982-1984
18 Church Directories, 1984-1988
19 Church Directories, 1988-1992
20 Church Directories, 1983-1997
Box 4:
1 1966 annual meeting miscellaneous material
2 1967 annual meeting miscellaneous material
3 1968 annual meeting miscellaneous material
4 1969 annual meeting miscellaneous material
5 1970 annual meeting miscellaneous material
6 1971 annual meeting miscellaneous material
7 1972 annual meeting miscellaneous material
8 1974 annual meeting miscellaneous material
9 1975 annual meeting miscellaneous material
10 1976 annual meeting miscellaneous material
11 1977 annual meeting miscellaneous material
12 1978 annual meeting miscellaneous material
13 1979 annual meeting miscellaneous material
14 1981 annual meeting miscellaneous material
15 1982 annual meeting miscellaneous material
16 1983 annual meeting miscellaneous material
17 1984 annual meeting miscellaneous material
18 1985 annual meeting miscellaneous material
19 1986 annual meeting miscellaneous material
20 1987 annual meeting miscellaneous material
21 1988 annual meeting miscellaneous material
22 1989 annual meeting miscellaneous material
23 1990 annual meeting miscellaneous material
24 1992 annual meeting miscellaneous material
25 1993 annual meeting miscellaneous material
26 1994 annual meeting miscellaneous material
27 1995 annual meeting miscellaneous material
28 1996 annual meeting miscellaneous material
29 1997 annual meeting miscellaneous material
30 1998 annual meeting miscellaneous material
31 1999 annual meeting miscellaneous material
Series V. Correspondence and Memoranda
32 Correspondence, 1896-1897
33 State Superintendent, 1927-1929
34 Board of Directors correspondence, 1932-1938
35 CCCND memoranda, 1961
Series VI. Women’s Organizations
VOL.006 ND Women’s Home Missionary Union and ND Branch of the Women’s Board of Missions of the Interior record book, 1921-1926.
Volume consists of constitution, annual meeting programs and minutes (1921-1927), lists of officers (1923-1925), reports (1925-1926), financial information and correspondence.
36 ND Women’s Home Missionary Union, 1917, 1920
37 Congregational Woman’s Society records, 1926-1939
38 ND Fellowship of Congregational Christian Women (NDFCCW) by-laws and history
39 NDFCCW annual meeting reports, 1943-1951
40 NDFCCW annual meeting reports, 1953-1962
Box 5:
1 NDFCCW records, 1942-1964
2 NDFCCW programs, 1950-1963
3 NDFCCW final report, ca. 1964
4 Northeast Association women’s groups minutes and records, 1939-1964
5 Northwest Association women’s groups minutes and records, 1940-1964
6 UCC State Women’s Committee, 1971-1986
7 UCC Women’s committee correspondence and programs, 1981-1986
8 Histories of Women’s groups, to 1982
Series VII. Native American Churches – see also Series XI Individual Church Records
9 Fort Berthold Mission and CCC history and miscellaneous
10 Fort Berthold marriage records, 1879-1977
11 Fort Berthold baptism records, 1873-1977
12 Fort Berthold death records, 1879-1975
13 Fort Berthold lists of Pastors (1876-1922), Deacons (1893-1913) and miscellaneous, 1876-1947
14 Fort Berthold members received, 1885-1961
15 “The Story of Fort Berthold,” Charles L. Hall, 1932
16 Fort Berthold Mission and the Garrison Dam, 1951-1952
17 Fort Berthold relocation study paper, ca. 1951-1952
18 Fort Berthold correspondence and records, 1952-1962
19 Fort Berthold correspondence and records, 1955
20 Fort Berthold correspondence and records, 1958
Box 6:
1 Fort Berthold correspondence and records, 1960s
2 Fort Berthold correspondence and records, 1970s
3 Fort Berthold correspondence and records, 1980s
4 Fort Berthold correspondence and records, 1990s
5 Fort Berthold Community College grand opening, 1992
6 Indian ministries, general – baptisms, records
7 Arickaree/Arickara/Arikara Congregational Church, 1926-1992
8 Elbowoods records, 1947-1956
9 Elbowoods records, 1950-1951
10 Elbowoods Memorial, Fort Berthold, 1924-1942
11 Special Elbowoods building
12 New Town UCC, 1952-1960
13 New Town UCC, 1952-1990s
14 New Town UCC, 1952-1990s
15 New Town UCC, 1982-1986
16 New Town Snow Bird Chapel
17 Shell Creek First Congregational
18 Clippings and publications
Series VIII. German Evangelical Congregational Conference of ND
Box 7:
1 Correspondence, 1937-1958
2 Correspondence, 1962-1966
3 Constitution and by-laws, The Sunday School and Christian Endeavor Convention of the German Congregational Churches of Western North Dakota (of the United Church of Christ)
4 Executive Committee minutes, 1952
5 Christian Endeavor and Sunday School Convention minutes and agenda, 1961-1963
6 Record book, session 1 (1907)–session 30 (1939)
7 Record book, session 1 (1907)–session 30 (1939) (continued)
8 Record book, session 31 (1940)–session 56 (1965)
9 Record book, session 31 (1940)–session 56 (1965) (continued)
10 Annual meeting programs, 1937-1965
11 Lists of ministers, committee members, delegates, etc., 1951-1962
12 Constitution of old German speaking youth group “Tentative Konstitution der Sonntagschul-und Jugendbund Convention der Kongregationalen Gemeinden vom westlichen Teil Nord Dakotas”
13 German Congregational Church records, misc.
14 Germans from Russia 100th Anniversary Celebration
VOL.007 Registrar’s book, 1928-1945
VOL.008 Record book: Yearly reports of the Registrar, 1936-1965
VOL.009 Record book: Christian Endeavor and Sunday School Convention minutes, 1929-1965 and committee minutes, 1930-1941
VOL.010 Record book: Christian Endeavor and Sunday School Convention minutes, 1965-1966
Series IX. Miscellaneous Groups
15 Evangelical and Reformed Church
16 Fargo College correspondence, minutes, 1896-1923
17 Fargo College bulletins and printed material, 1895-1915
18 Fargo College pamphlets and printed material, 1893-1917
19 Fargo College clippings, ca. 1896-1923
20 Phillips Academy, ca. 1903-1913
21 ND Congregational Brotherhood, 1909-1910
22 Charles Hall Youth Services, 1971-1996
23 Churchmen’s Fellowship UCC, 1961-1962
24 Commission for Educational Ministries, 1979-1980
25 United Ministries in Higher Education, 1987-1996
26 UCC Professional Association of Clergy, 1982-1998
27 Association of Conference Attorneys annual meetings, 1998-2005
Series X. Associations
28 Fargo Association of Congregational Churches, 1906-1929
VOL.011 Fargo Association record book, 1883-1921
Volume consists of constitution and by-laws, minutes of annual and special meetings (1883-1921), credentials of ministers, treasurer’s accounts, clerical register, and list of churches
VOL.012 Fargo Association record book, 1922-1931
Volume consists of minutes (1922-1931), annual meeting information (1883-1906), members list (1879-1927) and miscellaneous correspondence and printed material.
VOL.013 Grand Forks Association of Cong. Churches and Ministers record book, 1895-1924
Volume consists of the association’s history (1895), constitution and rules (1895), and meeting minutes (1895-1924).
VOL.014 Grand Forks Association of Cong. Churches and Ministers record book, 1923-1931
Volume consists of constitution and by-laws (1923), and meeting minutes (1925-1931)
29 Jamestown Association of Congregational Churches
VOL.015 Jamestown Association of Congregational Churches record book/scrapbook, 1889-1931.
Volume consists of meeting minutes (1889-1930), constitution (1889), list of meetings and locations (1889-1928), registrars (1889-1899), ministerial members (1916-1929), roll of churches (1889-1912), roll of ministers (1891-1917), ministers/preachers licensed (1890-1931), miscellaneous correspondence and printed material.
30 Minot Association of Congregational Churches
31 Wahpeton Association of Congregational Churches, correspondence of registrar, 1922-1931
32 Wahpeton Association, annual meeting minutes, 1915-1931
33 Wahpeton Association, annual reports of member churches, 1922-1925
34 Wahpeton Association miscellaneous
VOL.016 Wahpeton Association record book, 1891-1930
Volume consists of constitution and by-laws (1891 and 1923), minutes (1891-1923), and list of ministers (1891-1930)
35 Eastern Association records, 1963-1985
Box 8:
1 Eastern Association records, 1963-1985 (continued)
2 Eastern Association records, 1972-1982
3 Eastern Association records, 1989-1996
4 Missouri Valley Association records, 1963-1989
5 Missouri Valley Association records, 1963-1989 (continued)
6 Missouri Valley Association records, 1995-1999
7 Northeast Association, 1931-1956
8 Northwest Association, 1931-1956
9 Northwest Association, 1931-1958
10 Northwest Association, 1958-1963
11 Southeast Association, 1932-1963
12 Southwest Association, 1931-1960
13 Southwest Association, 1950-1962
Series XI. Individual Churches – SEE also Series XIX. Photographs and Series XX. Audio-Visual Material
14 Adams, 1951
15 Adler (Petersburg) Congregational Church record book (pages), 1893-1928
Volume consists of baptisms (1898-1928), marriages (1893-1919), minutes (1901-1928), pastors (1893-1928), deacons (1898-1928), officers (1898-1928), members received (1898-1928), members removed (1899-1921), and financial information (1899-1928)
16 Adler Congregational Church, 1903-1947
17 Alfred, 1924
18 Alkabo, 1922-1925
19 Congregational Church of Amenia, 1935-1941
20 First Congregational Church of Anamoose record book (pages) (1900-1930) and records, 1900-1952
Volume consists of baptisms (1900-1921), minutes (1900-1930), pastors (1900-1922), deacons (1900-1921), officers (1900-1921), members received (1900-1921), members removed (1903-1905), and financial information (1903)
21 German Congregational Bethesda Church (Antelope), 1926-1948
22 Appam, Angie, Alamo, Union Congregational Church of Angie, First Congregational Church of Alamo, record book (pages) (1917-1925) and records, 1917-1938. Volume consists of minutes (1917-1925), officers (1921), Sunday school statistics (1920), and financial information (1919-1921).
23 Argusville Congregational United Church of Christ, 1935-2003
24 Congregational Church of Barlow, 1935-1955
25 Barrie Congregational Church, 1964
26 Congregational Church of Beach (Beach United Community Church), ca. 1958-1993
27 Beach (continued)
28 Beach (continued)
Box 9:
1 Benedict Congregational
VOL.017 St. Paul Church of Benedict financial ledger, 1905-1920
2 Evergreen Congregational Church of Berthold record book (pages), 1910-1961
Volume consists of information about the founding of the church, baptisms (1910-1959), marriages (1912-1957), minutes (1912-1960), pastors (1910-1959), deacons (1910-1938), officers (1910-1952), delegates (1911), members received (1910-1956), members removed (1912-1961), and financial information (1910-1911)
3 Congregational Church of Berthold record book (pages), 1902-1926
Volume consists of information about the founding of the church, constitution, by-laws, baptisms (ca. 1902-1926), marriages (1903-1926), deaths (1923-1925), minutes (1902-1925), pastors (1902-1922), deacons (1902-1926), officers (1904-1926), delegates (1903), members received (1902-1923), members removed (1906-1926), and financial information (1903)
4 Congregational Church of Berthold, 1943-2000
5 Beulah Congregational Church, 1935-1988
6 First Congregational Church of Bismarck, 1950s-1960s
7 First Congregational Church of Bismarck, 1950s-1960s (continued)
8 First Congregational Church of Bismarck, 1950s-1960s (continued)
9 Bismarck UCC, 1950s-1980s
10 Bismarck UCC, 1950s-1980s (continued)
11 Bismarck UCC, 1950s-1980s (continued)
12 All Nations Ecumenical UCC (Bismarck), 1989-1998
13 Blue Grass Congregation, 1927
14 Bordulac Congregational Church record book (pages), 1909-1962
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1909-1951), marriages (1910-1952), minutes (1909-1955), pastors (1909-1940), deacons (1909-1943), officers (1909-1942), members received (1909-1954), members removed (1925-1962), Sunday School statistics (1933) and financial information (1909-1931)
15 Bordulac Congregational Church, 1935-1963
16 First Congregational Church of Bowman record book (pages) and records, 1909-1942
Volume consists of constitution and by-laws, baptisms (1909-1914), minutes (1909-1914), pastors (1916 and n.d.), deacons (n.d.), delegates (n.d.), officers (1909-1910), members received (1909-1917), members removed (1910-1921), Sunday School statistics () and financial information (1910-1918)
17 United Church of Brantford, 1941-1989
18 Buchanan Congregational Church record book (pages), 1891-1967
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1897-1966), marriages (1903-1953), minutes (1901-1967), pastors (1891-1962), deacons (1891-1946), officers (1891-1940), delegates (1897-1915), members received (1891-1966), members removed (1894-1956), and financial information (1895-1917)
19 Buchanan Congregational Church, 1908-1960s
20 Neuberg Congregational Church (Burt), 1960s-1980s
21 First Congregational Church of Dogden (Butte) record book (pages), 1906-1946
Volume consists of constitution and by-laws, church history, baptisms (1908-1924), marriages (1908-1909), minutes (1906-1941), pastors (1907), deacons (1906-1908), officers (1906-1909), members received (1908-1939), members removed (1908-1946) and financial information (1908-1922)
22 First Congregational Church of Butte, 1911-1948
23 First Congregational Church of Buxton record book (pages) and records, 1885-1922
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1885-1920), marriages (1886-1900), deaths (1886-1901), minutes (1890-1922), contributions (1885-1891), pastors (1885-1923), deacons (1889-1890), church committee (1889-1890), Sunday School superintendents (1885-1896) and communicants (1908-1921)
24 Congregational Church of Caledonia, 1935
25 First Congregational Church of Cando record book (pages), 1881-1912
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1887-1907), marriages (1892-1904), deaths (1881-1902), minutes (1887-12), pastors, deacons (1887-1906), church committee (1887-1906), communicants (1887-1918), members received (1898-1915), Sunday School superintendents (1888-1906) and conferences (1901-1904)
26 First Congregational Church of Cando record book (continued), 1911-1951
Volume consists of a list of members, minutes (1911-1951) and members received (1936-1944)
27 First Congregational Church of Cando, 1897-1954
28 Cannonball (Standing Rock), 1922-1937
Box 10:
1 Congregational Church of Carrington, early records and history
2 Carrington Federated Church, 1930s-1940s
3 Carrington Federated Church, 1950s
4 Carrington Federated Church, 1960
5 Carrington Federated Church, 1970s
6 Carrington Federated Church, 1980s
7 Carrington Federated Church, 1980s (continued)
8 Carrington Federated Church, 1990s
Box 49:
1 Emmaus UCC of Carson-Flasher record book: births, deaths, confirmation, cemetery, family histories, and membership records, 1904-2002
2 Emmaus UCC of Carson-Flasher church records and minutes, 1904-1986
3 Emmaus UCC of Carson-Flasher annual meeting minutes, 1986-2014
4 Emmaus UCC of Carson-Flasher Dorcas Circle minutes and attendance records, 1/1967-2/1980
5 Emmaus UCC of Carson-Flasher history, correspondence, news articles, and programs, 1964-2014
Box 10:
9 Cayuga Congregational Church, 1955-1982
10 Wirt Memorial Congregational Church of Cleveland record book (pages) and records, 1903-1984
Volume consists of clippings about the history of the church, baptisms (1904-1921), marriages (1909-1917), deaths (1904-1917), minutes (1903-1925), pastors (1903-1922), deacons (1903-1923), officers (1903-1921), members received (1903-1920), members removed (1905-1915), and church statistics (1919).
11 Courtenay Congregational Church, 1897-1903
12 Congregational Church of Crary record book, 1934-1961
Volume consists of annual meeting minutes and member information.
13 Congregational Church of Crary, 1921-1982
VOL.018 Congregational Church of Crary record book, 1889-1961
Volume consists of baptisms (1896-1960), marriages (1948-1958), minutes (1896-1933), ministers/pastors (1889-1961), deacons (1896-1947), officers (1896-1914), delegates (1896-1906), members received (1896-1958), members removed (1898-1960), financial information (1896-1907), and constitution.
14 Congregational Church of Cummings record book (pages), 1885-1925
Volume consists of a church history, constitution, by-laws, statement of doctrine, baptisms (1886-1925), marriages (1886-1923), deaths (1886-1916), minutes (1886-1925), attendance (1886-1894), councils (1886-1892), conferences (1886-1897), pastors (1885-1914), deacons (1885-1895), Sunday school superintendents (1885-1892), communicants (1885-1930), and financial information (1886-1895)
15 Congregational Church of Cummings, 1924-1943
16 Union Congregational Church of Dawson record book (pages), 1883-1909
Volume consists of baptisms (1885-1903), marriages (1883-1908), deaths (1907-1908), minutes (1883-1909), pastors (1888-1909), Sunday school superintendents (1883-1884), and communicants (1883-1908)
17 Union Congregational Church of Dawson record book (pages), 1910-1980
Volume consists of constitution, by-laws, description of church property, baptisms (1914-1989), minutes (1910-1980), pastors (1910-1999), deacons (1915-1937), officers (1914-1937), delegates (1911-1923), and members received/removed (1891-1983)
18 Union Congregational Church of Dawson record book (pages) with loose records,
Volume consists of a register of deaths (1974-1989), members-admission/removal (1930-1993), elected officers (1974-1993), minutes (1974-1998)
19 Union Congregational Church of Dawson, 1935-1999
VOL.019 Dawson Union Congregational Church financial ledger, 1907-1932
VOL.020 Dawson Union Congregational Church financial ledger, 1912-1916
VOL.021 Dawson Union Congregational Church financial ledger, 1935-1939
VOL.022 Dawson Ladies Home Circle record book, 1900-1912
Volume consists of minutes (1900-1912) and financial information (1900-1903)
VOL.023 Dawson Ladies Home Circle record book, 1912-1926
Volume consists of minutes and financial information.
VOL.024 Dawson Ladies Home Circle minute book, 1927-1939
VOL.025 Dawson Ladies Home Circle minute book, 1939-1950
VOL.026 Dawson Ladies Home Circle financial ledger, 1951-1990
VOL.027 Dawson Ladies Home Circle record book, 1951-1956
Volume consists of minutes, constitution and by-laws, and membership information.
VOL.028 Dawson Ladies Home Circle record book, 1957-1963
Volume consists of minutes and membership information.
VOL.029 Dawson Ladies Home Circle record book, 1964-1971
Volume consists of minutes and membership information.
VOL.030 Dawson Ladies Home Circle record book, 1972-1985
Volume consists of minutes and membership information.
Box 10:
20 Sibley Trail Church (Dazey-Krenzal Congregational Church), 1941-2000
21 Congregational Church of Deering record book, 1903-1998
Volume consists of founding information, baptisms (1905-1998), marriages (1913-1979), minutes (1903-1979), pastors (1903-1996), deacons (1903-1912), officers (1903-1914), delegates (1908-1919), members received (1903-1986), members removed (1904-1980), and financial information (1906-1910)
Box 11:
1 Women’s Guild of the Congregational Church of Deering minute books, 1939-1948
2 Congregational Church of Deering financial ledgers, 1959-1993
3 Deering Congregational UCC, 1926-2000
4 Deering Congregational UCC, 1926-2000
5 Deering Congregational UCC closing, memorials, minutes, 1979-2000
VOL.031 Congregational Church of Deering financial ledger, 1919-1959
VOL.032 Women’s Guild of the Congregational Church of Deering record book, 1948-1983
Volume consists of constitution and meeting minutes.
6 First Congregational Church of Denbigh minutes, history, 1950-1963
7 First Congregational Church of Dickinson history
8 First Congregational Church of Dickinson, 1933-1937
9 First Congregational Church of Dickinson, 1938-1942
10 First Congregational Church of Dickinson, 1954-1981
11 First Congregational Church of Dickinson, 1981-1990s
12 First Congregational Church of Dickinson log, 1982-1997
13 First Congregational Church of Dickinson log, 1982-1997 (continued)
14 Dodge Congregational Church record book (pages), 1915-1936
Volume consists of baptisms (1915-1917), minutes (1916-1932), pastors (1916), deacons (1916), officers (1916), delegates (1920), members received (1916-1936), members removed (n.d.), and financial information (1917-1918)
15 Bethany Congregational Church of Drake record book (pages) and records, 1902-1929
Volume consists of marriages (1919), minutes (1903-1929), pastors (1902-1921), deacons (1903-1927), officers (1903-1928), members received and removed (1907-1922) and financial information (1913-1916)
16 Congregational Church of Dunn Center, 1932-1951
17 Dwight Congregational Church of Christ record book (pages) and record, 1884-1911
Volume consists of a history of the Ladies Aid Society, baptisms (1886-1911), marriages (1888-1909), deaths (1889-1909), minutes (1886-1911), attendance (1887-1899), councils (1886-1903), conferences (1887-1910), pastors (1884-1911), deacons (1886-1910), communicants (1886-1910), Sunday school superintendents (1884-1909) and financial information (1886-1905)
18 Dwight Congregational Church of Christ record book, 1889-1929
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1913-1927), marriages (1915-1927), minutes (1912-1929), pastors (1912-1928), deacons (1902-1930), delegates (1913-1928), officers (1896-1928), members received (1889-1927), members removed (1913-1928), annual church statistics (1913-1937), Sunday School statistics (1913-1927) and financial information (1911-1918)
19 Dwight Congregational Church of Christ historical material, 1886-1911
20 Dwight Congregational Church of Christ, 1922-1960
VOL.033 Dwight Congregational Church financial ledger, 1906-1923
VOL.034 Dwight Congregational Church financial ledger, 1923-1927
VOL.035 Dwight Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavor record book, 1906-1919.
Volume consists of minutes (1906-1919) list of members, and constitution
21 Eckelson Congregational Church, 1936-1941
22 Congregational Church of Edmunds, 1916-1989
23 Immanuels Evangelical Lutheran Church, Eldridge, 1937-1940
24 German Johannestal Congregational Church of Elgin record book (pages) and records, 1925-1941
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1925-1926), marriages (n.d.), minutes (1925-1939), pastors (1925), deacons (1925-1926), officers (1925-1927), members received (1925-1927), members removed (1927), annual church and Sunday School statistics (1925), and reports (1925)
25 German Ebenezer Congregational Church (Ebenezer UCC) of Elgin, 1939-1998
26 First Congregational Church of Esmond, 1935-1946
27 Fargo First Congregational UCC history and early records
28 Fargo First Congregational UCC, 1930s-1940s
Box 12:
1 Fargo First Congregational UCC, 1950s-1960s
2 Fargo First Congregational UCC, 1970s-1980s
3 Fargo First Congregational UCC, 1990s
4 Plymouth Congregational Church (Fargo) history and early records
5 Plymouth Congregational Church (Fargo), 1930s-1940s
6 Plymouth Congregational Church (Fargo), 1950s
7 Plymouth Congregational Church (Fargo) bulletins, 1954-1955
8 Plymouth Congregational Church (Fargo) bulletins, 1956-1957
9 Plymouth Congregational Church (Fargo), 1960s-1970s
10 Plymouth Congregational Church (Fargo), 1980s-1990s
11 Sudanese Christian Fellowship (Fargo), 2001-2003
12 Congregational Church of Fessenden, 1942-1993
13 Congregational Church of Fingal record book (pages), 1889-1920
Volume consists of baptisms (1909), marriages (1891), minutes (1889-1920), pastors (1889-1892), deacons (1889-1892), officers (1889-1892), members received (1889-1914), members removed (1891-1914), Sunday School statistics () and financial information (1890-1891)
14 First Congregational Church of Flasher history
15 First Congregational Church of Flasher (Flasher Larger Parish/Sioux County
Parish) (Selfridge Congregational, Carson Presbyterian, Solen Congregational, Shields Congregational), 1920s
16 First Congregational Church of Flasher and Flasher Larger Parish, 1930s
17 First Congregational Church of Flasher (Flasher Larger Parish/Sioux County Parish), 1940s-1950s
18 First Congregational Church of Flasher (Flasher Larger Parish/Sioux County Parish), 1960s
19 First Congregational Church of Flasher (Flasher Larger Parish/Sioux County Parish), 1970s
20 First Congregational Church of Flasher (Flasher Larger Parish/Sioux County Parish), 1980s
21 First Congregational Church of Flasher (Flasher Larger Parish/Sioux County Parish), 1990s
22 Forman Congregational, 1935-1989
23 Fort Yates, 1925-1933
24 Foxholm Congregational Church, 1922-1971
25 Nazareth Congregational Church of Fredonia, 1929-1992
26 Congregational Church of Fingal, 1889-1905
27 Fullerton UCC, 1963-1996
Box 13:
1 Gackle First Congregational (and Gackle-Jud-Streeter UCC), 1964-2000
2 Congregational-Lutheran United Church of Gardner, 1935-1994
3 First Congregational Church of Garrison, history and early records, 1930s
4 First Congregational Church of Garrison, 1940s-1950s
5 First Congregational Church of Garrison, 1960s-1970s
6 First Congregational Church of Garrison, 1980s
7 First Congregational Church of Garrison, 1990s
8 Congregational Church of Getchell Prairie record book, 1889-1962
Volume consists of baptisms (1889-1948), marriages (1895), minutes (1891-1962), pastors (1914), deacons (1889-1900), church committee (1889), Sunday school superintendents (1889-1891), ladies serving society (1889-1891), and communicants (1889-1961)
9 Congregational Church of Getchell Prairie financial ledger, 1912-1962
10 Congregational Church of Getchell Prairie, 1918-1962
11 Congregational Church of Gem record book, 1903-1919
Volume consists of baptisms (1906-1907), minutes (1904-1911), members list, pastors (1907-1911), deacons (1903-1913), officers (1906-1910), delegates (1907-1911), members received/removed (1906-1919), and annual church statistics (1906-1915)
12 Bethanian (Bethany) German Congregational Church of Glen Ullin, 1955-1999
13 First Congregational Church of Glen Ullin history
14 First Congregational Church of Glen Ullin, 1930s-1960s
15 First Congregational Church of Glen Ullin, 1980s-1990s
16 Hoffnungs Congregational Church (Golden Valley), 1963-1983
17 Plymouth Congregational Church of Grand Forks (Federated Church) (First Baptist Church of Grand Forks), history
18 Grand Forks, 1920s-1930s
19 Grand Forks, 1940s-1970s
20 Grand Forks, 1980s-1990s
21 Hope Congregational Church of Granville, 1930s-1950s
22 Hope Congregational Church of Granville, 1960s-1990s
23 Scandinavian Congregational Church of Gwinner record book, 1907-1923
Volume consists of articles of incorporation and meeting minutes
Box 14:
1 Congregational Church of Halliday (Twin Buttes) history
2 Congregational Church of Halliday (Twin Buttes) record book (pages), 1915-1976
Volume consists of baptisms (1918-1970), marriages (1955-1968), deaths (1959-1972), funerals (1947-1977), documents, programs, minutes (1916-1976), pastors (1915-1971), deacons (1916-1969), officers (1916-1968), delegates (1924-1939), members received (1916-1967), and members removed (1917-1972)
3 Congregational Church of Halliday (Twin Buttes), 1910s-1950s
4 Congregational Church of Halliday (Twin Buttes), 1960s-1970s
5 Congregational Church of Halliday (Twin Buttes), 1980s-1990s
6 Emmanuel UCC (Hankinson), 1965-1998
7 Christian Union Congregational Church (Hankinson), 1930s-1940s
8 Christian Union Congregational Church (Hankinson), 1950s-1990s
9 First Congregational Church of Harvey (Harvey German Congregational Parish), 1903-1958
10 Congregational Church of Harwood record book (pages) and records, 1882-1977
Volume consists of baptisms (1884-1918), marriages (1901-1913), deaths (1893-1933), minutes (1882-1932), councils (1885-1901), conferences (1885-1910), pastors (1882-1914), deacons (1882-1920), Sunday school superintendents (1884-1923), and communicants (1882-1927)
11 Havana Congregational Christian Church, 1935-1987
12 Haynes Congregational Church, 1922-1970
13 New Bethel Congregational Church (Hazen), 1931-1956
14 Heaton Congregational Church, 1926-1994
15 Bethany Congregational Church (Hebron), 1955
16 First Congregational Church of Hebron record book (pages) and loose records, 1908-1963
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1916-1944), deaths (1933-1943), minutes (1908-1946), pastors (1908-1945), deacons (1908-1963), officers (1908-1943), delegates (1915-1933), members received (1908-1938), and members removed (1915-1933)
17 First Congregational Church of Hebron record book (continued)
18 First Congregational UCC of Hebron, 1988-1996
19 Hebron First English Congregational, 1922-1945
20 First German Congregational Church of Hebron translated organization records and minutes, 1914-1956
21 St. John’s Church of Hebron, 1920s-1970s
22 St. John’s Church of Hebron, 1980s
23 St. John’s Church of Hebron, 1990s
Box 15:
1 Hesper Congregational, 1926-1952
2 Smith Church (Hettinger County), 1983
3 First Congregational Church, UCC of Hettinger, 1921-1930
4 First Congregational Church, UCC of Hettinger, 1931-1942
5 First Congregational Church, UCC of Hettinger, 1943-1961
6 First Congregational Church, UCC of Hettinger record books (confirmations and baptisms), 1960-1978
7 First Congregational Church, UCC of Hettinger, 1962-1978
8 “Congregational Clarion” Reeder and Hettinger churches newsletter, 1965-1975
9 First Congregational Church, UCC of Hettinger, 1979-1989
10 First Congregational Church, UCC of Hettinger, 1990s-2000s
11 Hillsboro Congregational Church (UCC), 1930s
12 Hillsboro Congregational Church (UCC), 1940s-1960s
13 Hillsboro Congregational Church (UCC), 1970s-1980s
14 Hillsboro Congregational Church (UCC), 1990s-2000s
15 Congregational Church of Hope history and records, 1920s
16 Congregational Church of Hope, 1930s-1940s
17 Congregational Church of Hope, 1950s-1960s
18 Congregational Church of Hope, 1970s-2000s
19 Hurdy Congregational Church, 1921-1943
Box 16:
1 Hurdsfield Congregational Church, 1921-1952
2 Independence Congregational Church, 1924-1992
3 Inkster Congregational Church, 1901
4 Congregational Church of Jamestown history and records, 1900s-1920s
5 Congregational Church of Jamestown, 1930s
6 Congregational Church of Jamestown, 1940s-1960s
7 Congregational Church of Jamestown, 1970s-1980s
8 Congregational Church of Jamestown, 1990s-2000s
9 Josephburg (Fort Saskatchewan), 1960s-1970s
10 Josephburg (Fort Saskatchewan), 1980s
11 Josephburg (Fort Saskatchewan), 1990s-2000s
12 The United Congregational Church of Christ of Juanita, 1921-1923
13 Zion’s Evangelical and Reformed Church the UCC, Judson, ND, 1958
14 Kempton Church, 1923
15 Kensal Church, 1922-1954
16 Kidder County Parish, 1983-1985
17 Kildeer Congregational Church, 1923-1930
18 Kildeer Congregational Church, 1931-2000
19 First Congregational Church of Kulm, 1925-1986
20 Lake Williams Congregational Christian Church, 1940-1982
21 Congregational Church of Lakota history and early records, 1910s-1920s
22 Congregational Church of Lakota, 1930s
23 Congregational Church of Lakota, 1940s-1950s
Box 17:
1 Congregational Church of Lakota, 1960s-1990s
VOL.036 Ladies Auxiliary of the Congregational Church, LaMoure County record book, 1909-1926. Volume consists of by-laws, a list of members, and minutes.
VOL.037 Ladies Auxiliary of the Congregational Church, LaMoure County record book, 1926-1936.
Volume consists of by-laws, a list of members (1927-1929) and minutes (1926-1936).
2 First Congregational Church of Lawton record book (pages) and records, 1902-1995
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1902-1918), marriages (1902-1920), minutes (1902-1925), deacons (1902-1907), officers (1902-1904), members received (1902-1923), members removed (1904-1907) and financial information (1903-1911)
3 Congregational Church of Leeds history and records, 1920s
4 Congregational Church of Leeds, 1930s
5 Congregational Church of Leeds, 1940s-1980s
6 St. John Evangelical and Reformed Church of Lidgerwood, 1982
7 Foothills Congregational Church (Lignite) record book, 1908-1918
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1912-1914), members list, minutes (1908-1918), pastors (1908-1916), deacons (1908-1910), officers (1908-1913), members received (1908-1914), members removed (1911-1918) and financial information (1908-1911)
Foothills Congregational Church (Lignite) financial ledger, 1908-1921
8 Foothills Congregational Church (Lignite), 1922-1948
9 Litchville Congregational Church record book (pages), 1903-1936
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1904-1925), marriages (1912), minutes (1903-1936), pastors (1903-1919), deacons (1903-1925), officers (1903-1928), members received (1903-1940), members removed (1906-1915), annual church statistics (1903-1916), Sunday school statistics (1905-1910) and financial information (1904-1918)
10 Litchville Congregational Church, 1922-1990
11 First Congregational Church of Lucca, 1922-1985
12 Congregational Church of McHenry, 1921-1941
13 First Congregational Church of Maddock record book (pages), 1902-1913
Volume consists of a church history, organizing records, constitution, baptisms (1908), minutes (1902-1913), and members received (1902-1910)
14 Mandaree Community Congregational Church, 1950s-1960s
15 Mandaree Community Congregational Church, 1970s-1990s
16 Zion Congregational Church (Manvel), 1922-1992
17 Marion Congregational Church record book, 1903-1944
Volume consists of founding documents, church history, baptisms (1903-1936), minutes (1903-1936), pastors (1903-1937), deacons (1903-1934)), officers (1903-1937), delegates (1904-1906), members received (1903-1936), members removed (1903-1944), annual Sunday school statistics (1924), and financial information (1903-1909)
18 Marion Congregational Church, 1921-1951
19 Union Congregational Church, Marmarth, 1920s
20 Union Congregational Church, Marmarth, 1930s
21 Union Congregational Church, Marmarth, 1940s
22 Union Congregational Church, Marmarth, 1950s-1960s
Box 18:
1 Congregational Church of Max, 1922-1934
2 Congregational Church of Max, 1935-1963
3 Congregational Church of Maxbass record book (pages), 1906-1930
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1907), marriages (1907-1910), minutes (1906-1930), pastors (1905-1919), deacons (1908), officers (1908), members received (1906-1916), annual church and Sunday school statistics (1919) and financial information (1908-1909)
4 Congregational Church of Maxbass, 1910-1930
5 Congregational Church of Mayville, 1921-1943
6 Congregational Church of Mayville, 1965-1990s
7 Zion Congregational Church (Medina), 1922-1950s
8 Zion Congregational Church (Medina), 1960s-1990s
9 Congregational Church of Medora, 1924-1998
10 Melville Congregational Church, 1921-1943
11 Merricourt Congregational Church, 1936-1973
12 First United Congregational Church of Michigan history
13 First United Congregational Church of Michigan minutes and annual meeting reports, 1922-1925 and 1937-1942
14 First United Congregational Church of Michigan annual meeting reports and programs, 1955-1972
15 First United Congregational Church of Michigan annual meeting reports and programs, 1973-1993
16 First United Congregational Church of Michigan annual reports for yearbook, 1940s-1980s
17 First United Congregational Church of Michigan membership records, 1950s-1980s
18 First United Congregational Church of Michigan correspondence and miscellaneous, 1904-1990s
19 First United Congregational Church of Michigan correspondence and miscellaneous, 1904-1990s (continued)
Box 19:
1 Ladies Aid Society (and Missionary Society) – Secretary books, 1911-1914 and 1915-1918; Congregational supper financial ledger (with members listed), 1939-1941
2 The Christian Endeavor – Secretary’s book, 1916-1920
3 Congregational Church – Financial ledgers, 1904-1913 and 1913-1918
VOL.037 First Congregational Church of Michigan City record book, 1883-1925
Volume consists of baptisms (1883-1919), marriages (1887-1919), deaths (1885-1918), minutes (1883-1921), ministers (1883-1925), deacons (1883-1920), officers (1885-1923), trustees (1919-1920), church committee (1883-1897), Sunday school superintendents (1883-1920), communicants (1884-1961), attendance (1888-1906), contributions (1884-1907), and church history.
VOL.039 First Congregational Church of Michigan City record book, 1906-1993.
Volume consists of baptisms (1926-1966), marriages (1937-1966), minutes and/or programs (1926-1967), ministers/pastors (1925-1993), deacons (1927-1939), officers (1926-1968), members received (1906-1966), and members removed (1946).
VOL.040 United Church of Christ (Congregational Christian) Michigan City record book,
Volume consists of baptisms (1968-1986), marriages (1967-1984), deaths (1966-1993), minutes (1967-1992), members, ministers/pastors (1967-1993), directors of Religious Education (1967-1988), deacons (1967-1988), deaconesses (1967-1986), clerks (1967-1988), treasurers (1967-1988), moderator (1967-1988), church school superintendents (1967-1993), trustees (1965-1988), and additional committees (1967-1986).
Box 20:
1 First Congregational Church of Minot, 1930s
2 First Congregational Church of Minot, 1940s
3 First Congregational Church of Minot, 1950s-1970s
4 First Congregational Church of Minot, 1980s
5 First Congregational Church of Minot, 1990s
6 Union Congregational Church of Mohall, 1926
7 First Congregational Church of Mott, 1930s-1950s
8 First Congregational Church of Mott, 1960s-1970s
9 First Congregational Church of Mott, 1980s
10 First Congregational Church of Mott/Neuberg Congregational Church (Burt), 1990s-2000s
11 Congregational Church of Nekoma record book, 1905-1918
Volume consists of baptisms (1911-1918), marriages (1913-1914), minutes (1905-1912), pastors (1905-1921), deacons (1912), members received (1911-1918), members removed (1912-1913), annual church and Sunday school statistics (1911) and financial information (1911-1914)
12 Congregational Church of Nekoma, 1922-1942
13 First Congregational Church of New England, 1920s-1940s
14 First Congregational Church of New England, 1950s-2000s
15 Christus Congregational United Church of Christ (New Leipzig), 1923-2007
16 Congregational Church of New Rockford, 1935-1984
17 New Salem – Bethel UCC and Peace Evangelical and Reformed Church, 1950s-1970s
18 New Salem – Bethel UCC and Peace Evangelical and Reformed Church, 1980s
19 New Salem – Bethel UCC and Peace Evangelical and Reformed Church, 1990s
Box 21:
1 Niagara Congregational Church, 1935-1976
2 Congregational Church of Northwood record book (pages) and loose records, 1908-1927
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1909), minutes (1908-1927), pastors (1909-1912), deacons (1909-1912), officers (1909), delegates (1909) and members received (1908-1910)
3 Congregational Christian Church of Oberon record book and records, 1886-1961
Volume consists of minutes (1886-1911), pastors (1891-1921), deacons (1889-1905), Sunday School superintendents (1890-1899), officers (1890-1909) and members received and removed (1886-1909)
4 Union Congregational Church of Oriska record book (pages) and records, 1882-1945
Volume consists of a church history, constitution, by-laws, baptisms (1882-1929), minutes (1884-1943), pastors (1882-1914), deacons (1886-1897), church committee (1882-1908), Sunday school superintendents (1882-1929) and communicants (1882-1943)
VOL.041 Congregational Church of Oriska financial ledger, 1914-1945.
5 Union Congregational Church of Orr record book (pages) and records, 1888-1985
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1894-1922), marriages (1910-1912), minutes (1904-1920), pastors (1908-1916), deacons (1904-1925), officers (1904-1916), delegates (1908), members received (1904-1921), members removed (1904-1926) and annual church statistics (1905-1926)
6 Overly Church, 1930-1955
7 First Congregational Church (Parshall) history
8 First Congregational Church (Parshall), 1930s
9 First Congregational Church (Parshall), 1940s-1950s
10 First Congregational Church (Parshall), 1960s-1970s
11 Parshall – First Congregational Church and Memorial Congregational UCC, 1980s
12 Parshall – First Congregational Church and Memorial Congregational UCC, 1990s-2000s
13 State Line Congregational Church of Petrel, 1935-1983
14 First Congregational Church of Pettibone, 1939-1998
15 Union Congregational Church of Malcolm (Pettibone), 1921-1935
16 Union Congregational Church of Malcolm (Pettibone), 1935-1970s
17 Union Congregational Church of Malcolm (Pettibone), 1980s-2000s
18 Pingree First Congregational Church, 1935-1942
19 First Congregational Church of Plaza record book (pages), 1895-1953
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1911-1951), marriages (1938-1954), minutes (1904-1953), pastors (1895-1948), deacons (1907-1953), officers (1917-1941), delegates (1929-1931), members received (1907-1950), members removed (1931-1958), annual church and Sunday-school statistics (1928-1945) and financial information (1924-1953)
20 First Congregational Church of Plaza, 1935-1981
21 Portland Congregational Church record book (pages) and records, 1889-1949
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1892-1917), minutes (1892-1926), pastors (1892-1904), deacons (1894-1905), officers (1894-1896), members received (1892-1909), members removed (1895-1914), annual church and Sunday school statistics (1892-1909) and financial information (1893-1902)
Box 22:
1 Red River Valley Congregational Club record book (pages) and records, 1900-1912
Volume consists of a club history and minutes, along with miscellaneous loose records
2 First Congregational Church of Reeder, 1928-1943
3 First Congregational Church of Reeder, 1943-1990s
4 Regan Congregational Church record book, 1911-1930
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1911-1930), marriages (1913), minutes (1913-1928), pastors (1912-1924), deacons (1910-1926), officers (1911-1922), members received (1911-1926) and members removed (1912)
5 Regan Congregational Church record book, 1922-1937
6 Regent Congregational Church record book (pages) and loose, 1910-1956
Volume consists of a register of members (1910), baptisms (1913-1956), minutes (1912-1956), funerals (1947-1956), pastors (1910-1958), deacons (1910-1928), officers (1910-1930), delegates (1921-1925), members received (1910-1956), members removed (1913-1952), annual Sunday school statistics (1923-1931 and financial information (1924-1955)
7 Regent Congregational Church record book (pages), 1956-1977
Volume consists of a register of members (1942-1976), church history, baptisms (1957-1974), marriages (1965-1976), deaths (1957-1976), minutes (1957-1974), ministers (1956-1970), deacons (1957-1979), and trustees (1956-1977)
8 Regent Congregational Church history and early records, 1910-1920s
9 Regent Congregational Church, 1930s
10 Regent Congregational Church, 1940s-1960s
11 Regent Congregational Church, 1980s-2000s
12 Regent Sunday School, 1915-1916
13 Congregational Church of Rhame, 1983
14 Riverdale Community Church, 1957-1967
15 Central Congregational Church of Sanborn, 1928-1982
16 First Congregational Church of Sawyer, 1939-1946
17 Highland Congregational Church of Sawyer record book (pages) and loose records, 1901-1955
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1901-1949), minutes (1902-1954), pastors (1902-1918), deacons (1902-1907), officers (1902-1910), delegates (1906-1908), members received (1902-1953), members removed (1950-1952) and annual church statistics (1902-1908)
18 First Congregational Church of Scranton, minute book (pages), 1909-1930
19 Pierce Congregational Church of Scranton, 1930s-1990s
20 Pierce Congregational Church of Scranton, 1930s-1990s (continued)
21 Selfridge Community Congregational Church record book (pages), 1921-1970
Volume consists of a list of members, pastors (1919-1970), deacons (1926), officers (1926-1968), delegates (1922-1960), members received (1921-1969), annual church and Sunday school statistics (1935)
22 Selfridge Community Congregational Church, 1931-1982
23 Sentinel Butte Congregational Church, 1945-1992
24 Shields Congregational Church record book (pages), 1915-1998
Volume consists of a church history, baptisms (1917-1985), marriages (1957-1986), minutes (1915-1998), pastors (1915-1980), deacons (1920-1980), officers (1915-1980), delegates (1916-1917), members received (1915-1984), members removed (1920-1984) and funerals (1926-1987)
Box 23:
1 Selfridge Community Congregational Church minute book (pages), 1922-1973
2 Zion Congregational Church of Turtle Lake record book (pages) (in German) and loose records, 1882-1989
3 Zoar German Congregational Church (Underwood) record book (pages) (in German), 1908-1933
4 First Congregational Church of Underwood record book, 1952-1978
Volume consists of a church history, meeting minutes(1952), baptisms (1952-1975), confirmation records (1955-1976), marriages (1952-1978), funerals (1953-1977), membership (1952-1965), elected officials (1953), mission festival (1952)
First Congregational Church of Underwood financial ledger, 1975-1990
Box 24:
1 UCC of Solen, 1935-1990s
2 Spring Butte Congregational Church (and Cedar Valley Church), 1923-1980
3 Stady Congregational Church, 1922-1941
4 Steele Congregational Church, 1940-1941
5 Hope UCC of Streeter, 1911-1990
6 Hope UCC of Streeter, 1911-1990 (continued)
7 Congregational Church of Sykeston, 1891-1972
VOL.042 Sykeston Congregational Ladies’ Aid financial ledger, 1940-1955
VOL.043 Sykeston Congregational Ladies’ Aid record book, 1936-1947
Volume consists of a constitution and by-laws (1936), lists of members (1937 and 1940), and minutes (1935-1947)
VOL.044 Sykeston Congregational Ladies’ Aid record book, 1948-1954
Volume consists of a list of members (1948), calendar (1948), and minutes (1948-1954)
VOL.045 First Congregational Church of Sykeston, ND record book, 1884-1911
Volume consists of baptisms (1887-1906), marriages (1888), deaths (1888-1910), minutes (1884-1909), church history, councils (1889-1891), conferences (1885-1911), ministers/pastors (1891-1913), deacons (1884-1911), trustees (1887-1910), communicants (1884-1910), contributions (1884-1891) and Sunday school superintendents (1884-1910)
VOL.046 First Congregational Church of Sykeston, ND record book, 1912-1961
Volume consists of baptisms (1899-1952), minutes (1912-1961), ministers/pastors (1910-1922), deacons (1910-1933), officers (1910-1952), members received (1908-1948), annual statistics (1911-1912), and financial information (1912-1914)
VOL.047 First Congregational Church of Sykeston, ND financial ledger, 1935-1961
8 Congregational Church of Tappen record book, 1886-1941
Volume consists of baptisms (1886-1941), marriages (1892-1921), deaths (1908-1923), attendance of public worship (1886-1890), minutes (1883-1941), pastors (1883-1939), deacons (1883-1928), Sunday school superintendents (1886-1930), contributions (1885-1897), communicants (1883-1939) and financial information (1887-1893)
9 Congregational Church of Tappen record book, 1941-1972
Volume consists of baptisms (1939-1966), marriages (1958-1970), deaths (1943-1974), minutes (1941-1973), members list, pastors (1940-1962), deacons (1941-1976), deaconesses (1941-1962) and officers (1941-1972)
10 Congregational Church of Tappen history and records, 1930s-1970s
11 Congregational Church of Tappen, 1980s
12 Congregational Church of Tappen, 1980s-1990s
VOL.048 Tappen Congregational Church, Kidder County, ND, financial ledger, 1920-1952
VOL.049 Congregational Ladies Aid of the Tappen Congregational Church, record book, 1956-1985
Volume consists of members lists (1956-1984) and meeting minutes (1956-1985).
13 Emmanuel UCC (Taylor and Richardton), 1960s-1980s
14 Emmanuel UCC (Taylor) and Taylor-Richardton Ecumenical Parish, 1990s-2000s
15 Emmanuel UCC (Taylor) and Taylor-Richardton Ecumenical Parish, 1990s-2000s
16 Rocky Butte Congregational Church of Thelan, 1926-1934
17 Congregational Church of Tolna, 1906-1964
18 Congregational Church of Tuttle minute book (pages), 1913-1921
19 First Congregational Church of Underwood, 1952-1986
20 Congregational Church of Valley City, 1930s-1940s
Box 25:
1 First Congregational Church of Velva, 1907-1942
2 Congregational Church of Wahpeton early records and history
3 Congregational Church of Wahpeton, 1930s
4 Congregational Church of Wahpeton, 1940s-1950s
5 Congregational Church of Wahpeton, 1960s-1970s
6 Congregational Church of Wahpeton, 1980s
7 Congregational Church of Wahpeton, 1990s
8 Barrie Congregational Church, Walcott, 1941-1995
9 White Shield, 1987-1991
10 German Frieden’s Congregational Church (Freudenthal) of Willa, 1985
11 First Union Church (United Church of Christ and Presbyterian Church), Williston record book, 1965-2005
Volume consists of marriages (1970-2000), deaths (1970-2004), roll of infant church members or baptized children (1966-2000), record of adult baptisms (1975-1996), pastors (1957-2004), council members (1969-1996), elders (1965-1996), communicants (1970-2005) and a list of charter members (1970-1998)
12 First Union Church (Williston) history
13 First Union Church (Williston), 1920s
14 First Union Church (Williston), 1930s
15 First Union Church (Williston), 1940s-1960s
16 First Union Church (Williston), 1970s
17 First Union Church (Williston), 1980s
18 First Union Church (Williston), 1980s
19 First Union Church (Williston), 1980s
20 First Union Church (Williston), 1990s
21 First Union Church (Williston), 1990s
22 First Union Church (Williston), 2000s
23 Wilton Swedish Church, 1922 and 1930
24 Wimbledon Congregational Church, 1904
25 First Congregational Church of Wing, 1921-1934
26 First Congregational Church of Wing, 1941-2008
Box 26:
1 First Filipino Christian Church UCC (Winnipeg), 1980s-1990s
2 First Filipino Christian Church UCC (Winnipeg), 1980s-1990s
3 First Filipino Christian Church UCC (Winnipeg), 1980s-1990s
4 First Filipino Christian Church UCC (Winnipeg), 1980s-1990s
5 First Filipino Christian Church UCC (Winnipeg), 1980s-1990s
Box 27:
1 Salem UCC (Winnipeg), 1960s-1980s
2 Salem UCC (Winnipeg), 1980s
3 Wishek history and records, 1930s-1970s
4 Wishek, 1980s-1990s
5 First Congregational Church of Woodworth, 1915-1984
6 Zap, 1927-1970
Series XII. People
Box 28:
1 Brandt, Dr.
2 Gimblett, Reverend William, “the Heavenly Road” and “Missionary Life in Dakota,” Chicago, March 3, 1891
3 Hall, Reverend Charles Lemon
4 Kaempchen, Rev. Erich
5 Mack, Reverend Charles A. (see also Series XIII)
6 Phillips, Reverend Charles H., 1896-1937
7 Simmons, Reverend H. C. (Superintendent of CHMS)
8 Treat, Edward S. correspondence, 1952-1965
9 Vieth, Henry A. (historian) correspondence
10 Wirt, Reverend David, early home missionary work diary entries, 1881-1887, life story and correspondence by his son Loyal Lincoln Wirt, 1947, family history
Series XIII. Histories and Historians
11 “Dakota Home Missionary Work: Report of Missionary Congregational Churches for the year ending October 27, 1881 by Rev. Stewart Sheldon, Superintendent”
12 “Suggestions to church historian”
13 Historian’s notes? Clippings, 1960s
14 Early histories
15 Historical chronology, 1872-1901
16 History of congregationalism and missionary work in ND, publications and manuscripts
17 Conference Congregational history in ND
18 Historical Commission of the UCC
19 German Congregational history in ND
20 Writing church histories (with examples)
21 Dr. Charles J. Kennedy writings
22 Mrs. Harry Christensen, 1954-1960
23 Charles A. Mack (historian) correspondence, 1895-1927 (including correspondence to Charles H. Phillips)
24 Congregations of the North Dakota Conference: A Bicentennial History, 1976
25 Church closings (incomplete), 1980s
26 UCC and NPCUCC Archives, 1994-2000
27 History committee
28 Miscellaneous
VOL.050 Historian’s record book (scrapbook), compiled ca. 1903-1921
Volume consists of biographical notes of ministers and historical notes on individual churches
Series XIV. Reports
29 Home Mission expenditures report
30 Missionary Pastor’s reports, 1940s
31 By-laws committee report, 1956
Series XV. Legal Documents
Series XVI. Scrapbook
34 Biographies A-M, 1920-1958 (compiled 1941-1958)
35 Biographies N-Z, 1920-1958 (compiled 1941-1958)
Series XVII. Pilgrim Park Records
Box 29:
1 Pilgrim Park history
2 Pilgrim Park, 1930s
3 Pilgrim Park, 1930s
4 Pilgrim Park, 1940s-1970s
5 Pilgrim Park, 1980s
6 Pilgrim Park, 1980s
7 Pilgrim Park, 1990s-2000s
8 Pilgrim Park sale, 1990s-2000s
9 Pilgrim Park programs and pamphlets
10 Church camping (outdoor ministries)
11 Church camping (outdoor ministries)
12 Pilgrim Park – legal
13 Pilgrim Park – legal
14 Young People’s Conference/ND Pilgrim Fellowship
Series XVIII. Printed Material
15 Circulars, 1969-1971
16 Circulars, 1969-1971 (continued)
17 Circulars, 1974-1975
18 Circulars, 1974-1975 (continued)
Box 30:
1 Circulars, 1976-1977
2 Circulars, 1976-1977 (continued)
3 “The Creation of the United Church of Christ in North Dakota,” Charles A. Maxfield III, 1989
4 Miscellaneous programs
5 Service ordination/installation programs
6 UCC news releases
7 “Congregational Christian Conference of ND: A Study of Its Churches and Opportunities,” Yoshio Fukuyama, November 1956
8 Miscellaneous
9 Newspaper and magazine clippings
Series XIX. Photographic Material
Box 31: Photos: Churches of the Conference, B-H
Barrie, Beulah, Burt, Carrington, Carson-Flasher, Dawson, Dunn Center, Ebenezer, Fargo, Flasher, Fort Yates, Fullerton, Glen Ullin, Granville, Halliday-Twin Buttes, Hankinson, Hebron, Heil, Hettinger, Hillsboro
Box 32: Photos: Churches of the Conference, J-W
Jamestown, Lincoln Valley, Mandaree, Medina, Medora, Michigan, Minot, Mott, New Salem, New Town, Parshall, Pettibone, Streeter, Tappen, Underwood, Winnipeg
Box 33: Mandaree Congregational Church, ca. 1986
Box 34: Pilgrim Park
Box 35: Pilgrim Park Plans, 1935 (pages with blueprints, photographs, text and printed material)
Box 36: 1960 churchmen fellowship and 1961 convocation, women’s retreat, conference annual meeting
Box 37: 1982 annual meeting and conference, Williston, ND
Box 38: 1994 annual meeting and conference
Box 39: Miscellaneous and/or unidentified
Box 40: Miscellaneous (8½ x 11 and smaller)
Box 41: Miscellaneous (oversized)
Box 42: Historic photos of Canadian churches of the conference
Photo album – Annual conference, UCC, Minot, ND, May 4-6, 1984
Box 43: Slides: from Juell Collection (Lake Metigoshe, merger related, pastor’s and men’s fellowship retreats, conference, annual meeting, presentations, scripts, miscellaneous images of churches)
Box 44: Slides: continued from box 14
Box 45: Negatives: 1982 annual conference/meeting, Ed Treat, 1961 State Church, Pilgrim Park Camp, Hettinger church construction, First Congregational Church of Glen Ullin, Cando (ND), unidentified
Series XX. Audio-Visual Material
Box 46: Cassette tapes: Ebenezer UCC (Elgin) 100th anniversary celebration (6-14-1998), Michigan UCC closing service (4-17-1994) (two tapes), St. John UCC (Hebron) (1-21-1996)
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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