Title: Ernest DeAlton
Dates: 1954-1969
Collection Number: MSS 10823
Quantity: 1 foot
Abstract: Consists of publicity shots and portraits of members of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) North Dakota Association.
Provenance: The Ernest DeAlton Papers were donated to the State Historical Society of North Dakota by Gary Grimes on June 26, 2001.
Property rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to the collection.
Copyrights: Copyrights to materials in this collection remain with the donor, publisher, author, or author's heirs. Researchers should consult the 1976 Copyright Act, Public Law 94-553, Title 17, U.S. Code and an archivist at this repository if clarification of copyright requirements is needed.
Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
Related Collections:
10314 Future Farmers of America. North Dakota Association
Box 1: Photographs 00001-000055
10823-00001 Future Farmers of America group standing on pier (individuals identified on reverse of photo), 1968
10823-00002 North Dakota past officer breakfast gathering, 1954
10823-00003 North Dakota delegation, 27th Annual Future Farmers of America Convention, Kansas City (Kan.), 10/1954
10823-00004 North Dakota delegation, 28th Annual Future Farmers of America Convention, Kansas City (Kan.), 10/10/1955
10823-00005 North Dakota delegation, Annual Future Farmers of America Convention, Kansas City (Kan.), 10/1958
10823-00006 North Dakota delegation, Annual Future Farmers of America Convention, Kansas City (Kan.), 10/1960
10823-00007 – 00008 North Dakota delegation, Annual Future Farmers of America Convention, Kansas City (Kan.), 10/1961
10823-00009 North Dakota delegation, Annual Future Farmers of America Convention, Kansas City (Kan.), 10/1963
10823-00010 North Dakota delegation, Annual Future Farmers of America Convention, Kansas City (Kan.), 10/1964
10823-00011 North Dakota delegation, Annual Future Farmers of America Convention, Kansas City (Kan.), 1965
10823-00012 North Dakota delegation, Annual Future Farmers of America Convention, Kansas City (Kan.), 1966
10823-00013 North Dakota delegation, Annual Future Farmers of America Convention, Kansas City (Kan.), 1967
10823-00014 North Dakota delegation, Annual Future Farmers of America Convention, Kansas City (Kan.), 1968
10823-00015 North Dakota Vocational Agricultural instructors (individuals identified on reverse of photo), Fargo (N.D.), 08/10/1961
10823-00016 North Dakota American Farmer Degree nominees (individuals identified on reverse of photo), 1969
10823-00017 North Dakota State Star Farmer Richard Quam, 1969
10823-00018 Vocational Agriculture teachers (individuals identified on reverse of photo), ca. 1965
10823-00019 American Farmer candidates (individuals identified on reverse of photo), ca. 1965
10823-00020 Honorary State Farmer Degree awardees (individuals identified on reverse of photo), 06/09/1961
10823-00021 North Dakota Star Farmer Stanley Amundson, 1960
10823-00022 North Dakota State Future Farmers of America Choir, 1958
10823-00023 Future Farmers of America band, ca. 1965
10823-00024 Two unidentified Future Farmers of America members replacing a tire on a tractor, ca. 1965
10823-00025 North Dakota Future Farmers of America officers, 1957
10823-00026 North Dakota State Future Farmers of America officers, 1969
10823-00027 North Dakota State Future Farmers of America convention, 1958
10823-00028 Future Farmers of America members in front of Memorial Hall, NDSU, Fargo (N.D.), ca. 1965
10823-00029 – 00030 North Dakota State Future Farmers of America delegates, 1958
10823-00031 Ernest DeAlton with unidentified man looking at a map, ca. 1965
10823-00032 Ernest DeAlton sitting at his desk, ca. 1965
10823-00033 Governor Guy with members of the Future Farmers of America, ca. 1965
10823-00034 Governor Guy holding a flag with members of the Future Farmers of America, ca. 1965
10823-00035 North Dakota Future Farmers of America members on Duluth road trip (individuals identified on reverse of photo), 08/23/1962
10823-00036 Future Farmers of America members in North Dakota Capitol Building, Bismarck (N.D.) ca. 1965
10823-00037 Future Farmers of America members beside large log building, ca. 1965
10823-00038 Ernest DeAlton with group of men looking at board, Hettinger (N.D.), ca. 1965
10823-00039 Future Farmers of America students judging grain (individuals identified on reverse of photo), Jamestown (N.D.), 03/06/1964
10823-00040 Future Farmers of America Dairy Cattle judging team (individuals identified on reverse of photo), 10/1962
10823-00041 Ernest DeAlton sitting at his desk, ca. 1965
10823-00042 Future Farmers of America Dairy Cattle judging team (individuals identified on reverse of photo), ca. 1965
10823-00043 Future Farmers of America Dairy Products judging team (individuals identified on reverse of photo), ca. 1965
10823-00044 Arthur Godfrey speaking at podium, ca. 1965
10823-00045 James Wall receiving award from Howard Williams, ca. 1965
10823-00046 Rugby Quartet, ca. 1965
10823-00047 Ernest DeAlton, October 1954
10823-00048 Michael Horner, Linton (N.D.), ca. 1955
10823-00049 Floyd Allen, York (N.D.), ca. 1955
10823-00050 Dr. Shipper, ca. 1955
10823-00051 Curtis Strand, Rugby (N.D.), ca. 1955
10823-00052 J. T. Dietrich, ca. 1955
10823-00053 Frank Winston, Williston (N.D.), ca. 1955
10823-00054 Kent Cable, Enderlin (N.D.), ca. 1955
10823-00055 Clayton Haugse, ca. 1955
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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