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Chronicling America

Manuscripts by Subject - Women's History - #10152

Title: Daughters of the American Revolution, State Conference of North Dakota Records

Dates: 1910-2014

Collection Number: 10152

Quantity: 33.25 feet

Abstract: Consists of records of the state office, including subject files, programs, committee reports, state conference minutes and reports, and national DAR proceedings, constitution and by-laws, correspondence, genealogical information, photographs, financial reports, scrapbooks, biographies, reports, and publications, and records of local chapters, consisting of minutes, correspondence, financial records, biographies, by-laws, scrapbooks, photographs, and publications.

Provenance: The State Historical Society of North Dakota received the Daughters of the American Revolution, State Conference of North Dakota Records from the State DAR in 1939, and from Louise Jevne in June, 1985. Additional material has been donated with the most recent accessions in April 2015 and May and October 2016.                                                               

Property Rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to this collection.

Copyrights: Copyrights to materials in this collection remain with the donor, publisher, author, or author's heirs. Researchers should consult the 1976 Copyright Act, Public Law 94-553, Title 17, U.S. Code and an archivist at this repository if clarification of copyright requirements is needed.

Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.

Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.

Transfer: The DAR magazines and a booklet by Senator Joe McCarthy was transferred to the library; 22 photographs were transferred to Photo Archives. MSS 20578 was added to the collection in April 2015.


While the national Daughters of the American Revolution was organized in 1890, the counterpart on the state level in North Dakota was not established until 1915. Attempts to set up local DAR chapters in North Dakota had come to naught since 1893, apparently due to lack of numbers and organization. Then President-General of the DAR, Mrs. William Story, appointed the wife of North Dakota Congressman George Young to take on responsibility for organizing local chapters as regent for the DAR in the state.

Living in Washington, D.C. made the research and paperwork easier for Regent Young to document the lineage of potential DAR members back in North Dakota. Beginning with her hometown, Valley City, Mrs. Young established the Sakakawea chapter in 1916. Named for the Shoshone "Bird Woman" guide of Lewis and Clark, the Valley City chapter served as a springboard for other chapters.

The Minishoshone or "Smoky Water" chapter of Bismarck began in 1918, followed by the Fort Seward Chapter of Jamestown and the Dacotah chapter of Fargo, both founded in 1919. During the 1920s, the Red River Chapter of Grand Forks (1920), the Mandan (Indian) chapter of Mandan (1921), Sully Hill Chapter of Devils Lake (1922), Carrington Chapter of Carrington (1923), Pierre Verendrye Chapter of Minot (1925), and Quentin Roosevelt Chapter of Williston (1929), were founded. The Bad Lands Chapter of Dickinson was established in 1930. By 1937, chapters in Fingal and Arthur had been set up, too.

The philosophy of the State DAR is, of course, a mirror of the national organization. Basically the DAR calls for the furthering of the ideals which prompted the original patriots to call for independence from Britain. Further, the organization seeks to promote education as a cornerstone of maintaining America's freedom from tyranny. Preservation of the memory of the past is stressed too. Operations such as erecting historic site markers or reconstruction of buildings plays an important part of the DAR program.

Stressing what essentially were values of the late 19th and early 20th Century - the era in which the DAR was founded - the organization has maintained a relatively high profile in community and national affairs. While avowedly non-political, which is to say refraining from endorsements, the DAR has consistently taken a conservative stance on the issues of the day. Highly popular during the World Wars, the group suffered in the wake of the McCarthy era and during the Vietnam War. One prominent member, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, resigned her membership after the DAR refused to allow Black singer Marian Anderson to perform in Constitution Hall, an auditorium owned by the organization. Still, the DAR has survived controversy in the past and has, according to some accounts, enjoyed a revival during the Reagan Presidency.

Like the national organization, the North Dakota will no doubt continue to exist and represent Americans interested in promoting the values of the American Republic as they see them. In so doing, an aspect of North Dakota political thought will live on and assert itself in the future.

Sources: DAR Magazine, 1960s, passim; The Daughters of the American Revolution, State Conference of North Dakota Records scrapbooks.


(NOTE: This arrangement applies to boxes 1-16. Boxes after 16 were added to the collection after it was processed and were not integrated into this organization scheme).

The Daughters of the American Revolution, State Conference of North Dakota Records consists of eight records series in two records groups. The series are divided as follows: North Dakota State DAR Conference Minutes and Reports, 1920-1987; North Dakota State DAR Subject Files, 1920-1981; State DAR Treasurer's Records, 1930-1980; Proceedings of National DAR Conventions, 1968-1983; National DAR Subject Files and Administrative Records, 1922-1982; North Dakota DAR Biographies, 1920-1949; Scrapbooks of the North Dakota Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1932-1978; and the Local Chapter Records, 1919-1983. The first record group, State Office files, is comprised of the first seven series enumerated above; the second record group, Local Chapter Records, is comprised of the eighth and final series. The entire collection occupies eleven and one quarter (11.25) cubic feet. Series I, the North Dakota State DAR Conference Minutes and Reports, 1920-1987, occupies one cubic foot. The minutes and reports detail the concerns facing the State DAR during the time periods concerned. Also included in this series are the By-Laws of the State Conference between 1926 and 1979. The minutes and reports are perhaps the most useful portion of the entire collection in terms of acquiring knowledge of policy and action taken by the State DAR. Because the numbers were small in the local chapters, the state conventions and minutes were at times somewhat informal.

Series II, the North Dakota State DAR Subject Files, 1920-1981, consists of the Americanization file, general instructions on the use of the flag and Pledge of Allegiance, "Better Film and Radio" material, credentials, International Relations file, National Defense file, President-General correspondence, Librarian Report, Regent's file, Scrapbook file, American History file, Bicentennial Commission correspondence, Children of the American Revolution file, Chaplain's Report, Conservation file, Constitution Hall file, Genealogical files, "Good Citizens" file, State Historian file, State Histories file, Honor Roll file, DAR Magazine subscriptions, Membership file, Public Relations file, Scholarship file, DAR Schools, State Yearbooks, and miscellaneous correspondence. Like its national DAR counterpart, this series details some of the specific interests of the North Dakota Conference of the DAR. Series II occupies approximately one and one-quarter cubic feet.

Series III, State DAR Treasurer's Records, 1930-1980, consists of Bond Budgets, Treasurer's Ledgerbooks, Financial Reports, and correspondence to and from the State Treasurer of the North Dakota Conference of the Daughters of the American Revolution. This series documents the efforts of the State DAR Treasurer's office over a fifty-year period to manage and organize the finances of the organization. As a result, this series illustrates the many interests of the State DAR such as scholarships, historic preservation, and other charities. Of course, the main thrust of Series III revolves around the collection of dues owed to the organization. Series III occupies approximately one-half cubic foot.

Series IV, Proceedings of National DAR Conventions, 1968-1983, occupies approximately one and one-half cubic feet. The proceedings are for the National DAR and detail the concerns of the national conference in much the same way the state DAR minutes and reports reflect North Dakota interests. Like the minutes of the state DAR, the proceedings of the national organization give a precise indication of the challenges and plans of the organization over the period of time covered than the subject files series. Series IV provides an interesting comparison between state and national groups.

Series V, the National DAR Subject Files and Administrative Records, 1922-1982, is comprised of membership lists, receipts and checks, motion picture committee files, DAR Magazine file, financial statements, correspondence, public relations, Seimes Microfilm Committee file, DAR Genealogical Library information, "Fact Sheets" on DAR, DAR Museum file, Junior Membership file, DAR Schools file, and general "good citizenship" materials. This series, which occupies one and one-half cubic feet, illustrates the various and sundry interests of the national DAR. In each file the strong pro-American patriotism theme is presented. The Administrative Records are comprised of correspondence, Continental Congress proceedings, national by-laws, handbooks, program aids, and special projects materials. Series V occupies approximately one and three-quarters cubic feet.

Series VI, the North Dakota DAR Biographies, 1920-1949, are short histories of members of the local chapters of North Dakota. This series occupies approximately one-quarter of a cubic foot. Chapters represented in this series include Sully Hill (Devils Lake), Quentin Roosevelt (Williston), Sakakawea (Valley City), Mandan (Mandan), Fingal (Fingal), Carrington (Carrington), and Badlands (Dickinson). Each biography contains the required family tree showing lineage linking the member to an American Revolution War soldier, as well as a short history of the member. The importance the DAR places on individual genealogy is graphically displayed in this series.

Series VII, Scrapbooks of the North Dakota Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1932-1978, are comprised of individual books filled with newspaper clippings, invitations, announcements, and applications for DAR "Good Citizen" awards. In addition to the scrapbooks, there is a small collection of recent (1975-1978) "Good Citizen" applications in file folders. This series provides a condensed look at the importance public relations plays with the DAR - both state and national bodies. Moreover, the series aptly portrays the emphasis the organization places on the participation of the young in patriotic endeavors. Series VII occupies two and one-quarter cubic feet.

Series I, Local Chapter Records, 1919-2004, which is the only series in the Local Chapter Records group, contains the records of the following chapters: Ft. Seward (Jamestown), Pierre Verendrye (Minot), Badlands (Dickinson), Sakakawea (Valley City), Minishoshe (Bismarck), Dacotah (Fargo), Red River (Grand Forks), Carrington (Carrington), Mandan (Mandan), and Quentin Roosevelt (Williston). The records consist of correspondence, reports, membership lists, treasurer's records, minutes of meetings, yearbooks, bank statements, by-laws, financial reports, and chapter scrapbooks (disassembled). The size of the respective chapter records has to do, in part, with the size and activity of the local organization. For instance, the Pierre Verendrye Chapter of Minot and the Badlands Chapter of Dickinson have the largest volume representation in this series; this was due to Minot's DAR membership numbers and Dickinson's active participation. All chapters, however, reveal the zeal and enthusiasm of the members for their organization and what it stands for. Series I occupies three and one-half cubic feet.


Series I North Dakota State DAR Conference Minutes and Reports, 1920-1987

Series II North Dakota State DAR Subject Files, 1920-1981

Series III State DAR Treasurer's Records, 1930-1980

Series IV Proceedings of National DAR Conventions, 1968-1983

Series V National DAR Subject Files and Administrative Records, 1922-1982

Series VI North Dakota DAR Biographies, 1920-1949

Series VII Scrapbooks of the North Dakota Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1932-1978

Series I Local Chapter Records, 1919-2004


Series I: North Dakota State DAR Conference Minutes and Reports, 1920-1979

Box 1:
1 Minutes and reports of conferences, 1920-1925
2 Minutes and reports of conferences, 1925-1929
3 Minutes and reports of conferences, 1930-1934
4 Minutes and reports of conferences, 1935-1937
5 Minutes and reports of conferences, 1938-1939
6 Minutes and reports of conferences, 1940-1949
7 Minutes and reports of conferences, 1950-1959
8 Minutes and reports of conferences, 1960-1969
9 Minutes and reports of conferences, 1970-1979
10 State Conference Registers, 1935-1956
11 North Dakota State DAR By-Laws, 1950-1979
12 North Dakota State DAR By-Laws, 1950-1979

Series II: North Dakota State DAR Subject Files, 1920-1981

Box 2:
1 Americanization file, 1920-1934
2 "Correct Use of the Flag" file, 1920-1940
3 "Better Films and Radio" file, 1920-1940
4 Credentials file, 1923-1927
5 Gifts file, 1929
6 International Relations file, 1920s
7 Librarian Report file, 1920s
8 Organizing Regents file, 1920s
9 Music Program file, n.d.
10 President-General file, 1931-1934
11 Scrapbook and Pressbook file, 1931-1934
12 State Regent correspondence, 1932-1963
13 State Committee, American History file, 1966
14 Bicentennial Commission file, 1970s
15 Chaplain's Report file, 1931
16 Children of the American Revolution, 1931-1933
17 Conservation file, 1930s
18 Constitutional Hall file, 1920s
19 State Committee Genealogical files, 1950
20 "Good Citizen" State Committee, 1978-1980
21 DAR State Historian, 1940s
22 Historic spots and markers file, 1931
23 State Histories file, 1924, 1928, 1936, 1937
24 Honor roll file, 1969, 1973
25 Junior American Citizen file, 1977-1981
26 DAR Magazine file, 1930-1931
27 DAR Museum, 1920s-1930s, 1970s, 2000s
28 "National Defense," 1920s-1930s
29 Public Relations file, 1930s-1960s
30 Scholarship file, 1925-1930
31 DAR schools, 1920, 1942
32 State Yearbooks, 1948-1950; 1956-1970
33 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1920s-1930s
34 Miscellaneous membership information, 1962-1968

Series III: State DAR Treasurer's Records, 1930-1980

35 Bond Budget, 1930s, 1970s
36 North Dakota State DAR Treasurer's Ledgerbook, 1954-1963
37 Financial Reports, correspondence, of the State DAR Treasurer, 1962-1970
38 Financial Reports, correspondence, of the State DAR Treasurer, 1968-1970
39 Financial Reports, correspondence, of the State DAR Treasurer, 1971
40 Financial Reports, correspondence, of the State DAR Treasurer, 1972
41 Financial Reports, correspondence, of the State DAR Treasurer, 1973
42 Financial Reports, correspondence, of the State DAR Treasurer, 1974
43 Financial Reports, correspondence, of the State DAR Treasurer, 1975
44 Financial Reports, correspondence, of the State DAR Treasurer, 1976
45 Financial Reports, correspondence, of the State DAR Treasurer, 1977-1980

Series IV: Proceedings of National DAR Conventions, 1968-1983

Box 3:
1 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 77th Continental Congress, 1968
2 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 78th Continental Congress, 1969
3 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 79th Continental Congress, 1970
4 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 80th Continental Congress, 1971
5 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 81st Continental Congress, 1972
6 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 83rd Continental Congress, 1974
7 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 84th Continental Congress, 1975
8 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 85th Continental Congress, 1976
9 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 87th Continental Congress, 1978
10 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 88th Continental Congress, 1979
11 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 89th Continental Congress, 1980
12 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 90th Continental Congress, 1981
3 13 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 91st Continental Congress, 1982
14 National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 92nd Continental Congress, 1983
15 First and Third Supplement to the DAR Patriot Index, 1969 and 1976 respectively

Box 4:
1 "Report of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1890-1897," Senate Document 164, 55th Congress, First Session, 1899
2 DAR Handbook Bicentennial Administration, 1975
3 Connecticut DAR Proceedings, 1976-1977
4 Indiana DAR Yearbook, 1977-1978
5 Florida DAR Yearbook, 1979-1980
6 Georgia DAR, 81st Annual State Conference, 1979
7 Indiana DAR, Yearbook, 1983
8 National By-Laws and DAR handbook, 1978

Series V: National DAR Subject Files and Administrative Records, 1922-1982

Box 5:
1 DAR Membership list print-outs, 1975-1976
2 Receipts and checks for banquets, 1971-1978
3 "Good Citizen" awards and application, 1970s
4 DAR Speaker's Staff file, 1968
5 DAR Motion Picture Committee, 1968
6 DAR Magazine subscriptions, advertisements, correspondence, 1967-1973
7 DAR Financial Statement (Minot), Membership lists, 1975, 1978-1979
8 Chapter Reports file, 1979-1980
9 Patriotic Sheet Music, 1960-1961
10 DAR Membership, correspondence, Local and national, 1969-1977
11 Programs for banquets, speeches, 1967-1968
12 "National Parliamentarian" of DAR, 1967
13 Public Relations of National DAR file, 1963-1974
14 Resolutions Committee of DAR, 1967-1978
5 15 Seimes Microfilm Center Correspondence, 1966-1978
16 Transportation Committee of DAR Correspondence, 1966-1978
17 American History Month Committee, 1973-1977
18 DAR Genealogical Library, 1975
19 Patriot Index, DAR, 1967
20 DAR "Face Sheet," 1966, 1968
21 Junior Membership, 1966-1968, 1979
22 State Park Correspondence, 1967-1979
23 DAR Museum, correspondence
24 DAR Service for Members in Vets Hospital, 1978-1982
25 DAR Schools, 1933-1979
26 Procedures with the American Flag, 1961
27 DAR Genealogical Records, 1974-1979
28 DAR Honor Roll, 1965-1979
29 DAR Insignia, 1978
30 DAR Register General, 1965-1979
31 Student Loans file, 1955-1978
32 National Defense file, 1960-1979
33 Conference Credentials, 1968
34 Continental Congress file, 1977
35 Continental Congress file, 1977

Box 6:
1 Americanization and DAR manual for citizenship, 1969
2 American Heritage Committee, 1969-1979
3 NSDAR Bicentennial Book, 1975-1980
4 American Indians and the DAR, 1963-1973
5 Children of the American Revolution Committee, 1967-1969
6 Chaplain selection for DAR (state), 1960-1969
7 Committee Reports, 1975-1978
8 Conservation Concerns, 1962-1968
9 Constitution, 1968-1971
10 President-General file, 1972-1979
11 Secretary-General Correspondence, 1967
12 Organizing Secretary Correspondence, 1966-1978
13 Official Continental Congress Proceedings, 1935-1936
14 National By-Laws and Handbook, 1951, 1953, 1955, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968-1970, 1972
15 National Program Aids, 1960s
16 National Special Projects file, 1958-1984

Series VI: North Dakota DAR Biographies, 1920-1949

17 Sully Hill and Quentin Roosevelt DAR Charter member biographies, 1920s-1930s
18 Sakakawea DAR Charter member biographies, 1920s-1930s
19 Mandan DAR Charter member biographies, 1920s-1930s
20 Mandan DAR Charter member biographies, 1920s-1930s
21 Fingal, Mandan, Carrington, Williston, and Dickinson DAR Charter member biographies, 1920s-1930s
22 Mandan Miscellaneous biographies, 1920-1940s
23 DAR National biographies, 1970s-1980s

Series VII: Scrapbooks of the North Dakota Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1932-1978

Box 7:
1 Newspaper scrapbooks, 1949-1957
2 Newspaper, invitation and program scrapbook, 1960-1972
3 Newspaper, invitation and program scrapbook, 1960-1972
4 Small newspaper and program scrapbook, 1932-1945
5 Small newspaper and program scrapbook, 1937-1938

Series VII: Scrapbooks of the North Dakota Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1936-1978

Box 8:
1 State "Good Citizen" nominees, 1937-1952
2 State "Good Citizen" nominees, 1954-1957
3 State "Good Citizen" nominees, 1958-1961
4 State "Good Citizen" nominees, 1964-1968
5 Small State "Good Citizen" nominee scrapbook, 1936
6 Small State "Good Citizen" nominee scrapbook, 1937

Box 9:
1 State DAR "Good Citizen" nominees, 1975-1976
2 State DAR "Good Citizen" nominees, 1977-1978
3 Miscellaneous photos of DAR "Good Citizen" nominees, 1970s

Series I: Local Chapter Records, 1919-1983

Box 10:
1 Fort Seward Chapter, Jamestown, Minutes of meetings, 1919-1929
2 Fort Seward Chapter, Jamestown, Minutes of meetings, 1929-1937
3 Fort Seward Chapter, Jamestown, Minutes of meetings, 1937-1949
4 Fort Seward Chapter, Jamestown, Minutes of meetings, 1949-1953
5 Fort Seward Chapter, Jamestown, Minutes of meetings, 1954-1964
6 Fort Seward Chapter, Jamestown, Registrar, 1923-1937
7 Fort Seward Chapter, Jamestown, Membership and ancestors, 1919-1975
8 Fort Seward Chapter, Jamestown, Reports and Yearbooks, 1926-1975
9 Pierre Verendrye Chapter, Minot, Certificates for membership, yearbooks, 1956-1967
10 Pierre Verendrye Chapter, Minot, Correspondence, 1963-1971
11 Pierre Verendrye Chapter, Minot, Correspondence, 1960s-1970s
12 Pierre Verendrye Chapter, Minot, Correspondence, receipts, computer printouts, 1970s
13 Secretary's Journal, Pierre Verendrye Chapter, Minot, 1945-1972
14 Treasurer's Record, Pierre Verendrye Chapter, Minot, 1926-1930
15 Treasurer's Record, Pierre Verendrye Chapter, Minot, 1951-1978
16 Treasurer's Record, Pierre Verendrye Chapter, Minot, 1969-1977

Box 11:
1 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Yearbooks, 1936-1953
2 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Yearbooks, 1954-1983
3 Badlands Chapter (Dickinson) Treasurer's Reports, 1934-1972
4 Badlands Chapter (Dickinson) Treasurer's Reports, 1934-1972
5 Badlands Chapter (Dickinson) Financial Reports, 1957-1969
6 Badlands Chapter Yearbooks, 1930-1960
7 Badlands Chapter Yearbooks, 1960-1972
8 Badlands Chapter scrapbooks, 1930-1945
11 9 Badlands Chapter scrapbooks, 1930-1945
10 Badlands Chapter scrapbooks, 1930-1945
11 Badlands Chapter scrapbooks, 1947-1972
12 Badlands Chapter scrapbooks, 1947-1972
13 Badlands Chapter, By-Laws, 1930s, 1960s
14 Badlands Chapter, Minutes of meetings, 1930-1936
15 Badlands Chapter, Minutes of meetings, 1945-1953
16 Badlands Chapter, Minutes of meetings, 1953-1960
17 Badlands Chapter, Minutes of meetings, 1960-1972

Box 12:
1 Badlands Chapter, Minutes, 1937-1944
2 Badlands Chapter, Treasurer's Reports, 1934-1965, Bank Statements, 1970-1972
3 Carrington Chapter, Correspondence, 1920s-1940s
4 Sakakawea Chapter, Reports, 1920-1940; Yearbooks, 1936-1937, 1953-1955, 1960-1971, 1974-1977, 1978-1979
5 Sakakawea Chapter, Reports and correspondence, personal histories, 1920-1938
6 Sakakawea Chapter, Treasurer's Reports, 1932-1985
7 Minishoshe Chapter, Minute Book, September 1918-June 1928
8 Minishoshe Chapter, Minute Book, 1928-1937
9 Minishoshe Chapter, Minute Book, 1947-1963
10 Minishoshe Chapter, Treasurer's Book, 1926-1951
11 Minishoshe Chapter, Treasurer's Book, 1935-1950
12 Minishoshe Chapter, Treasurer's Book, 1950-1964
13 Minishoshe Chapter, Yearbooks, 1936-1937, 1942-1943, 1949-1950, 1956-1957, 1958-1959, 1960-1986
14 Minishoshe Chapter, Reports, 1919-1980
15 Dacotah Chapter, Yearbooks, 1936-1937, 1943-1944, 1950-1953, 1955-1956, 1958-1959, 1960-1968, 1977-1978
16 Red River Chapter, Yearbooks 1936-1937; Reports 1922-1930

Box 13:
1 Carrington Chapter Yearbooks, 1936-1937, 1949-1950, 1956-1959, 1960-1961, Reports
2 Sully Hill Chapter Reports, Membership, 1922-1934
3 Dacotah Chapter Reports, 1975-1979
4 Mandan Chapter, Reports, Correspondence, 1922-1981
5 Quentin Roosevelt Chapter, Reports, member biographies, 1930s
6 Quentin Roosevelt Chapter, correspondence, yearbooks, 1936-1937, 1942-1943, 1951-1952

Box 14:
1 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot Treasurer's Records
2 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot History Book, Print Outs, Receipts
3 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot Genealogical Records
4 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot Genealogical Records
5 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot Membership Information
6 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot Membership Information/Genealogical Info.
7 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot Genealogical Research Information
8 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot Membership Info., Applications, Correspondence
9 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot Certificates of Appreciation
10 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot Lists of Members
11 "Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot "Old D.A.R. Records"
12 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot:Facsimile of letter written by Gov.John Miller & correspondence concerning its donation to the D.A.R. archives.
13 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot:Crystal Lisle Cook grave marker dedication
14 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot: Gov. Sinner Proclamation
15 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot: Annual State Conference
16 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot: Annual State Conference
17 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot: Publications
18 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot: Publications
19 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot: Publications
20 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot: Ephemera
21 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot: Membership Cards
22 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Records-Minot: Membership Cards

Box 15:
1 Minishoshe Chapter Records-Bismarck: Correspondence
2 Minishoshe Chapter Records-Bismarck: Miscellaneous
3 Minishoshe Chapter Records-Bismarck: Miscellaneous
4 Minishoshe Chapter Records-Bismarck:Old Programs From National Office
5 Minishoshe Chapter Records-Bismarck: Membership Cards
6 Minishoshe Chapter Records-Bismarck: Newsclippings
7 Minishoshe Chapter Records-Bismarck: Publications
8 Minishoshe Chapter Records-Bismarck: State Conference
9 Minishoshe Chapter Records-Bismarck: Pamphlets

Box 16:
1 Minishoshe Chapter Records-Bismarck: Scrapbook (Part I)
2 Minishoshe Chapter Records-Bismarck: Scrapbook (Part II)
3 Minishoshe Chapter Records-Bismarck: Scrapbook/Notebook

Box 17:
1 Speech
2 Biographies, National DAR newsletters
3 N.D.D.A.R. newsletters
4 Newsletters, Annual reports, meetings
5 Newsletters, speech, correspondence, ROTC awards
6 Correspondence, N.D.D.A.R. newsletters, Native Americans
7 Native Americans, Reservations
8 North Dakota State Society, N.S.D.A.R., officers & state committee reports 1986-1987
9 Publications

Box 18:
1 State Secretary Beverly Jensen Regent correspondence, general 1986-1989
2 Correspondence 1988 & 1990
3 State Conference minutes 1987
4 Conference material 1972-1991
5 North Dakota state newsletters 1986
6 DAR State conference pmaphlet/newsletter 1987-1988
7 NSDAR officers 1986-1989
8 State Reports 75th conference, original copies 1986-1987
9 Committee reports, officers reports 1988
10 Officers and chair reproduced reports, March 13-17 1987
11 State Executive Committee and board of management meetings 1988
12 Nelson, Terry, Nomination Committee - state officers 1989

Box 19:
1 Directories - state file 1980s 10152
2 Yearbook reports and copy 1986-1987
3 Yearbook reports and copy 1987-1988
4 Workshop, March 11 1989
5 National Booklets - procedure and protocol 1966-1980s

Box 20:
1 By-laws 1979,1985
2 Organizational Structure 1983-1995
3 Minutes, ND DAR State Conference 1970-1987
4 Correspondence, DAR Members 1985-1988
5 North Dakota Cities, Bed and Breakfast
6 Bed and Breakfast, DAR
7 Daughters of Union Veterans, Civil War
8 Publications
9 Correspondence, DAR-Louise Jevne 1971-1985
10 Correspondence, DAR Friends 1984-1986
11 Correspondence, DAR Friends 1986-1988
12 Correspondence, ND DAR, A-L 1981-1985
13 Correspondence, ND DAR, M-Z 1080-1988
14 Correspondence 1980-1982
15 Correspondence 1981-1993
16 Correspondence, Lineage Research 1970's
17 Correspondence, State Regent Bev Jensen
18 Pierre Verendrye Chapter Inventory 1985-1986
19 State Historian 1985-1989
20 State Regent, Louise Jevne 1981-1983
21 State Conference Meetings, Louise Jevne
22 Activity Suggestions for DAR, L. Jevne 1985-1986
23 DAR misc. loose, Louise Jevne
24 Military Research Forms, Nat. Archives
25 DAR Biographies of National Officers

Box 21:
1 ND DAR Insignia, Ribbons, Pins
2 Memberships, Forms and instructions
3 Programs/Brochures
4 Publication, Soil and Water Conservation
5 DAR Brochures/Pamphlets
6 Publications
7 DAR membership info. Bev Jensen
8 Minutes-Working Copies 1987-1988
9 Committees we don't have in ND
10 President General's Visit
11 American Indians
12 American Heritage
13 American History
14 C.A.R.
15 Centennial Jubilee
16 Centennial Jubilee-Bicentennial of Const
17 Conservation
18 Flag Info.
19 North Dakota: Fifty year members
20 Genealogical Records
21 Good Citizens
22 Honor Roll
23 Jewelry-National
21 24 Junior Membership
25 Library
26 Library-Indian Collection
27 Madonna of the Trails
28 Magazine
29 National Defense
30 Museum
31 Overseas Units
32 President General's Project
33 Program Committee
34 Schools
35 Veterans
36 State Conference, Agendas and Programs
37 Letters of Call
38 Regents Expenses
39 Treasurer's Info. and Correspondence
40 State Conference, Minutes and Reports
41 Current Year
42 State Regents Reports 1988
43 Order Forms, DAR insignia
44 State Newsletters, School Brochures
45 DAR Directory of Officers and Committees
46 Good Citizens
47 Ellis Island
48 50 Year Club
49 Sample Letters of Call
50 Honor Roll
51 Junior Members
52 Membership Info.
53 Museum

Box 22:
1 Newsletter Items
2 State Directory
3 Master Report Forms
4 State and Chapter Constitutions
5 Insignia Info.
6 DAR Library Info.
7 Lineage Workshop
8 Reports to National
9 Yearbook
10 Magazine
11 Schools
12 President General's Project
13 ND Reports filed with national
14 DAR State Reports 1989
15 Minutes-Board of Management
16 State Pin
17 State Conference Reports 1987-1988
18 State Conference 1989
19 DAR State Conference, Bismarck 1987
20 State Conference, Fargo 1987
21 ND handbooks and membership lists
22 Historian
23 Disbanding Correspondence
24 DAR order blanks for various supplies
25 Colonial Dames Info.
26 Executive Board Correspondence
27 Page Information
28 American Indian Committee
29 C.A.R.
30 Awards and Recognitions 1989
31 Awards and Recognitions 1988
32 Awards and Recognitions 1987
33 Awards and Recognitions 1986
34 Awards and Recognitions 1984
35 Awards and Recognitions 1982
36 By-laws: Minishone Chapter
37 By-laws: State
38 By-laws: State (revised)
39 By-laws: State-extra copies
40 State Directories
41 State Officers

Box 23:
1 Regent's letters to State Chairman
2 Budget Info.
3 Recognition Certificates
4 History
5 Newsletter-State Regent's Message
6 State Board of Management, Meetings
7 National Officers Info. and Corresp.
8 Treasurer's Info.
9 Portrait of a Daughter
10 Correspondence answered for state
11 Delmore Loan
12 Misc.
13 Newsletter
14 Continental Congress 1979
15 Continental Congress 1981
16 Continental Congress 1982
17 Continental Congress 1983
18 Continental Congress 1984
19 Continental Congress 1985
20 Continental Congress 1986
21 Continental Congress 1987
22 Continental Congress 1988
23 Continental Congress, Resolutions
24 Treasurer's Report and Records 1985-1992
25 DAR Treasurer
26 State Treasurer Statements
27 Current Budget and Financial Statements
28 Centennial Call
29 Receipts
30 Disbursements
31 State Regent's CC Expenses
32 Immediate past year ledger sheets
33 State dues income
34 State Conference Expenses
35 Endowment Fund
36 Treasurer Correspondence
37 Veterans Roster
38 National Report Forms
39 DAR Magazine Subscriptions
40 Honor Roll
41 Financial
42 Financial: Bills 1983-1988
43 Financial
44 Correspondence, Misc.-Terry Nelson
45 DAR Chaplain Papers-Bernice Reed
46 Dacotah Chapter: By-laws 1936,1948
47 Dacotah Chapter: Financial, ledger 1921-1945
48 Dacotah Chapter: Financial, ledger 1945-1965
49 Dacotah Chapter: Financial, ledger 1965-1982
50 Dacotah Chapter: Financial, ledger 1981-1989

Box 24:
1 Dacotah Chapter: Financial 1966-1989
2 Dacotah Chapter: Financial, bills & Misc 1980-1989
3 Dacotah Chapter: Friends of DAR 1982
4 Dacotah Chapter: Correspondence
5 Dacotah Chapter: Financial, income tax
6 Dacotah Chapter: Financial, ledger sheet
7 Dacotah Chapter: Financial 1990-1991
8 Dacotah Chapter: Financial 1989-1990
9 Dacotah Chapter: Financial 1989-1990
10 Dacotah Chapter: Financial 1987-1988
11 Dacotah Chapter: State Convention 1987
12 Dacotah Chapter: Liberty Love Day 1985
13 Dacotah Chapter: Membership data 1986-1987
14 Dacotah Chapter: Membership lists 1985-1986
15 Dacotah Chapter: Annual report members 1984-1985
16 Dacotah Chapter: Annual membership 1983-1984
17 Dacotah Chapter: Membership list 1982-1983
18 Dacotah Chapter: Membership 1981-1982
19 Dacotah Chapter: Membership 1980-1981
20 Dacotah Chapter: Financial

Box 25:
1 By-laws of the Dacotah Chapter 1056,1984
2 National By-laws, DAR Handbook 1981
3 Conference Programs
4 Ritual Booklet-National Society DAR
5 DAR Handbook 1975
6 Yearbook-Dacotah Chapter 1977-1978
8 Publications-Misc., Brochures
9 DAR President's File

Box 26:
1 Programs, Brochures
2 Programs, Brochures
3 Programs, Brochures
4 NSDAR Library Info.
5 Corresponding Secretary Material
6 State Stationery
7 Correspondence 1983,1984
8 Newsletters-other states
9 State Newsletter
10 National Mailings (empty)
11 State Constitution (empty)
12 Current Minutes
13 Current Yearbooks
14 Past Yearbooks
15 Past Officer's Reports (empty)
16 State Handbook
17 State DAR Yearbooks 1983-1986
18 Past State Minutes (empty)
19 DAR Convention 1984
20 President General's Visit, Fargo 1985
21 State Conference Reports 1985
22 State Conference 1985
23 President General's Visit 1985
24 State Conference 1965
25 State Conference 1966
26 State Conference (empty) 1967
27 State Conference 1968
28 State Conference 1969
29 State Conference 1970
30 State Conference (empty) 1970
31 State Conference 1972
32 State Conference 1973
33 State Conference (empty) 1974
34 State Conference 1975
35 State Conference 1976
36 State Conference 1977
37 State Conference 1978
38 State Conference 1979
39 State Conference 1980
40 State Conference 1981
41 State Conference 1982
42 State Conference 1983
43 State Conference 1984
44 State Conference 1985
45 State Conference 1951-1967
46 Continental Congress Reports
47 Resolutions
48 Minutes 1985-1986
49 DAR State Reports
50 Forms: Genealogical Research Committee

Box 27:
1 DAR State Regent's Report 1991
2 Chapter Reports: Minishoshe, Mandan 1986-1996
3 DAR Magazine ad credit form
4 Press Book 1971-1972
5 State Conference program 1981
6 Proclamation
7 Certificates
8 "Newsletter 'Ho Washte"" re: Rev.& Mrs. Harold Case"
9 Publication, Brochure
10 Photos
11 "Slides & corresp. re: ""The First Ladies Hall"""
12 Newsclippings

Box 28:
Scrapbook 1956-1957

Box 29:
1 Correspondence, biographies, first state yearbook 1937, 1990s
2 State DAR minutes 1981-1987
3 DAR Directories 1994-1996
4 Minishone miscellaneous proclamations/reports 1994-1995
5 Publication file 1985,1987,1991
6 Minishone chapter records 1994-1995
7 Minishone chapter yearbook 1992-1993
8 Minishone chapter manual 1984

Box 30:
1 DAR bicentennial book material 1970s
2 Pledge of Allegiance - history
3 State regents reporters 1951-61,1981-84
4 Board of Management meetings 1981-1990
5 North Dakota state conferences - history/proceedings
6 ND society minutes 1985-1989
7 Call to conventions/regent's reports 1976-1995
8 State conferences 1977-1990
9 State reports 1984-1988
10 National themes 1985-1988
11 Treasurer's reports 1986-87, 89-90
12 ND state chapter directory 1987-1988
13 Directories, pamphlets, memorial services 1980-1990
14 ND State Society directories 1987-1995
15 DAR 20 & 50 year certificates (Mandan chapter) 1981-1989

Box 31:
1 DAR Record Book 1918-1919
2 Minishoshe History 1918-1942
3 DAR Conference/Chapter programs 1988
4 Brochures, Newsclippings 1919,1936
5 Minishoshone Chapter- Minutes 1981-1995
6 Minishoshone Chapter-Yearbooks 1964-2000
7 Community Service Award 1995
8 Outstanding Teacher of US History Contest 1992
9 Minutes 1992-1997
10 Yearbooks 1990-1995
11 Newsclippings 1995-1997
12 Yearbooks 1995-2004

Box 32:
1 Scrapbook 1942-1943
2 Scrapbook - Bicentennial of Washington's Birth 1932
3 Scrapbook 1918-1958
4 Scrapbook 1957-1977
5 Flags/Constitution 1931-1967
6 Awards from National DAR 1968, 1983
7 Roster of ex-Servicewomen of the World War 1934-1935
8 Lists of Relatives who served in WWII from Devils Lake, Dickinson, Minot, Valley City, Williston 1944
9 Sibley marker, Sakakawea Chapter, general history 1933-1937
10 Newspaper Clippings state and national 1933-1939
11 U.S. Senate Documents related to DAR 1964-1967
12 "Play: ""Sacrificial Gardens"" by Elsie Gaugh Higgins" n.d.
13 Conservation 1964
14 Resolutions 1981
15 Incomplete Lineages 1948-1959

Box 33:
1 Public Relations Press Book 1963-1964
2 Scrapbook - Newspaper Clippings 1956-1957
3 Public Relations Press Book 1967-1968
4 Public Relations Press Book 1965-1966
5 Correspondence from National DAR 1982-1983
6 Correspondence from National DAR 1983-1984
7 Correspondence from National DAR 1980-1982
8 Printed Materials - Fort Seward Chapter 1966-1972
9 Printed Material - Mandan Chapter 1981
10 Reports - Minishoshe Chapter 1960-1981
11 Yearbook - Minishoshe Chapter 1972-1983
12 Programs - Badlands Chapter 1935-1972
13 Printed Material - Pierre Verendrye Chapter 1950-1975
14 Correspondence - Pierre Verendrye Chapter 1969-1984
15 By-laws - Pierre Verendrye Chapter 1947-1981
16 Yearbooks - Pierre Verendrye Chapter 1930-1980
17 National DAR Publications 1928-1981
18 Directory of Officers and Committees 1951-1987
19 Annual State Convention Programs 1930-1981
20 Correspondence 1950-1981
21 Board of Management Minutes 1959-1972

Box 34:
1 Scrapbook 1961-1962
2 Scrapbook 1960-1961
3 Public Relations Press Book 1966-1967
4 Public Relations Press Book 1968-1969
5 Public Relations Press Book 1970-1971
6 Public Relations Press Book 1969-1970
7 Newspaper Clippings 1962-1966
8 Past Years Material 1965-1966

Box 35:
1 Minishoshe Chapter Minutes 1965-1977
2 Minishoshe-Mandan Yearbook 1992-1993, 2006-2007, 2010-2011

Box 36:
1 DAR Handbook and National By-laws, 1992
2 By-laws of the Dacotah Chapter, 1956
3 Minutes of Recording Secretary, Dacotah Chapter, November 1919-May 1928
4 Dacotah Chapter meeting minutes, 1938-1951
5 Dacotah Chapter meeting minutes, 1952-1968
6 Dacotah Chapter meeting minutes, October 1975- July 1976
7 Booklet - “Officers and Members of the National Society of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America” (annual report), 1910     
8 Chapter Yearbooks: Dacotah (Dakota) Chapter, Fargo, ND, 1920-1989 (missing: 1922-1930; 1933-1939; 1940-41; 1945-1947; 1964-1967; 1974-1975; 1979-1981; 1987-1988)
9 Chapter Yearbooks: Fort Seward Chapter, Jamestown, ND (disbanded), 1960-1969 (missing: 1961-62; 1962-63; 1963-64; 1965-66; 1966-67; 1967-68)
10Chapter Yearbooks: Mandan Chapter, Mandan, ND (Joined Bismarck Minishoshe Chapter in 1994 to become Minishoshe-Mandan), 1957-1989 (only for the years: 1957-1958; 1960-1961; 1962-1963; 1968-1969; 1974-1975; 1980-1983; 1983-1984; 1986-1989)
11 Chapter Yearbooks: Minishoshe Chapter, Bismarck, ND, 1960-1990 (missing: 1962-63; 1963-64; 1964-65; 1965-66; 1969-70; 1970-71; 1971-72; 1972-73; 1973-74; 1974-75; 1975-76; 1976-77; 1977-78; 1978-79; 1979-80; 1980-81; 1981-82; 1982-83; 1983-84; 1985-86; 1987-88; 1988-1989)              
12 Chapter Yearbooks: Pierre Verendyre Chapter, Minot, ND (disbanded), 1940-1976 (missing: 1943-44; 1944-45; 1945-46; 1946-47; 1947-48; 1948-49; 1949-50; 1950-51; 1951-52; 1952-53; 1954-55; 1956-57; 1957-58; 1958-59; 1963-64; 1968-69; 1972-73)
13 Chapter Yearbooks: Prairie Grass Chapter, Grand Forks, ND, 2004-2005
14 Chapter Yearbooks: Sakakawea Chapter, Valley City, ND (disbanded), 1974-1975
15 Directories of officers and committees: 1968-1990  (missing 1970-71; 1971-72; 1972-73; 1973-74; 1974-75; 1975-76; 1983-84; 1984-85; 1985-86)
16 Dissolution of Mandan Chapter/joining with Bismarck’s Minishoshe Chapter (correspondence, petitions, listing of chapter members, ballots), 1994
17 State Regent’s Newsletters/Call to Conference, 1972-1981 (1972, 1973, 1974, 1976, and 1981)
18 State Conference material and programs, 1970-2013 (missing: 1971-1974; 1976-1980; 1982-1983; 1986; 1988; 1990-1993)  
19 Reports of Continental Congress to the State Chapter, 1954-1983 (Beverly Jenson, 1983; no author, 1973?; Enola Collins, 1972; Lucy Picon, 1967; no author, 1965; Mrs. Tuskind, 1962; Mrs. Tostevin, 1954)
20 Chapter reports - Dakota (Dacotah), Mandan and Minishoshe, 1989
21 DAR Continental Congress programs, 1983-2006 (missing: 1984-1987, 1989-1991; 1996-2004)
22 DAR Continental Congress Annual Proceedings, 2003
23 Minishoshe chapter minutes, 1995-2000

Box 37:
1 DAR Continental Congress Annual Proceedings, 2004
2 DAR Continental Congress Annual Proceedings, 2005
3 DAR Continental Congress Annual Proceedings, 2006
4 DAR Continental Congress Annual Proceedings, 2007
5 Biography of Mrs. Rhoda Estelle Freer Newman (Mrs. Ralph Earl Newman), ND State Regent 1977-1981 (and Dacotah Chapter member), by Marguerite Hubbard, February 27, 1990
6 Charter members of Badlands Chapter, Dickinson, ND (With several photographs)
7 Elvira Thrall Smith biography, Dakotah chapter, Fargo, ND (With photograph)
8 List, biographies and photographs of charter members, list of chapter Regents, and list of DAR Good Citizens of Fort Seward Chapter, Jamestown, ND (Biographies of Grace Betts Meeker, Ini Pelton Sartel, Alice Moseley Paddock, Abbie Porter Kneeland, Marie Ingmudson Lutz, Delia Bailey Rathman, Winifred Swift Wood Knauf, Jennie M. Chenery, Frances Chenery Beeman, Claudine Chenery Henry)      
9 Charter members of Pierre Verendrye Chapter, Minot, ND, biographies and photographs (Duella Harris McFarland, Lillie B. Truax, Frances M. Truax Smith, Jessie M. Winje, Laura R. Dickinson, Hilda Alice Van Sickle)
10 Member biographies, photograph of Margaret Steele Gould and newspaper clipping about Alice Ellingsberg (national officer), 1983-1993 (Biographies of Louise Jevne, Elizabeth Alsop, Beverly Jenson, Beulah Warren, Allie Gorman, Betty Burns, Enola Collins, Lorena Terry Nelson, Ruth rogers, Penelope Hamilton, Frances Todd Joos, Lois Cahterine Cummins Lindgren, Helen Todd Delmore, Alice Stouse Ellingsberg, grace register, Iva Vee Minor Strutz, Helen San, Janet Holaday, Rachel Getchel Williams, Jennifer Evan Lorentzsen, Burness Summer Reed, Margaret Rogers, LaVera Edick, Lois A. Ulmer, Sarah Tostevin, Ada Claire Bownson Bergan, Evelyn Neuens, and Carol Hustuft)
11 Honor roll certificates and ribbons, Dacotah Chapter, 1955-1987 (1955-1964,   1969-1974, 1987)
12 Memorial service programs and grave marker dedication programs, 1981-1996
(Alice Mae Zeamer Gorman and Marjorie Leone Peterson Engel [Fargo, August 10, 1996], Mrs. Virginia Lovell Haggart [Fargo, February 18, 1981], Enola B. Collins [Motley, MN, May 23,1996])
13 Sheet music
14 Historic sites and graves marked by ND DAR chapters, 1924-1992, compiled in 1992    
15 Map - Virginia Revolutionary War Map, 1774-1783, copyright 1976
16 “Forgotten Heroes of the American Revolution: A Bicentennial Publication,” compiled by David J. Harkness, June 1974
17 “Preserving the American Spirit in the DAR Museum” booklet
18 DAR U.S. Bicentennial medallions booklet, 1974
19 Booklet - “Patriot’s Tower: The Washington Memorial National Carillon Valley Forge National Park, Pennsylvania” funded and built by the National Society DAR, dedicated 1953, 200-
20 Pierre Verendrye Chapter – guide to genealogical materials, compiled by Louise Jevne in 1970
21 Minishoshe-Bismarck Chapter - maintenance of the Roosevelt Cabin on the Capitol Grounds, 1926-1946 (including letters, property inventories, notes, visitor reports, pamphlets, newspaper clippings) (formerly MSS 20578)
22 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1921-1931
23 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1921-1931 (continued)
24 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1921-1942
25 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1921-1942 (continued)
26 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1921-1942 (continued)
27 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1921-1942 (continued)

Box 38:
1 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1943-1979
2 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1943-1979 (continued)
3 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1943-1979 (continued)
4 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1943-1979 (continued)
5 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1980-1990
6 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1980-1990 (continued)            
7 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1980-1990 (continued)            
8 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1980-1990 (continued)            
9 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1985-2006
10 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1985-2006 (continued)
11 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1985-2006 (continued)
12 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 1994-2009
13 Minishoshe-Mandan scrapbook, 2007-2011
14 Minishoshe-Mandan obituaries, 1984-2010
15 Minishoshe-Bismarck (some Mandan) history, 1920-1995
16 North Dakota DAR press book photos, 1973-1974

Box 39:
1 Minishoshe-Mandan photo album, 1962-1985
2 Minishoshe-Mandan photo album, 1983-2005
3 Minishoshe-Mandan photo album, 1983-2005 (continued)
4 Minishoshe-Mandan photo album, 1983-2005 (continued)
5 Minishoshe-Mandan minutes, 1921-1925
6 Minishoshe-Mandan minutes, 1925-1931
7 Minishoshe-Mandan minutes, 1931-1946
8 Minishoshe-Mandan minutes, 1946-1963
9 Minishoshe-Mandan minutes, 1964-1983
10 Minishoshe-Mandan minutes, 1984-1993
11 Minishoshe-Mandan minutes, 2000-2014
12 Minishoshe-Mandan bylaws, 2013-2014
13 Minishoshe-Mandan committee reports, 1981-1995
14 Minishoshe-Mandan credentials, 1984-1994
15 Minishoshe-Mandan activities, 1974-2014
16 Minishoshe-Mandan honor roll, 1979-1993
17 Minishoshe-Mandan officers, 1977-1994
18 Minishoshe-Mandan news clippings, 1997-2012
19 Minishoshe-Mandan membership records, 1922-1929
20 Minishoshe-Mandan membership records, 1965-1994
21 Minishoshe-Mandan membership information miscellaneous, ca. 1970s-1990s
22 Minishoshe-Mandan photos, ca. 1930s-1960

Box 40:
1 Sakakawea chapter programs, 1936-1937, 1956-1957, 1967-1971, 1974-1977
2 Pierre Verendrye chapter programs, 1941-1964
3 Badlands chapter programs, 1953-1956
4 Fort Seward programs, 1934-1967
5 Quentin Roosevelt chapter yearbook and programs, 1931-1940
6 Mandan chapter programs, 1955-1957
7 Dacotah chapter programs, 1955-1961
8 Minishoshe chapter records, 1980s
9 Minishoshe chapter records, 1990-February 1999
10 Minishoshe chapter records, 2000-February 2007
11 Minishoshe chapter records, March 2007-February 2018
12 Minishoshe chapter records, March 2008-February 2010

Box 41:
1 Minishoshe chapter records, March 2010-February 2013
2 Minishoshe chapter yearbooks, 2003-2009
3 Conference material, 1994-2007
4 Handbook and material for tree plantings, 1950
5 Minishoshe photos and negatives, 1990s
6 Minishoshe chapter bylaws and resolutions, 1990-2009
7 Memorials and awards, 1987-2008       
8 DAR markers, 1990-2004
9 Miscellaneous historical material, 1924-1999
10 "Samuel S. Townsley: Schoolboy, Professor and Grandfather" by Mary Margaret Frank, 1974               
11 DAR military (World War II) servicewomen, ca. 1996
12 Correspondence to state historian, 1999-2004

Box 42:
1 State DAR yearbooks, 1992-2004
2 Conference programs, 1930-1992 [gaps]

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Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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