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Archives - State Agencies - Public Employees Retirement System

Public Employees Retirement System
[Authorized: NDCC Chapter 54-52]

The Public Employees Retirement System (NDPERS) is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees. One member, the chairman, is appointed by the Governor; one member is appointed by the Attorney General’s staff; one member is the North Dakota State Health Officer’s appointee; three members are elected by the active membership of the active membership of the NDPERS system; and one member is elected by retired public employees.

NDPERS manages five defined benefit plans and two defined contribution retirement plans. In addition to retirement programs, the system administers the group health plan, dental plan, vision plan, long-term care plan, employee assistance plan, and life insurance program for public employees.

NDPERS investments are under the supervision of the State Investment Board, pursuant to investment policies and asset allocations approved by the Board of Trustees.

31290 Minutes.
31291 General Correspondence
31292 Audit Reports
31293 Health Care Plan Files
31294 Actuarial Correspondence and Reports
31295 Investment Records
32145 Agenda Files

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Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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