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Archives - State Agencies - Board of Barber Examiners

[North Dakota Century Code 14-01-01-01]

The Board of Barber Examiners was created in 1901 (S. L. 1901, Ch. 30) to protect the health, welfare, and safety of the public. The Governor appointed three licensed barbers who served two-year staggered terms. Each had to be a practicing barber who lived in the state for at least five years. The Board administered the examinations and kept a register of the barbers.

In 1927 (S.L. 1927, Ch.101) Board membership expanded to five from a list submitted to the Governor by the North Dakota Barbers Association. The candidates were registered barbers who had practiced in the state for at least five years. The law added supervision and regulation to the duties of the Board, and provided mediation on controversial issues between barbers. The Board conducted examinations for the licensing of barbers and apprentices, and investigated complaints against barbers. In 1929, the Board was authorized to employ necessary inspectors and associates to help carry out the duties (NDCC 43-04-10).

In 1943 the Board was given the power to fix a minimum price schedule for services. This law was rescinded in 1979 ( S. L. 1979, Ch. 459). The Board acted as regulators of the barber shop business (S. L. 1943, Ch 93).

In 1975 (S.L.1975, Ch. 258 ) the three board members were selected as officers, and the secretary-treasurer position was combined.

In 1997, the law required barbers to complete continuing education credits in order to renew their license, and to display it in their place of business (S.L. 1997, Ch. 363).

The Board of Barber Examiners supervises and regulates the practice of barbers. This includes examining, registering, and licensing barbers and apprentices, prescribing sanitary regulations for barber schools and shops, inspecting, investigating and regulating the supervision of schools and shops, and requesting and reviewing reports of licensed barbers.


1901 Board of Barber Examiners created.

1927 Expanded term of board members to three years with a list of potential appointees submitted to the Governor by the State Barber Association.

1929 Board is authorized to employ necessary inspectors and assistants.

1943 Board of Barber Examiners authorized to fix minimum price schedule for services. Board acts as regulators of the barber shop business.

1967 Revised law regulating barber school admissions. Licensing of practicing apprentices changed (S. L. 1967, 346).

1979 Power to fix minimum price schedule rescinded.

1989 The three member board included president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer. Each board member must be a registered barber who has practiced for at least five years prior to appointment.

1997 Continuing education required for permit and license renewal. Board authorized to revoke license.

2011       Legislation was passed to increase renewal fees for licenses, certificates, and instructor's licenses (S.L. 2011, Ch. 306).

2017       The Board requested a repeal from the Century Code concerning  the requirement for the apprentice barber program following graduation from a qualified barber school or college (S.L. 2017, Ch. 285). Legislation also changed the per diem for Board members (S.L. 2017, Ch. 284).


31067 Minutes of the Board of Barber Examiners
31068 Audit Reports
31069 Register of Licensed Barbers
31070 Payment Register


Guide to North Dakota State Archives, 1985 p 14.
North Dakota Century Code.
ND Blue Book, 1989.
ND Blue Book, 1999.

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