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State Agency Records - Governor John Hoeven - #32073

Title: Governor. Administration, John Hoeven Records

Dates: 2000-2010

Record Series: 32073

Quantity:  134 feet and 3,025 digital files (1.96 GB)

Abstract: Contains correspondence with federal and state agencies and political subdivisions, meeting materials from board and commissions, publications, policy statements, and all documentation exchanged between the Governor's office and various associations (i.e. National Governor's Association), scheduling records and correspondence, executive orders and proclamations, legal correspondence, legislation, extradition papers, special programs and projects, awards and recognitions, petitions, thank yous, recommendations, requests, speeches, constituent concerns, press releases, and photographs.

Property Rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to this collection.

Copyrights: Public Records are not subject to copyright restrictions, although record series may contain copyrighted material. Consideration of such copyrights is the responsibility of the researcher.

Access: The collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.

Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.


John Hoeven was born in Bismarck March 13, 1957. He earned a bachelor's degree from Dartmouth College in 1979 and a master's degree in business administration from Northwestern University in 1981. He served as executive vice president of First Western Bank in Minot from 1986 to 1993 and established a strong position of service in many civic, community and economic development activities prior to elective office. From 1993-2000 he served as president and CEO of Bank of North Dakota (BND), which grew from $900 million to $1.6 billion.

Hoeven was elected North Dakota’s thirty-first Governor in 1999. He worked to build North Dakota's future by focusing on six pillars of growth: education, economic development, agriculture, energy, technology and quality of life. Under his leadership, North Dakota expanded and diversified its economy and gained nearly 40,000 new jobs. North Dakota's wages and personal income continue to grow faster than the national average, and in recent years, the state led the nation in export growth. While much of the nation is struggling through a recession and budget deficits, North Dakota has balanced its budget, set aside more than $1 billion in reserves for the future, cut taxes, and invested in priorities like education, health care, strong law enforcement, and quality infrastructure.

Hoven was serving his third term as Governor when he was elected to the United States Senate. On January 5, 2011, John Hoeven was sworn in as North Dakota's 22nd U.S. Senator, after serving 10 years as Governor for the state of North Dakota.
Hoeven and his wife, Mical (Mikey), have two children, Marcela and Jack.


Box 1:

1 Agriculture, Dept. of 2000
2 Environmental Protection Agency 2000
3 Federal Emergency Management Agency 2000
4 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 2000
5 General, Federal Agencies, Secretary of State 2000
6 Justice, US Dept. of 2000
7 National Transportation Safety Board 2000
8 Corrections, Dept. of 2000
9 Health 2000
10 Highway Patrol. 2001
11 Historical Society 2000
12 Human Services 2000
13 Information Technology Department 2000
14 Job Service North Dakota 2001
15 Public Service Commission 2000
16 University System 2000
17 General, Associations 2000-2001
18 Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission 2000
19 Republican Governors Association 2000
20 Western States Water Council 2000
21 National Governors' Association, General 2001
22 Western Governor Association, General 2000
23 General, Board & Commissions 2000
24 Anniversary, Birthday, Condolences, and Wedding Greetings 2001
25 Congratulatory, to the Governor 2000-2001
26 Greeting Letters December 2000
27 Requests December-January 2000-2001
28 Scouts, General 2000-2001
29 Support Letters 2000
30 Thank You From the Governor 2000
31 Thank You to the Governor 2000
32 General Correspondence, Elected & Appointed Officials 2000
33 Governors of other states 2000
34 Consulates & Embassies, General 2000
35 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor, Accepted 2000
36 Executive Orders. Executive Order No. 2000-11 2000
37 Proclamations 2000
38 General Programs, Projects & Services 2001
39 Presidential Electors 2000
40 Roadless Areas 2001
41 Sagsveen-PKU 2000 2000
42 Constituent Concerns, A 2000
43 Constituent Concerns, E 2000
44 Constituent Concerns, F 2000
45 Constituent Concerns, General 2000
46 Constituent Concerns, H  2000
47 Constituent Concerns, K 2000
48 Constituent Concerns, S 2000
49 Constituent Concerns, T 2000
50 Constituent Concerns, W 2000
51 Constituent Concerns, Z 2000
52 Agriculture, US Dept. of 2001
53 Commerce, US Dept. of 2001
54 Corps of Engineers, Army 2001
55 Defense, Dept. of 2001
56 Education, US Dept. of 2001
57 Energy, US Dept. of 2001
58 Environmental Protection Agency 2001
59 Federal Emergency Management Agency 2001
60 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 2001
61 Fish and Wildlife Service, US 2001
62 General, Federal Agencies 2001

Box 2:
1 Health and Human Services, US Dept. of 2001
2 Housing and Urban Development, US Dept. of 2001
3 Indian Affairs, Bureau of 2001
4 Interior, US Dept. of 2001
5 Interior, US Dept. of- Off highway vehicles EIS 2001
6 Internal Revenue Service 2001
7 Justice, US Dept. of 2001
8 Labor, US Dept. of 2001
9 Land Management, Bureau of 2001
10 National Transportation Safety Board 2001
11 Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2001
12 Small Business Administration, US 2001
13 Trade Representative, US Office of 2001
14 Transportation, US Dept. of 2001
15 United States Post Office 2001
16 US Senator Conrad, Kent 2001
17 US Senator Dorgan, Bryon  2001
18 US Representative Pomeroy, Earl 2001
19 Veterans Affairs, US Dept. of 2001
20 White House, Misc.   2001
21 Adjutant General and National Guard 2001
22 Agriculture, Dept. of 2001
23 Attorney General       2001
24 Auditor, Office of the State   2001
25 Bank of North Dakota 2001
26 Banking and Financial Institutions, Dept. of 2001
27 Central Personnel Division     2001
28 Commerce, Dept. of 2001                      

Box 3:
1 Community Services, Division of            2001                      
2 Corrections, Dept. of  2001                      
3 Economic Development and Finance   2001                      
4 Emergency Management, Division of  2001                      
5 Game and Fish Department     2001                      
6 General, State Agencies            2001                      
7 Health, Dept. of            2001                      
8 Health, Dept. Files        2001                      
9 Highway Patrol              2001                      
10 Historical Society        2001                      
11 Housing Finance Agency         2001                      
12 Human Services, Dept. of       2001                      
13 Information Technology Department                2001                      
14 Insurance Department            2001                      
15 Job Service North Dakota       2001                      

Box 4:
1 Job Service North Dakota-MOA             2001                      
2 Job Service North Dakota-MOA, June 2001                      
3 Labor, Dept. of              2001                      
4 Legislative Council        2001                      
5 Legislators, ND               2001                      
6 Library, State  2001                      
7 Management & Budget, Office of         2001                      
8 Parks and Recreation, Dept. of               2001                      
9 Public Instruction, Dept. of       2001                      
10 Public Employees Retirement System               2001                      
11 Public Service Commission     2001                      
12 Secretary of State      2001                      
13 Securities, Dept. of    2001                      
14 Supreme Court, State              2001                      
15 Tax Commissioner, Office of State      2001                      
16 Transportation, Dept. of         2001                      
17 Treasurer, State          2001                      
18 University System      2001                      
19 Workers Compensation Files                2001                      
20 Workers Compensation Bureau           2001                      
21 Council of State Governments             2001                      
22 Education Commission of the States  2001                      

Box 5:
1 General, Associations # 1          2001                      
2 General, Associations # 2          2001                      
3 General, Associations # 3          2001                      
4 General Associations # 4           2001                      
5 General Associations # 5           2001                      
6 Greater North Dakota Association        2001                      
7 Governors' Ethanol Coalition   2001                      
8 Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission    2001                      
9 Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission    2001                      
10 Lignite Energy Council              2001                      
11 Midwest Governors Association          2001                      
12 National Governors Association, General        2001                      
13 National Governors Association, General # 2 2001                      

Box 6:
1 North Dakota Education Association    2001                      
2 Republican Governors Association, RGA            2001                      
3 SW Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact      2001                      
4 Western Governors Association, WGA # 1        2001                      
5 Western Governors Association, WGA # 2        2001                      
6 Western States Water Council                2001                      
7 Aeronautics Commission           2001                      
8 Children's Services Coordinating Committee    2001                      
9 Emergency Commission            2001                      
10 Emergency Commission, June 11        2001                      
11 Emergency Commission, October 1    2001                      
12 Equalization, State Board of   2001                      
13 Equalization, State Board of, March 1                2001                      
14 Equalization, State Board of, July 11   2001                      
15 General, Boards and Commissions # 1              2001                      
16 General, Boards and Commissions # 2              2001                      
17 Higher Education, State Board              2001                      
18 Indian Affairs Commission      2001                      
19 Industrial Commission # 1       2001                      
20 Industrial Commission # 2       2001                      
21 Pardon and Parole Board        2001                      
22 Pardon Advisory Board April 23            2001                      
23 Pardon Advisory Board November 6  2001                      
24 Racing Commission    2001                      
25 School to Work            2001                      
26 Southwestern Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission 2001
27 Water Commission, ND State                2001                      
28 Water Commission Meeting, January 17          2001                      
29 Water Commission Meeting, March 6               2001                      
30 Water Commission Meeting, May 22 2001                      
31 Water Commission Meeting, August 16           2001                      
32 STOP Advisory Committee     2001                      

Box 7:
1 STOP Advisory Committee, May 8         2001                      
2 STOP Advisory Committee, August 6   2001                      
3 STOP Advisory Committee, October 17               2001                      
4 University and School Lands, Board of 2001                      
5 University and School Lands, Board of May 31 2001                      
6 Value-Added Agriculture Promotion Board       2001                      
7 Workforce Development Council          2001                      
8 General Communications         2001                      
9 Letters to the editor    2001                      
10 Anniversary, Birthday, Condolence and Wedding Greetings   2001                      
11 Anniversary, Birthday, Condolence and Wedding, #2 2001                      
12 Congratulatory, From the Governor  2001                      
13 Congrats, from the Governor               2001                      
14 Congrats, from the Governor               2001                      
15 Congratulatory, to the Governor         2001                      
16 Greeting Letters, #1  2001                      
17 Greetings #2                2001                      
18 Photo Sessions, Miscellaneous 2001                      
19 Recommendation Letters       2001                      
20 Requests, January     2001                      

Box 8:
1 Requests, February     2001                      
2 Requests, March          2001                      
3 Requests, April              2001                      
4 Requests, May              2001                      
5 Requests, June              2001                      
6 Requests, July                2001                      
7 Requests, August         2001                      
8 Requests, September                2001                      
9 Requests, October       2001                      
10 Requests, November               2001                      
11 Requests, December                2001                      
12 Retirement Greetings              2001                      
13 Thank You to the Governor   2001                      

Box 9:
1 Thank You to the Governor      2001                      
2 Canadian Provincial Government          2001                      
3 Consulates and Embassies, General     2001                      
4 Governors of Other States       2001                      
5 General Correspondence         2001                      
6 Chief of Staff  2001                      
7 AG Advisor      2001                      
8 Communications           2001                      
9 Governor, Accepted January   2001                      
10 Governor, Accepted February  2001                      
11 Governor, Accepted March   2001                      
12 Governor, Accepted April       2001                      
13 Governor, Accepted May       2001                      
14 Governor, Accepted June      2001                      
15 Governor, Accepted July        2001
16 Governor, Accepted August  2001                      
17 Governor, Accepted September         2001                      

Box 10:
1 Governor, Accepted October  2001                      
2 Governor, Accepted November  2001                      
3 Governor, Accepted December  2001                      
4 Governor, Declined January    2001                      
5 Governor, Declined February  2001                      
6 Governor, Declined March       2001                      
7 Governor, Declined April           2001                      
8 Governor, Declined May           2001                      
9 Governor, Declined June          2001                      
10 Governor, Declined July          2001                      
11 Governor, Declined August   2001                      
12 Governor, Declined September           2001                      
13 Governor, Declined October 2001                      
14 Governor, Declined November            2001                      
15 Governor, Declined December            2001                      
16 Lt. Governor Scheduling, January        2001                      
17 Lt. Governor Scheduling, February     2001                      
18 Lt. Governor Scheduling, March          2001                      
19 Lt. Governor Scheduling, April              2001                      
20 Lt. Governor Scheduling, May              2001                      
21 Lt. Governor Scheduling, June              2001                      
22 Lt. Governor Scheduling, July                2001                      
23 Lt. Governor Scheduling, August         2001                      
24 Lt. Governor Scheduling, September 2001                      

Box 11:
1 Lt. Governor Scheduling, October         2001                      
2 Lt. Governor Scheduling, November    2001                      
3 Lt. Governor Scheduling, December    2001                      
4 Legal Counsel Scheduling          2001                      
5 Scouts, General #1 2001                           
6 Scouts, General #2 2001                           
7 Support Letters             2001                      
8 Thank You General      2001                      
9 Thank You from the Governor   2001                      
10 Thank You from the Governor  2001                      
11 General Legal Correspondence  2001                      
12 MN-PUC Externalities              2001                      
13 Unusual Legal Correspondence  2001                      
14 Executive Orders        2001                      
15 Proclamations - Game & Fish  2001                      
16 Proclamations #1        2001                      
17 Proclamations #2        2001                      

Box 12:
1 Proclamations #3          2001                      
2 Proclamations, Pending  2001                      
3 Legislation- General    2001                      
4 Legislation- House Bills  2001                      
5 Legislation- Senate Bills  2001                      
6 Applications, Employment Correspondence     2001                      
7 Resignations   2001                      
8 Health Officer, State   2001                      
9 Extraditions # 1              2000                      
10 Extraditions # 2           2000                      
11 Extraditions # 3           2000                      

Box 13:
1 Extraditions # 4              2000                      
2 Extraditions # 1              2001                      
3 Extraditions # 2              2001                      
4 Extraditions # 3              2001                      
5 Extraditions # 4              2001                      
6 Extraditions # 5              2001                      
7 Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service         2001                      

Box 14:
1 Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) 2001                 
2 Burlington Northern Santa Fe - Mandan Cleanup 2001                
3 Budget 2001   
4 Budget Address 2001 
5 Consensus Council 2001
6 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) 2001                              
7 Dickinson Municipal Airport Authority 2001                      
8 Emergency Watershed Program (NDGF)            2001                      
9 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)     2001                      
10 Tribal Financial Statements    2000                      
11 Flooding         2001                      
12 Four Bears Bridge Project       2001                      
13 Gaming           2001                      
14 Garrison (Dakota Water Resources Act)           2001                      
15 General, Programs, Projects and Services       2001                      
16 Grand Forks Water Treatment             2001                      
17 Grasslands Petitions 2001                      
18 Grasslands Working Group    2001                      
19 Grasslands    2001                      
20 Grasslands Working Group    2001                      
21 Harold Schafer Leadership Center      2001                      
22 Homeland Security    2001                      
23 Health Passport          2001                      
24 Inauguration                2001                      
25 Jamestown Clean-Up               2001                      
26 ISG Resources             2001                      
27 Kids Count     2001                      
28 Lake Sakakawea Work Group               2001                      
29 Land-Water Conservation Fund           2001                      

Box 15:
1 Leadership 1 of 2          2001                      
2 Leadership 2 of 2          2001                      
3 Lewis & Clark  2001                      
4 Lignite Vision 21            2001                      
5 Metis Cemetery            2001                      
6 Microsoft Great Plains                2001                      
7 Missouri River Master Manual                2001                      
8 Name Change                2001                      
9 NAFTA-TAA     2001                      
10 NAWS             2001                      
11 Pembina Co- Private Prison   2001                      
12 Rahr Malting 2001                      

Box 16:
1 Railroad Competition  2001                      
2 Richland County # 1     2001                      
3 Richland County # 2     2001                      
4 Richland County # 3     2001                      
5 Roadless Area Conservation Rule 2001                               
6 Red River (DWRA)        2001                      
7 US Savings Bonds National Student Poster Contest       2001                      
8 San Haven       2001                      
9 Sierra Club       2001                      
10 Transition      2001                      
11 UND Sioux Nickname               2001                      
12 Waffle, The   2001                      
13 Vukelic vs. State of North Dakota        2001                      
14 Walking Shield Project             2001                      
15 Wind Energy 2001                      
16 Walsh County Flooding            2001                      
17 Yucca Mountain          2001                      

Box 17:
1 Zander                              2001                      
2 Constituent Concerns, A           2001                      
3 Constituent Concerns, B #1      2001                      
4 Constituent Concerns, B #2      2001                      
5 Constituent Concerns, C            2001                      
6 Constituent Concerns, D           2001                      
7 Constituent Concerns, E            2001                      

Box 18:
1 Constituent Concerns, F            2001                      
2 Constituent Concerns, General              2001                      
3 Constituent Concerns, General              2001                      
4 Constituent Concerns, G           2001                      
5 Constituent Concerns, H           2001                      
6 Constituent Concerns, H           2001                      
7 Constituent Concerns, I             2001                      
8 Constituent Concerns, K            2001                      
9 Constituent Concerns, J             2001                      
10 Constituent Concerns, L          2001                      
11 Constituent Concerns, M        2001                      

Box 19:
1 Constituent Concerns, N           2001                      
2 Constituent Concerns, O           2001                      
3 Constituent Concerns, P            2001                      
4 Constituent Concerns, Q           2001                      
5 Constituent Concerns, R            2001                      
6 Constituent Concerns, Solberg Bill        2001                      
7 Constituent Concerns, S            2001                      
8 Constituent Concerns, S            2001                      
9 Constituent Concerns, T            2001                      
10 Constituent Concerns, U         2001                      
11 Constituent Concerns, W        2001                      
12 Constituent Concerns, V         2001                      

Box 20:
1 Constituent Concerns, XYZ       2001                      
2 Memos, Staff and Divisional Unit           2001                      
3 General, Survey and Report    2001                      
4 Agriculture, US Dept. of             2002                      
5 Commerce, US Dept. of             2002                      
6 Corps of Engineers, Army         2002                      
7 Education, US Dept. of               2002                      
8 Energy, US Dept. of     2002                      
9 Environmental Protection Agency         2002                      
10 Federal Emergency Management Agency       2002                      
11 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission           2002                      
12 Fish & Wildlife Service, US      2002                      
13 Fish & Wildlife Acquisition, Kelly’s Slough        2002                      
14 General, Federal Agencies     2002                      

Box 21:
1 General, Federal Agencies #2 2002                      
2 General, Federal Agencies #3 2002                      
3 Health and Human Services, US Dept. of            2002                      
4 Housing and Urban Development, US Dept. of   2002                      
5 Interior, US Dept. of    2002                      
6 Justice, US Dept. of     2002                      
7 Labor, US Dept. of        2002                      
8 Land Management, Bureau of                2002                      
9 National Transportation Safety Board  2002                      
10 Office of Management and Budget    2002                      
11 Small Business Administration, US      2002                      
12 Social Security Administration               2002                      
13 Transportation, US Dept. of   2002                      
14 United States Post Office       2002                      
15 US Representative Pomeroy, Earl       2002                      
16 US Senator Conrad, Kent        2002                      
17 US Senator Dorgan, Bryon      2002                      
18 Veterans Affairs, US Dept. of                2002                      
19 White House, Miscellaneous 2002                      

Box 22:
1 Adjutant General and National Guard 2002                      
2 Agriculture, Dept. of   2002                      
3 Attorney General         2002                      
4 Auditor, Office of the State      2002                      
5 Bank of North Dakota 2002                      
6 Banking and Financial Institutions, Dept. of       2002                      
7 Central Personnel Division        2002                      
8 Commerce, Dept. of   2002                      
9 Community Services, Division of            2002                      
10 Corrections, Dept. of                2002                      
11 Emergency Management, Division of                2002                      
12 Game and Fish Department  2002                      
13 Game and Fish Prairie Dog Plan            2002                      
14 General, State Agencies #4    2002                      

Box 23:
1 General, State Agencies            2002                      
2 General, State Agencies #3      2002                      
3 General, State Agencies, #2     2002                      
4 Governor's Office         2002                      
5 Health, Dept. of            2002                      
6 Highway Patrol              2002                      
7 Historical Society           2002                      
8 Housing Finance Agency            2002                      
9 Human Services, Dept. of         2002                      
10 Information Technology Department                2002                      
11 Intergovernmental Assistance, Office of         2002                      
12 Job Service North Dakota       2002                      
13 Labor, Dept. of            2002                      
14 Land Department       2002                      
15 Legislative Council      2002                      
16 Legislators, ND            2002                      
17 Library, State                2002                      
Box 24:
1 Management and Budget, Office of     2002                      
2 Parks and Recreation, Dept. of               2002                      
3 Public Employees Retirement System 2002                      
4 Public Instruction, Dept. of       2002                      
5 Public Service Commission       2002                      
6 Secretary of State        2002                      
7 Securities, Dept. of      2002                      
8 Supreme Court, State 2002                      
9 Tax Commissioner, Office of State        2002                      
10 Transportation, Dept. of         2002                      
11 Treasurer, State          2002                      
12 University System      2002                      
13 Water Commission    2002                      
14 Workers Compensation Bureau           2002                      
15 Council of State Governments             2002                      
16 General Associations #1          2002                      

Box 25:
1 General Associations #2            2002                      
2 General Associations #3            2002                      
3 General Associations #4            2002                      
4 General Associations #5            2002                      
5 General Associations #6            2002                      
6 General Associations #7            2002                      

Box 26:
1 General Associations #7 folder 2            2002                      
2 Governor's Ethanol Coalition   2002                      
3 Greater North Dakota Association        2002                      
4 Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission    2002                      
5 Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGC) #2  2002                      
6 Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission Task Force 2002                  
7 Lignite Energy Council 2002                      
8 Midwest Governors Association            2002                      
9 Midwestern Governor's Conference Electricity Task Force 2002                             
10 National Governor's Association #2    2002                      
11 National Governor's Association, General       2002                      
12 Republican Governors Association, RGA          2002                      
13 Western States Water Council              2002                      

Box 27:
1 Aeronautics Commission           2002                      
2 Crop Protection Product Harmonization and Registration Board 2002                   
3 Drug & Alcohol Abuse Commission       2002                      
4 Emergency Commission   2002
5 Equalization, State Board of     2002                      
6 General, Boards and Commissions        2002                      
7 Higher Education, Board of       2002                      
8 Indian Affairs, Commission of 2002                      
9 Industrial Commission                2002                      
10 Military Task Force     2002                      
11 Pardon and Parole Board        2002                      
12 Racing Commission    2002                      
13 Anniversary, Birthday, Condolence and Wedding Greetings   2002                      
14 Congratulatory from the Governor    2002                      
15 Congratulatory from the Governor    2002                      
Box 28:
1 Consulates and Embassies, General     2002                      
2 General Correspondence         2002                      
3 Governors of Other States       2002                      
4 Greeting Letters           2002                      
5 Greeting Letters #2     2002                      
6 New Recruit    2002                      
7 Photo Sessions, Misc. 2002                      
8 Recommendation Letters         2002                      
9 Requests, January        2002                      

Box 29:
1 Requests, February     2002                      
2 Requests, March          2002                      
3 Requests, April              2002                      
4 Requests, May              2002                      
5 Requests, June              2002                      
6 Requests, July                2002                      
7 Requests, August         2002                      
8 Requests, September                2002                      
9 Requests, October       2002                      
10 Requests, November               2002                      
11 Requests, December                2002                      
12 Retirement Greetings              2002                      
13 Scheduling Agriculture Policy Advisor 2002                      
14 Scheduling Chief of Staff         2002                      

Box 30:
1 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Accepted, January       2002                      
2 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Accepted, February    2002                      
3 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Accepted, March         2002                      
4 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Accepted, April             2002                      
5 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Accepted, May             2002                      
6 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Accepted, June             2002                      
7 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Accepted, July               2002                      
8 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Accepted, August        2002                      
9 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Accepted, September  2002                      
10 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Accepted, October   2002                      
11 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Accepted, November  2002                      
12 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Accepted, December 2002                      
13 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Declined, January      2002                      
14 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Declined, February   2002                      
15 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Declined, March         2002                      
16 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Declined, April            2002                      
17 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Declined, May             2002                      
18 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Declined, June            2002                      

Box 31:
1 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Declined, July                2002                      
2 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Declined, August          2002                      
3 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Declined, September 2002                      
4 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Declined, October       2002                      
5 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Declined, November  2002                      
6 Scheduling Correspondence-Governor, Declined, December   2002                      
7 Scheduling Correspondence-Lt. Governor, January      2002                      
8 Scheduling Correspondence-Lt. Governor, February    2002                      
9 Scheduling Correspondence-Lt. Governor, March         2002                      
10 Scheduling Correspondence-Lt. Governor, April          2002                      
11 Scheduling Correspondence-Lt. Governor, May           2002                      
12 Scheduling Correspondence-Lt. Governor, June          2002                      
13 Scheduling Correspondence-Lt. Governor, July            2002                      
14 Scheduling Correspondence-Lt. Governor, August     2002                      
15 Scheduling Correspondence-Lt. Governor, September 2002                 
16 Scheduling Correspondence-Lt. Governor, October   2002                      
17 Scheduling Correspondence-Lt. Governor, November 2002                      
18 Scheduling Correspondence-Lt. Governor, December 2002                      
19 Scouts, General          2002                      
20 Scouts #2       2002                      

Box 32:
1 Scouts #3         2002                      
2 Support Letters             2002                      
3 Thank You from the Governor 2002                      
4 Thank You to the Governor      2002                      
5 Thank You to the Governor      2002                      
6 Thank You from the Lt. Governor 2002                               
7 General Legal Correspondence 2002                   
8 Unusual Legal Correspondence 2002                  
9 Executive Orders          2002                      
10 Proclamations-Game & Fish  2002                      
11 Proclamations              2002                      
12 Proclamations-Pending 2002                
13 Proclamations #2        2002                      

Box 33:
1 Legislation, General     2002                      
2 Applications, Employment Correspondence     2002                      
3 American Wildlife Federation-Joliet Ferry WRP Expansion Acquisition  2002
4 Amtrak              2002                      
5 Business & Industries (Private), General            2002                      
6 BNSF  2002                      
7 Byrne Grant Program  2002                      
8 Consensus Council, ND              2002                      
9 Cuba  2002                      
10 Dakota Prairie Grasslands Appeal        2002                      
11 Dakota Water Resources Act- Red River Valley Water Supply EIS 2002
12 Devils Lake    2002

Box 34:
1 Ducks Unlimited- Martin Tract                2002                      
2 Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) 2002                               
3 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)     2002                      
4 Extraditions-2001 folder 1         2002                      
5 Extraditions-2001 folder 2         2002                      
6 Extraditions-2001 folder 3         2002                      
7 Extraditions folder 4    2002                      
8 Fargo/West Fargo Annexation Dispute               2002                      
9 Fort Peck Flow Modification Mini-Test EA          2002                      
10 Four Bears Bridge Three Affiliated Tribes         2002                      
11 Gaming Compact (Bi-Annual Review) State & Tribal    2002                      
12 Garrison Diversion     2002                      

Box 35:
1 General, Programs, Projects and Services         2002                      
2 Golden Valley States Attorney Petition to Remove       2002                      
3 Governor's Ethanol Coalition   2002                      
4 Harold Schafer Leadership Center         2002                      
5 Health North Dakota   2002                      
6 Homeland Security      2002                      
7 Judicial Vacancy, East Central Judicial District    2002                      
8 Judicial Vacancy             2002                      
9 L. A. N. D.         2002                      
10 Lake Oahe     2002                      
11 Lewis & Clark                2002                      
12 Lignite Vision 21          2002                      
13 Little Missouri River Wild & Scenic Designation 2002                  
14 Maple River Dam        2002                      

Box 36:
1 Minot Anhydrous Spill                2002                      
2 Missouri River                2002                      
3 Missouri River Master Manual                2002                      
4 Motor Coach Industries (MCI)                2002                      
5 Natural Resources Trust- Cook Slough Acquisition         2002                      
6 Natural Resources Trust- Robert Erbele Easement        2002                      
7 Natural Resources Trust- Walhalla WRP Project, Pembina County 2002
8 Nature Conservancy- Freborg Tract      2002                      
9 Northwest Area Water Supply 2002
10 New Economy Initiative          2002                      
11 Olmstead       2002                      
12 Performers   2002                      
13 Roadless Area Conservation Rules 2002                          
14 State of the State       2002                      
15 Three Affiliated Tribes (General)         2002                      
16 Tribal, Financial statements & Auditors reports 2002                 
17 Tribal Fuel Tax Agreements   2002                      
18 Veterans Home          2002                      
19 Vukelic vs. State of North Dakota        2002                      
20 WAPA- Transmission Study    2002                      
21 Wind Energy Production Tax Credit    2002                      
22 Yucca Mountain          2002                      
23 Constituent Concerns, A         2002                      
24 Constituent Concerns, B         2002                      

Box 37:
1 Constituent Concerns, C            2002                      
2 Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) 2002                  
3 Constituent Concerns, D           2002                      
4 Developmental Disabilities (DD) Wage Cuts      2002                      
5 Constituent Concerns, E            2002                      
6 Constituent Concerns, F            2002                      
7 Farm Management Program   2002                      
8 Constituent Concerns, General              2002                      
9 Constituent Concerns, G           2002                      

Box 38:
1 Constituent Concerns, Grasslands        2002                      
2 Constituent Concerns, H           2002                      
3 Constituent Concerns, I             2002                      
4 Constituent Concerns, J             2002                      
5 Constituent Concerns, K            2002                      
6 Constituent Concerns, L            2002                      

Box 39:
1 Constituent Concerns, M          2002                      
2 Constituent Concerns, N           2002                      
3 Constituent Concerns, O           2002                      
4 Constituent Concerns, P            2002                      
5 Constituent Concerns, Pheasant Hunting 2002                               
6 Constituent Concerns, Pheasant Hunting 2002                               
7 Constituent Concerns, Q           2002                      
8 Constituent Concerns, R            2002                      

Box 40:
1 Constituent Concerns, S            2002                      
2 Constituent Concerns, T            2002                      
3 Constituent Concerns, U           2002                      
4 Constituent Concerns, V           2002                      
5 Constituent Concerns, W          2002                      
6 Constituent Concerns, Waterfowl Hunting 2002                            
7 Constituent Concerns, X, Y, Z  2002                      
8 Constituent Concerns, Grasslands not filed with rest   2002                      
9 Constituent Concerns, Email    2002                      

Box 41:
1 Constituent Concerns, B            2001                      
2 Constituent Concerns, C #1      2001                      
3 Constituent Concerns, J             2001                      
4 Constituent Concerns, K #1      2001                      
5 Constituent Concerns, K #2      2001                      
6 Constituent Concerns, R            2001                      
7 Constituent Concerns, Email    2001                      
8 Agriculture, US Dept. of             2003                      
9 Justice, US Dept. of     2003                      
10 Commerce, US Dept. of          2003                      
11 Labor, US Dept. of     2003                      
12 Corps of Engineers, US Army                2003                      
13 Education, US Dept. of             2003                      
14 Energy, US Dept. of   2003                      
15 Environmental Protection Agency      2003                      
16 Federal Emergency Management Agency       2003                      
17 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission  2003                               

Box 42:
1 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission  2003                 
2 Fish and Wildlife Service            2003                      
3 General, Federal Agencies       2003                      
4 General #2      2003                      
5 Health and Human Services, US Dept. of  2003                               
6 Homeland Security      2003                      
7 Housing and Urban Development, US Dept. of 2003                      
8 Interior, US Dept. of    2003                      
9 Land Management, Bureau of                2003                      
10 National Transportation and Safety Board       2003                      
11 Nuclear Regulatory Commission          2003                      
12 Office of Management and Budget    2003                      
13 Small Business Administration, US      2003                      
14 Trade Representative, US Office of    2003                      
15 Transportation, US Dept. of   2003                      
16 US Representative Pomeroy, Earl       2003                      
17 US Senator Conrad, Kent        2003                      
18 US Senator Dorgan, Byron      2003                      
19 Veterans Affairs, US Dept. of                2003                      
20 White House, Misc.   2003                      
21 Adjutant General and National Guard  2003                  
22 Agriculture, Dept. of                 2003                      
23 Attorney General       2003                      
24 Auditor, Office of the State   2003                      
25 Bank of North Dakota               2003                      
26 Banking and Financial Institutions Dept. of      2003                      
27 Commerce Dept. of 2003                      
28 Community Services, Dept. of              2003                      
29 Corrections, Dept. of                2003                      
30 Emergency Management, Division of  2003                   
31 Game and Fish, Dept. of         2003                      
32 General, State Agencies          2003                      

Box 43:
1 General #2      2003                      
2 Health Dept.   2003                      
3 Highway Patrol              2003                      
4 Historical Society           2003                      
5 Human Services Dept.                2003                      
6 Information Technology Dept.  2003                   
7 Insurance Dept.            2003                      
8 Job Service ND               2003                      
9 Labor Dept.     2003                      
10 Land Dept.    2003                      
11 Legislative Council      2003                      
12 Legislators     2003                      
13 Office of Management and Budget    2003                      
14 Parks and Recreation Dept.   2003                      
15 Public Instruction Dept.           2003                      
16 Public Service Commission     2003                      
17 Secretary of State      2003                      
18 Securities Dept.          2003                      
19 State Supreme Court                2003                      
20 Tax Commissioner, Office of   2003                      
21 Tourism Dept.              2003                      
22 Transportation Dept.                2003                      
23 Treasurer       2003                      
24 University System      2003                      
25 Water Commission    2003                      
26 Workers Compensation Bureau 2003                               
27 Council of State Governments  2003                 
28 General Associations #1          2003
29 General Associations #2          2003                      
30 General Associations #3          2003                      

Box 44:
1 General #4      2003                      
2 General #5      2003                      
3 Governor's Ethanol Coalition   2003                      
4 Greater North Dakota Association        2003                      
5 Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission #1 2003                   
6 IOGCC #2         2003                      
7 IOGCC #3         2003                      
8 Midwest Governors Association            2003                      
9 National Governors Association, General          2003                      
10 Republican Governors Association     2003                      
11 Western Governors Association          2003                      
12 Western States Water Council              2003                      
13 Aeronautics Commission        2003                      
14 Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission                2003                      
15 Educational Standards and Practices  2003                      
16 Emergency Commission          2003                      
17 Equalization, State Board of   2003                      
18 General, Boards and Commissions     2003                      
19 Higher Education, Board of    2003                      
20 Indian Affairs Commission      2003                      

Box 45:
1 Industrial Commission 2003                     
2 Midwestern Higher Education Commission 2003                           
3 Pardon and Parole Board          2003                      
4 Racing Commission      2003                      
5 Southwest Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact 2003                           
6 University and School Lands, Board of                 2003                      
7 Workforce Development Council          2003                      
8 Letters to the Editor    2003                      
9 Anniversary, Birthday, Condolence & Wedding Greetings 2003                              
10 Congrats from Governor #2   2003                      
11 Congrats from the Governor #1  2003                              
12 Greeting Letters #2   2003                      
13 Greeting Letters #1   2003                      
14 New Recruit 2003                      
15 Photo Sessions- Misc.              2003                      
16 Recommendation Letters       2003                      
17 Requests (January)   2003                      
18 Requests (February)                 2003                      
19 Requests (March)      2003                      

Box 46:
1 Requests (April) 2         2003                      
2 Retirement Greetings                2003                      
3 Requests (May)            2003                      
4 Requests (June)            2003                      
5 Requests (July)              2003                      
6 Requests (August)       2003                      
7 Requests (September)              2003                      
8 Requests (October)     2003                      
9 Requests (November)               2003                      
10 Requests (December)              2003                      
11 Canadian Provincial Government        2003                      
12 Consulates and Embassies, General   2003                      
13 General Correspondence       2003                      
14 Governors of Other States     2003                      
15 Scheduling--Agriculture Policy Advisor 45        2003                      
16 Scheduling--Chief of Staff      2003                      
17 Scheduling Correspondence--Governor 45     2003                      
18 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov., Accepted February 2003                
Box 47:
1 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov., Accepted March   2003                      
2 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov., Accepted April       2003                      
3 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Accepted May        2003                      
4 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Accepted June        2003                      
5 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Accepted July          2003                      
6 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Accepted August   2003                      
7 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Accepted Sept.       2003                      
8 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Accepted October 2003                      
9 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Accepted Nov.        2003                      
10 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov Accepted Dec.5     2003                      
11 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov Declined Jan.          2003                      
12 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Declined Feb. 2003                            
13 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Declined March    2003                      
14 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Declined April       2003                      
15 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Declined May        2003                      
16 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Declined June       2003                      
17 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Declined July         2003                      
18 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Declined August 2003                      

Box 48:
1 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov Declined Sept.          2003                      
2 Scheduling Correspondence---Gov. Declined October 2003                      
3 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Declined Nov.         2003                      
4 Scheduling Correspondence--Gov. Declined Dec.          2003                      
5 Scheduling Correspondence--LT. Gov. January 2003                    
6 Scheduling Correspondence--LT. Gov. February             2003                      
7 Scheduling Correspondence--LT. Gov. March 2003                      
8 Scheduling Correspondence--LT. Gov. April      2003                      
9 Scheduling Correspondence--LT. Gov. May      2003                      
10 Scheduling Correspondence--LT. Gov. June   2003                      
11 Scheduling Correspondence--LT. Gov. July     2003                      
12 Scheduling Correspondence--Lt. Gov. August               2003                      
13 Scheduling Correspondence--LT. Gov. Sept. 2003                      
14 Scheduling Correspondence--LT Gov. Oct.      2003                      
15 Scheduling Correspondence--LT. Gov. November       2003                      
16 Scheduling Correspondence--LT Gov. December 2003                             
17 Scouts, General (Jan.-March) 2003                    
18 Scouts (April-May)     2003                      
19 Scouts (June-August)               2003                      
20 Scouts (Sept- Dec.)    2003                      
21 Support Letters           2003                      
22 Thank You to the Governor #1  2003                 

Box 49:
1 Thank You to the Governor #2                2003                      
2 General Legal Correspondence              2003                      
3 Unusual Legal Correspondence              2003                      
4 Executive Orders          2003                      
5 Proclamations #1          2003                      
6 Proclamations #2          2003                      
7 Proclamations #3          2003                      
8 Proclamations--Game & Fish   2003                      
9 Proclamations-Pending #1        2003                      
10 Proclamations -Pending #2    2003                      
11 Legislative, General   2003                      
12 State Hospital Buildings           2003                      
13 Personnel--Applications, Employment Correspondence  2003                              

Box 50:
1 Extraditions, 2001 #1   2003                      
2 Extraditions, 2001 #2   2003                      
3 Extraditions, 2001 #3   2003                      
4 Administrative Rule Changes   2003                      
5 Agriculture      2003                      
6 Air Space Initiative       2003                      
7 Banking             2003                      
8 BLM--OHV (Off Highway Vehicles)        2003                      
9 BNSF  2003                      
10 Budget            2003                      
11 Canadian Wheat         2003                      
12 Census, Bureau of (MOU)      2003                      
13 Child Support               2003                      
14 Children's Health Study           2003                      
15 Coast Guard 2003                      
16 Code of Ethics 2003                  
17 Community Outreach               2003                      
18 Consensus Council, ND            2003                      
19 Constitutional Issues                2003                      
20 Dakota Prairie Grasslands       2003                      
21 Delegation of Authority           2003                      
22 Drought          2003                      
23 Easement Program    2003                      

Box 51:
1 Education         2003                      
2 Elections           2003                      
3 Emails as Records         2003                      
4 Energy               2003                      
5 Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) 2003                               
6 Garrison           2003                      
7 General Programs, Projects, Services 2003                      
8 Governors Prayer Breakfast    2003                      
9 Hazen Annexation       2003                      
10 Hunting          2003                      
11 Judicial Vacancy (Ralph Erickson)         2003                      
12 Judicial Vacancy (Benny Graff0             2003                      
13 Lake Oahe     2003                      
14 Lake Sakakawea         2003                      
15 Land Acquisitions (Non-profit Crops) 2003                      
16 Lewis & Clark                2003                      
17 Lignite Vision 21          2003                      
18 Little Shell Band of Chippewa                2003                      
19 Lundseth vs. UND      2003                      
20 Maple River Dam        2003                      
21 Missouri River              2003                      
22 Missouri River Master Manual              2003                      
23 Missouri River Trust  2003                      
24 Municipal, Rural, & Industrial Water Supply (MR &I)   2003                      
25 National Park Service-Eberts Ranch    2003                      

Box 52:
1 Natural Resources Trust, General          2003
2 Natural Resources Trust, Tim Neu Tract, McKenzie County 2003             
3 Nature Tourism             2003                      
4 Northwest Area Water Supply (NAWS)              2003                      
5 ND Seed           2003                      
6 Parks and Rec 2003                      
7 Parshall Water               2003                      
8 Project Back Home      2003                      
9 Records Requests        2003                      
10 Red River Basin           2003                      
11 Red River Valley EIS   2003                      
12 Rice Lake        2003                      
13 Roadless Area Conservation Rule        2003                      
14 School Forgiveness    2003                      
15 Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe           2003                      
16 State Quarter               2003                      
17 Tribal Financial Statements    2003                      
18 Tribal Fuel Tax Agreements, General 2003                      
19 Tribal General              2003                      
20 Tribal/State Accord    2003                      
21 Three Affiliated Tribes, General 2003                      
22 Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa   2003
23 Veterans Home                         
24 Walsh County              2003                      
25 Wetlands       2003                      
26 WGA Drug Task Force 2003                      
27 Wind-General              2003                      
28 Wooly Boys   2003                      
29 Constituent Concerns, A,        2003                      
30 Constituent Concerns, B, #1 2003                      

Box 53:
1 Constituent Concerns, B #2,    2003                      
2 Including Buckwheat in Humanitarian Aid Efforts 2003                
3 Constituent Concerns, C            2003                      
4 Clark, Dan        2003                      
5 Constituent Concerns, D           2003                      
6 Constituent Concerns, E            2003                      
7 Eberts Ranch  2003                      
8 Education Legislation  2003                      
9 Constituent Concerns, F            2003                      
10 Ferguson, Barbara     2003                      
11 Constituent Concerns G          2003                      
12 Constituent Concerns General 2003                      
13 Gould, Isaac  2003                      
14 Constituent Concerns, H #1   2003                      

Box 54:
1 Constituent Concerns, H #2     2003                      
2 Head Start Legislation 2003                      
3 Constituent Concerns, I             2003                      
4 Constituent Concerns, J             2003                      
5 Constituent Concerns, K            2003                      
6 Constituent Concerns, L            2003                      
7 Long-Term Care Legislation      2003                      
8 Constituent Concerns, M #1    2003                      
9 Constituent Concerns, M #2    2003                      
10 Constituent Concerns, N         2003                      
11 Constituent Concerns, O         2003                      
12 Constituent Concerns, P         2003                      

Box 55:
1 Constituent Concerns, Petitions  2003                      
2 Constituent Concerns, R            2003                      
3 Constituent Concerns, S #1      2003                      
4 Constituent Concerns, S #2      2003                      
5 Constituent Concerns, S #3      2003                      
6 Constituent Concerns, T            2003                      
7 Constituent Concerns, U           2003                      
8 Constituent Concerns, V           2003                      
9 Constituent Concerns, W #1    2003                      
10 Constituent Concerns, W #2 2003                      
11 Constituent Concerns, XYX    2003                      
12 Memos, Staff and Divisional Unit        2003                      

Box 56:
1 Indian Affairs Commission        2001                      
2 Public Instruction, Dept. of       2001                      
3 Public Instruction, Dept. of       2002                      
4 Water Commission, State         2001                      
5 Executive Orders          2001                      
6 Legislative 550                2001                      
7 Richland County #3      2001                      
8 Agriculture, US Dept. of             2004                      
9 Commerce, US Dept. of             2004                      
10 Corps of Engineers, Army       2004                      
11 Defense, Dept. of      2004                      
12 Education, US Dept. of             2004                      
13 Energy, US Dept. of   2004                      
14 Environmental Protection Agency      2004                      
15 Federal Emergency Management Agency       2004                      
16 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission           2004                      
17 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission #2     2004                      
18 Fish & Wildlife Service              2004                      

Box 57:
1 General, Federal Agencies       2004                      
2 Health & Human Services, US Dept. of   2004                      
3 Homeland Security      2004                      
4 Housing & Urban Development             2004                      
5 Indian Affairs 2004                      
6 Interior, US Dept. of    2004                      
7 Justice, US Dept. of     2004                      
8 Labor, US Dept. of        2004                      
9 Land Management, Bureau of                2004                      
10 National Transportation Safety Board  2004                      
11 Nuclear Regulatory Commission          2004                      
12 Office of Management & Budget        2004                      
13 Reclamation, Bureau of           2004                      
14 Small Business Administration, US      2004                      
15 Surface Transportation Board               2004 
16 Trade Representative, US Office of    2004                      
17 Transportation, US Dept. of   2004                      
18 United States Post Office       2004                      
19 US Representative Pomeroy, Earl       2004                      
20 US Senate Kent Conrad           2004                      
21 US Senate Byron Dorgan         2004                      
22 White House, Misc.   2004                      
23 Adjutant General & National Guard   2004                      
24 Agriculture, Dept. of                 2004                      
25 Attorney General       2004                      
26 Auditor, Office of       2004                      
27 Banking & Financial Institutions, Dept. of 2004                      
28 Bank of North Dakota               2004                      
29 Central Personnel Division     2004                      
30 Commerce    2004                      
31 Community Services                 2004                      
32 Corrections, Dept. of                2004                      
33 Emergency Management Division      2004                      
34 Game & Fish, Dept. of              2004                      
35 General, State             2004                      
36 General State Agencies #2     2004                      

Box 58:
1 Health Dept.   2004                      
2 Highway Patrol              2004                      
3 Historical Society           2004                      
4 Housing Finance Agency            2004                      
5 Human Services            2004                      
6 Information Technology Dept. 2004                    
7 Insurance         2004                      
8 Job Service ND               2004                      
9 Labor, Dept. of              2004                      
10 Land Dept.    2004                      
11 Legislative Council      2004                      
12 Legislators, North Dakota       2004                      
13 Library, State                2004                      
14 Management & Budget, Office of       2004                      
15 Parks & Recreation, Dept. of 2004                      
16 Public Instruction, Dept. of    2004                      
17 Public Service Commission     2004                      
18 Secretary of State      2004                      
19 Supreme Court, State              2004                      
20 Tax Commissioner, Office of the State  2004                 
21 Tourism Dept.              2004                      
22 Trade Office                 2004                      
23 Transportation, Dept. of         2004                      
24 Treasure, State           2004                      
25 University System      2004                      
26 Workers Compensation Bureau  2004                              
27 Council of State Governments  2004                 
28 General, Associations #1         2004                      

Box 59:
1 General #2      2004                      
2 General #3      2004                      
3 General #4      2004                      
4 General #5      2004                      
5 General #6      2004                      
6 General #7      2004                      
7 Governor's Ethanol Coalition   2004                      
8 Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission        2004                      
9 Midwest Governors Association            2004                      
10 Midwestern Governors Conference 2004                      
11 National Governors Association, General        2004                      
12 Republican Governors Association     2004                      
13 Water Coalition           2004                      
14 Western Governors Association          2004                      
15 Western States Water Council              2004                      
16 Aeronautics Commission        2004                      
17 Children's Services Coordinating Committee 2004                      
18 Crop Protection Product Harmonization & Registration 2004                  
19 Emergency Commission          2004                      
20 Equalization, State Board of   2004                      
21 General Boards & Commissions           2004                      
22 Higher Education, Board of    2004                      
23 Higher Education Roundtable               2004                      
24 Indian Affairs Commission      2004                      

Box 60:
1 Industrial Commission                2004                      
2 Midwest Higher Education Commission  2004                 
3 Nursing, Board of         2004                      
4 Pardon & Parole Board               2004                      
5 Racing Commission      2004                      
6 South West Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact     2004                      
7 STOP Advisory Committee       2004                      
8 University & School Lands, Board of     2004                      
9 Violent & Sexual Offenders (Governor's Taskforce)      2004                      
10 Water Commission, ND           2004                      
11 Workforce Development Council        2004                      
12 Communications, General      2004                      
13 Letters to the Editor 2004                      
14 Anniversary, Birthday, Condolences & Weddings        2004                      
15 Congratulatory from the Governor    2004                      
16 Congratulatory to the Governor          2004                      
17 Consulates & Embassies          2004                      
18 General Correspondence, Other Governments  2004                               
19 Governors of other States     2004                      
20 Greetings Letters 1    2004                      
21 Greetings Letters 2    2004                      
22 Meeting Requests     2004                      
23 New Recruit                 2004                      
24 Photo Ops     2004                      
25 Recommendation Letters       2004                      

Box 61:
1 Requests, January        2004                      
2 Requests, February     2004                      
3 Requests, March          2004                      
4 Requests, April              2004                      
5 Requests, May              2004                      
6 Requests, June              2004                      
7 Requests, July                2004                      
8 Requests, August         2004                      
9 Requests, September                2004                      
10 Requests, October    2004                      
11 Requests, November               2004                      
12 Requests, December                2004                      
13 Retirement Greetings              2004                      
14 Retirement Greetings #2        2004                      
15 Scheduling Correspondence, Ag Advisor 2004                              
16 Scheduling Correspondence, Chief of Staff    2004                      
17 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Accepted January      2004                      
18 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Accepted February    2004                      

Box 62:
1 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Accepted, March          2004                      
2 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Accepted, April              2004                      
3 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Accepted, May              2004                      
4 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Accepted, June             2004                      
5 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Accepted, July               2004                      
6 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Accepted, August         2004                      
7 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Accepted, September 2004
8 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Accepted, October      2004                      
9 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Accepted, November   2004                      
10 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Accepted, December  2004                      
11 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Declined, January       2004                      
12 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Declined, February    2004                      
13 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Declined, March         2004                      
14 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Declined, April             2004                      
15 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Declined, May             2004                      
16 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Declined, June             2004                      

Box 63:
1 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Declined, July 2004                      
2 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Declined, August  2004                      
3 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Declined, September 2004                      
4 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Declined, October 2004                             
5 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Declined, November   2004                      
6 Scheduling Correspondence, Governor Declined, December   2004                      
7 Scheduling Correspondence, Lt. Governor, January      2004                      
8 Scheduling Correspondence, Lt. Governor, February   2004                      
9 Scheduling Correspondence, Lt. Governor, March        2004                      
10 Scheduling Correspondence, Lt. Governor, April          2004                      
11 Scheduling Correspondence, Lt. Governor, May          2004                      
12 Scheduling Correspondence, Lt. Governor, June         2004                      
13 Scheduling Correspondence, Lt. Governor, July           2004                      
14 Scheduling Correspondence, Lt. Governor, August 2004                         
15 Scheduling Correspondence, Lt. Governor, September  2004                      
16 Scheduling Correspondence, Lt. Governor, October 2004                      
17 Scheduling Correspondence, Lt. Governor, November  2004                      
18 Scheduling Correspondence, Lt. Governor, December  2004                      

Box 64:
1 Scouts, General             2004                      
2 Scouts (Jan. Feb, March) 2004                
3 Scouts (April) 2004                      
4 Scouts (May) 2004                      
5 Scouts (June, July)       2004                      
6 Scouts (August, September)   2004                      
7 Scouts (October, November, December) 2004                               
8 Support Letters             2004                      
9 Thank You from the Governor                2004                      
10 Thank You to the Governor   2004                      
11 Thank You to the Governor #2             2004                      
12 Executive Orders        2004                      
13 General Legal Correspondence            2004                      
14 General Legal Correspondence #2      2004                      
15 General Legal Correspondence #3      2004                      

Box 65:
1 General Legal Correspondence #4        2004                      
2 Kukelic v Health             2004                      
3 Proclamations                2004                      
4 Proclamations, Game & Fish    2004                      
5 Proclamations, Pending             2004                      
6 Proclamations, Pending             2004                      
7 Legislative, General     2004                      
8 Personnel        2004                      
9 General, Cities               2004                      
10 Acquisitions 2004                      
11 Agricultural Issues      2004                      
12 Bioterrorism #1           2004                      
13 Bioterrorism #2           2004                      
14 Bioterrorism Grants 2004                      

Box 66:
1 BNSF 2004                      
2 BN Petition      2004                      
3 Census              2004                      
4 Centers of Excellence                 2004                      
5 Christopher Tires          2004                      
6 Confluence Property Acquisition Olds Brothers 2004                   
7 Coteau Properties Freedom Mine Lease 2004                
8 Dakota Prairie Grasslands         2004                      
9 Ethanol             2004                      
10 Extraditions #1            2004                      
11 Extraditions #2            2004                      
12 Extraditions #3            2004                      
13 Extraditions #4            2004                      
14 Forest Service Working Group 2004                  
15 Garrison         2004                      
16 General Programs & Projects 2004                    

Box 67:
1 Greenway on the Red                2004                      
2 Griggs County Acquisition-Crossland Inc  2004                
3 Harold Schafer Leadership Center         2004                      
4 Health ND        2004                      
5 Hogs   2004                      
6 Judgeship Vacancy Norman Backes      2004                      
7 Judgeship Vacancy Bruce Bohlman       2004                      
8 Judgeship Vacancy Gary Holum              2004                      
9 Judgeship Vacancy Lawrence Leclerc   2004                      
10 Judgeship Vacancy Michael McGuire                 2004                      
11 Lake Oahe     2004                      
12 Leo Reinbold                2004                      
13 Lewis & Clark                2004                      
14 Mad Cow Disease      2004                      
15 Medicaid Working Group        2004                      
16 Missouri River              2004                      
17 Missouri River Master Manual              2004                      
18 Missouri River Trust 2004                      
19 NAWS             2004                      
20 Operation: Intern       2004                      
21 Red River Basin           2004                      
22 Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe General 2004                      
23 Southwest Water Pipeline     2004                      
24 Standing Rock Sioux Tribe General     2004                      
25 State of State               2004                      
26 State Quarter Commission     2004                      
27 State Quarter #2         2004                      

Box 68:
1 Trade Mission                2004                      
2 Trade Mission #2          2004                      
3 Tribal Financial Statements       2004                      
4 Tribal General                2004                      
5 TR Medora Foundation              2004                      
6 Turtle Mountain General          2004                      
7 Wahpeton Flood Contract        2004                      
8 Water                2004                      
9 West Nile Virus              2004                      
10 Constituent Concerns, A         2004                      
11 Constituent Concerns, B #1   2004                      
12 Constituent Concerns, B #2   2004                      
13 Constituent Concerns, C         2004                      

Box 69:
1 Constituent Concerns, C #2      2004                      
2 Constituent Concerns, D           2004                      
3 Constituent Concerns, D #2     2004                      
4 Constituent Concerns, E            2004                      
5 Constituent Concerns, F            2004                      
6 Constituent Concerns, G           2004                      
7 Constituent Concerns, GC        2004                      
8 Constituent Concerns, H #1     2004                      
9 Constituent Concerns, H #2     2004                      
10 Constituent Concerns, Head Start       2004                      
11 Constituent Concerns, I           2004                      
12 Constituent Concerns, J          2004                      

Box  70:
1 Constituent Concerns, K            2004                      
2 Constituent Concerns, K #2      2004                      
3 Constituent Concerns, L #1      2004                      
4 Constituent Concerns, L #2      2004                      
5 Constituent Concerns, M #1    2004                      
6 Constituent Concerns, M #2    2004                      
7 Constituent Concerns, M #3    2004                      
8 Constituent Concerns, N           2004                      
9 Constituent Concerns, O           2004                      
10 Constituent Concerns, P         2004                      

Box 71:
1 Constituent Concerns, P #2      2004                      
2 Constituent Concerns, Pay Lag               2004
3 Constituent Concerns, Petitions            2004                      
4 Constituent Concerns, Prescription Drugs         2004                      
5 Constituent Concerns, Q           2004                      
6 Constituent Concerns, R            2004                      
7 Constituent Concerns, R #2      2004                      
8 Constituent Concerns, S #1      2004                      
9 Constituent Concerns, S #2      2004                      
10 Constituent Concerns, S #2 (3)             2004                      
11 Constituent Concerns, Same Sex Marriage     2004                      
12 Constituent Concerns, School Lands 2004                      
13 Constituent Concerns, State Employees          2004                      
14 Constituent Concerns, T          2004                      
15 Constituent Concerns, U         2004                      
16 Constituent Concerns, V         2004                      

Box 72:
1 Constituent Concerns, W          2004                      
2 Constituent Concerns, W #2    2004                      
3 Constituent Concerns, Wind Energy #1 2004                   
4 Constituent Concerns, Wind Energy #2 2004                   
5 Constituent Concerns, Wind Energy #3 2004                   

Box 73:
1 Constituent Concerns, Wind Energy #4 2004                   
2 Constituent Concerns, XYZ       2004                      
3 General Surveys & Reports 90                2004                      
4 Grand Forks Regional Hearing: Defense Base Closure & Realignment Commission 2005
5 North Dakota Quarter 2005-2006
6 State of the State 260501          2004
7 Agriculture, US Dept of 2005
8 Budget              2005
9 Commerce, US Dept. of             2005
10 Corps of Engineers, Army       2005
11 Defense, US Dept. of 2005
12 Education, US Dept. of 2005
13 Energy, Dept. of         2005
14 Environmental Protection Agency      2005
15 Federal Aviation Administration          2005
16 Federal Emergency Management Agency       2005
17 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission           2005                      
18 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission           2005                      
19 Fish & Wildlife Service, US      2005                      

Box 74:
1 General, Federal Agencies, US               2005                      
2 General, Federal Agencies, US               2005                      
3 General Services Administration            2005                      
4 Health & Human Services, US Dept. of                2005                      
5 Homeland Security      2005                      
6 Housing & Urban Development, US Dept. of    2005                      
7 Interior, US Dept. of    2005                      
8 Justice, US Dept. of     2005                      
9 Labor, Dept. of              2005                      
10 Land Management, Bureau of              2005                      
11 Nuclear Regulatory Commission          2005                      
12 Office of Management & Budget        2005                      
13 Reclamation, Bureau of           2005                      
14 Small Business Adm., US         2005                      
15 Surface Transportation Board               2005                      
16 Trade Representative, US Office of    2005                      
17 Transportation, US Dept. of   2005                      
18 US Post Office             2005                      
19 US Representative Pomeroy, Earl       2005                      
20 US Senator Conrad, Kent        2005                      
21 US Senator Dorgan, Byron      2005                      
22 White House                2005                      
23 Adjutant General & National Guard   2005                      
24 Agriculture, Dept. of                 2005                      
25 Attorney General       2005                      
26 Auditor, Office of the State   2005                      
27 Bank Of ND   2005                      
28 Central Personnel Division     2005                      
29 Commerce, Dept. of                 2005                      
30 Community Service, Division                 2005                      
31 Corrections & Rehabilitation, Dept. of 2005                   
32 Emergency Management, Division of 2005                    
33 Financial Institutions, Dept. of              2005                      
34 Game & Fish Dept.    2005                      
35 General, State Agencies          2005                      
36 Health, Dept. of          2005                      
37 Highway Patrol            2005                      
38 Historical Society        2005                      
39 Historical Society        2005                      
40 Housing Finance Agency         2005                      

Box 75:
1 Human Services, Dept. of         2005                      
2 Information Technology Dept. 2005                    
3 Insurance Dept.            2005                      
4 Job Service ND               2005                      
5 Labor, Dept of                2005                      
6 Land Dept.       2005                      
7 Legislative Council        2005                      
8 Legislators, ND               2005                      
9 Office of Management & Budget 2005                               
10 Parks & Recreation, Dept. of                 2005                      
11 Public Instruction, Dept. of    2005                      
12 Public Service Commission     2005                      
13 Secretary Of State     2005                      
14 Securities, Dept Of    2005                      
15 Supreme Court, State              2005                      
16 Tax Commission, Office of State 2005                               
17 Tourism Dept.              2005                      
18 Trade Office                 2005                      
19 Transportation, Dept Of          2005                      
20 Treasurer, State          2005                      
21 University System, ND             2005                      
22 Council of State Government 2005                    
23 Education of the States Commission 2005                      
24 General, Associations, #1       2005                      
25 General, Associations, #2       2005                      
26 General, Associations, #3       2005                      
27 General, Associations, #4       2005                      
28 General, Associations, #5       2005                      
29 Governor's Ethanol Coalition 2005                     
30 Greater ND Association           2005                      
31 Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC)    2005                      
32 Midwestern Governor's Association 2005                      
33 Midwestern Governor's Conference                 2005                      
34 National Governors Association, General        2005                      
35 Republican Governors Association (RGA)        2005                      
36 Western Governors Association (WGA)           2005                      
37 Western States Water Council 2005                  

Box 76:
1 Aeronautics    2005                      
2 Children's Services Coordinating Commission 2005                      
3 Crop Protection Product Harmonization & Registration Board 2005                       
4 Emergency Commission            2005                      
5 Equalization, State Board Of    2005                      
6 General, Boards & Commissions            2005                      
7 Higher Education, State Board Of          2005                      
8 Indian Affairs Commission        2005                      
9 Industrial Commission                2005                      
10 Midwestern Higher Education Commission    2005                      
11 Pardon& Patrol Board              2005                      
12 Stop Advisory Committee      2005                      
13 University & School Lands, Board Of 2005                      
14 Water Commission, ND State                2005                      
15 Workforce Development Council        2005                      
16 General Communications       2005                      
17 Anniversary, Birthday, Condolence & Wedding Greetings       2005                      
18 Anniversary, Birthday, Condolence & Wedding Greetings       2005                      
19 Canadian Provincial Government        2005                      
20 Congratulatory, From the Governor 2005                      
21 Congratulatory, From the Governor 2005                      
22 Congratulatory, To the Governor        2005                      
23 Consulates & Embassies, General       2005                      
24 General Correspondence       2005                      
25 Governors of Other States     2005                      
26 Greeting Letters         2005                      
27 Greeting Letters         2005                      
28 Meeting Requests     2005                      
29 New Recruit                 2005                      

Box 77:
1 Photo Sessions - Misc.                2005                      
2 Recommendation Letters         2005                      
3 Requests By Month January    2005                      
4 Requests By Month February                 2005                      
5 Requests By Month March       2005                      
6 Requests By Month February                 2005                      
7 Requests By Month April          2005                      
8 Requests By Month May           2005                      
9 Requests By Month June          2005                      
10 Requests By Month July          2005                      
11 Requests By Month August   2005                      
12 Requests By Month September          2005                      
13 Requests By Month October                 2005                      
14 Requests By Month November           2005                      
15 Requests By Month December            2005                      
16 Retirement Greetings              2005                      
17 Retirement Greetings              2005                      
18 Scheduling - Chief Of State    2005                      
19 Scheduling - Chief Of State    2005                      
20 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted January    2005      
21 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted February  2005      

Box 78:
1 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted March         2005      
2 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted April            2005      
3 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted May             2005      
4 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted June            2005      
5 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted July              2005      
6 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted August       2005      
7 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted September  2005      
8 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted October     2005      
9 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted November   2005      
10 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted December 2005      
11 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Declined January     2005      
12 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted February   2005      
13 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted March      2005      
14 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted April          2005      
15 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted May          2005      
16 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted June          2005      
17 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted  July           2005      
18 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted August     2005      
19 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted September   2005      
20 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted October   2005      
21 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted November 2005      
22 Scheduling Correspondence - Governor, Accepted December 2005      

Box 79:
1 Scheduling Correspondence - Lt. Governor January      2005                      
2 Scheduling Correspondence - Lt. Governor February   2005                      
3 Scheduling Correspondence - Lt. Governor March        2005                      
4 Scheduling Correspondence - Lt. Governor April            2005                      
5 Scheduling Correspondence - Lt. Governor May            2005                      
6 Scheduling Correspondence - Lt. Governor June            2005                      
7 Scheduling Correspondence - Lt. Governor July              2005                      
8 Scheduling Correspondence - Lt. Governor August       2005                      
9 Scheduling Correspondence - Lt. Governor September  2005
10 Scheduling Correspondence - Lt. Governor October 2005                       
11 Scheduling Correspondence - Lt. Governor November  2005      
12 Scheduling Correspondence - Lt. Governor December 2005      
13 Scout Certificates January      2005                      
14 Scout Certificates February    2005                      
15 Scout Certificates March         2005                      
16 Scout Certificates By Month April        2005                      
17 Scout Certificates By Month May        2005                      
18 Scout Certificates By Month June       2005                      
19 Scout Certificates By Month July         2005                      
20 Scout Certificates By Month August   2005                      
21 Scout Certificates By Month September          2005                      
22 Scout Certificates By Month October                2005                      
23 Scout Certificates By Month November           2005                      
24 Scout Certificates By Month December            2005                      
25 Support Letters           2005                      
26 Thank You From the Governor             2005                      
27 Thank You From the Governor             2005                      
28 Thank You From the Governor             2005                      

Box 80:
1 Executive Orders          2005                      
2 General Legal Correspondence              2005                      
3 Proclamations                2005                      
4 Proclamations                2005                      
5 Proclamations - Pending            2005                      
6 Proclamations - Pending            2005                      
7 Proclamations - Game & Fish   2005                      
8 General Legislative      2005                      
9 House Bills       2005                      
10 Senate Bills   2005                      
11 Transmission Letters                 2005                      
12 Transmission Letters                 2005                      
13 Personnel - Applications, Employment Correspondence 2005                      
14 General Cities              2005                      
15 General Counties       2005                      
16 General Schools          2005                      
17 Acquisitions 2005                      
18 Biodiesel        2005                      
19 (BRAC) Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission hearings 2005
20 Continuum of Government   2005
21 Ethanol           2005
22 Extraditions - 2005 #1 2005

Box 81:
1 Extraditions - 2005 #2 2005                      
2 Extraditions - 2005 #3 2005                      
3 Extraditions - 2005 #4 2005                      
4 Extraditions - 2005 #5 2005                      
5 General, Programs, Projects & Services  2005                      
6 General, Programs, Projects & Services  2005                      
7 General, Programs, Projects & Services  2005                      
8 Judicial Vacancy - Ketterlng      2005                      
9 Judicial Vacancy - Neumann     2005                      
10 Lewis & Clark                2005                      
11 Mandan Library           2005                      
12 Municipal, Rural, & Industrial  2005                    
13 Missouri River              2005                      
14 Missouri River Trust 2005                      
15 Missouri River Trust 2005                      
16 No Child Left Behind 2005                      
17 Open Records              2005                      

Box 82:
1 Operation Intern          2005                      
2 Leo Reinbold 2005                      
3 State of State                 2005                      
4 State Quarter Design 2005                      
5 State Quarter Design Bison #1 2005                     
6 State Quarter Design Bison #2 2005                     

Box 83:
1 State Quarter Design Bison #3 2005                     
2 State Quarter Design Bison #4 2005                     
3 State Quarter Design Geese #1 2005                   
4 State Quarter Design Geese #3 2005

Box 84:
1 State Quarter Design Geese #2  2005                  
2 Trade                 2005                      
3 Tribal General                2005                      
4 Water                2005                      
5 Abortion           2005                      
6 Budget              2005                      
7 Constituent Concerns, A           2005                      
8 Constituent Concerns, B            2005                      
9 Constituent Concerns, B            2005                      
10 Constituent Concerns, B         2005                      
11 Boutros, George         2005                      
12 Constituent Concerns, C         2005                      
13 Constituent Concerns, C         2005                      
14 Constituent Concerns, D         2005                      
15 DD Wages      2005                      

Box 85:
1 Constituent Concerns, E            2005                      
2 Constituent Concerns, F            2005                      
3 Ferguson, Barbara        2005                      
4 Constituent Concerns, G           2005                      
5 Constituent Concerns, G           2005                      
6 Constituent Concerns, General  2005                  
7 Constituent Concerns, H           2005                      
8 Constituent Concerns, H           2005                      
9 Constituent Concerns, H           2005                      
10 Head Start     2005                      
11 Hunting          2005                      
12 Constituent Concerns, I           2005                      
13 Constituent Concerns, J          2005                      
14 Constituent Concerns, K         2005                      
15 Constituent Concerns, K         2005                      
16 Constituent Concerns, L          2005                      
17 Constituent Concerns, L          2005                      

Box 86:
1 Legislation-SB 2041 & SB2333 2005                       
2 Legislation-SB 2041 & SB2333 2005                       
3 Legislation-SB 2041 & SB2333 2005                       
4 Constituent Concerns, M          2005                      
5 Constituent Concerns, M          2005                      
6 Constituent Concerns, N           2005                      
7 Constituent Concerns, O           2005                      
8 Constituent Concerns, P            2005                      
9 Petitions           2005                      
10 Constituents Concerns, Q       2005                      
11 Constituent Concerns, R         2005                      
12 Constituent concerns, S          2005                      

Box 87:
1 Constituent Concerns, S            2005                      
2 Constituent Concerns, S            2005                      
3 Smoke free     2005                      
4 Social Security                2005                      
5 State Employee Pay    2005                      
6 Constituent Concerns, T            2005                      
7 Constituent Concerns, U           2005                      
8 Constituent Concerns, V           2005                      
9 Constituent Concerns, W          2005                      
10 Constituent Concerns, W        2005                      
11 Wind Energy                 2005                      
12 Women's Health         2005                      
13 Constituent Concerns, X Y & Z 2005                   
14 General, Surveys, Reports & Studies 2005                      
15 Agriculture, US Dept. of          2006                      
16 Corps of Engineers, Army       2006                      
17 Commerce, US Dept. of          2006                      
18 Census, Bureau of the             2006                      
19 Defense, Dept. of      2006                      
20 Environmental Protection Agency      2006                      
21 Energy, US Dept. of   2006                      
22 Education, US Dept. of             2006                      
23 Federal Emergency Management Agency       2006                      

Box 88:
1 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 2006                  
2 Fish & Wildlife Service                2006                      
3 General, Federal Agencies       2006                      
4 Health & Human Services, US Dept. of                2006                      
5 Homeland Security, US Dept. of             2006                      
6 Housing & Urban Development, US Dept. of    2006                      
7 Nuclear Regulatory Commission            2006                      
8 Nuclear Regulatory Commission            2006                      
9 National Transportation Safety Board 2006                      
10 Land Management, Bureau of              2006                      
11 Labor, US Dept. of     2006                      
12 Justice, US Dept. of   2006                      
13 Transportation, US Dept. of   2006                      
14 Surface Transportation Board               2006                      
15 Small Business Administration              2006                      
16 Reclamation, Bureau of           2006                      
17 Office of Management & Budget        2006                      
18 Veterans Affairs, US Dept. of                2006                      
19 US Senator Dorgan, Byron      2006                      
20 US Senator Conrad, Kent        2006
21 US Representative Pomeroy, Earl       2006
22 White House                2006
23 Attorney General       2006
24 Agriculture, Dept. of 2006
25 Adjutant General & National Guard   2006
26 Bank of North Dakota  2006
27 Commerce, Dept. of 2006
28 Community Services, Division of          2006
29 Corrections & Rehabilitation, Dept. of 2006
30 Game & Fish Dept.    2006

Box 89:
1 General, State Agencies 2006
2 Emergency Services, Dept. of 2006
3 Health, Dept. of            2006
4 Highway Patrol              2006
5 Historical Society           2006
6 Housing Finance Agency            2006
7 Human Services, Dept. of         2006
8 Information Technology Dept. 2006
9 Insurance Dept.            2006
10 Job Service North Dakota       2006
11 Labor, Dept. of            2006                      
12 Legislative Council      2006                      
13 Legislators, ND            2006                      
14 Office of Management & Budget        2006                      
15 Parks & Recreation, Dept. of                 2006                      
16 Public Employees Retirement System  2006                  
17 Public Instruction, Dept. of    2006                      
18 Public Service Commission     2006                      
19 Secretary of State      2006                      
20 Supreme Court, State              2006                      
21 Tax Commissioner, Office of State      2006                      
22 Trade Office                 2006                      
23 Transportation, Dept. of         2006                      
24 Treasurer, State          2006                      
25 University System      2006                      
26 Workforce Safety & Insurance             2006                      
27 Council of State Governments  2006                 
28 Education Commission of the States 2006                      
29 General, Associations #1         2006                      

Box 90:
1 General, Associations #2           2006                      
2 General, Associations #3           2006                      
3 Emergency Management Assistance Compact                2006                      
4 Governor's Ethanol Coalition   2006                      
5 Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission 2006                             
6 Lignite Energy Council                 2006                      
7 Midwestern Governors Association     2006                      
8 Republican Governors Association (RGA)  2006                              
9 Water Coalition             2006                      
10 Western Governors University (WGU) 2006                  
11 Western States Water Council 2006                  
12 National Governors Association (NGA) 2006                 
13 Western Governors Association (WGA) 2006                
14 Aeronautics Commissions      2006                      
15 Crop Protection Product Harmonization & Registration Board 2006                     
16 Emergency Commission          2006                      
17 General, Boards & Commissions          2006                      
18 Equalization, State Board of   2006                      

Box 91:
1 Faith Based     2006                      
2 Higher Education, State Board of           2006                      
3 Indian Affairs Commission        2006                      
4 Industrial Commission                2006                      
5 Midwestern Higher Education Commission       2006                      
6 Pardon & Parole Board               2006                      
7 Racing Commission      2006                      
8 SPF Advisory Council   2006                      
9 Stop Advisory Committee         2006                      
10 University & School Lands, Board of   2006                      
11 Water Commission, North Dakota State           2006                      
12 Workforce Development Council        2006                      
13 General          2006                      
14 Anniversary, Birthday, Condolence & Wedding Greetings       2006                      
15 Congratulatory from the Governor    2006                      
16 Congratulatory from the Lt. Governor              2006                      
17 Congratulatory, to the Governor         2006                      
18 General Correspondence       2006                      

Box 92:
1 Greeting Letters           2006                      
2 New Recruits 2006                      
3 Photo Sessions - Misc                 2006                      
4 Recommendation Letters         2006                      
5 Requests January         2006                      
6 Requests February      2006                      
7 Requests March            2006                      
8 Requests April               2006                      
9 Requests May                2006                      
10 Requests June             2006                      
11 Requests July               2006                      
12 Requests August        2006                      
13 Requests September               2006                      
14 Requests October      2006                      
15 Requests November                2006                      
16 Requests December                 2006                      
17 Retirement Greetings              2006                      
18 Scout Certificates January      2006                      
19 Scout Certificates February    2006                      
20 Scout Certificates March         2006                      
21 Scout Certificates April             2006                      
22 Scout Certificates May             2006                      
23 Scout Certificates June            2006                      

Box 93:
1 Scout Certificates July                 2006                      
2 Scout Certificates August          2006                      
3 Scout Certificates September                 2006                      
4 Scout Certificates October        2006                      
5 Scout Certificates November 2006                      
6 Scout Certificates December   2006                      
7 Thank You to the Governor      2006                      
8 Thank You from the Lt. Governor          2006                      
9 Support Letters             2006                      
10 Thank You from the Governor              2006                      
11 Canadian Provincial Government        2006                      
12 Consulates & Embassies, General       2006                      
13 Governors of Other States     2006                      
14 Meeting Requests     2006                      
15 Scheduling - Chief of Staff      2006                      
16 Scheduling - General                2006                      
17 Scheduling - Governor Accepted January        2006                      
18 Scheduling - Governor Accepted February     2006                      
19 Scheduling - Governor Accepted March           2006                      
20 Scheduling - Governor Accepted April              2006                      
21 Scheduling - Governor Accepted May               2006                      

Box 94:
1 Scheduling - Governor Accepted June                2006                      
2 Scheduling - Governor Accepted July 2006                      
3 Scheduling - Governor Accepted August            2006                      
4 Scheduling - Governor Accepted September   2006                      
5 Scheduling - Governor Accepted October         2006                      
6 Scheduling - Governor Accepted November    2006                      
7 Scheduling - Governor Accepted December     2006                      
8 Scheduling - Governor Declined January            2006                      
9 Scheduling - Governor Declined February         2006                      
10 Scheduling - Governor Declined March            2006                      
11 Scheduling - Governor Declined April                2006                      
12 Scheduling - Governor Declined May                2006                      
13 Scheduling - Governor Declined June                2006                      
14 Scheduling - Governor Declined July 2006                      
15 Scheduling - Governor Declined August           2006                      
16 Scheduling - Governor Declined September 2006                      
17 Scheduling - Governor Declined October         2006                      
18 Scheduling - Governor Declined November   2006                      
19 Scheduling - Governor Declined December    2006                      
20 Scheduling - Lt. Governor January      2006                      
21 Scheduling - Lt. Governor February    2006                      
22 Scheduling - Lt. Governor March         2006                      
23 Scheduling - Lt. Governor April             2006                      
24 Scheduling - Lt. Governor May             2006                      
25 Scheduling - Lt. Governor June            2006                      
26 Scheduling - Lt. Governor July              2006                      

Box 95:
1 Scheduling - Lt. Governor August          2006                      
2 Scheduling - Lt. Governor September                 2006                      
3 Scheduling - Lt. Governor October        2006                      
4 Scheduling - Lt. Governor November 2006                      
5 Scheduling - Lt. Governor December   2006                      
6 Executive Orders          2006                      
7 General Legal Correspondence              2006                      
8 Proclamations                2006                      
9 Proclamations #2          2006                      
10 Proclamations Game & Fish   2006                      
11 Proclamations, Denied             2006                      
12 Personnel - Applications, Employment Correspondence          2006                      
13 General, Cities             2006                      
14 Extraditions Folder 1 2006                      
15 Extraditions Folder 2 2006                      
16 Extraditions Folder 3 2006                      
17 Extraditions Folder 4 2006                      

Box 96:
1 General, Counties        2006                      
2 Acquisitions    2006                      
3 ITD Chief Information Officer 2006                      
4 Sullivan Acquisition      2007                      
5 Casino               2006                      
6 Centers of Excellence                 2006                      
7 Crosslands       2006                      
8 Land Acquisition            2006                      
9 Fighting Sioux                 2006                      
10 Gaming           2006                      
11 General, Programs, Projects & Services  2006                               
12 Eberts Ranch 2006
13 JRI     2006                      
14 Judicial Vacancy (Goodman) 2006                      
15 Judicial Vacancy (Hilden)         2006                      
16 Judicial Vacancy (Ketterling) 2006                      
17 Judicial Vacancy (Riskedahl)   2006                      
18 Leo Reinbold                2006                      
19 Missouri River              2006                      
20 Property Tax                2006                      
21 State Quarter Design                2006                      

Box 97:
1 State of State                 2006                      
2 Quarter Commission   2006                      
3 Trade Mission                2006                      
4 Taiwan/China Trade Mission June 2006                              
5 Tribal (General)             2006                      
6 Water (General)           2006                      
7 Constituent Concerns A             2006                      
8 Constituent Concerns B             2006                      
9 Constituent Concerns B #2       2006                      
10 Constituent Concerns C           2006                      
11 Constituent Concerns D          2006                      
12 Constituent Concerns E           2006                      
13 Constituent Concerns F           2006                      
14 Constituent Concerns G          2006                      
15 Constituent Concerns General             2006                      
16 Constituent Concerns H          2006                      

Box 98:
1 Constituent Concerns I              2006                      
2 Constituent Concerns J              2006                      
3 Constituent Concerns JSND     2006                      
4 Constituent Concerns K             2006                      
5 Constituent Concerns L              2006                      
6 Constituent Concerns Land Transfer    2006                      
7 Constituent Concerns M           2006                      
8 Constituent Concerns N            2006                      
9 Constituent Concerns O            2006                      
10 Constituent Concerns P           2006                      
11 Constituent Concerns Petitions           2006                      
12 Constituent Concerns Q          2006                      
13 Constituent Concerns R           2006                      
14 Constituent Concerns S           2006                      
15 Constituent Concerns S #2     2006                      
16 Constituent Concerns Scholes, Michael            2006                      
17 Constituent Concerns T           2006                      
18 Constituent Concerns U          2006                      
19 Constituent Concerns V          2006                      
20 Constituent Concerns W         2006                      
21 Constituent Concerns XYZ      2006                      

Box 99:
1 Inauguration Speech   2000                      
2 Budget Address for 2003 Legislative Session     2002                      
3 Inauguration Ball & Reception 2000                      
4 News Clippings - Inauguration                2000                      
5 KXMB interview/story on inauguration on VHS               2000                      
6 Adjutant General & National Guard     2007                      
7 Agriculture, Dept. of   2007                      
8 Attorney General         2007                      
9 Auditor, Office of the State      2007                      
10 Bank of North Dakota               2007                      
11 Commerce, Dept. of                 2007                      
12 Community Services, Dept. of              2007                      
13 Corrections & Rehabilitation, Dept. of               2007                      
14 Emergency Services, Division of           2007                      
15 Game and Fish Dept.                2007                      
16 General, State Agencies          2007                      
17 Health, Dept. of          2007                      
18 Highway Patrol            2007                      
19 Historical Society        2007                      
20 Human Services, Dept. of       2007                      
21 Insurance Dept.          2007                      
22 Job Service North Dakota       2007                      
23 Labor, Dept. of            2007                      
24 Land Dept.    2007                      
25 Legislative Council      2007                      
26 Legislators, ND            2007                      
27 Office of Management & Budget        2007                      
28 Public Employees Retirement System 2007                   
29 Public Instruction, Dept. of    2007                      
30 Public Service Commission     2007                      
31 Secretary of State      2007                      
32 Supreme Court, State              2007                      
33 Tax Commissioner, Office Of State     2007                      
34 Transportation, Dept. of         2007                      
35 Trade Office                 2007                      
36 Treasure, State           2007                      
37 University Systems    2007                      
38 Workforce Safety & Insurance             2007                      

Box 100:
1 Council of State Governments                2007                      
2 Education Commission of the States    2007                      
3 General, Associations #1           2007                      
4 General, Associations #2           2007                      
5 Governor's Ethanol Coalition   2007                      
6 Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission    2007                      
7 Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission        2007                      
8 Midwestern Governors Association     2007                      
9 Midwestern Governor's Conference   2007                      
10 Republican Governors Association (RGA)        2007                      
11 Western States Water Council              2007                      
12 National Governors Association (NGA)             2007                      
13 Western Governors Association (WGA)           2007                      
14 Aeronautics Commission        2007                      
15 Crop Protection Product Harmonization & Registration Board 2007                     
16 General, Boards & Commissions          2007                      
17 Higher Education, State Board of         2007                      
18 Indian Affairs Commission      2007                      
19 Industrial Commission              2007                      
20 Midwestern Higher Education Commission    2007                      
21 North Dakota Commission on Education Improvement             2007                      
22 Pardon and Parole Board        2007                      
23 Racing Commission    2007                      
24 Water Commission, ND State                2007                      
25 General Correspondence  #1                2007                      
26 General Correspondence       2007                      
27 General Correspondence  #3                2007                      

Box 101:
1 Anniversary, Birthday, Condolence, and Wedding Greetings    2007                      
2 Congratulatory, From the Governor     2007                      
3 Congratulatory, To the Governor          2007                      
4 Congratulatory, To the Governor          2007                      
5 Greeting Letters           2007                      
6 Photo Sessions - Misc.                2007                      
7 Recommendation Letters         2007                      
8 Requests, January        2007                      
9 Requests, February     2007                      
10 Requests, March        2007                      
11 Requests, April            2007                      
12 Requests, May            2007                      
13 Requests, June           2007                      
14 Requests, July             2007                      
15 Requests, August       2007                      
16 Requests, September              2007                      
17 Requests, October    2007                      
18 Requests, November               2007                      
19 Requests, December                2007                      
20 Retirement Greetings              2007                      
21 Scout Certificates, January     2007                      
22 Scout Certificates, February 2007                      
23 Scout Certificates, March        2007                      
24 Scout Certificates, April           2007                      
25 Scout Certificates, May            2007                      
26 Scout Certificates, June           2007                      
27 Scout Certificates, July             2007                      
28 Scout Certificates, August      2007                      
29 Scout Certificates, September              2007                      
30 Scout Certificates, October    2007                      
31 Scout Certificates, November               2007                      
32 Scout Certificates, December               2007                      
33 Support Letters           2007                      
34 Thank You From The Governor            2007                      
35 Thank You From The Lt. Governor      2007                      
36 Thank You To the Governor   2007                      
37 Thank You To the Governor   2007                      
38 Governors of Other States     2007                      
39 Canadian Provincial Government        2007                      
40 Consulates and Embassies, General   2007                      

Box 102:
1 Meeting Requests       2007                      
2 Scheduling, Agriculture              2007                      
3 Scheduling, Chief of Staff          2007                      
4 Scheduling, General    2007                      
5 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted January         2007                      
6 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted February      2007                      
7 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted March            2007                      
8 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted April               2007                      
9 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted May                2007                      
10 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted June             2007                      
11 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted July               2007                      
12 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted August        2007                      
13 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted September               2007                      
14 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted October      2007                      
15 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted November                2007                      
16 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted December                 2007                      
17 Scheduling - Governor, Declined January        2007                      
18 Scheduling - Governor, Declined February      2007                      
19 Scheduling - Governor, Declined March           2007                      
20 Scheduling - Governor, Declined April               2007                      
21 Scheduling - Governor, Declined May               2007                      
22 Scheduling - Governor, Declined June              2007                      
23 Scheduling - Governor, Declined July                2007                      
24 Scheduling - Governor, Declined August          2007                      
25 Scheduling - Governor, Declined September                 2007                      
26 Scheduling - Governor, Declined October       2007                      
27 Scheduling - Governor, Declined November 2007                      
28 Scheduling - Governor, Declined December   2007                      
29 Scheduling - Lt. Governor January      2007                      
30 Scheduling - Lt. Governor February    2007                      
31 Scheduling - Lt. Governor March         2007                      
32 Scheduling - Lt. Governor April             2007                      
33 Scheduling - Lt. Governor May             2007                      
34 Scheduling - Lt. Governor June            2007                      

Box 103:
1 Scheduling - Lt. Governor July                 2007                      
2 Scheduling - Lt. Governor August          2007                      
3 Scheduling - Lt. Governor September                 2007                      
4 Scheduling - Lt. Governor October        2007                      
5 Scheduling - Lt. Governor November 2007                      
6 Scheduling - Lt. Governor December   2007                      
7 General Legal Correspondence 2007                   
8 Unusual Legal Correspondence 2007                  
9 Executive Orders          2007                      
10 Proclamations              2007                      
11 Proclamations              2007                      
12 Proclamations - Game & Fish 2007                     
13 Proclamations - Denied           2007                      
14 Senate Bills   2007                      
15 House Bills     2007                      
16 Legislation, General 2007                      
17 Legislation, General 2007                      
18 Personnel - Applications, Employment Correspondence 2007                               
19 General, Cities             2007                      
20 General, Counties      2007                      
21 General, Schools        2007                      
22 Extraditions Folder 1 2007                      
23 Extraditions Folder 2 2007                      

Box 104:
1 Extraditions Folder 3   2007                      
2 Death Penalty                2007                      
3 Eberts/Elkhorn              2007                      
4 Education Adequacy Study       2007                      
5 Missouri River                2007                      
6 State of the State         2007                      
7 Trade                 2007                      
8 Transportation Loan Programs 2007                    
9 Tribal (General)             2007                      
10 Water (General)         2007                      
11 Wind                2007                      
12 Constituent Concerns, A         2007                      
13 Constituent Concerns, B         2007                      
14 Constituent Concerns, C         2007                      
15 Constituent Concerns, D         2007                      
16 Constituent Concerns, E          2007                      
17 Constituent Concerns, F          2007                      
18 Constituent Concerns, General  2007                               
19 Constituent Concerns, G         2007                      
20 Constituent Concerns, H         2007                      
21 Constituent Concerns, I           2007                      
22 Constituent Concerns, J          2007                      
23 Constituent Concerns, K         2007                      

Box 105:
1 Constituent Concerns, L  2007
2 Constituent Concerns, M 2007
3 Constituent Concerns, N  2007
4 Constituent Concerns, O  2007
5 Constituent Concerns, P  2007
6 Constituent Concerns, R  2007
7 Constituent Concerns, S  2007
8 Constituent Concerns, T  2007
9 Constituent Concerns, V  2007
10 Constituent Concerns, W  2007
11 Constituent Concerns, X Y & Z 2007
12 Constituent Concerns, X Y & Z 2007
13 Photo Session Misc. 2004
14 Governor Award Files 2002
15 Capitol For A Day 2001
16 CFAD - Misc 2001
19 Chorus, Governor's   2001
18 Band and Chorus, Governor's 2001

Box 106:
1 Eat with Your Family Essay Contest Entries 2003
2 Central Personnel Division 2008
3 Banking and Financial Institutions, Department of 2008
4 Bank of North Dakota                 2008
5 Auditor, Office of the State      2008
6 Attorney General         2008
7 Agriculture, Department of 2008
8 Adjutant General and National Guard 2008
9 Human Services, Department of 2008
10 Housing Finance Agency 2008
11 Highway Patrol 2008
12 Historical Society        2008
13 Health, Department of            2008
14 General, State Agencies          2008
15 Game and Fish Department 2008
16 Emergency Services, Division of           2008
17 Corrections & Rehabilitation, Department of 2008
18 Community Services, Department of  2008
19 Commerce, Department of   2008
20 Transportation, Department of            2008
21 Trade Office                 2008
22 Tourism Department                2008
23 Tax Commissioner, Office of State      2008
24 Supreme Court, State              2008
25 Securities, Department           2008
26 Security of State         2008
27 Public Service Commission     2008
28 Public Instruction, Department of       2008
29 Public Employees Retirement System  2008
30 Parks and Recreation, Department of  2008
31 Office of Management & Budget        2008
32 Library, State                2008
33 Legislators, ND            2008
34 Legislative Council      2008
35 Land Department       2008
36 Labor Department     2008
37 Job Service North Dakota       2008
38 Insurance Department            2008
39 Information Technology Department  2008

Box 107:
1 University System        2008
2 Workforce Safety & Insurance                2008
3 Treasurer, State            2008
4 Midwestern Governor's Conference   2008
5 Midwestern Governors Association     2008
6 Lignite Energy Council                 2008
7 Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission    2008
8 Greater North Dakota Chamber of Commerce 2008
9 Governor's Ethanol Coalition   2008
10 General, Associations #1         2008
11 Education Commission of the States 2008
12 Council of State Governments             2008
13 Western States Water Council              2008
14 Western Governors University (WGU) 2008
15 Western Governors Association (WGA)  2008
16 Western Canadian Premiers 2008
17 Water Coalition           2008
18 Republican National Committee (RNC) 2008
19 Republican Governors Association (RGA) 2008
20 National Governors Association (NGA) 2008
21 North Dakota Education Association 2008
22 Aeronautics Commission        2008
23 Crop Protection Product Harmonization & Registration Board 2008
24 Emergency Commission          2008
25 Equalization, State Board of   2008
26 General, Boards and Commissions     2008
27 Higher Education, State Board of         2008
28 Indian Affairs Commission      2008
29 Industrial Commission              2008
30 Midwestern Higher Education Commission    2008
31 Pardon and Parole Board        2008
32 Racing Commission    2008
33 STOP Advisory Committee     2008
34 University and School Lands, Board of  2008
35 Water Commission, ND State                2008
36 Workforce Development Council        2008
37 Anniversary, Birthday, Condolence and Wedding Greetings   2008
38 Canadian Provincial Government        2008
39 Congratulatory, to the Governor         2008
40 Congratulatory, From the Lt. Governor            2008
41 Consulates and Embassies, General   2008
42 Congratulatory, From the Governor 2008
43 General Correspondence       2008
44 General Correspondence       2008
45 Greetings      2008
46 Greeting Letters         2008
47 Governors of Other States     2008
48 Scheduling - General 45           2008

Box 108:
1 General Correspondence         2008
2 Recommendation Letters         2008
3 Requests (January)      2008
4 Requests (February)   2008
5 Requests (March)        2008
6 Requests (April)            2008
7 Requests (May)            2008
8 Requests (June)            2008
9 Requests (July)              2008
10 Requests (August)     2008
11 Requests (September)            2008
12 Requests (October) 2008
13 Requests (November)             2008
14 Requests (December)              2008
15 Retirement Greetings              2008
16 Photo Sessions - Misc               2008
17 Meeting Requests     2008
18 Scheduling, Agriculture            2008
19 Scheduling - Chief of Staff      2008
20 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted January       2008
21 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted February    2008
22 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted March         2008
23 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted April             2008
24 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted May             2008
25 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted June             2008
26 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted July               2008
27 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted August        2008
28 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted September 2008

Box 109:
1 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted October      2008
2 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted November   2008
3 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted December   2008
4 Scheduling - Governor, Declined January           2008
5 Scheduling - Governor, Declined February        2008
6 Scheduling - Governor, Declined March             2008
7 Scheduling - Governor, Declined April                 2008
8 Scheduling - Governor, Declined May                 2008
9 Scheduling - Governor, Declined June                 2008
10 Scheduling - Governor, Declined July                2008
11 Scheduling - Governor, Declined August          2008
12 Scheduling - Governor, Declined September  2008
13 Scheduling - Governor, Declined October       2008
14 Scheduling - Governor, Declined November  2008
15 Scheduling - Governor, Declined December   2008
16 Scheduling - Governor Cancelled        2008
17 Scheduling - Lt. Governor January      2008
18 Scheduling - Lt. Governor February    2008
19 Scheduling - Lt. Governor March         2008
20 Scheduling - Lt. Governor April             2008
21 Scheduling - Lt. Governor May             2008
22 Scheduling - Lt. Governor June            2008
23 Scheduling - Lt. Governor July              2008
24 Scheduling - Lt. Governor August        2008
25 Scheduling - Lt. Governor September 2008
26 Scheduling - Lt. Governor October     2008
27 Scheduling - Lt. Governor November  2008
28 Scheduling - Lt. Governor December 2008
29 Scout Certificates (January)   2008
30 Scout Certificates (February) 2008
31 Scout Certificates (March)      2008
32 Scout Certificates (April)         2008
33 Scout Certificates (May)          2008
34 Scout Certificates (June)         2008
35 Scout Certificates (July)           2008
36 Scout Certificates (August)    2008
37 Scout Certificates (September) 2008
38 Scout Certificates (October) 2008
39 Scout Certificates (November) 2008
40 Scout Certificates (December) 2008
41 Support Letters           2008
42 Thank You From the Governor 2008
43 Thank You From the Governor 2008
44 Thank You From the Governor 2008

Box 110:
1 Unusual Legal Correspondence 2008
2 General Legal Correspondence 2008
3 Executive Orders          2008
4 Executive Orders          2008
5 Proclamations                2008
6 Proclamations                2008
7 Proclamations - Game & Fish   2008
8 Proclamations - Denied              2008
9 Personnel - Applications, Employment Correspondence 2008
10 Resignations                 2008
11 General, Counties      2008
12 General, Cities             2008
13 General, Schools        2008
14 Acquisitions 2008
15 Eberts/Elk Horn           2008
16 Extraditions (Folder 1)              2008
17 Extraditions (Folder 2)              2008
18 Fighting Sioux Issue   2008
19 Charitable Gaming     2008
20 General, Programs, Projects & Services 2008
21 Missouri River              2008
22 Property Tax                2008
23 Trade               2008
24 Transportation Loan Program  2008
25 Tribal (General)           2008
26 Water (General)         2008
27 Wind 2008

Box 111:
1 Livestock Assistance Grant Program     2006-2008
2 Richland County            2008
3 To-Cross-The-Moon    2008
4 Constituents   2008
5 Constituent Concerns, A           2008
6 Constituent Concerns, B            2008
7 Constituent Concerns, C            2008
8 Constituent Concerns, D           2008
9 Constituent Concerns, E            2008
10 Constituent Concerns, F          2008
11 Constituent Concerns, G         2008
12 Constituent Concerns, General            2008
13 Constituent Concerns, H         2008
14 Constituent Concerns, I           2008
15 Constituent Concerns, J          2008
16 Constituent Concerns, K         2008

Box 112:
1 Constituent Concerns, L            2008
2 Constituent Concerns, M          2008
3 Constituent Concerns, N           2008
4 Constituent Concerns, O           2008
5 Constituent Concerns, P            2008
6 Constituent Concerns, Q           2008
7 Constituent Concerns, R            2008
8 Constituent Concerns, S            2008
9 Constituent Concerns, T            2008
10 Constituent Concerns, V         2008
11 Constituent Concerns, U         2008
12 Constituent Concerns, W        2008
13 Constituent Concerns, X Y & Z              2008
14 North Dakota Commission on Education Improvement 2008
15 Adjutant General & National Guard   2009
16 Agriculture, Department of   2009
17 Attorney General       2009
18 Auditor, Office of the State   2009
19 Bank of North Dakota               2009
20 Banking and Financial Institutions, Department of       2009
21 Central Personnel Division     2009
22 Commerce, Department of   2009
23 Community Services, Department of                2009
24 Corrections & Rehabilitation, Department of                 2009
25 Emergency Services, Division of           2009
26 Game and Fish Department 2009
27 General, State Agencies          2009
28 Health, Department of            2009
29 Highway Patrol            2009
30 Historical Society        2009
31 Housing Finance Agency         2009
32 Human Services, Department of         2009
33 Information Technology Department                2009
34 Insurance Department            2009
35 Job Service North Dakota       2009
36 Labor, Department of              2009
37 Land Department       2009
38 Legislators, ND            2009
39 Legislative Council      2009
40 Library, State                2009
41 Office of Management & Budget        2009
42 Parks and Recreation, Department of               2009
43 Public Employees Retirement System               2009
44 Public Instruction, Department of       2009
45 Public Service Commission     2009
46 Secretary of State      2009
47 Securities, Department of      2009
48 Supreme Court, State              2009
49 Tourism Department                2009
50 Tax Commissioner     2009
51 Trade Office                 2009
52 Transportation Department 2009
53 Treasurer, State          2009
54 University System      2009
55 Workforce Safety & Insurance             2009

Box 113:
1 Council of State Governments                2009
2 Education Commission of the States    2009
3 General Associations #1            2009
4 General Associations #2            2009
5 Governor's Ethanol Coalition   2009
6 Greater North Dakota Chamber of Commerce                2009
7 Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission    2009
8 JAG     2009
9 Lignite Energy Council                 2009
10 Midwestern Governors Association   2009
11 National Governors Association           2009
12 North Dakota Education Association 2009
13 Republican Governors Association     2009
14 Republican National Committee          2009
15 Water Coalition           2009
16 Western Canadian Premiers 2009
17 Western Governors Association          2009
18 Western Governors University            2009
19 Western States Water Council              2009
20 Youth Council               2009
21 North Dakota Commission on Education          2009
22 Aeronautics Commission        2009
23 Crop Protection Product Harmonization & Registration Board 2009
24 Emergency Commission          2009
25 Equalization, State Board of   2009
26 General, Boards and Commissions     2009
27 Higher Education, State Board of         2009
28 Higher Education Roundtable               2009
29 Indian Affairs Commission      2009
30 Industrial Commission              2009
31 Midwestern Higher Education Commission    2009
32 Pardon and Parole Board        2009
33 Racing Commission    2009
34 STOP Advisory Committee     2009
35 University and School Lands, Board of 2009
36 Water Commission, North Dakota State 2009
37 Workforce Development Council        2009
38 Abstractors Examiners, State Board of              2001
39 Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission     2005
40 Accountancy, State Board of Public    2003-2005
41 Addiction Counseling Examiners, State Board of 2001-2007
42 Aeronautics Commission        2004
43 Americans with Disabilities Act Consortium    2001-2003
44 Animal Health, State Board of               2001-2003
45 Architecture, State Board of 2005
46 Arts, North Dakota Council on the      2002-2005
47 Athletic Trainers, Board of      2002-2006
48 Atmospheric Resource Board               2003
49 Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, Board of Examiners on   2002-2008
50 Bank of North Dakota Advisory Board to the 2001-2005
51 Banking Board, State                2005-2006
52 Barber Examiners, Board of   2002-2007
53 Beef Commission, North Dakota         2002-2006
54 Capitol Grounds Planning Commission  2003-2005
55 Chiropractic Examiners, State Board of 2004-2006
56 Clinical Laboratory Practice, Board of 2003-2007

Box 114:
1 Cosmetology, State Board of   2003-2006
2 Counselor Examiners, State Board of   2002-2004
3 Credit Union Board      2000-2002
4 Crop Protection Harmonization and Registration Board 2001-2007
5 Children's Services Coordinating Committee    2007
6 Children's Services Coordinating Committee    2002
7 Dairy Promotion Commission 2001
8 Dental Examiners, Board of      2003-2006
9 Development Fund, North Dakota        2002-2003
10 Developmental Disabilities, State Council on 2001-2005
11 Drug and Alcohol Abuse, North Dakota Commission on 2000-2002
12 Dietetic Practice Board             2002-2008
13 Devils Lake Outlet Management Advisory Committee 2005
14 Early Childhood Education      2010
15 Economic Development Foundation 2002-2010
16 Educational Technology Council           2005-2006
17 Education Standards and Practices Board        2002-2008
18 Education Fact Finding Commission    2004
19 Electrical Board, State 2001-2009
20 Engineers and Land Surveyors, State Board of Registration for Professional 2001-2008
21 Funeral Services, State Board of          2000-2007
22 Game and Fish Advisory Board             2004
23 Health Council, State                2003
24 North Dakota Health Information Technology Steering Committee     2007
25 Hearing Instrument Specialists, Board of         2001-2003

Box 115:
1 Anniversary, Birthday, Condolence and Wedding Greetings     2009
2 Congratulatory, From the Governor     2009
3 Congratulatory, To the Governor          2009
4 Congratulatory, From the Lt. Governor               2009
5 Consulates and Embassies, General     2009
6 General Correspondence         2009
7 General Correspondence         2009
8 Greeting Letters           2009
9 Greetings         2009
10 Requests (February)                 2009
11 Requests (March)      2009
12 Governors of Other States     2009
13 Meeting Requests     2009
14 Photo Sessions - Misc               2009
15 Requests (January)   2009
16 Requests (April)          2009
17 Requests (May)          2009
18 Requests (June)         2009
19 Requests (July)           2009
20 Requests (August)     2009
21 Requests (September)            2009
22 Requests (October) 2009
23 Requests (November)             2009
24 Requests (December)              2009
25 Retirement Greetings              2009
26 Scout Certificates (January)   2009
27 Scout Certificates (February) 2009
28 Scout Certificates (March)      2009
29 Scout Certificates (April)         2009
30 Scout Certificates (May)          2009
31 Scout Certificates (June)         2009
32 Scout Certificates (July) 2009
33 Scout Certificates (August)    2009
34 Scout Certificates (September) 2009
35 Scout Certificates (October) 2009
36 Scout Certificates (November) 2009
47 Scout Certificates (December) 2009

Box 116:
1 Support Letters 2009
2 Thank You From the Lt. Governor 2009
3 Thank You From the Governor 2009
4 Thank You To the Governor     2009
5 Scheduling, Agriculture 2009
6 Scheduling, Chief of Staff          2009
7 Scheduling, General    2009
8 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted January         2009
9 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted February      2009
10 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted March         2009
11 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted April             2009
12 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted May             2009
13 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted June             2009
14 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted July               2009
15 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted August        2009
16 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted September               2009
17 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted October      2009
18 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted November                2009
19 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted December                 2009
20 Scheduling - Governor, Declined January        2009
21 Scheduling - Governor, Declined February      2009
22 Scheduling - Governor, Declined March           2009
23 Scheduling - Governor, Declined April               2009
24 Scheduling - Governor, Declined May               2009
25 Scheduling - Governor, Declined June5            2009
26 Scheduling - Governor, Declined July 2009
27 Scheduling - Governor, Declined August          2009
28 Scheduling - Governor, Declined September                 2009
29 Scheduling - Governor, Declined October       2009
30 Scheduling - Governor, Declined November 2009
31 Scheduling - Governor, Declined December   2009

Box 117:
1 Scheduling - Lt. Governor, January 2009
2 Scheduling - Lt. Governor, February 2009
3 Scheduling - Lt. Governor, March 2009
4 Scheduling - Lt. Governor, April 2009
5 Scheduling - Lt. Governor, May 2009
6 Scheduling - Lt. Governor, June 2009
7 Scheduling - Lt. Governor, July 2009
8 Scheduling - Lt. Governor, August 2009
9 Scheduling - Lt. Governor, September                2009
10 Scheduling - Lt. Governor, October    2009
11 Scheduling - Lt. Governor, November 2009
12 Scheduling - Lt. Governor, December 2009
13 Extraditions Folder 1                 2009
14 Extraditions Folder 2                 2009
15 Extraditions Folder 3                 2009
16 Executive Orders        2009
17 General Legal Correspondence            2009
18 Proclamations              2009-2010
19 Proclamations - Game & Fish                2009
20 Proclamations, Denied             2009
21 Personnel-Applications, Employment Correspondence  2009
22 Legislation, General 2009
23 House Bills     2009
24 General, Cities             2009
25 General, Counties      2009
26 General, Schools        2009

Box 118:
1 Acquisitions    2009
2 Charitable Gaming       2009
3 Devils Lake      2009
4 General, Programs, Projects and Services  2009
5 Missouri River                2009
6 Northwood Tornado   2009
7 State of the State & Budget     2009
8 Stimulus           2009
9 Tribal (General)             2009
10 Water (General)         2009
11 Constituent Concerns, A         2009
12 Constituent Concerns, B         2009
13 Constituent Concerns, C         2009
14 Constituent Concerns, D         2009
15 Constituent Concerns, E          2009
16 Constituent Concerns, F          2009
17 Constituent Concerns, G         2009
18 Constituent Concerns, General            2009
19 Constituent Concerns, H         2009
20 Constituent Concerns, J          2009
21 Constituent Concerns, K         2009
22 Constituent Concerns, L          2009
23 Constituent Concerns, M        2009
24 Constituent Concerns, N         2009
25 Constituent Concerns, O         2009
26 Constituent Concerns, P         2009
27 Constituent Concerns, R         2009
28 Constituent Concerns, S          2009
29 Constituent Concerns, T          2009
30 Constituent Concerns, V         2009
31 Constituent Concerns, W        2009

Box 119:
1 Adjutant General and National Guard 2010
2 Attorney General 2010
3 Agriculture, Department of 2010
4 Auditor, Office of the State 2010                 
5 Bank of North Dakota 2010             
6 Commerce, Department of 2010                 
7 Community Services, Department of 2010              
8 Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of 2010                           
9 Emergency Services, Division of 2010                         
10 Game and Fish Department 2010              
11 General, State Agencies 2010                     
12 Health, Department of  2010                       
13 Historical Society 2010                    
14 Human Services, Department of 2010                     
15 Insurance Department 2010                        
16 Job Service North Dakota 2010                   
17 Labor, Department of 2010                          
18 Land Department 2010                  
19 Legislative Council 2010                 
20 Legislators, North Dakota 2010                   
21 Parks and Recreation 2010                           
22 Public Employees Retirement System 2010                          
23 Public Instruction, Department of 2010                  
24 Secretary of State 2010                  
25 Supreme Court 2010                       
26 Tax Commissioner 2010                 
27 Trade Office 2010             
28 Transportation, Department of  2010                      
29 Treasurer 2010                  
30 University System 2010                 
31 Workforce Safety and Insurance 2010                     
32 Council of State Governments 2010                         
33 General, Associations 2010                          
34 Jobs for America Graduates JAG 2010                     
35 Youth Council 2010                          
36 National Governors Association 2010                      
37 Western Governors Association 2010                      
38 Aeronautics Commission 2010                    
39 Early Childhood Education Council 2010                  
40 General, Boards and Commissions 2010                 
41 Higher Education, State Board of  2010                   
42 Industrial Commission 2010                         
43 North Dakota Education Commission 2010           
44 Governors Youth Council 2010                    
45 Public Meeting Notices 2010                       
46 Pardon and Parole Board 2010                    
47 Water Commission, North Dakota State 2010                      
48 General Correspondence 2010                   

Box 120:
1 Anniversary, Birthday, Condolence and Wedding Greetings 2010                 
2 Congratulatory, From the Governor 2010                
3 Congrats 2010                      
4 Congratulatory, To the Governor 2010                      
5 Greeting Letters 2010                       
6 Photo Sessions - Misc. 2010                           
7 Requests - January 2010                  
8 Requests - February 2010               
9 Requests – March 2010                    
10 Requests – April 2010                     
11 Requests – May 2010                     
12 Requests – June 2010                     
13 Requests – July 2010                       
14 Requests – August 2010                
15 Requests – September 2010                       
16 Requests – October 2010              
17 Requests – November 2010                        
18 Requests – December 2010                         
19 Retirement Greetings 2010                          
20 Scout Certificates – January 2010              
21 Scout Certificates – February 2010           
22 Scout Certificates – March 2010                 
23 Scout Certificates – April 2010                     
24 Scout Certificates – May 2010                     
25 Scout Certificates – June 2010                    
26 Scout Certificates – July 2010                      
27 Scout Certificates – August 2010                
28 Scout Certificates – September 2010                       
29 Scout Certificates – October 2010             
30 Scout Certificates – November 2010                        
31 Scout Certificates – December 2010                         
32 Support Letters 2010                      
33 Thank You From the Governor 2010                         
34 Thank You From the Lt. Governor 2010                   
35 Thank You To the Governor 2010              
36 Governors of Other States 2010                
37 Meeting Requests 2010                 
38 Scheduling, Agriculture 2010                       
39 Scheduling - Chief of Staff 2010                  
40 Scheduling – General 2010                           
41 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted January 2010                  
42 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted February2010                 
43 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted March2010                      
44 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted April 2010                         
45 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted May2010                          
46 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted June 2010                        

Box 121:
1 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted July 2010             
2 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted August2010                       
3 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted September2010              
4 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted October 2010                    
5 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted November2010               
6 Scheduling - Governor, Accepted December 2010               
7 Scheduling - Lt. Governor January2010                     
8 Scheduling - Lt. Governor February 2010                  
9 Scheduling - Lt. Governor March 2010                       
10 Scheduling - Lt. Governor April 2010                        
11 Scheduling - Lt. Governor May 2010                         
12 Scheduling - Lt. Governor June 2010                        
13 Scheduling - Lt. Governor July 2010                          
14 Scheduling - Lt. Governor August 2010                   
15 Scheduling - Lt. Governor September 2010                           
16 Scheduling - Lt. Governor October 2010                 
17 Scheduling - Lt. Governor November 2010           
18 Scheduling - Lt. Governor December 2010           
19 Scheduling - Governor, Declined January 2010                    
20 Scheduling Governor, Declined February 2010                    
21 Scheduling Governor, Declined March 2010                         
22 Scheduling Governor, Declined April 2010             
23 Scheduling Governor, Declined May 2010             
24 Scheduling Governor, Declined June 2010             
25 Scheduling Governor, Declined July 2010               
26 Scheduling Governor, Declined August 2010                        
27 Scheduling Governor, Declined September 2010               
28 Scheduling Governor, Declined October 2010                      
29 Scheduling Governor, Declined November 2010                
30 Scheduling Governor, Declined December 2010                 
31 General Legal Correspondence 2010                       
32 Executive Orders 2010                   
33 Proclamations 2010                         
34 Proclamations - Game and Fish 2010                        

Box 122:
1 Proclamations - Denied 2010                         
2 Personnel - Applications, Employment Correspondence 2010                        
3 General, Cities 2010                           
4 General, Counties 2010                    
5 General, Schools 2010                      
6 Extraditions Folder 1 2010               
7 Extraditions Folder 2 2010               
8 Extraditions Folder 3 2010               
9 Acquisitions 2010                
10 Budget Guidelines Address 2010               
11 Census 2010                       
12 Devils Lake 2010                
13 Energy - Forum Series, August 16-23, 2010                            
14 General, Programs, Projects and Services 2010                   
15 Charitable Gaming 2010                 
16 Missouri River 2010                         
17 Open 2010                           
18 Stimulus 2010                     
19 Tribal - General 2010                       
20 Wind 2010                           
21 Constituent Concerns, A 2010                     
22 Constituent Concerns, B 2010                     
23 Constituent Concerns, E 2010                     
24 Constituent Concerns, F 2010                     
25 Constituent Concerns, G 2010                    
26 Constituent Concerns, General 2010                       

Box 123:
1 Constituent Concerns, H 2010                       
2 Constituent Concerns, J 2010                        
3 Constituent Concerns, K 2010                       
4 Constituent Concerns, L 2010                        
5 Constituent Concerns, M 2010                      
6 Constituent Concerns, N 2010                       
7 Constituent Concerns, O 2010                       
8 Constituent Concerns, P 2010                       
9 Constituent Concerns, R 2010                       
10 Constituent Concerns, S 2010                     
11 Constituent Concerns, T 2010                     
12 Constituent Concerns, W 2010                   
13 Constituent Concerns, X Y and Z 2010                      
14 Abstractor's Board of Examiners 2005-2009         
15 Accountancy, State Board of 2001-2010                 
16 Addiction Counseling Examiners, Board of 2001-2010      
17 Aeronautics Commission, North Dakota 2001-2010          
18 Aging, Committee on 2001-2010               
19 Aging, White House Conference on 2005               
20 Agricultural Products Utilization Commission 2001-2010                 
21 Air Pollution Control Advisory Council 2001-2010               
22 Alternatives to Incarceration, Commission on 2005-2008               
23 Animal Health, State Board of 2001-2010              
24 Architecture and Landscape Architecture, State Board of 2001-2008        
25 Arts, North Dakota Council on the 2000-2010      
26 Athletic Trainers, North Dakota Board of 2005-2010         
27 Atmospheric Resource Board, North Dakota 2001-2009                 
28 Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, Board of Examiners on 2001-2009                   
29 Autism Spectrum Disorder Task Force 2009                          
30 Bank of North Dakota, Advisory Board of Directors to the 2001-2010       
31 Banking Board, State 2001-2010                
32 Barber Examiners, Board of 2000-2010                    
33 Beef Commission, North Dakota 2006-2010         
34 Capitol Grounds Planning Commission 2001-2009             
35 Career and Technical Education 2010                       
36 Chiropractic Examiners, State Board of 2003-2010             

Box 124:
1 Clinical Laboratory Practice, North Dakota Board of 2001-2010       
2 Cosmetology, State Board of 2001-2010                  
3 Counselor Examiners, Board of 2001-2010              
4 Credit Review Board 2001-2009                   
5 Credit Union Board, State 2001-2008         
6 Criminal Justice Information Sharing Board 2009                   
7 Crop Protection Product Harmonization and Registration Board 2001-2009              
8 Dairy Promotion Commission, North Dakota 2001-2010                    
9 Dakota Resource Advisory Council 2002-2008        
10 Dental Examiners, State Board of 2001-2010       
11 Development Fund, Incorporated, North Dakota 2001-2010        
12 Developmental Disabilities, State Council on 2001-2010                 
13 Devils Lake Outlet Management Advisory Committee 2001-2008              
14 Dietetic Practice Board 2008-2010            
15 Drug Review Utilization Board 2006-2008              
16 Drugs and Alcohol, Governor's Prevention Advisory Council on 2002-2010            
17 DUI and Traffic Safety, Governor's Committee on 2001-2007       
18 Early Childhood Education Council, North Dakota 2009-2010        
19 Economic Development Foundation 2001-2010                 
20 Education Commission of the States 2002-2010                  
21 Education Factfinding Commission 2003-2010                     
22 Education Standards and Practices Board 2001-2010        
23 Education Improvement, Commission on 2006-2010       
24 Education Technology Council 2006-2009              
25 Electrical Board, State 2002-2009              
26 Employment of People with Disabilities, Committee on 2001-2002           
27 Energy Policy Commission (Empower North Dakota Commission) 2007-2010        
28 Engineers and Land Surveyors, State Board of Registration for Professional 2004-2010                     
29 Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, Advisory Commission on 2006-2010        
30 Funeral Service, State Board of 2002-2010            
31 Game and Fish Advisory Board 2001-2010            
32 Gaming Commission, State 2001-2009                    

Box 125:
1 Governor's Hiring Council 2003                     
2 Grape and Wine Program 2009-2010         
3 Health Council 2001-2010               
4 Health Information Technology Advisory Committee 2007-2009                   
5 Health Insurance Advisory Committee, Governor's 2003-2006      
6 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 2002                  
7 Hearing Aid Specialists, Board of 2001-2010            
8 Historical Board, State 2001-2010                
9 Historical  Advisory Board, State 2001-2010            
10 Homelessness, Interagency Council on 2004-2010             
11 Housing Finance Agency Advisory Board, North Dakota 2003-2004            
12 Humanities Council, North Dakota 2001-2010      
13 Indian Affairs Commission, North Dakota 2001-2005        
14 Indian Scholarships, State Board for 2002              
15 Interagency Coordinating Council 2001-2010       
16 Intergovernmental Relations, Advisory Commission on 2007-2009            
17 International Peace Garden, Inc., Board of Directors of the 2002-2009                    
18 Interstate Adult Offender Supervision, North Dakota State Council for 2002-2010             
19 Interstate Juvenile Supervision, North Dakota State Council for 2003-2009           
20 Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) 2001-2010                
21 Investment Board, North Dakota State 2007                        
22 Judgeships 2002-2010                    
23 Judicial Conduct Commission 2001-2010                
24 Judicial Nominating Committee 2001-2010           
25 Juvenile Justice Advisory Group 2001-2010           

Box 126:
1 Legal Counsel for Indigents, Commission on 2005-2008                    
2 Legislative Compensation Commission 2003-2010               
3 Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Advisory Committee 2001-2002         
4 Library Coordinating Council, North Dakota 2001-2010      
5 Lignite Research Council 2001-2006            
6 Marriage and Family Therapy Licensure Board, North Dakota 2005-2010                   
7 Massage, Board of 2001-2010       
8 Medical Center Advisory Council 2002-2003           
9 Medical Examiners, State Board of 2001-2010       
10 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Planning, Council, North Dakota 2001-2010               
11 Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact Commission 2001-2010        
12 Midwestern Higher Education Compact 2001-2009           
13 Military Issues in North Dakota, Governor's Task Force for (TF-MIND) 2001-2010               
14 Milk Marketing Board 2001-2010              
15 Missouri River Task Force - Title VII 2003-2010                    
16 National and Community Service, State Commission on 2002-2010           
17 Natural Resources Trust Board of Directors 2001-2010                    
18 Northern Great Plains Regional Authority Overview 2003              
19 Nursing Home Administrators, State Board of Examiners for 2001-2010                  

Box 127:
1 Nursing, Board of 2001-2010         
2 Occupational Therapy Practice, Board of 2001-2010            
3 Oilseed Council, North Dakota 2003-2010                
4 Olmstead Commission 2001-2008               
5 Optometry, North Dakota State Board of 2001-2010          
6 Pardon Advisory Board 2001-2010              
7 Parole Board, State 2001-2010                     
8 Personnel Board, State 2001-2007              
9 Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Advisory Board 2001-2010              
10 Pharmacy, State Board of 2001-2010       
11 Physical Therapist, State Examining Committee for 2001-2010                    
12 Plumbing, State Board of 2001-2010        
13 Podiatric Medicine, Board of 2001-2010                 
14 Potato Council, North Dakota 2002-2005               

Box 128:
1 Prison Industries Advisory Committee 2001-2010                
2 Private Investigative and Security Board 2001-2010            
3 Protection and Advocacy, Committee on 2001-2010          
4 Psychologist Examiners, State Board of 2001-2010              
5 Public Employees, Retirement System Board (PERS) 2001-2010                    
6 Public School Education, State Board of 2001-2010              
7 Quarter Design Selection Process Commission, North Dakota 2004-2006                  
8 Racing Commission, North Dakota 2001-2010        
9 Real Estate Appraiser Qualifications and Ethics Board, North Dakota 2001-2010                     
10 Real Estate Commission, North Dakota 2001-2010            
11 Reflexology, North Dakota Board of 2001-2010                  
12 Rehabilitation Council, State 2001-2009                 
13 Renewable Energy Council 2007-2009                    
14 Respiratory Care, State Board of 2002-2010         
15 Rural Development Council 2001-2010                   
16 Selective Service 2002-2010        
17 Small Business Air Pollution Compliance Advisory Board 2005                       
18 Social Work Examiners, North Dakota Board of 2001-2010             
19 Soil Classifiers, State Board of Registration for Professional 2001-2010                    
20 Soil Conservation Committee, State 2001-2010                  
21 State Employee Suggestion Incentive Committee 2001-2010       
22 State Information Technology Advisory Committee 2001-2009                   

Box 129:
1 Statewide Independent Living Council 2001-2010                
2 Statewide Longitudinal Data System Committee 2007-2009            
3 Status of Women, Commission on 2001-2008        
4 STOP Violence Against Women Advisory Committee 2001-2009                   
5 State Historical Society of North Dakota Commission (Heritage Review Commission) 2001-2003                    
6 Teachers' Fund for Retirement (TFFR) Board 2002-2010                   
7 Tobacco Prevention and Control Advisory Committee 2008-2010                 
8 Unemployment Insurance Advisory Council 2005-2010                     
9 Uniform State Laws, Commission on 2001-2009                   
10 Value Added Agriculture Promotion Board 2001                 
11 Veterans Affairs, Administrative Committee on 2001-2010           
12 Veterans Affairs, Administrative Committee on 2001-2010           

Box 130:
1 Veterinary Medical Examiners, State Board of 2001-2010                
2 Violent and Sexual Offenders, Governor's Task Force on 2004-2005           
3 Water Commission, State 2001-2010         
4 Water Pollution Control Board, State 2001-2009                   
5 Water Well Contractors, State Board of 2001-2009              
6 Western Governors’ Association Curriculum Markup Language Advisory Group 2003
7 Wheat Commission, North Dakota State 2001-2009
8 Workers Compensation Board of Directors 2000-2002       
9 Workforce Development Council, North Dakota 2001-2010            
10 Workforce Safety and Insurance Board 2002-2009             
11 Yellowstone-Missouri Rivers Confluence Commission 2001
12 Youth Development Council 2001-2010                 
13 Cabinet Agency Appointments 2001-2010            

Box 131:
1  Agriculture, US Department of 2007                          
2 Census, Bureau of 2007                   
3 Commerce, U.S. Department of 2007                        
4 Corps of Engineers, Army 2007                     
5 Defense, Department of 2007                      
6 Education, U.S. Department of 2007                          
7 Energy, U.S. Department of 2007                
8 Environmental Protection Agency 2007                    
9 Federal Emergency Management Agency 2007                     
10 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 2007                       
11 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 2007                       
12 Fish and Wildlife Service 2007                     
13 General, Federal Agencies 2007                 
14 Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of 2007                     
15 Homeland Security, U.S. Department of 2007                      
16 Interior, U.S. Department of 2007             
17 Internal Revenue Service 2007                   
18 Justice, U.S. Department of 2007              
19 Labor, U.S. Department of 2007                 
20 Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2007                      
21 Office of Management and Budget 2007               
22 Reclamation, Bureau of 2007                       
23 Social Security Administration 2007                          
24 Small Business Administration, U.S. 2007               
25 Surface Transportation Board 2007                           
26 Transportation, U.S. Department of 2007              
27 U.S. Senator Conrad, Kent 2007                 
28 U.S. Senator Dorgan, Byron 2007               
29 U.S. Representative Pomeroy, Earl 2007                
30 Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of 2007                           
31 White House 2007           

Box 132:
1 Reclamation 2007               
2 Surface Transportation 2007                          
3 Agriculture, Department of 2008                 
4 Census, Bureau of the 2008                           
5 Corps of Engineers, Army 2008                     
6 Commerce, U.S. Department of 2008                        
7 Defense, Department of 2008                      
8 Education, U.S. Department of 2008                          
9 Energy, U.S. Department of 2008                
10 Federal Emergency Management Agency 2008                  
11 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 2008                       
12 Environmental Protection Agency 2008                  
13 Fish and Wildlife Service 2008                     
14 General, Federal Agencies 2008                 
15 Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of 2008                     
16 Homeland Security, U.S. Department of 2008                      
17 Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of 2008                        
18 Indian Affairs, Bureau of 2008                     
19 Interior, U.S. Department of 2008             
20 Labor, U.S. Department of 2008                 

Box 133:
1 Office of Management and Budget 2008                  
2 Reclamation, Bureau of 2008                         
3 Surface Transportation Board 2008             
4 Transportation, U.S. Department of 2008                
5 U.S. Senator Conrad, Kent 2008                   
6 U.S. Senator Dorgan, Byron 2008                 
7 U.S. Representative Pomeroy, Earl 2008                  
8 Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of 2008             
9 White House 2008              
10 FDA/Health Citizens Petition – Swanson’s Health Products 2008                 
11 Agriculture, Department of 2009               
12 Census, Bureau of 2009                 
13 Commerce, U.S. Department of 2009                      
14 Corps of Engineers, Army 2009                   
15 Defense, Department of 2009                    
16 Education, U.S. Department of 2009                        
17 Energy, U.S. Department of 2009              
18 Environmental Protection Agency 2009                  
19 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 2009                       
20 Federal Emergency Management Agency 2009                  
21 Federal Emergency Management Agency Office Flood Expenses 2009                    
22 Federal Emergency Management Agency Snow Disaster 2009                     
23 General, Federal Agencies 2009                 
24 Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of 2009                     
25 Homeland Security, U.S. Department of 2009                      
26 Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of  2009                       
27 Interior, U.S. Department of 2009             

Box 134:
1 Labor, U.S. Department of 2009
2 Small Business Administration, U.S. 2009                 
3 Reclamation, Bureau of 2009                         
4 Surface Transportation Board 2009             
5 Transportation, U.S. Department of 2009                
6 U.S. Senator Conrad, Kent 2009                   
7 U.S. Senator Dorgan, Byron 2009                 
8 U.S. Representative Pomeroy, Earl 2009                  
9 Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of 2009             
10 White House  2009                           
11 Agriculture, U.S. Department of 2010                      
12 Commerce, U.S. Department of 2010                      
13 Corps of Engineers, Army 2010                   
14 Defense, Department of 2010                    
15 Education, U.S. Department of 2010                        
16 Energy, U.S. Department of 2010              
17 Environmental Protection Agency 2010                  
18 Federal Emergency Management Agency 2010                  
19 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 2010                       
20 General, Federal Agencies 2010                 
21 Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of 2010                     
22 Homeland Security, U.S. Department of  2010                     
23 Justice, U.S. Department of 2010              
24 Labor, U.S. Department of 2010                 
25 Interior, U.S. Department of  2010           
26 Internal Revenue Service 2010                   
27 Reclamation, Bureau of  2010                      
28 Small Business Administration, U.S. 2010               
29 Surface Transportation Board 2010                           
30 Transportation, U.S. Department of 2010              
31 U.S. Senator Conrad, Kent 2010                 
32 U.S. Senator Dorgan, Byron 2010               
33 U.S. Representative Pomeroy, Earl 2010                
34 Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of  2010                          
35 White House 2010           
36 Water, General 2010
37 Land Acquisitions 2009
38 Taskforce on Violent and Sexual Offenders 2004-2005

Digital Records
DIG.0001 Press releases 2004-2010
DIG.0002 Photographs (see item level description below) 2002-2010
DIG.0003 Audiovisual materials 2006-2009
DIG.0004 Speech materials 2006-2010
DIG.0005 Scheduling records and correspondence 2006
DIG.0006 Executive order summaries 2007-2010

Item Level
32073-00001 – 00002 Sarah Otte Coleman, Jack Dalrymple, and Al Jaeger at North Dakota Quarter Ceremonial Strike at the U.S. Mint in Denver (Colo.), 8/2/2006
32073-00003   Lieutenant Governor Jack Dalrymple with North Dakota quarter at the U.S. Mint in Denver (Colo.), 08/02/2006
32073-00004   Lieutenant Governor Jack Dalrymple, Sarah Otte Coleman, and Al Jaeger at the North Dakota Quarter Ceremonial Strike ceremony at the U.S. Mint in Denver (Colo.), 08/02/2006
32073-00005   Lieutenant Governor Jack Dalrymple speaking at North Dakota Quarter Ceremonial Strike at U.S. Mint in Denver (Colo.), 08/02/2006
32073-00006   Lieutenant Governor Jack Dalrymple, Al Jaeger, and Sarah Otte Coleman viewing North Dakota Quarter Ceremonial Strike at U.S. Mint in Denver (Colo.), 08/02/2006
32073-00007   Al Jaeger with North Dakota quarter at the U.S. Mint in Denver (Colo.), 08/02/2006
32073-00008   Sarah Otte Coleman with North Dakota quarter at the U.S. Mint in Denver (Colo.), 08/02/2006
32073-00009   Don Larson with North Dakota quarter at the U.S. Mint in Denver (Colo.), 08/02/2006
32073-00010   Shawnel Huber with North Dakota quarter at the U.S. Mint in Denver (Colo.), 08/02/2006
32073-00011 Al Jaeger, Jack Dalrymple, Sarah Otte Coleman, Don Larson, and Shawnel Huber at North Dakota Ceremonial Strike at U.S. Mint in Denver (Colo.), 08/02/2006
32073-00012 Governor John Hoeven delivering the 2005-2007 budget proposal, Bismarck (N.D.) 12/9/2004
32073-00013 Plaque given to Governor John Hoeven for support of emergency management in North Dakota by ND Emergency Management Association, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/28/2002
32073-00014 Governor John Hoeven looks on as Doug Friez (NDEM Homeland Coordinator)speaks to media regarding award from NDEMA, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/28/2002
32073-00015 - 00016 Governor John Hoeven and JoAnn Ozbun look on as Doug Friez (NDEM Homeland Coordinator) speaks to media regarding award from NDEMA, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/28/2002
32073-00017 Governor John Hoeven speaking at National Governors Association in Washington (D.C.) regarding the Governors' Ethanol Coalition, Washington (D.C.) 2/27/2006
32073-00018 Governor John Hoeven and Lieutenant Governor Jack Dalrymple, Bismarck (N.D.) 6/20/2005
32073-00019 Governor John Hoeven receives award from JoAnn Ozbun from NDEMA, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/28/2002
32073-00020 Governor John Hoeven reading from proclamation with Doug Friez (NDEM Homeland Coordinator) and Jim Fors (NWS), Bismarck (N.D.) 3/28/2002
32073-00021 Governor John Hoeven speaking to media after receiving NDEMA award, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/28/2002
32073-00022 - 00024 Governor John Hoeven hunting with son, Jack, North Dakota 2004
32073-00025 - 00026 Governor John Hoeven hunting, North Dakota 2004
32073-00027 Congressman Earl Pomeroy, MeritCare CEO Dr. Roger Gilbertson, Governor John Hoeven, Minnesota Congressman Collin Peterson, Byrum Cartwright, and former North Dakota First Lady and MeritCare Board of Trustees, Jane Sinner at the groundbreaking ceremony at MeritCare, Fargo (N.D.) 5/31/2002
32073-00028 Governor John Hoeven and Congressman Earl Pomeroy at opening of King's Walk Golf Course opening, Grand Forks (N.D.) 5/31/2002
32073-00029 Governor John Hoeven, Congressman Earl Pomeroy, and John Staley at King's Walk Golf Course opening, Grand Forks (N.D.) 5/31/2002
32073-00030 Governor John Hoeven, Congressman Earl Pomeroy, John Staley, and Olson at King's Walk Golf Course opening, Grand Forks (N.D.) 5/31/2002
32073-00031 Portrait of Governor John Hoeven, North Dakota 10/2005
32073-00032 Governor John Hoeven meets Sara Flint, MeritCare Children's Hospital patient, and her mother Pat at the groundbreaking for MeritCare's renovation and new construction, Fargo (N.D.) 5/31/2002
32073-00033 Jim Fors (NWS) answers questions at NDEMA award ceremony as Governor John Hoeven looks on, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/28/2002
32073-00034 Jim Fors (NWS) answers questions at NDEMA award ceremony, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/28/2002
32073-00035 Governor John Hoeven and JoAnn Ozbun at NDEMA award ceremony, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/28/2002
32073-00036 Governor John Hoeven and others at MeritCare renovation and new construction groundbreaking, Fargo (N.D.) 5/31/2002
32073-00037 Governor John Hoeven speaking at MeritCare renovation and new construction groundbreaking, Fargo (N.D.) 5/31/2002
32073-00038 MeritCare CEO Dr. Roger Gilbertson speaking at MeritCare renovation and new construction groundbreaking, Fargo (N.D.) 5/31/2002
32073-00039 Governor John Hoeven, JoAnn Ozbun and Doug Friez at NDEMA award presentation with media members in foreground, Fargo (N.D.) 3/28/2002
32073-00040 Governor John Hoeven listens to the Shanley High School Concert Chorale under direction of Rebecca Raber to recognize the 2005-2006 Governor's Official State Chorus, Fargo (N.D.) 12/19/2005
32073-00041 Governor John Hoeven recognizes the Shanley High School Concert Chorale as the 2005-2006 Governor's Official State Chorus with Shanley High School student Patrick Sinner in the foreground, Fargo (N.D.) 12/19/2005
32073-00042 Governor John Hoeven at Shanley High School & Sullivan Middle School as students in uniform eat lunch, Fargo (N.D.) 12/19/2005
32073-00043 - 00044 Governor John Hoeven visits Lisbon High School to recognize the Lisbon High School Band as the 2005-2006 Governor's Official State Band, Lisbon (N.D.) 12/19/2005
32073-00045 Governor John Hoeven with students of Lisbon High School Band, Lisbon (N.D.) 12/19/2005
32073-00046 Governor John Hoeven and Rebecca Raber, director of the Shanley High School Concert Chorale, the 2005-2006 Governor's Official State Chorus, Fargo (N.D.) 12/19/2005
32073-00047 Governor John Hoeven, Bishop Samuel Aquila pose with the Shanley High School Concert Chorale, the 2005-2006 Governor's Official State Chorus, Fargo (N.D.) 12/19/2005
32073-00048 Governor John Hoeven and the director of the Lisbon High School Band, the 2005-2006 Governor's Official State Band, Lisbon (N.D.) 12/19/2005
32073-00049 Governor John Hoeven, Senator Kent Conrad and others at the ribbon cutting announcement of the construction of the Blue Flint Ethanol Plant operated by Great River Energy, Falkirk Mine, and Headwaters Inc. at the Coal Creek Station, Underwood (N.D.) 8/9/2005
32073-00050 Governor John Hoeven, Senator Kent Conrad and others debut the Blue Flint Ethanol logo at the announcement of the construction of the Blue Flint Ethanol Plant operated by Great River Energy, Falkirk Mine, and Headwaters Inc. at the Coal Creek Station, Underwood (N.D.) 8/9/2005
32073-00051 Governor John Hoeven and H. Patrick Weir at appointment to Judge of the Southwest Judicial District, Dickinson (N.D.) 9/2011
32073-00052 Chief Justice Gerald VandeWalle, Governor John Hoeven, and H. Patrick Weir at appointment to Judge of the Southwest Judicial District, Dickinson (N.D.) 9/2011
32073-00053 Governor John Hoeven and H. Patrick Weir at appointment to Judge of the Southwest Judicial District, Dickinson (N.D.) 9/2011
32073-00054 Governor John Hoeven in Washington (D.C.) for discussion with Federal Highway Administration related to Devils Lake, Washington (D.C.) 4/1/2005
32073-00055 Governor John Hoeven and Tourism Director Sarah Otte Coleman on Lewis & Clark Riverboat, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/2005
32073-00056 Governor John Hoeven, NDSU President Joe Chapman, Vice President for Research Phil Boudjouk, Technology Park Director Tony Grindberg, Congressman Earl Pomeroy, Senator Kent Conrad, and others at the groundbreaking for the Center for Technology Enterprise at NDSU Tech Park, Fargo (N.D.) 10/12/2005
32073-00057 Governor John Hoeven speaks at groundbreaking for the Center for Technology Enterprise at NDSU Tech Park, Fargo (N.D.) 10/12/2005
32073-00058 Governor John Hoeven with state employees at the North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 7/2005
32073-00059 Lieutenant Governor Jack Dalrymple looks on as Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem discusses the education funding plan to address the school funding lawsuit, Bismarck (N.D.) 1/10/2006
32073-00060 Governor Jack Dalrymple and Lieutenant Governor Jack Dalrymple at press conference on the education funding plan to address the school funding lawsuit, Bismarck (N.D.) 1/10/2006
32073-00061 Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem looks on as Governor John Hoeven discusses the education funding plan to address the school funding lawsuit, Bismarck (N.D.) 1/10/2006
32073-00062 Williston Public School District Superintendent Warren Larson discusses the education funding plan to address the school funding lawsuit, Lieutenant Governor Jack Dalrymple and Governor John Hoeven look on, Bismarck (N.D.) 1/10/2006
32073-00063 Lieutenant Governor Jack Dalrymple and others at the Commission on Education Improvement meeting, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/5/2006
32073-00064 Lieutenant Governor Jack Dalrymple and others at Commission on Education Improvement subcommittee meeting, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/12/2006
32073-00065 - 00067 Governor John Hoeven addresses members of the Commission on Education Improvement as they begin work to review the state's education funding programs, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/1/2006
32073-00068 Lieutenant Governor Jack Dalrymple and other members of the Commission on Education Improvement listen to Governor John Hoeven, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/1/2006
32073-00069 Secretary of State Al Jaeger speaks at the unveiling of the state's largest Great Seal in the North Dakota State Capitol's Memorial Hall, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/22/2006
32073-00070 - 00071 Women with Lieutenant Governor Jack and Betsy Dalrymple at unveiling of the state's largest Great Seal in the North Dakota State Capitol's Memorial Hall, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/22/2006
32073-00072 North Dakota's largest Great Seal in the North Dakota State Capitol's Memorial Hall, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/22/2006
32073-00073 Lieutenant Governor Jack Dalrymple speaks at the unveiling of the state's largest Great Seal in the North Dakota State Capitol's Memorial Hall, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/22/2006
32073-00074 Secretary of State Al Jaeger speaks at the unveiling of the state's largest Great Seal in the North Dakota State Capitol's Memorial Hall, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/22/2006
32073-00075 - 00076 Lieutenant Governor Jack Dalrymple unveils the state's largest Great Seal in the North Dakota State Capitol's Memorial Hall, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/22/2006
32073-00077 Governor John Hoeven and Col. Robert Becklund with the NDANG discuss the possible assignment of C-130 Hercules Cargo Aircraft and future plans to base Light Cargo Aircraft in Fargo (N.D.), Fargo (N.D.) 3/1/2006
32073-00078 Governor John Hoeven and U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael Leavitt at pandemic influenza summit planning session at the North Dakota Heritage Center, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/9/2006
32073-00079 Governor John Hoeven and U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael Leavitt sign MOU related to pandemic influenza prevention and response, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/9/2006
32073-00080 Governor John Hoeven and U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael Leavitt and NDSU students at pandemic influenza planning sessions at the North Dakota Heritage Center, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/9/2006
32073-00081 Governor John Hoeven and U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael Leavitt at pandemic influenza summit planning session at the North Dakota Heritage Center, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/9/2006
32073-00082 Governor John Hoeven, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael Leavitt, and others at pandemic influenza summit planning session at the North Dakota Heritage Center, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/9/2006
32073-00083 Governor John Hoeven and Director of the Department of Transportation Dave Sprynczynatyk present unified rail freight strategy, Fargo (N.D.) 3/10/2006
32073-00084 Governor John Hoeven presents check to Lake Region State College for its new Center of Excellence program, the Dakota Center for Technology-Optimized Agriculture, Devils Lake (N.D.) 3/13/2006
32073-00085 Governor John Hoeven presents check to Center for Advanced Design and Manufacturing at NDSU, Fargo (N.D.) 3/13/2006
32073-00086 Governor John Hoeven and US BioEnergy officials announce construction of Hankinson Renewable Energy ethanol plant, Hankinson (N.D.) 3/15/2006
32073-00087 Governor John Hoeven appointing Lisa Feldner as North Dakota's new Chief Information Officer (CIO), Bismarck (N.D.) 4/7/2006
32073-00088 - 00091 Governor John Hoeven, University System Chancellor Robert Potts, Dr. Gerald Goenewold, and Congressman Earl Pomeroy and Senator Byron Dorgan at groundbreaking for the UND Energy and Environmental Research Center's National Center for Hydrogen Technology, Grand Forks (N.D.) 4/17/2006
32073-00092 Governor John Hoeven appointing David E. Reich to the South Central Judicial District Court, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/18/2006
32073-00093 - 00094 2005-2006 Official Governor's Choir, the Shanley High School Concert Chorale sings in Memorial Hall at the North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/18/2006
32073-00095 Governor John Hoeven, State Senator Rick Berg, and Shane Goettle present the business hotline, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/19/2006
32073-00096 Governor John Hoeven, State Senator Rick Berg, Shane Goettle, others present the business hotline, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/19/2006
32073-00097 - 00098 Governor John Hoeven, State Senator Rick Berg, and Shane Goettle present the business hotline, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/19/2006
32073-00099 - 00100 Governor John Hoeven speaks at groundbreaking for the Oliver Wind Energy Center, Center (N.D.) 4/19/2006
32073-00101 - 00104 Governor John Hoeven and others at groundbreaking for the Oliver Wind Energy Center, Center (N.D.) 4/19/2006
32073-00105 - 00106 Governor John Hoeven being interviewed by media regarding the Oliver Wind Energy Center, Center (N.D.) 4/19/2006
32073-00107 Governor John Hoeven, Congressman Earl Pomeroy and others at announcement of Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) biodiesel plant at North Dakota Oilseed Council office, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/24/2006
32073-00108 Congressman Earl Pomeroy, Randy Hauck, and Cory Fong at groundbreaking for Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) biodiesel plant, Velva (N.D.) 4/24/2006
32073-00109 - 00110 Groundbreaking for Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) biodiesel plant, Velva (N.D.) 4/24/2006
32073-00111 Cory Fong speaking at Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) biodiesel plant groundbreaking, Velva (N.D.) 4/24/2006
32073-00112 - 00113 Governor John Hoeven speaking at Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) biodiesel plant groundbreaking, Velva (N.D.) 4/24/2006
32073-00114 Governor John Hoeven at Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) biodiesel plant groundbreaking, Velva (N.D.) 4/24/2006
32073-00115 Governor John Hoeven with Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) biodiesel plant employees at the groundbreaking, Velva (N.D.) 4/24/2006
32073-00116 Congressman Earl Pomeroy, Ryan Taylor, Governor John Hoeven, and Greg Webb at Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) biodiesel plant groundbreaking, Velva (N.D.) 4/24/2006
32073-00117 - 00119 Governor John Hoeven and others at groundbreaking for Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) biodiesel plant, Velva (N.D.) 4/24/2006
32073-00120 - 00135 Governor John Hoeven and others at the Canadian-North Dakota border looking a flooding near KCND tower, Pembina (N.D.) 4/28/2006
32073-00136 - 00141 Governor John Hoeven and cabinet meet at the University of Mary, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/2/2006
32073-00142 - 00144 Governor John Hoeven announces Spiritwood Industrial Park, Jamestown (N.D.) 5/8/2006
32073-00145 - 00147 Governor John Hoeven and Assistant Secretary of Commerce Sandy Baruah present $1.5 million grant to the Minot Development Corporation for Intermodal Park, Minot (N.D.) 5/9/2006
32073-00148 Governor John Hoeven and BSC President Dr. Donna S. Thigpen at groundbreaking for the National Energy Center of Excellence, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/10/2006
32073-00149 Governor John Hoeven and Assistant Secretary of Commerce Sandy Baruah at the groundbreaking for the National Energy Center of Excellence, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/10/2006
32073-00150 Governor John Hoeven and others at the groundbreaking for the National Energy Center of Excellence, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/10/2006
32073-00151 Governor John Hoeven and Assistant Secretary of Commerce Sandy Baruah at the groundbreaking for the National Energy Center of Excellence, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/10/2006
32073-00152 Governor John Hoeven at the groundbreaking for the National Energy Center of Excellence, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/10/2006
32073-00153 Governor John Hoeven and Valley City State University President Ellen Chaffee at presentation of $1 million in Centers for Excellence funds to VCSU for Institute for Customized Business Solutions, Valley City (N.D.) 5/23/2006
32073-00154 Governor John Hoeven at presentation of $1 million in Centers for Excellence funds to VCSU for Institute for Customized Business Solutions, Valley City (N.D.) 5/23/2006
32073-00155 - 00156 Governor John Hoeven and faculty of Valley City State University at presentation of $1 million in Centers for Excellence funds to VCSU for Institute for Customized Business Solutions, Valley City (N.D.) 5/23/2006
32073-00157 Governor John Hoeven buying from lemonade stand run by children, Valley City (N.D.) 5/23/2006
32073-00158 Governor John Hoeven and U.S. Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy Jeffrey Jarrett at Energy Roundtable, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/25/2006
32073-00159 - 00160 Governor John Hoeven at presentation of $2 million to NDSU's Center of Excellence for Agbiotechnology, Fargo (N.D.) 5/30/2006
32073-00161 NDSU President Joseph Chapman and Governor John Hoeven at presentation of $2 million to NDSU's Center of Excellence for Agbiotechnology, Fargo (N.D.) 5/30/2006
32073-00162 Governor John Hoeven and NDSU faculty at presentation of $2 million to NDSU's Center of Excellence for Agbiotechnology, Fargo (N.D.) 5/30/2006
32073-00163 - 00165 Governor John Hoeven and Senator Byron Dorgan hold media conference to discuss the North Dakota Renewable Energy Action Summit, Bismarck (N.D.) 6/12/2006
32073-00166 - 00207 Governor John Hoeven, Senators Byron Dorgan and Kent Conrad, Congressman Earl Pomeroy, Dave Sprynczynatyk, Major General Michael J. Haugen, and veterans at groundbreaking for the Liberty Memorial Bridge between Mandan and Bismarck, 6/12/2006
32073-00208  - 00210 Governor John Hoeven presents $400,000 to Williston State College for the Petroleum Safety and Technology Center one of the Centers for Excellence, Williston (N.D.) 6/14/2006
32073-00211 Governor John Hoeven with the 10th Mountain Division in Afghanistan, Afghanistan 6/21/2006
32073-00212 Governor John Hoeven with the 188th Air Defense Artillery in Afghanistan, Afghanistan 6/21/2006
32073-00213 Governor John Hoeven with Col. Gilmore in Ramstein (Germany), Germany 6/21/2006
32073-00214 Governor John Hoeven, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, and Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski with Gen. Karl Eikenberry, Combined Force Commander of Afghanistan, Afghanistan 6/21/2006
32073-00215 Governor John Hoeven, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, and Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski in Bagram (Afghanistan), Afghanistan 6/21/2006
32073-00216 Governor John Hoeven with Maj. Langeberg of Wahpeton (N.D.), Afghanistan 6/21/2006
32073-00217 Governor John Hoeven listens as CPT Richard Hobart and Second Lt. Christopher Paulekas explain the C-RAM or Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar system, Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00218 Governor John Hoeven and Capt. Don Cicotte in Balad (Iraq), Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00219 Governor John Hoeven and Sgt. Chirstopher Clemens, Sgt. Guy Stevens, and Spc. Jesse Wolff of the A Co. 164th Engineer Battalion, Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00220 Governor John Hoeven and Sgt. Chirstopher Clemens, Sgt. Guy Stevens, Spc. Jesse Wolff, and Spc. Erik Lindborg of the A Co. 164th Engineer Battalion, Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00221 Governor John Hoeven and SSgt. Harris in Balad (Iraq) with Predator in the background, 6/21/2006
32073-00222 - 00224 Governor John Hoeven and troops at Logistics Support Area Anaconda in Balad (Iraq) 6/21/2006
32073-00225 - 00226 Governor John Hoeven in battle rattle and busted bunker in Kuwait, 6/21/2006
32073-00227 Governor John Hoeven in battle rattle comping of C-130 in Baghdad (Iraq), 6/21/2006
32073-00228 Governor John Hoeven in C-130 jump seat, Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00229 Governor John Hoeven presents North Dakota flag to U.S. Air Force Reservists at Logistics Support Area Anaconda in Balad (Iraq), 6/21/2006
32073-00230 Governor John Hoeven presents North Dakota flag to U.S. Army Guard and Reserve troops at Logistics Area Anaconda in Balad (Iraq), 6/21/2006
32073-00231 - 00232 Governor John Hoeven presents U.S. Air Force troops with North Dakota license plate after Predator brief in Balad (Iraq), 6/21/2006
32073-00233 Governor John Hoeven with members of Personal Security Detachment, SSg. Justin Underwood and Spc. Lucas May, Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00234 Governor John Hoeven, MG Mike Sumrall at office call with Iraqi Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmy, Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00235 Governor John Hoeven, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, and Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski learn about a parts machine from soldier, Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00236 Grand Forks (N.D.) native, Cpt Eric Swanson of the 243rd Engineer Co. and Governor John Hoeven in Kuwait, 6/21/2006
32073-00237 Ltc. Mitchell Passini and 1st Lt. Jason Peterson welcome Governor John Hoeven to A Co. 164th Engineer Battalion from Minot (N.D.), Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00238 MG Kelley, Governor John Hoeven, and Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski, Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00239 - 00240 Minot (N.D.) native, 1st Lt. Kris Neset of A Co. 164th Engineer Battalion and Governor John Hoeven, Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00241 - 00242 Governor John Hoeven, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, and Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski have office call with Iraqi Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmy, Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00243 Spc. Lindborg of A. Co. 164th Engineer Battalion describes types of IEDs to Governor John Hoeven, Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00244 - 00245 Spc. Lindborg of A. Co. 164th Engineer Battalion explains counter-IED measures to Governor John Hoeven, Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00246 -00247 U.S. Embassy Political Counselor Margaret Scobey, MG Mike Sumrall and Governor John Hoeven at office call with Iraqi Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmy, Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00248 Governor John Hoeven at dedication of the Veterans' Memorial Wall during the Ryder Centennial Kick-off event, Ryder (N.D.) 7/7/2006
32073-00249 Governor John Hoeven, John Sinn, Lt. Gen. Jerry Sinn, and Com. Daryl Simmons at dedication of the Veterans' Memorial Wall during the Ryder Centennial Kick-off event, Ryder (N.D.) 7/7/2006
32073-00250 Governor John Hoeven meeting with local producers and farmers to see the impact of the drought conditions in Grant County (N.D.), Elgin (N.D.) 7/10/2006
32073-00251 - 00252 Governor John Hoeven meeting with local producers and farmers to see the impact of the drought conditions in Emmons County (N.D.), Linton (N.D.) 7/10/2006
32073-00253 - 00254 Governor John Hoeven announces the retirement of Adjutant General Michael Haugen, Bismarck (N.D.) 7/12/2006
32073-00255 Governor John Hoeven announces the appointment of Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk to post of Adjutant General, Bismarck (N.D.) 7/12/2006
32073-00256 Portrait of Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk, Bismarck (N.D.) 7/12/2006
32073-00257 Governor John Hoeven and Office of Management and Budget's Pam Sharp present the revenue projections for the 2007-2009 biennium, Bismarck (N.D.) 8/15/2006
32073-00258 Governor John Hoeven presents the revenue projections for the 2007-2009 biennium, Bismarck (N.D.) 8/15/2006
32073-00259 - 00265 Bismarck Mayor John Warford, Senators Byron Dorgan and Kent Conrad, Congressman Earl Pomeroy, and Governor John Hoeven drive the golden spike for the Northern Plains Commerce Centre, Bismarck (N.D.) 8/22/2006
32073-00266 - 00267 Governor John Hoeven speaking at 9/11 remembrance ceremony, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/11/2006
32073-00268 - 00269 Governor John Hoeven and Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works George Dunlop meet to discuss reduction of Missouri River flows, Washington (D.C.) 9/13/2006
32073-00270 - 00275 Governor John Hoeven, Tax Commissioner Cory Fong, and State Representative Wesley R. Belter present tax relief plan, Fargo (N.D.) 9/19/2006
32073-00276 - 00279 Governor John Hoeven, Tax Commissioner Cory Fong, and State Senator Dwight Cook present tax relief plan, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/19/2006
32073-00280 - 00286 ND Qwest President Scott Macintosh presents Governor John Hoeven, ND Education Technology Council Director Dan Pullen, and North Dakota CIO Lisa Feldner with $25,000 check to provide grants to public school teachers using technology in classrooms, Bismarck (N.D.) 10/3/2006
32073-00287 - 00289 Governor John Hoeven appoints Francis Ziegler as director of the North Dakota Department of Transportation, Bismarck (N.D.) 10/5/2006
32073-00290 - 00291 Governor John Hoeven presents $2 million to North Dakota State University President Joseph Chapman and representatives of the Center of Excellence on Surface Protection, Fargo (N.D.) 10/30/2006
32073-00292 - 00293 Governor John Hoeven, Mark Nisbet, and Dickinson State University President Lee Vickers at presentation of $1.5 million to DSU Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurship and Rural Revitalization, Dickinson (N.D.) 11/15/2006
32073-00294 Governor John Hoeven and Dickinson State University President Lee Vickers at presentation of $1.5 million to DSU Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurship and Rural Revitalization, Dickinson (N.D.) 11/15/2006
32073-00295 Dickinson State University Lee Vickers at presentation of $1.5 million to DSU Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurship and Rural Revitalization, Dickinson (N.D.) 11/15/2006
32073-00296 Mark Nisbet at  presentation of $1.5 million to DSU Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurship and Rural Revitalization, Dickinson (N.D.) 11/15/2006
32073-00297 Governor John Hoeven, Mark Nisbet, Dickinson State University President Lee Vickers, and Pam Kostelecky at presentation of $1.5 million to DSU Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurship and Rural Revitalization, Dickinson (N.D.) 11/15/2006
32073-00298 - 00299 Governor John Hoeven and others at presentation of $1.5 million to DSU Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurship and Rural Revitalization, Dickinson (N.D.) 11/15/2006
32073-00300 Governor John Hoeven and Don Hedger at presentation of $1.5 million to DSU Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurship and Rural Revitalization, Dickinson (N.D.) 11/15/2006
32073-00301 Governor John Hoeven and Don Hedger at presentation of $1.5 million to DSU Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurship and Rural Revitalization featuring Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing, Dickinson (N.D.) 11/15/2006
32073-00302 Governor John Hoeven, Lee Vickers, Don Hedger, and others at presentation of $1.5 million to DSU Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurship and Rural Revitalization featuring Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing, Dickinson (N.D.) 11/15/2006
32073-00303 - 00304 Governor John Hoeven at presentation of $1.5 million to DSU Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurship and Rural Revitalization featuring Killdeer Mountain Manufacturing, Dickinson (N.D.) 11/15/2006
32073-00305 - 00307 Governor John Hoeven with Prairie Public's Dave Thompson, Bismarck (N.D.) 11/20/2006
32073-00308 - 00315 Governor John Hoeven announces unemployment tax rate cut and commends Job Service North Dakota for strong performance, Bismarck (N.D.) 11/22/2006
32073-00316 - 00326 Governor John Hoeven pardons turkey for Thanksgiving, Bismarck (N.D.) 11/22/2006
32073-00327 Governor John Hoeven presents $3.5 million to University of North Dakota Center of Excellence for Life Sciences and Advanced Technologies, Grand Forks (N.D.) 12/12/2006
32073-00328 - 00329 Governor John Hoeven and UND President Charles Kupchella at ground breaking for University of North Dakota Center of Excellence for Life Sciences and Advanced Technologies, Grand Forks (N.D.) 12/12/2006
32073-00330 Governor John Hoeven presents $3.5 million to University of North Dakota Center of Excellence for Life Sciences and Advanced Technologies, Grand Forks (N.D.) 12/12/2006
32073-00331 - 00380 Governor John Hoeven and Mikey Hoeven at naming ceremony with the Sisseton-Wahpeton-Oyate tribe at the Dakota Magic Casino, Hankinson (N.D.) 12/18/2006
32073-00381 - 00400 Governor John Hoeven and Mikey Hoeven at naming ceremony with the Sisseton-Wahpeton-Oyate tribe at the Dakota Magic Casino with Native American children dancing for the ceremony, Hankinson (N.D.) 12/18/2006
32073-00401 - 00405 Governor John Hoeven at Travis Hafner's induction into the North Dakota American Legion Baseball Hall of Fame at the Sykeston High School, Sykeston (N.D.) 12/21/2006
32073-00406 - 00409 Governor John Hoeven presenting the 2006 budget address to a joint session of the 60th North Dakota Legislature, Bismarck (N.D.) 12/6/2006
32073-00410 American Patriot statue, Bismarck (N.D.) 12/5/2006
32073-00411 - 00417 National Guard helicopters extinguishing fire on Standing Rock Indian Reservation near Fort Yates (N.D.), Fort Yates (N.D.) 7/2006
32073-00418 - 00421 Fire on Standing Rock Indian Reservation near Fort Yates (N.D.), Fort Yates (N.D.) 7/2006
32073-00422 - 00428 Trying to extinguish the fire on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation near Fort Yates (N.D.), Fort Yates (N.D.) 7/2006
32073-00429 - 00438 Area burnt by fire on Standing Rock Indian Reservation near Fort Yates (N.D.), Fort Yates (N.D.) 7/2006
32073-00439 Firefighters from FEMA's Type 2 Management team put out hot spots from fire on Standing Rock Indian Reservation near Fort Yates (N.D.), Fort Yates (N.D.) 7/2006
32073-00440 Governor John Hoeven, Tribal Chairman Ron His Horse is Thunder, Agriculture Commissioner Roger John receive update from firefighter from FEMA's Type 2 Management Team regarding the status of a grass fire on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation near Fort Yates (N.D.), Fort Yates (N.D.) 7/20/2006
32073-00441 Firefighters from FEMA's Type 2 Management team put out hot spots from fire on Standing Rock Indian Reservation near Fort Yates (N.D.), Fort Yates (N.D.) 7/2006
32073-00442 - 00445 Afghan people on Governor delegation trip to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait, Afghanistan 6/21/2006
32073-00446 - 00449 Inside the Afghan Embassy and Kabul Compound during the Governor delegation trip to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait, Afghanistan 6/21/2006
32073-00450 Flagpoles outside of Camp Eggars on Governor delegation trip to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Kuwait, Afghanistan 6/21/2006
32073-00451 - 00477 Governor John Hoeven at memorial service at Bagram Airfield during Governor delegation, Afghanistan 6/23/2006
32073-00478 Governor John Hoeven with 1st Sgt. Zimmerman, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00479 Governor John Hoeven with Cpt. Zychalski, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00480 Governor John Hoeven with Msg. Capp, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00481 Governor John Hoeven with Sgt. Bearfield, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00482 Governor John Hoeven with Sgt. Gerszewski, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00483 Governor John Hoeven with Sgt. Houska, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00484 Governor John Hoeven with Sgt. Mewes, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00485 Governor John Hoeven with Sgt. Mork, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00486 Governor John Hoeven with Spc. Blewer, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00487 Governor John Hoeven with Spc. Doty, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00488 Governor John Hoeven with Spc. Edman, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00489 Governor John Hoeven with Spc. Glaze, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00490 Governor John Hoeven with Spc. Lopez, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00491 Governor John Hoeven with Spc. Pribula, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00492 Governor John Hoeven with Spc. Schaf, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00493 Governor John Hoeven with Spc. Simmons, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00494 - 00497 Governor John Hoeven, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, and Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00498 Governor John Hoeven with Cpt. Zychalski and Spc. Glaze, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00499 - 00513 Governor John Hoeven with the 164th Engineer Battalion, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00514 - 00515 Governor John Hoeven near Predator, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00515 Governor John Hoeven near Predator, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00516 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as Bosch, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00517 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as Broe, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00518 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as Ekren, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00519 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as Hahn, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00520 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as Kastet, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00521 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as Krueger, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00522 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as Leben, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00523 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as Meissner, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00524 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as Miller, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00525 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as Mueller, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00526 Governor John Hoeven with soldier, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00527 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as Simek, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00528 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as Steier, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00529 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as C. Thompson, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00530 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as G. Thompson, Iraq 6/25/2006
32073-00531 Governor John Hoeven with solders Anderson and Cpt. Eric Swanson, Kuwait 6/25/2006
32073-00532 Governor John Hoeven with Cpt. Eric Swanson of the 243rd Engineer Company, Kuwait 6/25/2006
32073-00533 Governor John Hoeven with soldier identified as Gilmore, Landstuhl (Germany) 6/25/2006
32073-00534 Governor John Hoeven with Cpt. Eric Swanson of the 243rd Engineer Company, Kuwait 6/25/2006
32073-00535 Governor John Hoeven at the Up Armor facility, Kuwait 6/25/2006
32073-00536 Governor John Hoeven at the Up Armor facility, Kuwait 6/25/2006
32073-00537 Governor John Hoeven at the Up Armor facility, Kuwait 6/25/2006
32073-00538 Governor John Hoeven with soldiers, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00539 Governor John Hoeven with soldiers, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00540 Governor John Hoeven with soldiers near Predator, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00541 - 00549 Governor Hoeven with soldiers at Camp Eggers, Afghanistan 6/23/2006
32073-00550 Governor John Hoeven and Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00551 Governor John Hoeven, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski and staff, Afghanistan 6/25/2006
32073-00552 - 00555 Governor John Hoeven and other delegation at Baghdad International Airport, Iraq 6/21/2006
32073-00556 - 00564 Governor John Hoeven, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski with soldiers at Camp Eggers, Afghanistan 6/23/2006
32073-00565 - 00566 Governor John Hoeven, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski and staff, Afghanistan 6/2006
32073-00567 - 00570 Governor John Hoeven and Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski with Tariq al-Hashimi, Iraq 6/20/2006
32073-00571 Governor John Hoeven, South Carolina Mark Sanford and others at Kabul Embassy Compound, Afghanistan 6/22/2006
32073-00572 - 00573 Governor John Hoeven at the Kabul Palace and Embassy reception, Afghanistan 6/22/2006
32073-00574 - 00583 Governor John Hoeven, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski and staff at the Up Armour facility tour, Iraq 6/20/2006
32073-00584 - 00585 Governor John Hoeven learning how to shoot an AK-47 style rifle, Iraq 6/2006
32073-00586 Governor John Hoeven, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski and Condoleezza Rice, Washington (D.C.) 6/2006
32073-00587 Governor John Hoeven with winners of the Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/18/2006
32073-00588 Governor John Hoeven with State Archivist Gerald Newborg, winner of the Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/18/2006
32073-00589 Governor John Hoeven with Job Service North Dakota's Heather Raschke, winner of the Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/18/2006
32073-00590 Governor John Hoeven with Facility Management's Karen Roesch, winner of the Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/18/2006
32073-00591 Mark Learn playing the piano at the presentation of the Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/18/2006
32073-00592 Governor John Hoeven with North Dakota Developmental Center's Mary Jaster, winner of the Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/18/2006
32073-00593 Governor John Hoeven with Facility Management's Matthew Walker, winner of the Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/18/2006
32073-00594 Governor John Hoeven with UND Facilities Department's Pam Zimbelman, winner of the Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/18/2006
32073-00595 - 00596 Governor John Hoeven with United States Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns, Fargo (N.D.) 4/21/2005
32073-00597 President George W. Bush speaks at the Bison Sports Arena, Fargo (N.D.) 2/3/2005
32073-00598 Governor John Hoeven steps of Air Force One during President George W. Bush visit Fargo, Fargo (N.D.) 2/3/2005
32073-00599 President George W. Bush greets Mikey Hoeven as Wayne Stenehjem and Governor John Hoeven looks on, Fargo (N.D.) 2/3/2005
32073-00600 - 00602 Crowd of people at the Bison Sports Arena for President George W. Bush visit, Fargo (N.D.) 2/3/2005
32073-00603 - 00623 President George W. Bush speaks at the Bison Sports Arena, Fargo (N.D.) 2/3/2005
32073-00624 Sketch of the North Dakota quarter, Bismarck (N.D.) 8/30/2006
32073-00625 U.S. Mint Acting Director David Laebryk presents Governor John Hoeven and First Lady Mikey Hoeven with a framed print of North Dakota's quarter, Bismarck (N.D.) 8/30/2006
32073-00626 Governor John Hoeven, First Lady Mikey Hoeven, and U.S. Mint Acting Director David Lebryk place North Dakota's quarter on the Mint's "50 States Quarter Program" display at the launching, Bismarck (N.D.) 8/30/2006
32073-00627 Governor John Hoeven address crowd at launch of North Dakota's quarter, Bismarck (N.D.) 8/30/2006
32073-00628 First Lady Mikey Hoeven distributes newly minted North Dakota quarters to students at the Bismarck Civic Center, Bismarck (N.D.) 8/30/2006
32073-00629 Governor John Hoeven and U.S. Commerce Department Assistant Secretary Sandy Baruah present NDSU President Joseph Chapman with the U.S. Economic Development Administration's award for Excellence in Technology-led Economic Development in recognition of the university's Research and Technology Park, Fargo (N.D.) 8/28/2006
32073-00630 Governor John Hoeven presides over the official ceremony where command of North Dakota's National Guard was transferred from outgoing Adjutant General Maj. Gen. Michael Haugen to the state's new Adjutant General, Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk, Bismarck (N.D.) 8/26/2006
32073-00631 - 00633 The North Dakota State Capitol Christmas tree lighting ceremony, Bismarck (N.D.) 12/2006
32073-00634 - 00637 Governor John Hoeven, along with Adj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk, Gen. Jerald Engelman, Col. Marty Whelan, Mayor Curt Zimbelman, and Mark Jantzer, announce that a new North Dakota Air National Guard squadron will support security forces within the 91st Space Wing at the Minot Air Force Base, Minot (N.D.) 2/8/2007
32073-00638 Governor John Hoeven at the announcement of MG Grains coming to Minot (N.D.), Minot (N.D.) 3/8/2007
32073-00639 - 00640 Governor John Hoeven at Midwest TeleMark International (MTI), Mohall (N.D.) 3/8/2007
32073-00641 - 00644 Governor John Hoeven, with legislators, educators, and tribal officials, to sign House Bill 1395, a $700,000 financial assistance package to help tribal colleges defray the cost of education non-tribal students, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/10/2007
32073-00645 - 00646 Governor John Hoeven and former Governor George Sinner present a medallion to the family of an infant child who died 20 years ago and whose organs were donated to another infant who, now grown, attended the ceremony in Fargo. Members of the North Dakota National Guard flew the organs to California at the request of then Governor Sinner, Fargo (N.D.) 5/15/2007
32073-00647 - 00648 Governor John Hoeven speaking at Renewable Fuels Summit, North Dakota 5/21/2007
32073-00649 - 00651 Governor John Hoeven with officials tour flooded southeastern North Dakota, Wyndmere (N.D.) 6/7/2007
32073-00652 - 00655 Governor John Hoeven tours flooded Trollwood Park, Fargo (N.D.) 6/7/2007
32073-00656 Governor John Hoeven speaking at UND's Center for Innovation, Grand Forks (N.D.) 6/8/2007
32073-00657 - 00658 Governor John Hoeven and community officials break ground for industrial park, Cooperstown (N.D.) 6/8/2007
32073-00659 - 00662 Governor John Hoeven meets with the soldiers and families of the North Dakota National Guard's 817th Sapper Company at send-off ceremony prior to deployment to Iraq, Jamestown (N.D.) 6/9/2007
32073-00663 - 00665 Governor John Hoeven meets joined by energy industry leaders and employees to announce the results of a study related to energy industry workforce expansion, Bismarck (N.D.) 7/2/2007
32073-00666 - 00669 Governor John Hoeven at NDSU's North Central Research Extension Center with President Joseph Chapman, Minot (N.D.) 7/18/2007
32073-00670 - 00675 Governor John Hoeven, Sen. Joel Heitkamp, Rep. Craig Headland, and representatives from the Ethanol Promotion Information Council (EPIC) and North Dakota Corn Growers highlight the new law requiring a gas pump label for ethanol pumps, Fargo (N.D.) 8/2/2007
32073-00676 - 00678 Governor John Hoeven pumps gas at an ethanol labeled pump, Fargo (N.D.) 8/2/2007
32073-00679 Governor John Hoeven with Iceland Prime Minister Geir H. Harde at August the Deuce event, Mountain (N.D.) 8/4/2007
32073-00680 Governor John Hoeven introducing Ice Prime Minister Geir H. Harde, Iceland Ambassador Albert Jonsson, and ND State Senator Curtis Olafson at August the Deuce, Mountain (N.D.) 8/4/2007
32073-00681 Governor John Hoeven in the August the Deuce parade, Mountain (N.D.) 8/4/2007
32073-00682 - 00684 Governor John Hoeven and other officials at the groundbreaking for the North Dakota Natural Beef building at the Beef Systems Center of Excellence at NDSU, Fargo (N.D.) 8/10/2007
32073-00685 Governor John Hoeven, Dickinson State University President Lee Vickers, and Jerome Strom cut the ribbon officially marking the grand opening of the DSU's Center of Excellence, the Strom Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Dickinson (N.D.) 8/24/2007
32073-00686 - 00698 Governor John Hoeven and other officials assess the damage of the Northwood (N.D.) tornado, 8/27/2007
32073-00699 - 00701 Governor John Hoeven speaks to landowners, farmers, sportsmen, and Game & Fish officials about North Dakota reaching its goal of more than 1 million acres of public access hunting land through the Private Land Open to Sportsman (PLOTS) program, Sterling (N.D.) 8/28/2007
32073-00702 - 00709 Governor John Hoeven and Manitoba Premier Gary Doer at memorial service at the International Peace Garden held in remembrance of the lives lost in 9/11, International Peace Garden (Man. and N.D.) 9/11/2007
32073-00710 - 00712 Governor John Hoeven and U.S. Small Business Administrator Steve Preson unveil Rural Lender Advantage loan service program, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/27/2007
32073-00713 - 00717 Governor John Hoeven and Microsoft's Don Morton at groundbreaking for expansion of Microsoft's Fargo campus, Fargo (N.D.) 10/3/2007
32073-00718 Governor John Hoeven and Doug Burgum at groundbreaking for expansion of Microsoft's Fargo campus, Fargo (N.D.) 10/3/2007
32073-00719 - 00720 Governor John Hoeven and other officials at groundbreaking for expansion of Microsoft's Fargo campus, Fargo (N.D.) 10/3/2007
32073-00721 Governor John Hoeven addressing the staff of Microsoft at the groundbreaking for the expansion of the Fargo campus, Fargo (N.D.) 10/3/2007
32073-00722 Governor John Hoeven, Secretary of State Al Jaeger, legislators, Adjutant General David Sprynczynatyk, service members, families, and members of the Patriot Guard Riders sign in law HB 1040 which creates a buffer zone for military families, Bismarck (N.D.) 1/25/2007
32073-00723 - 00730 Governor John Hoeven joined by legislators, educators, students, and community officials to sign HB 1019 the Career and Technical Education Funding Bill, Dickinson (N.D.) 5/2/2007
32073-00731 - 00752 Governor John Hoeven, U.S. Assistant Secretary for Economic Development Sandy Baruah, Jim Melland, and Dr. Jim Petell announce funding for the Research Enterprise and Commercialization Park, Grand Forks (N.D.) 8/2/2007
32073-00753 - 00759 Governor John Hoeven and staff at final staff bill signing in office, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/24/2007
32073-00760 Governor John Hoeven joined by legislators and university officials at Minot State University to sign HB 1003, the Higher Education Budget Bill, Minot (N.D.) 4/30/2007
32073-00761 Governor John Hoeven and Maj. Mark Nelson at announcement of Col. Bryan Klipfel's retirement. Nelson replaced Klipfel as North Dakota Highway Patrol Superintendent, Bismarck (N.D.) 7/18/2007
32073-00762 Governor John Hoeven and Col. Bryan Klipfel's retirement from the North Dakota Highway Patrol Superintendent, Bismarck (N.D.) 7/18/2007
32073-00763 Official portrait of Governor John Hoeven and First Lady Mikey Hoeven, Bismarck (N.D.) 2005
32073-00764 - 00765 Governor John Hoeven with legislators and prison official sign HB 1015, the Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation Appropriation Bill, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/2/2007
32073-00766 - 00767 Governor John Hoeven with legislators signs a property tax bill, Fargo (N.D.) 4/26/2007
32073-00768 - 00773 Governor John Hoeven joined by legislators, elected officials, NDSU officials, and industry leaders to sign legislation related to renewable energy plan and the NDSU Agriculture program, Fargo (N.D.) 4/24/2007
32073-00774 Governor John Hoeven presents the Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service to five state employees, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/10/2007
32073-00775 Governor John Hoeven, Rick Berg, and Bob Stenehjem detail Renewable Energy Plan, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/15/2007
32073-00776 Governor John Hoeven and Adjutant General David Sprynczynatyk tour Northwood (N.D.) and visit with residents after the August 26 tornado, Northwood (N.D.) 10/2/2007
32073-00777 Governor John Hoeven and local and industry officials at the groundbreaking for Spiritwood Station, Spiritwood (N.D.) 11/6/2007
32073-00778 Governor John Hoeven and Tourism Director Sarah Otte Coleman recognize the top five winners of the "Why I Luv ND" contest, Bismarck (N.D.) 11/16/2007
32073-00779 Governor John Hoeven and Agriculture Commissioner Roger Johnson receive turkeys from the North Dakota Turkey Federation and present them to Sue Martin, executive director of Ruth Meiers Hospitality House, and Dian Zainhofsky, executive director of the Abused Adult Resource Center, Bismarck (N.D.) 11/19/2007
32073-00780 Governor John Hoeven, the North Dakota Industrial Commission and representatives from Great Northern Power Development and Allied Syngas Corporation announce a $1.4 billion coal gasification project at South Heart (N.D.), South Heart (N.D.) 11/20/2007
32073-00781 State Christmas tree lighting including the Central Dakota Children's Choir, Bismarck (N.D.) 11/27/2007
32073-00782 Appareo receives award for Product Breakthrough of the Year award by Aviation Week and Space Technology news publication, Fargo (N.D.) 12/11/2007
32073-00783 Governor John Hoeven and Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk present Sgt. Wyatt Goettle with the Purple Heart for injuries he sustained while serving with Company A of the North Dakota National Guard 164th Engineer Battalion in Iraq, Bismarck (N.D.) 12/17/2007
32073-00784 - 00785 Governor John Hoeven and Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk receive $15,000 check from TriWest Healthcare Alliance for the Family Assistance Emergency Relief Fund to help provide financial support to North Dakota National Guard members and families, Bismarck (N.D.) 12/20/2007
32073-00786 - 00788 Governor John Hoeven joined with legislators, educations, and Mrs. Nancy Selby's sixth grade class from Williston's Rickard Elementary School at the State Capitol to sign SB 2145 that made the chokecherry North Dakota's official state fruit, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/29/2007
32073-00789 Governor John Hoeven, with Lt. Gov. Jack Dalrymple, legislators, educators, and members of the Governor's Commission on Education Improvement, signs SB 2200 that reforms the state K-12 education funding formula, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/3/2007
32073-00790 Governor John Hoeven and daughter, Marcela, in Minneapolis to watch the NDSU Bison play the Minnesota Gophers in football, Minneapolis (Minn.) 10/20/2007
32073-00791 Governor John Hoeven and Allison Restemeyer after bill signing ceremony for legislation that will help children with disabilities receive additional medical coverage, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/17/2007
32073-00792 Governor John Hoeven with Allison Restemeyer and Elizabeth Romanick after bill signing ceremony for legislation that will help children with disabilities receive additional medical coverage, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/17/2007
32073-00793 Governor John Hoeven visits with Terry Ulrich of Ashley (N.D.) and Jim Hopfauf of Flasher (N.D.), two farmers who will receive payments for land enrolled in North Dakota Farmers Union's  Carbon Credit Program, Bismarck (N.D.) 6/4/2007
32073-00794 Governor John Hoeven, with legislators and public employees association representatives, signs SB 2189, which provides an 8 percent salary increase for state employees over the next two years, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/7/2007
32073-00795 Governor John Hoeven signs proclamation declaring September 9-15, 2007 Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/13/2007
32073-00796 Governor John Hoeven, Secretary of State Al Jaeger, legislators, Adjutant General David Sprynczynatyk, service members, families, and members of the Patriot Guard Riders sign in law HB 1040 which creates a buffer zone for military families, Bismarck (N.D.) 1/25/2007
32073-00797 Governor John Hoeven and others view the construction of the National Energy Center of Excellence, Bismarck (N.D.) 8/10/2007
32073-00798 Governor John Hoeven with children of military members, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/15/2007
32073-00799 Governor John Hoeven with Olson family during Celebrate Cities Day, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/2/2007
32073-00800 Regan Olson presents at Celebrate Cities Day, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/2/2007
32073-00801 Governor John Hoeven presents Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service to Darlene Pixley, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/10/2007
32073-00802 Governor John Hoeven, joined by legislators, city officials and water association leadership, signs SB 2345 which authorizes state funding for the first phase of the Red River Valley Water Supply Project, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/4/2007
32073-00803 Governor John Hoeven, along with Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem and legislators, signs House and Senate bills that will strengthen North Dakota's sentencing, probation and civil commitment laws for violent sexual offenders, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/3/2007
32073-00804 Governor John Hoeven was joined by legislators, veterans, and National Guard members to sign into law SB 2418 which provided $9.1 million for the construction of the veterans home in Lisbon (N.D.), Bismarck (N.D.) 4/12/2007
32073-00805 Governor John Hoeven interviewed by ABC News, Bismarck (N.D.) 1/18/2008
32073-00806 - 00811 Governor John Hoeven, state legislators, representatives of the State Historical Society of North Dakota, and students launch North Dakota's commemoration of the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln's birth, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/8/2008
32073-00812 - 00815 Governor John Hoeven with the 2007-2008 Governor's Official Choir, the Dickinson High School Concert Chorale, Dickinson (N.D.) 2/12/2008
32073-00816 - 00820 Governor John Hoeven with the 2007-2008 Governor's Official Band, the Hazen High School Concert Band, Hazen (N.D.) 2/12/2008
32073-00821 - 00824 Governor John Hoeven outlines his Education Funding Reform and Property Tax Relief Plan, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/21/2008
32073-00825 Sister Thomas Welder and others at the Rough Rider Reunion at the Heritage Center, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00826 Chester Reiten, Merl Paaverud and others at the Rough Rider Reunion at the Heritage Center, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00827 Ron Rauschenberger and others at the Rough Rider Reunion at the Heritage Center, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00828 Harry J. Pearce, William C. Marcil, Doug Remboldt, and Jack and Betsy Dalrymple at the Rough Rider Reunion at the Heritage Center, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00829 Secretary of State Al Jaeger, Bobby Vee, Karen Vee, Jennifer Whittet at the Rough Rider Reunion at the Heritage Center, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00830 Angie Dickinson, Mikey Hoeven and others at the Rough Rider Reunion at the Heritage Center, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00831 Bobby Vee and Chester Reiten at Rough Rider Reunion at the North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00832 Harry J. Pearce, Angie Dickinson, and Sister Thomas Welder at the Rough Rider Reunion at the North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00833 Chester Reiten and Harry J. Pearce at the Rough Rider Reunion at the North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00834 Angie Dickinson, William Marcil, and Harry J. Pearce at the Rough Rider Reunion at the North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00835 Governor John Hoeven speaking at the Rough Rider Reunion at the North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00836 William Marcil speaking at the Rough Rider Reunion at the North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00837 Harry Pearce speaking at the Rough Rider Reunion at the North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00838 Chester Reiten speaking at the Rough Rider Reunion at the North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00839 Bobby Vee speaking at the Rough Rider Reunion at the North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00840 Sister Thomas Welder speaking at the Rough Rider Reunion at the North Dakota State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00841 Bobby Vee at the Rough Rider Reunion at the University of Mary, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00842 Bobby Vee and Angie Dickinson at the Rough Rider Reunion, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00843 Bobby Vee at the Rough Rider Reunion at the University of Mary, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00844 The University of Mary Steel Drum Band performing at the Rough Rider Reunion at the University of Mary, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00845 Angie Dickinson speaking at the Rough Rider Reunion at the University of Mary, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00846 Governor John Hoeven speaking at the Rough Rider Reunion at the University of Mary, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00847 William Marcil speaking at the Rough Rider Reunion at the University of Mary, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00848 William Marcil receiving award from Governor John Hoeven at the Rough Rider Reunion at the University of Mary, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00849 Bobby Vee speaking at the Rough Rider Reunion at the University of Mary, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00850 Bobby Vee receiving award from Governor John Hoeven at the Rough Rider Reunion at the University of Mary, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/24/2008
32073-00851 Governor John Hoeven, DOT Director Francis Ziegler, and representatives from Ducks Unlimited unveil new license plates, Bismarck (N.D.) 1/29/2008
32073-00852 Governor John Hoeven, DOT Director Francis Ziegler, and representatives from NDSU unveil new license plates, Bismarck (N.D.) 1/29/2008
32073-00853 Governor John Hoeven, Sen. Kent Conrad, Sen. Byron Dorgan, Rep. Earl Pomeroy, Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk, and others at groundbreaking on the new Regional Training Institute at Camp Grafton Training Center, Devils Lake (N.D.) 5/19/2008
32073-00854 Governor John Hoeven, Minot Mayor Curt Zimbleman, DOT Director Francis Ziegler and others attend ribbon cutting ceremony marking the completion of the second phase of the North Broadway reconstruction project, Minot (N.D.) 10/28/2008
32073-00855 Governor John Hoeven delivers 2009-2011 budget address at the Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 12/3/2008
32073-00856 Governor John Hoeven and First Lady Mikey Hoeven light the North Dakota state Christmas tree at the Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 12/9/2008
32073-00857 Governor John Hoeven and Secretary of State Al Jaeger preside over a meeting of the state's presidential electors as they officially cast their ballots for president and vice president of the United States, Bismarck (N.D.) 12/15/2008
32073-00858 Governor John Hoeven and Brig. Gen. Patrick Martin present Master Sgt. Dominic Cook of West Fargo (N.D.) and Staff Sgt. Aaron Giere of Hawley (Minn.), with the Air Force Combat Action Medal in recognition of their combat operations while service in Iraq, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/13/2008
32073-00859 Governor John Hoeven with Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne near the Elkhorn Ranch Unit in the Theodore Roosevelt National Park, Theodore Roosevelt National Park (N.D.) 8/4/2008
32073-00860 Governor John Hoeven at ribbon cutting of water from the Northwest Area Water Supply (NAWS) in front of water storage tank, Berthold (N.D.) 10/19/2008
32073-00861 Governor John Hoeven with members of the Cass County Youth Commission, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/13/2009
32073-00862 Governor John Hoeven, legislators, Adj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk, and representatives from veterans and community organizations sign the first Community Military Covenant, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/24/2009
32073-00863 Governor John Hoeven, legislators, and Tax Commissioners Cory Fong sign SB 2199, a broad-based tax relief package for North Dakota, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/30/2009
32073-00864 Governor John Hoeven and legislator at signing of SB 2012, the transportation funding bill, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/1/2009
32073-00865 Governor John Hoeven, legislators, state officials, State Historical Society Board members and representatives watch as HB 1481 is signed, this bill provides $52 million for the Phase II expansion of the North Dakota Heritage Center, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/6/2009
32073-00866 Governor John Hoeven, legislators, school administrators, and students sign HB 1400, a $1.3 billion K-12 education funding bill, Bismarck (N.D.) 5/19/2009
32073-00867 Governor John Hoeven addresses students attending North Dakota's 2009 Business Challenge at Dickinson State University, Dickinson (N.D.) 6/26/2009
32073-00868 Governor John Hoeven presents flag to soldiers before deployment to Kosovo (KFOR-12), Jamestown (N.D.) 7/12/2009
32073-00869 Governor John Hoeven presents North Dakota state flag to soldiers from the North Dakota National guard's 231st Maneuver Task Force before deployment to Kosovo, Fargo (N.D.) 8/14/2009
32073-00870 Governor John Hoeven, UTTC President David Gipp, and NDUS Chancellor Bill Geotz at groundbreaking for the new Science and Technology Center, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/8/2009
32073-00871 Governor John Hoeven with six state employees receiving the 2009 Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/14/2009
32073-00872 Governor John Hoeven, First Lady Mikey Hoeven, Bismarck Mayor John Warford and Shiloh Christian students pack the Bismarck Civic Center as part of the community food drive, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/18/2009
32073-00873 Governor John Hoeven greets World War II veterans as they prepare to depart on the Honor Flight to visit the World War II memorial and other historic sites in Washington (D.C.), Bismarck (N.D.) 9/18/2009
32073-00874 Governor John Hoeven announces the Real World Design Challenge, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/29/2009
32073-00875 Governor John Hoeven speaks to members of the North Dakota National Guard's C/2-285th Assault Company and their families and friends at a send-off ceremony in Bismarck prior to deployment to Iraq, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/30/2009
32073-00876 Gov. John Hoeven presents Mary Eldredge-Sandbo from DesLacs/Burlington with the 2010 North Dakota Teacher of the Year award, Grand Forks (N.D.) 10/22/2009
32073-00877 - 00882 Governor John Hoeven, representatives of deployed service members, and students commemorate the Day of the Deployed at the State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 40112
32073-00883 Governor John Hoeven and First Lady Mikey Hoeven with members of the Suzuki School of Music following the tree lighting ceremony at the State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 12/3/2009
32073-00884 Lighting of the state Christmas tree at the State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 12/3/2009
32073-00885 Governor John Hoeven, the Qwest Foundation, and the North Dakota Educational Technology Council present grants to North Dakota teachers as part of Qwest's Teachers and Technology Grant Program, Bismarck (N.D.) 12/17/2009
32073-00886 Governor John Hoeven thanks Brandon Weber of Linton (N.D.) for helping protect the community from rising flood waters. Weber and his teammates from Linton High School returned from winning the State Class B Basketball Championship in Minot and began filling sandbags and helping neighbors, Linton (N.D.) 3/23/2009
32073-00887 Governor John Hoeven names Scott Davis as the new executive director of the state's Indian Affairs Commission, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/21/2009
32073-00888 - 00889 Governor John Hoeven, along with legislators and officials from NextEra Energy Resources, signs into law SB 2031, 2032 and 2033, legislation that extends existing tax credits for wind energy development in North Dakota, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/19/2009
32073-00890 Lt. Governor Jack Dalrymple at laptop computer, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/25/2009
32073-00891 - 00892 Governor John Hoeven presents Claude O'Berry Jr. with Purple Heart, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/18/2008
32073-00893 - 00895 Governor John Hoeven and Sarah Otte Coleman present tourism ads, Bismarck (N.D.) 3/25/2009
32073-00896 Governor John Hoeven and Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk announce the return of the North Dakota National Guard Detachment 42, a specialized aviation unit whose members have been supporting Operation Enduring Freedom in Africa, Bismarck (N.D.) 1/19/2010
32073-00897 Governor John Hoeven congratulates students from Bismarck Public Schools whose team earned top honors in the state's Real World Design Challenge, Bismarck (N.D.) 1/28/2010
32073-00898 - 00900 Governor John Hoeven and Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk present PFC Aloysius Moszer with military medals he earned while serving in WWII during a ceremony at the Bismarck VFW, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/16/2010
32073-00901 Governor John Hoeven and Alliance Pipeline COO Mike McGonagill announce the completion of a new interconnect facility near Bantry (N.D.), which connects to Pecan Pipeline's Prairie Rose Pipeline, Bismarck (N.D.) 2/18/2010
32073-00902 Governor John Hoeven and Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk meet with Fargo officials at City Hall to discuss National Guard assistance with flood fighting activities, Fargo (N.D.) 3/16/2010
32073-00903 Governor John Hoeven joins a group of Fargo South High School students as they pass sandbags in an effort to protect homes from the rising Red River, Fargo (N.D.) 3/16/2010
32073-00904 Governor John Hoeven signs the cast of a Valley View Heights resident following a news conference on long-term care insurance, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/9/2010
32073-00905 Governor John Hoeven joins Ideal Aerosmith owner George Owens, Grand Forks Mayor Michael Brown and Co-Chairman of the Board Lonnie Rogers at an open house in recognition of the company's recent expansion to a sixth facility, Grand Forks (N.D.) 4/28/2010
32073-00906 Governor John Hoeven and retired Maj. Gen. C. Emerson Murry, former North Dakota Adjutant General, at Memorial Day ceremony at the North Dakota Veterans Cemetery, Mandan (N.D.) 5/31/2010
32073-00907 Governor John Hoeven speaking at Memorial Day ceremony at the North Dakota Veterans Cemetery, Mandan (N.D.) 5/31/2010
32073-00908 - 00912 Governor John Hoeven and First Lady Mikey Hoeven view former Governor Art Link as he lies in state in Memorial Hall of the State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) 6/5/2010
32073-00913 Governor John Hoeven with participants of North Dakota Boys State, Wahpeton (N.D.) 6/16/2010
32073-00914 Governor John Hoeven speaks to students during Business Challenge at Dickinson State University, Dickinson (N.D.) 6/18/2010
32073-00915 Governor John Hoeven with North Dakota National Guard Det 42 Freedom Salute, Bismarck (N.D.) 6/25/2010
32073-00916 - 00917 Governor John Hoeven welcomes home members of the North Dakota National Guard's KFOR 12 unit returning home from a yearlong peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, 7/23/2010
32073-00918 Governor John Hoeven with Century High School band at welcoming of World War II veterans after Roughrider Honor Flight, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/11/2010
32073-00919 Governor John Hoeven welcomes home WWII veterans as they return to North Dakota after travelling to Washington (D.C.) on the Roughrider Honor Flight, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/11/2010
32073-00920 Governor John Hoeven presenting Holly Gaugler with 2010 Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/13/2010
32073-00921 Governor John Hoeven presenting Janice Hoffarth with 2010 Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/13/2010
32073-00922 Governor John Hoeven presenting Thomas Job with 2010 Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/13/2010
32073-00923 Governor John Hoeven presenting Kirk Peterson with 2010 Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/13/2010
32073-00924 Governor John Hoeven with winners of the Governor's Award for Excellence in Public Service, Bismarck (N.D.) 9/13/2010
32073-00925 - 00927 Governor John Hoeven and Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk tour C-27J Spartan, Fargo (N.D.) 10/15/2010
32073-00928 Governor John Hoeven with Teacher of the Year Mary Eldredge-Sandbo, 10/21/2010
32073-00929 - 00931 Governor John Hoeven and Maj. Gen. David Sprynczynatyk, Adjutant General of the North Dakota National Guard, traveled to Kosovo to visit with state Soldiers that are in that country conducting NATO peacekeeping missions at Camp Bondsteel and in Pristina/Prishtina, Kosovo 2/8/2010

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Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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