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State Agency Records - Atmospheric Resource Board - #31762

Title: Atmospheric Resource Board. Project Files

Dates: 1976-1996

Record Series: 31762

Quantity: 8 feet

Abstract: Consists of NOAA and research project information

Box / Folder Inventory

Box 1:
1 Project, Bid Bonds        1984
2 Project, Bid Evaluations             1984
3 Project, Bid Notice       1984
4 Project, Bid Proposals 1984
5 Project, Chemical Bids, Nov. 17, 1983   1984
6 Project, Chemical Bids, December 16, 1983       1984
7 Project, Chemical Contract and Correspondence           1984
8 Project, Chemical RFB and Correspondence     1984
9 Project, Correspondence          1984
10 Project, County Contracts      1984
11 Project, District I Inf. 1984
12 Project, District II Inf.                1984
13 Project, Ground School           1984
14 Project, Intern Pilot Program                1984
15 Project, Memorandum for the Record             1984
16 Project, Miscellaneous            1984
17 Project, Montana License and Permits   1984
18 Project, notice of intention    1984
19 Project, Observers and Authorizations             1984
20 Project, Project Correspondence        1984
21 Project, Project Reports          1984
22 Project, Weather Modification Inc.    1984
23 Project, Service Contracts      1984
24 Project, Bid Bonds     1985
25 Project, Bid Evaluations           1985
26 Project, Bid Notice     1985
27 Project, Bid Proposals              1985
28 Project, Chemical Bids              1985
29 Project, Chemical Contract and Correspondence         1985
30 Project, Chemical RFB and Correspondence   1985
31 Project, Correspondence       1985
32 Project, County Contracts      1985
33 Project, Dist. I Inf.      1985
34 Project, Dist. II Inf.     1985
35 Project, Ground School           1985
36 Project, Intern Pilot Program                1985
37 Project, Memorandum for the Record             1985
38 Project, Miscellaneous            1985
39 Project, Miscellaneous            1985
40 Project, News Articles              1985
41 Project, Notice of Intention   1985
42 Project, Observers Authorizations      1985
43 Project, Project Correspondence        1985
44 Project, Project Reports          1985
45 Project, Service Contracts      1985
46 Project, Weather Modification Contract          1985
47 Bid Notice      1982
48 Chemical Contract and Correspondence          1982
49 Correspondence        1982
50 County Contractors   1982
51 Ground School            1982
52 Intern Pilot Program 1982
53 Montana License and Permits              1982

Box 2:
1 Notice of Intention      1982
2 Observers Authorization           1982
3 Project Records             1982
4 Service Contract            1982
5 Service Contract RFB Response              1982
6 Weather Modification Inc.        1982
7 Bid Notice        1983
8 Chemical Contract and Correspondence            1983
9 Chemical Contract RFB and Correspondence    1983
10 Correspondence        1983
11 County Contracts       1983
12 Ground School            1983
13 Intern Pilot Program 1983
14 Montana License and Reports              1983
15 Project, Memo for the Record             1983
16 Notice of Intention    1983
17 Observers Authorization         1983
18 Project Correspondence         1983
19 Service Contract         1983
20 Service Contract RFB Response            1983
21 Project Records          1983
22 Weather Modification Inc.     1983
23 Bid Notice      1980
24 Chemical Contract RFB             1980
25 Chemical Contract RFB and Correspondence 1980
26 County Contracts       1980
27 Correspondence        1980
28 Ground School            1980
29 Intern Pilot Program 1980
30 Montana License and Permit                1980
31 Notice of Intention    1980
32 Observers Authorization         1980
33 Project Records          1980
34 Service Contract         1980
35 Project Correspondence         1980
36 Service Contract RFB Resp.    1980
37 Weather Modification Inc.     1980
38 Baker Rawinsonde 1981     1981
39 Bid Notice      1981
40 Chemical Contract      1981
41 Chemical Contract RFB and Correspondence 1981
42 Correspondence        1981

Box 3:
1 County Contracts          1981
2 Ground School               1981
3 Intern Pilot Program    1981
4 Miscellaneous                1981
5 Montana License and Permits 1981
6 Notice of Intention      1981
7 Observers Authorization           1981
8 Project Records             1981
9 Service Contract            1981
10 Service Contract RFB Response            1981
11 Service Contract Responses  1982
12 ND Cloud Modification Project Supplemental Operations Manual 1981; Proposal to Supply Meteorological Radar Systems, Aircraft Tracking, Radar Technician and Related Services 1981; Proposal to Supply Aircraft Pilots and Related Services 1981; A Summary of Cloud Modification Services Provided By Weather Modification Inc. 1981  
13 Weather Modification Inc.     1981
14 Bid Notice      1979
15 Chemical Contract and Correspondence          1979
16 Chemical RFB Responses        1979
17 Chemical RFB and Correspondence    1979
18 County Contracts       1979
19 Ground School            1979
20 Intern Pilot Program 1979
21 Montana License and Permit                1979
22 Notice of Intention    1979
23 Observers Authorization         1979
24 Project Reports           1979
25 Service Contract RFB Response            1979
26 Service Contract Bid Bonds    1979
27 Service Contract RFB and Corr.             1979
28 Weather Modification Inc.     1979
29 Bid Notice      1978
30 Chemical Contractors and Corr.            1978
31 Chemical RFB and Corr.            1978
32 Chemical RFB and Resp.          1978
33 Original: DII WMI 78 Contract                1978
34 Ground School            1978
35 Intern Pilot Program 1978
36 Montana License and Permit                1978
37 Notice of Intention    1978
38 Observers Authorizations       1978
39 Project Reports           1978

Box 4:
1  Service Contract Bid Bonds      1978
2 Service Contract RFB and Corr.               1978
3 Service Contract RFB Response              1978
4 Weather Modification Inc.        1978
578 Project         1978
6 Bid Notices      1977
7 Chemical Contractors and Correspondence 1977
8 Chemical RFB Correspondence      1977
9 Chemical RFB Response             1977
10 Chemical RFB and Corr.            1977
11 County Contracts       1977
12 Atmospherics Inc.      1977
13 Intern Reports             1977
14 Notice of Intention    1977
15 Project Reports           1977
16 Observers Authorizations       1977
17 Radar Site Lease         1977
18 Service Contract RFB Responses          1977
19 Service Contract RFB and Corr.             1977
20 Project Service Contract RFB and Correspondence     1977
21 Project            1977
22 Aviation Services        1976
23 Bid Notice      1976
24 Chemical Contractors and Correspondence    1976
25 Chemical RFB and Corr.            1976
26 County Contracts       1976
27 Service Contract RFB Response            1976
28 Montana License and Permit                1976
29 Notice of Intention    1976
30 Radar Site Lease         1976
31 Project Summaries    1976

Box 5:
1 Service Contract RFB and Corr.               1976
2 Weather Modification Inc.        1976
3 South Dakota Program               1976

Box 6:
1 Field Prep Contracts: Soil Tests               1989
2 ND Thunderstorm Project: Correspondence    1989
3 ND Thunderstorm Project: Correspondence    1987-1988
4 ND Thunderstorm Project: General      1987-1996
5 ND Thunderstorm Project: Paper Clippings       1988-1990
6 ND Thunderstorm Project: Public Relations      1989
7 ND Thunderstorm Project: Utilities       1989
8 ND Thunderstorm Project: Notice of Intention               1989
9 NDCMP: Bid Bonds      1989
10 NDCMP: Bid Evaluation            1989
11 NDCMP: Bid Notice   1989
12 NDCMP: Chemical Bids            1989
13 NDCMP: Bid Proposals             1989
14 NDCMP: Chemical Contract & Correspondence            1989
15 NDCMP: Chemical Inventory 1989
16 NDCMP: Chemical RFB & Correspondence      1989
17 NDCMP: County Contracts     1989
18 NDCMP: District I Information              1989
19 NDCMP: District II Information             1989
20 NDCMP: Flight Summary         1989
21 NDCMP: Ground School          1989
22 NDCMP: Hazard Materials      1989
23 NDCMP: Intern Pilot Program               1989
24 NDCMP: Memo for the Record            1989
25 NDCMP: Miscellaneous           1989
26 NDCMP: Montana License & Permit  1989
27 NDCMP: News Articles            1989
28 NDCMP: Notice of Intention 1989
29 NDCMP: Observer's Authorization     1989
30 NDCMP: Project Correspondence      1989
31 NDCMP: Project Reports        1989
32 NDCMP: Service Contract       1989
33 NDCMP: Weather Modification Inc.   1989
34 District 1: Weather Modification Inc.  1989
35 District 2: Weather Modification Inc.  1989

Box 7:
1 Research Program Operations Plan      1987
2 Research Project: ND Thunderstorm   1989
3 Research Project: ND Thunderstorm   1987-1989
4 Research Project: ND Thunderstorm   1989
5 Research Project: ND Thunderstorm   1989
6 NDRP-Bureau of Reclamation 1989
7 NDRP-DAI        1989
8 NDRP-FAA/FCC             1989
9 NDRP-NCAA   1989
10 NDRP-NEAR  1989
11 NDRP-NDARB              1989
12 NDRP-NSSL   1989
13 NDRP-CHBRL                1989
14 NDRP-UNCA 1989
15 NDRP-NAWC                1989
16 NDPR-OCS     1989
17 NDRP-NSF     1989
18 NDRP-NWS   1989
19 NDRP-SDSM & T         1989
20 NDRP-Wyoming          1989
21 NDRP-UND/CAS         1989
22 NDRP-WMI   1989
23 June 1989
24 Hailswath II   1988-1989
25 NDRP Radar Siting-Class Siting              1989

Box 8:
1 NDRP 28 June- MCC Overview               
2 Hailswath Research Proposals to NSF  1988
3 NDTP Operations, Notes, Logs, REU School       1989
4 Continuing Analysis of Data for the ND Thunderstorm Project 1992
5 UND Report. Ongoing Studies of Convective Storms ND             1992
6 Final Report. ND Thunderstorm Project. Ongoing Studies of Convective Storms in ND 1993
7 Field Program Data Inventory ND Thunderstorm Project            1989
8 Special Projects 1995
9 Special Projects             1996
10 Special Projects 1999                1999
11 Special Projects 2000

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