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Chronicling America

State Agency Records - Historical Society - #31217

Title: Historical Society. Administration, Agencies, Boards, and Commissions Files

Dates: 1961-2009

Record Series: 31217

Quantity: 8.5 feet

Abstract: Consists of minutes, correspondence, memoranda, and printed material relating to agencies, boards and commissions that the Historical Society Director was a member of including the Capitol Grounds Commission, Centennial Commission, Lewis and Clark Trail Commission, and the Garrison-Oahe Interagency Council.

Copyright: Public records are not subject to copyright restrictions, although record series may contain copyrighted material.  Consideration of such copyrights is the responsibility of the author and publisher.

Access: These records are available for public inspection under provision of the North Dakota Century Code, 55-02.1-08.

Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the record group, series name and number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.

Box / Folder Inventory    

Box 1:
1 State Review Board   1978-1979
2 American Revolution Bicentennial Commission: Custer Centennial Ride 1976      
3 Capitol Grounds Planning Commission 1976-1979
4 Committee on Public Understanding of Archaeology 1971      
5 Custer Film Advisory Committee      1973     
6 Custer Film Advisory Committee: Little Big Horn Film 1973      
7 Highway Hall of Honor Committee 1978-1979
8 Little Missouri Grassland Study     1973     
9 Garrison Oahe Interagency Council   1979     
10 Governor’s Council on Human Resources 1974-1979
11 Lewis and Clark-1805 1970-1975
12 Lewis and Clark-1805 1970-1975
13 Lewis and Clark Trail: Campsites    1972-1973
14 Lewis and Clark Trail: Development Minutes 1970-1972
15 Lewis and Clark Trail: Heritage Foundation Inc.  1970-1979
16 Lewis and Clark Trail: Newsletter   1973-1978
17 Lewis and Clark Trail: Working Committee 1971     
18 Lewis and Clark Trail: Working Committee Agenda 1971     
19 Lewis and Clark Trail Commission    1967-1971
20 Lewis and Clark Trail Council       1968-1978
21 Lewis and Clark Trail Council: Agenda   1970-1979
22 Lewis and Clark Trail Council: Correspondence 1970-1975
23 Lewis and Clark Trail Council: Minutes  1970-1979
24 Roosevelt-Custer Resource Conservation Planning and Development 1974     
25 Emergency Commission 1973-1978
26 Dakota Hawk Foundation  1972-1980

Box 2:
1 American Revolution Bicentennial Commission- Information Manual Rough Draft 1975-1977
2 American Revolution Bicentennial Commission 1969-1972
3 American Revolution Bicentennial Commission: ND Studies     1973     
4 American Revolution Bicentennial Commission: Reports 1972-1973
5 Rough Rider Award Committee: Minutes 1978-1979
6 Rough Rider Winners: Robert Bahmer  1968     
7 Rough Rider Winners: Bodine, Elizabeth  1969-1979
8 Rough Rider Winners: Dr. Anne Carlson   1963-1965
9 Rough Rider Winners: Ivan Dmitri    1962      
10 Rough Rider Winners: Bert C. Gamble 1972-1977
11 Rough Rider Winners: Dr. Leon Jacobson  1974-1976
12 Rough Rider Winners: General Harold Johnson 1965     
13 Rough Rider Winners: Louis L'Amour  1972     
14 Rough Rider Winners: Peggy Lee      1975     
15 Rough Rider Winners: Dorothy Stickney   1960     
16 Rough Rider Winners: Roger Maris    1964     
17 Rough Rider Winners: Casper Oimoen  1973     
18 Rough Rider Winners: Harold Schafer 1970-1974
19 Rough Rider Winners: Eric Sevareid  1964     
20 Rough Rider Winners: Edward Thompson 1968     
21 Rough Rider Winners: Era Bell Thompson  1968-1976
22 Rough Rider Winners: Lawrence Welk  1961     
23 Lewis and Clark Trail Morton County Development 1972-1977
24 Lewis and Clark Trail Recreation Trail  1979     
25 Lewis and Clark Trail Walking Comm.: Proposed Easement 1972     
26 Lewis and Clark Trail Council: Membership  1970-1979
27 Lewis and Clark Trail Council: Operation and Maintenance Responsibilities  1970     
28 ND Heritage Foundation  1980-1981
29 Rough Rider Award Committee Minutes 1980-1981
30 Rough Rider Award Winner 1980-1981
31 Citizen Advisory Board  1978-1981
32 Plainswoman, Inc     1977     
33 Garrison Oahe Interagency Council   1980-1981
34 Lewis and Clark Trail Council 1970-1981
35 Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation  1980     
36 Lewis and Clark Trail Council Minutes   1980-1981
37 Lewis and Clark Trail Council: Newsletter  1980-1981
38 Lewis and Clark Trail Council: Recreational Trail 1981      
39 Highway Hall of Honors  1984     
40 Shide Rough Rider Award Nomination Notebook Part A 1980-1983
41 Shide Rough Rider Award Nomination Notebook Part 2 1980-1983

Box 3:
1 Capitol Grounds Planning Commission  1984-1985
2 Yellowstone-Missouri-Fort Union Commission 1985     
3 Highway Hall of Honors Committee 1985     
4 Rough Rider Award Committee 1983-1985
5 Garrison-Oahe Interagency Council 1984-1985
6 Governor’s Council on Human Resources 1985     
7 Lewis and Clark Trail: Heritage Foundation Inc. 1983-1985
8 Lewis and Clark Trail Council: Agenda and Meeting Notice 1983-1985
9 ND Council on the Arts 1982-1984
10 ND Humanities Council 1983-1985
11 Historical Records Advisory Board 1986     
12 Missouri River Centennial Commission 986     
13 Yellowstone-Missouri-Fort Union Commission 1986     
14 SORIC 1986     
15 Garrison-Oahe Interagency Council   1986     
16 Human Resource Council  1986     
17 Lewis and Clark Trail Council       1985-1986
18 Lewis and Clark Trail Council Minutes   1983-1986
19 Historical Records Advisory Board   1987     
20 Capitol Grounds Planning Commission 1986-1987
21 Missouri River Centennial Commission 1987     
22 Yellowstone-Missouri-Fort Union Commission 1987      
23 EDC Marketing Committee 1986-1987
24 Highway Hall of Honor Committee     1986-1987
25 Rough Rider Award Committee: Correspondence 1986-1987
26 Take Pride in America (TPIA)        1987      
27 Garrison-Oahe Interagency Council   1987     
28 Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation  1986-1987
29 Lewis and Clark Trail Council: Minutes  1987     
30 Lewis and Clark Trail Council: Signage Project  1987     
31 ND Humanities Council 1986-1987
32 SORIC 1987     
33 Missouri River Centennial Commission 1988     
34 Yellowstone-Missouri-Fort Union Commission 1988     
35 Capitol Arts and Historic Preservation Committee 1986-1988
36 Highway Hall of Honors Committee    1988     
37 Rough Rider Award Winner Judge Ronald E. Davies 1987     
38 Lewis and Clark National History Trail: Certification       1988     
39 Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation  1988     
40 Lewis and Clark Trail Council: Agenda and Meeting Notice    1986-1988
41 Lewis and Clark Trail: Recreation Trail 1988     
42 Lewis and Clark Trail Council: Signage Project  1988     
43 SORIC 1988     
44 Documents West Advisory Board       1989     
45 Historical Records Advisory Board   1989     

Box 4:
1 National Alliance of Preservation Commissions1989     
2 Yellowstone-Missouri-Fort Union Commission 1989     
3 EDC Marketing Commission 1988-1989
4 Rough Rider Award Committee: Correspondence 1989     
5 SORIC 1989     
6 Council on Americas Military Posts  1988-1989
7 Garrison-Oahe Interagency Council   1988-1989
8 ND Council on Arts   1989      
9 ND Humanities Council 1988-1989
10 Historical Records Advisory Board   1990      
11 Yellowstone-Missouri-Fort Union Commission 1990     
12 Capital Celebration Committee       1990     
13 GIS Management Steering Committee   1990     
14 Highway Hall of Honor Committee     1990     
15 Take Pride in America 1988-1990
16 Council of State Governments        1988-1990
17 Council on America's Military Past  1990     
18 Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation  1989-1990
19 Capitol Grounds Planning Commission 1988-1991
20 Yellowstone-Missouri-Fort Union Commission 1991     
21 Historical Records Advisory Board   1991     
22 Lewis and Clark Trail Council       1991     
23 SORIC 1991     
24 Emergency Management 1989     
25 Lewis and Clark Trail Council Bylaws1970     
26 Centennial Commission: Application for Commercial Use of Logo  1987-1988
27 Centennial Commission: Application for Project Sanctioning  1987-1988
28 Centennial Commission: Applications for Sanctioning Book 1  1987     
29 Centennial Commission: Application for Sanctioning Book 2   1988     
30 Centennial Commission: Application for Sanctioning Book 3   1989     

Box 5:
1 Centennial Commission: Application for Sanctioning 1986-1989
2 Centennial Commission: Budget       
3 Centennial Commission: Centennial Dates 1887-1889  XX       
4 Centennial Commission: Centennial Train 
5 Centennial Commission: Centennial Trees Program
6 Centennial Commission: Civic Anniversary Celebrations       
7 Centennial Commission: Commemoratives
8 Centennial Commission: Bismarck Centennial Committee        
9 Centennial Commission: Centennial Decade Trees Committee    
10 Centennial Commission: Centennial Expo '89 Committee        
11 Centennial Commission: Committee Assignments
12 Centennial Commission: Committees and Subcommittees
13 Centennial Commission: Finance and Marketing Committee      
14 Centennial Commission: Historic Preservation Committee      
15 Centennial Commission: State Agencies Meetings
16 Centennial Commission: Steering Committee 1989     
17 Centennial Commission: Correspondence 1987-1989
18 Centennial Commission: Correspondence 1985-1986
19 Centennial Commission: Correspondence 1982-1984
20 Centennial Commission: Financial Statement
21 Centennial Commission: Forms, Blank 
22 Centennial Commission: Fundraising  
23 Centennial Commission: Job Descriptions 
24 Centennial Commission: Legacy Grant Program-Applications and General Correspondence

Box 6:
1 Centennial Commission: Legacy Grant Program-Applications    
2 Centennial Commission: Legacy Grant Program-Applications    
3 Centennial Commission: Legacy Grant Program-Applications    
4 Centennial Commission: Legacy Grant Program-Applications    
5 Centennial Commission: Legacy Grant Program-Applications    
6 Centennial Commission: Legacy Grant Program-Applications    
7 Centennial Commission: Legacy Grant Program-Guidelines      
8 Centennial Commission: Legacy Grant Program-Film, Video and Audio Productions
9 Centennial Commission: Legacy Grant Program-Centennial Bookshelf
10 Centennial Commission: Legacy Grant Program-Centennial Musical Composition
11 Centennial Commission: Legacy Grant Program-Traveling and/or Permanent Exhibits

Box 7:
1 Centennial Commission: Legislation  
2 Centennial Commission: Logo         
3 Centennial Commission: Logo, Commercial Use of
4 Centennial Commission: Logo, Entries For
5 Centennial Commission: Minutes      
6 Centennial Commission: Minutes      
7 Centennial Commission: News Releases
8 Centennial Commission: Newspaper Clippings
9 Centennial Commission: Notice of Meetings and Agendas       
10 Centennial Commission: Party of the Century
11 Centennial Commission: Plan, North Dakota Centennial Commission
12 Centennial Commission: Planning Conferences
13 Centennial Commission: Policies     
14 Centennial Commission: Press Releases
15 Centennial Commission: Profits      
16 Centennial Commission: Projects-SHSND
17 Centennial Commission: Projects. Programs and Activities    
18 Centennial Commission: Proposals to Manufacture Official Centennial Products
19 Centennial Commission: Publicity    
20 Centennial Commission: Reports      
21 Centennial Commission: Resolutions  
22 Centennial Commission: Significant Dates in 1889 and 1989   
23 Centennial Commission: Six State Centennial Caucus
24 Centennial Commission: Texas Sesquicentennial Commission    
25 Centennial Commission: Centennial Commission Budget         
26 Centennial Commission: Peoples Centennial Planning Conference, Second Annual
27 Centennial Commission: Budget       
28 Centennial Commission: Classification Requests
29 Centennial Commission: Budget Information
30 Centennial Commission: NDHC III Wildbrook/Prairie Trilogy   1989

Box 8:
1 Capitol Complex Space Analysis and Programming Questionnaire 1999-2000
2 Capitol Grounds Planning Commission 1994-2002
3 Capitol Grounds Planning Commission 2003-2004
4 Capitol Grounds Planning Commission 2005-2006
5 Capitol Grounds Planning Commission 2007-2009
6 College Conversations 2003-2004
7 Garrison-Oahe Interagency Council   1993-1997
8 Great Plains Regional Humanities Center 1999-2000
9 Heritage Preservation - Heritage Health Index 2004     
10 Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Advisory Committee 2000-2006
11 Little Missouri Scenic River Commission 1995-2002
12 Local History Council 1993-2000
13 ND Council on the Arts 1994-1996
14 ND Humanities Council 1991, 1994
15 Rough Rider Award Committee 1994-2000
16 SORIC 1993-1995
17 Yellowstone Heritage Partnership    1995-1997
18 Yellowstone-Missouri-Fort Union Commission 1992-2005

Box 9:
1 Director's Task Force on Transportation Enhancement - Rural 2000     
2 Director's Task Force on Transportation Enhancement - Urban 2000

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