Title: State Historical Society. North Dakota Historical Records Survey. Newspaper Survey Files
Dates: ca. 1935-1942
Record Series: 30578
Quantity: 2 feet
Abstract: Series consists of “The Newspaper Form” which provides information concerning each surveyed newspaper, including titles, arrangement, Name of owner, dates of publication, frequency of publication, place of publication, location of originals, and a brief history. Arranged alphabetically by county and newspaper title.
Provenance: The North Dakota State Archives acquired these records series through the auspices of the Professional and Service Division, Work Projects Administration, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota, ca.1942.
Copyright: Public records are not subject to copyright restrictions, although record series may contain copyrighted material. Consideration of such copyrights is the responsibility of the author and publisher.
Access: These records are available for public inspection under provision of the North Dakota Century Code, 55-02.1-08.
Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the record group, series name and number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.
The North Dakota Historical Records Survey began in 1936 and was sponsored by the Division of Women’s and Professional Projects, Works Progress Administration, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota. The purpose of the survey was to “discover, preserve, and make accessible the basic materials on the history” of North Dakota. Records inventories were conducted for North Dakota counties, cities, townships, churches, social and fraternal organizations, newspapers, and the State of North Dakota. In addition the survey identified historical manuscripts, prepared transcripts of significant local government records, and assembled a listing of pre-1889 books, periodicals, and other printed materials available in North Dakota. Publications of the North Dakota Historical Records Survey include:
Inventory of the County Archives of Williams County, 1938
Abstract and Check List of Statutory Requirements for County Records, 1939
Bibliography of Theses Prepared at the University of North Dakota, 1940
Inventory of the County Archives of Golden Valley County, 1941
Inventory of the County Archives of Mercer County, 1941
Guise to Church Vital Statistics Records in North Dakota, 1942
Inventory of Federal Archives in the States No. 33, North Dakota, 1943
The Survey work of the North Dakota Historical Record Survey ended in 1942.
Box / Folder Inventory
Box 193:
Adams County-Williams County; A-H
Box 194:
612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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