Administration provides general supervision of all programs and responsibilities of the agency through the office of the director. Support and coordination are provided through budgeting, accounting, purchasing, personnel services, communications, inventory control, concession sales, and overall security functions.
- Bernhardt, Ben, Account Technician
- Doll, Bryan, Site Operations Manager
- Grahl, Jackie, Account Technician
- Holte, Loren, Custodian
- Houn, Erica, Business Manager
- Jensen, Jeff, Custodian
- Kok, Thomas, Security Officer
- Mayer, David A., Information Technology Administrator
- McCann, Rachel, Museum Store Assistant Manager
- Miller, Ashleigh, Administrative Assistant
- Mosbrucker, Wyett, Security Officer
- Neff, Corey D., Training and Safety Officer
- O'Brien, Pam, Custodian
- Peterson, Bill, Director
- Red Tomahawk, James K., Security Shift Supervisor
- Reed, Lynlee, Account Technician
- Schlecht, David, Security Supervisor
- Schroeder, Brett, Security Shift Supervisor
- Smith, R. Keith, Security Officer
- Smith, Rhonda, Museum Store Manager
- Steckler, Ashton, Computer Network Specialist
- Theurer, Annetta, Storekeeper
- Thorton, Laiken, Event Coordinator
- Unterseher, Zach, Security Officer
- Wike, Andrea, Assistant Director
Archaeology & Historic Preservation Division
The Archaeology & Historic Preservation Division provides for the preparation of a statewide historic preservation plan, and inventories, evaluates, and nominates sites for listing on the State and National Registers of Historic Places. The division assists in the preservation of historic properties at all levels, and reviews and comments to sponsoring agencies on federally assisted projects to assure that historic values are considered in project planning and execution. Information on National Park Service cultural resources technical assistance.
The Division also provides for interpretation, programming, maintenance, repair, and operational control for all land and buildings in the custody of the State Historical Society of North Dakota, which includes fifty-seven state historic sites. The division is responsible for constructing interpretive and visitor use facilities and implementing plans and recommendations relating to the historic preservation of sites and buildings.
The division is responsible for preserving and curating approximately 12 million artifacts in the archaeological collection representing 13,000 years of human history.
- Clark, Andrew, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer and Department Director
- Grahl, Paul, Historic Sites Maintenance and Construction Supervisor
- Linn, Thomas C., Architectural Project Manager
- Meidinger, Lorna, Lead Historic Preservationist
- Munson, Amy Rouleau, Grants & Contracts Officer/CLG Coordinator
- Patton, Margaret, Research Archaeologist
- Reed, Timothy A., Research Archaeologist
- Robinson, Andrew, State Archaeologist
- Scherr, Erica, Historic Preservation Specialist
- Schoenfelder, Meagan, Collections Assistant
- Steckler, Lisa L., Historic Preservation Specialist
- Zena, Ashenafi, Archaeology Collections Manager
Audience Engagement and Museum
The Audience Engagement & Museum Division strives to provide engaging, entertaining and memorable experiences for the public. Our team plans public events and educational opportunities, produces publications and ND history curriculum, manages space rentals, plans museum exhibits, collects and stores artifacts, coordinates our volunteers, and manages the marketing, branding, and digital presence of the agency.
- Adaire, DeAnne, New Media Specialist
- Bachmeier, Yvette, Fort Buford State Historic Site and Missouri-Yellowstone Confluence Interpretive Center Site Supervisor
- Berreth-Smokey, Pamela K., Editor/Public Information Specialist
- Blanchard, Jeff, Pembina State Museum Site Supervisor
- Branting, Robert, Ronald Reagan Minuteman Missile Site Supervisor
- Campbell, Beth E., Visitor Services Coordinator
- Campbell, Johnathan, Former Governors’ Mansion and Camp Hancock Site Supervisor
- Chap, Matthew, Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center and Fort Mandan Maintenance Supervisor
- DeJesus, Keshna, Chateau de Mores Site Supervisor
- Dorfschmidt, Chris, Historic Sites Manager
- Dukart, Elise, Assistant Registrar
- Forde, Laura, Education and Engagement Manager
- Grove, Brian, Welk Homestead Site Supervisor
- Haff, Kara, Public Information Officer
- Hanna, Robert J., Historic Sites Manager
- Hocking, Bree, Assistant Editor
- Johnson, Angela, New Media Specialist Supervisor
- Jondahl, Kimberly H., Audience Engagement and Museum Department Director
- Kerr, Andrew, New Media Specialist
- Krueger, Lenny, Fort Abercrombie Site Supervisor
- Laducer, Ashli, Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center and Fort Mandan Interpretive Coordinator
- Milbrath, Madison, Education Outreach Supervisor
- Monroe, LaRae, New Media Specialist
- Morrison, Dana, Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center and Fort Mandan Site Supervisor
- Nelson, Kyle, Fort Totten Site Supervisor
- Nohner, Lori, Assistant Curator
- Pfeifer, Adam, New Media Specialist
- Reidburn, Steve, Stutsman County Courthouse Site Supervisor
- Stone, Kiri, Administrative Assistant
- Thompson, Melissa, Head of Curatorial Services
- Turnbow, Bryan, Chief Preparator
- Yearous, Jenny Dee, Curator of Collections Management
State Archives
The State Archives preserves and makes accessible records of North Dakota government of enduring value and is responsible for acquiring and preserving the other documentary holdings of the State Historical Society of North Dakota. Available are books, newspapers, maps, photographs, motion picture films, tape recordings, archives and manuscripts, and other historical materials for the use of both staff and the general public through reference services and programs of preservation.
- Beck, Greta, Audiovisual Archivist
- Bjorness, Virginia, Head of Technical Services
- Ely, Matthew, Photo Archivist
- Harrison, Larissa D., Government Records Archivist
- Kubischta, Emily J., Manuscript Archivist
- Meidinger, Lindsay K., Deputy State Archivist
- Molander, Shane A., State Archivist and Department Director
- Sauerwein, Daniel, Reference Specialist
- Steele, Megan L., Local Government Archivist
- Thronson, Ashley, Reference Specialist
- Walker, Sarah, Head of Reference Services
- Ward, Kylie, Newspaper Archivist