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Chronicling America

Photographs - Collections - 801-850 - #00834

Title: Frithjof Holmboe

Dates: 1913-1924

Collection Number: 00834

Quantity: 650 items

Abstract: Contains studio portraits of Frithjof Holmboe, images from the Norway trip in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary of Norway’s Independence and Centennial Exposition, dedication of the Lincoln statue presented by Governor Louis B. Hanna to Norway, both in 1914, dedication of Fort Rice 1913, 1st ND Infantry training in 1916 at Fort Lincoln, portraits of North Dakota soldiers who served in WWI, portraits of North Dakota legislators and other officials, images in Bismarck, Mandan, Fargo, and the Badlands, and farming scenes.

Provenance:  The State Historical Society of North Dakota acquired part of this collection from Frithjof Holmboe’s son, Thoralf F. Holmboe in December 1975. Frithjof Holmboe was hired as the State Historical Society's Official Photographer at one time, and other parts of this collection, such as Legislators' portraits and portraits of North Dakota soldiers who served in WWI, came as a result of that.

Property Rights: The State Historical Society of North Dakota owns the property rights to this collection.

Copyrights: Copyrights to materials in this collection remain with the donor, publisher, author, or author's heirs.  Researchers should consult the 1976 Copyright Act, Public Law 94-553, Title 17, U.S. Code and an archivist at this repository if clarification of copyright requirements is needed.

Access: This collection is open under the rules and regulations of the State Historical Society of North Dakota.

Citation: Researchers are requested to cite the collection title, collection number, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota in all footnote and bibliographic references.

Related Collection:
MSS 10269 Frithjof Holmboe


Frithjof Holmboe was born in Oslo, Norway in 1879, and immigrated to the United States with his family in 1882, settling in Minneapolis. He was a photographer for Northern Pacific before opening his first photographic studio in New Salem, ND in 1907. That same year, he married Jennie F. (Holmboe). In 1909, Frithjof moved to Bismarck, setting up a studio across from the McKenzie (now Patterson) Hotel. Self-taught, he became interested in motion pictures in 1913, and formed the Publicity Film Company soon after. He contracted with the North Dakota Department of Immigration and various counties to produce promotional films to encourage relocation to North Dakota. He also contracted with businesses and produced commercial films about products agricultural and artistic. Holmboe was selected to accompany Governor Hanna to Oslo, Norway for the July 4, 1914 presentation of the Abraham Lincoln Bust to the kingdom of Norway; he filmed the event. Holmboe left North Dakota in 1921 as the post-war agricultural depression reduced calls for his work. Frithjof Holmboe died in California in 1967.


00834-001            Portrait of three men, one is Frithjof Holmboe
00834-002 - 03   Portrait of Frithjof Holmboe
00834-004 – 005 Portrait of unidentified young girl
00834-006 – 010 Portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-011 – 014 Portrait of unidentified young woman in lace collared dress
00834-015            Seated portrait of unidentified smiling little girl
00834-016            Seated portrait of unidentified curly-haired little girl
00834-017            Seated three quarter portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-018            Seated portrait of unidentified little boy
00834-019            Seated portrait of unidentified smiling little boy
00834-020 – 021 Portrait of unidentified older man
00834-022 – 025 Portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-026            Dual portrait of unidentified young man
00834-027            Portrait of unidentified woman with two boys
00834-028 – 028 Portrait of unidentified little girl in dress and bonnet
00834-030 – 035 Portrait of unidentified woman
00834-036 – 038 Portrait of boy and girl
00834-039 – 040 Portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-041 – 043 Portrait of unidentified children
00834-044 – 045 Portrait of unidentified man
00834-047 – 057 Portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-058 – 061 Portrait of unidentified woman with pin curls
00834-062 – 065 Portrait of unidentified man
00834-066 – 069 Portrait of unidentified little girl seated on bench
00834-070            Profile portrait of unidentified little girl
00834-071            Portrait of unidentified little boy seated on bench holding ball
00834-072 – 074 Portrait of unidentified little boy seated on bench in sailor suit
00834-075 – 076 Portrait of unidentified little boy standing in sailor suit
00834-077 – 078 Portrait of unidentified little boy seated on bench
00834-079 – 081 Portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-082            Profile portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-083 – 084 Portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-085            Portrait of unidentified older man
00834-086            Dual portrait of unidentified young man in tuxedo
00834-087            Portrait of two unidentified women
00834-088            Portrait of unidentified young boy and girl
00834-089 – 100 Portrait of unidentified baby
00834-101 – 107 Portrait of unidentified young man
00834-108 – 109 Portrait of unidentified young boy
00834-110-01     Portrait of unidentified young boy
00834-110-02     Portrait of unidentified baby
00834-111 – 119 Portrait of unidentified baby
00834-120-01 – 02 Portrait of two unidentified women
00834-120-03 – 04 Portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-121            Portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-122-01 – 02 Portrait of two unidentified women
00834-123 Portrait of unidentified young boy
00834-124 Portrait of unidentified baby
00834-125            Portrait of unidentified young boy
00834-126            Portrait of unidentified baby
00834-127 – 130 Portrait of unidentified young boy
00834-131 – 134 Portrait of unidentified young boys
00834-135 – 139 Portrait of unidentified man and woman
00834-140 – 149 Portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-150            Portrait of unidentified little girl and boy
00834-151            Portrait of unidentified older woman with young girl
00834-152 – 153 Portrait of unidentified baby
00834-154            Portrait of unidentified man
00834-155 – 158 Portrait of unidentified young man
00834-159 – 169 Portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-170 – 173 Portrait of unidentified young man
00834-174-01 – 02 Portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-175            Portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-176 – 186 Portrait of unidentified young man
00834-187 – 189 Portrait of unidentified bride
00834-190 – 192 Portrait of unidentified seated bride
00834-193 – 207 Portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-208 – 210 Portrait of unidentified family
00834-211 – 215 Portrait of unidentified woman with baby
00834-216 – 218 Portrait of unidentified man with little girl
00834-219 – 222 Portrait of unidentified young boy
00834-223 – 224 Portrait of unidentified young man
00834-225            Portrait of unidentified man
00834-226 – 227 Portrait of unidentified young man
00834-228            Portrait of unidentified woman
00834-229 – 231 Portrait of unidentified young woman
00834-232            McKenzie Hotel Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-233            Roof Garden McKenzie Hotel Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-234            Two women standing among sunflowers
00834-235            Orchestra Conservatory of Music, Fargo College Stone Building, Fargo (N.D.)
00834-236            Conservatory of Music, Fargo College Stone Building, Fargo (N.D.)
00834-237            Ballroom Conservatory of Music, Fargo College Stone Building, Fargo (N.D.)
00834-238            Working on pianos Stone Piano Company, Fargo (N.D.)
00834-239            Unpacking pianos Stone Piano Company, Fargo (N.D.)
00834-240            Working on pianos Stone Piano Company Fargo (N.D.)
00834-241            Charles Stone, Stone Piano Company, Fargo (N.D.) Thursday 10-09-1902
00834-242            Stone Building, Stone Piano Company, Fargo (N.D.)
00834-243 – 244 Display room Stone Piano Company, Fargo (N.D.)
00834-245            Record player display room, Stone Piano Company, Fargo (N.D.)
00834-246            Display room Stone Piano Company, Fargo (N.D.)
00834-247            Workers at Stone Piano Company Fargo (N.D.)
00834-248            Two men with xylophones and upright pianos Stone Piano Company, Fargo (N.D.)
00834-249            Sales counters and displays Stone Piano Company, Fargo (N.D.)
00834-250            Cashiers and typists Stone Piano Company, Fargo (N.D.)
00834-251            unidentified woman in tree
00834-252            Swimming and boating. Slorby Studio, successor to Holmboe Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-253            Man standing in field of grain
00834-254            Farm Buildings
00834-255            Deering New Ideal binder
00834-256            Buffalo grazing
00834-257 – 258 Farm Buildings
00834-259            Man shocking corn
00834-260            Three boys harvesting potatoes
00834-261            Driving alongside harvested field
00834-262            Cattle grazing in front of farm buildings
00834-263            Buffalo grazing
00834-264            Man carrying antler through tree grove
00834-265            Two woman standing among sunflowers
00834-266            Three men in Lady Luck canoe on river below bridge
00834-267            Man using pick axe to dig out coal vein
00834-268            Child with sunflowers
00834-269            Shocking corn
00834-270            Turkeys and geese in farm yard
00834-271            Using augur to transfer grain to storage
00834-272 – 273 Harvesting
00834-274 – 275 Cattle turkeys and goats in farm yard
00834-275            Cattle turkeys and goats in farm yard
00834-276            Man holding Percheron horse
00834-277            Grain sheafs
00834-278            Making grain sheafs
00834-279            Harvest
00834-280            Grain sheafs
00834-281            Threshing grain sheafs
00834-282 – 284 Threshing grain
00834-285            Mowing and reaping grain
00834-286            Bundling sheafs after mowing and reaping grain
00834-287            Tree lined driveway. Slorby Studio, successor to Holmboe, Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-288            Tree lined sidewalk
00834-289            Sakakawea Statue North Dakota State Capital Grounds Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-290            Man standing in field of grain
00834-291            Native American man at Fort Rice State Park dedication 1913
00834-292            View of crowd at Fort Rice dedication 1913
00834-293 – 294 Native Americans on horseback at Fort Rice dedication 1913
00834-294-02     View of people on horseback at Fort Rice dedication 1913
00834-295            Crowd by the train at Gwyther Depot at the Fort Rice dedication 1913
00834-296            Military band leading a crowd at the Fort Rice dedication 1913
00834-297            Native Americans riding horses at Fort Rice dedication1913
00834-298            Crowds arriving in wagons at Fort Rice dedication 1913
00834-299            Crowd surrounding platform at Fort Rice dedication 1913
00834-300            Cars and horses at Fort Rice dedication 1913                       
00834-301            Tree lined road. Slorby Studio successor to Holmboe Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-302            Man standing at top of tree lined hill
00834-303            Hillside landscape
00834-304            Horseback riders and landscape
00834-305            Dirt road through tree lined hillside
00834-306            Tree covered hillsides
00834-307            Hiking the hillside. Slorby Studio successor to Holmboe Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-308            Horseback riders and cabin on hillside
00834-309            Landscape
00834-310            Man with horse in front of log buildings
00834-311            Aerial view of log ranch buildings
00834-312            Distant view of Badlands
00834-313            Man mounting horse in front of wood-sided house with elk antlers in foreground
00834-314            Herd of sheep. Slorby Studio successor to Holmboe Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-315            Stand of trees
00834-316            Horseback riders taking break
00834-317            Herd of sheep. Slorby Studio successor to Holmboe Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-318            Man looking down on water. Slorby Studio successor to Holmboe Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-319            Man standing near top of hill. Slorby Studio successor to Holmboe Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-320            Herd of sheep. Slorby Studio successor to Holmboe Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-321            Man standing amongst rock outcroppings. Slorby Studio successor to Holmboe Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-322            Automobile crossing river on bridge. Slorby Studio successor to Holmboe Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-323 – 324 Overview of ranch buildings
00834-325 – 326 Landscape
00834-327            Herding cattle Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.)
00834-328            Branding Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.)
00834-329            Riders of the Burnstad Family Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.)
00834-330            Burnstad House Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.)
00834-331            C. P. Burnstad Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.)
00834-332            Purebred Herefords Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.)
00834-333            Prince Harris Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.)
00834-334            Branding cattle Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.) 1913
00834-335            Boy riders Burnstad Family Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.)1913
00834-336            Hereford Cattle Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.) 1913
00834-337            Burnstad House and barn Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.) 1913
00834-338            Dog and horses Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.) 1913
00834-339            Cattle Herd Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.)1913
00834-340            Branding Cattle Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.) 1913
00834-341            Burnstad House and barn Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.) 1913
00834-342            Horse herd Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.) 1913
00834-343            One Thousand Sheep Y O Ranch Burnstad (N.D.) 1913
00834-344-01     Birdseye view of river. Slorby Studio successor to Holmboe Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-344-02     St. Paul, Minnetonka and Minneapolis steamboats at Big Island Park Lake Minnetonka Hennepin (Minn.) 1906-1911
00834-345 – 346 Egg races on board S. S. Kristianiafjord trip to Norway 1914
00834-347 – 348 On board S. S. Kristianiafjord. This ship carried Norwegian- American delegation to Norway for 100th Jubilee celebration 1914
00834-349 – 350 Egg races on board S. S. Kristianiafjord trip to Norway 1914
00834-351            Disembarking S. S. Kristianiafjord trip to Norway 1914
00834-352            Decks on S. S. Kristianiafjord trip to Norway 1914
00834-353            S. S. Kristianiafjord trip to Norway 1914
00834-354            Group in costume on board S. S. Kristianiafjord 1914
00834-355            Governor Louis B Hanna North Dakota Delegation and ethnic Norwegians S. S. Kristianiafjord trip to Norway 1914
00834-356 – 359 On board S. S. Kristianiafjord trip to Norway 1914
00834-360            On board ship along Norwegian coast, men in foreground members of the same singing group from the Lincoln statue dedication
00834-361            Governor L. B. Hanna with ship’s captain on coastal trip to North Cope 1914
00834-362 – 366 Governor Louis B. Hanna and North Dakota Delegation S. S. Kristianiafjord trip to Norway 1914
00834-367 – 368 unidentified man in front of building on trip to Norway 1914
00834-369            Bridge and Hovedrestauranten Towers Frogner Park Norway 1914
00834-370            Building Anniversary Exhibition Frogner Park Norway 1914
00834-371            Main Restaurant and towers Anniversary Exhibition Frogner Park Norway 1914
00834-372            Anniversary Exhibition Frogner Park Norway 1914
00834-373            North Dakota Delegation trip to Norway 1914
00834-374            Governor Louis B Hanna and North Dakota Delegation at glacier on trip to Norway 1914
00834-375            Parade of singers and other participants marching on Carl Johans Gate near royal palace
00834-376            Grounds of Norway’s 100th year independence jubilee exposition in Frogner Park, Oslo 1914. Lincoln statue nearby in same park
00834-377            Lincoln statue in Frogner Park, Oslo given to Norway July 4, 1914 when Norway celebrated 100th anniversary of independence from Denmark             
00834-378 – 380 Another view of the dedication ceremony for the Lincoln statue
00834-381            Dedication ceremony for Lincoln statue. Banner for Orpheus Club of Fargo can be seen
00834-382            Dedication ceremony
00834-383            Governor Hanna giving a speech at the dedication ceremony
00834-384            North Dakota delegation to the 100th Anniversary celebration
00834-390            North Dakota delegation to the 100th Anniversary celebration, Governor Hanna in center
00834-391            Governor Louis B. Hanna letter to Frithjof Holmboe 08-01-1914
00834-392 – 394 State Penitentiary Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-395            Trolley and Main Avenue Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-396            Corner 5th St. and Main Ave., Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-397            Corner 4th St. and Main Ave., Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-398            Northern Pacific Railroad Station and Main Ave., Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-399            3rd St. and Main Ave., Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-400            Hoskins and Grand Pacific Hotel 4th St. and Broadway Ave., Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-401            First National and City National Banks Corner 4th St. and Main Ave., Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-402 – 403 Aerial view of back side of Northern Pacific Railroad Station, Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-404            Rosen’s Clothing Store inside McKenzie Hotel Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-405            Residential area Hannifin St. and Thayer Ave., Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-406 – 408  Bismarck Country Club, Bismarck (N.D.) 06-1924
00834-409            Tennis Courts Bismarck Country Club, Bismarck (N.D.) 06-1924
00834-410            Bismarck Ways, Bismarck (N.D.)06-1924
00834-411            North Dakota National Guard Fort Lincoln Bismarck (N.D.) 1916
00834-412            Company A Bismarck, 1st ND Infantry Fort Lincoln, Bismarck (N.D.) 1916
00834-413            Company B Fargo, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-414            Company C Grafton, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-415            Company D Minot, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-416            Company E Williston, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-417            Company H Jamestown, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-418            Company I Wahpeton, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-419            Company K Dickinson, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-420            Company L Hillsboro, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-421            Company M Grand Forks, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-422            Guard Mount Company C Grafton, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-423            1st ND Infantry, Lisbon Hospital Corps, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-424            1st ND Infantry, Grand Forks Machine Gun Company, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-425            Company K Dickinson, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-426            Company H Jamestown, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-427            Company C Grafton, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-428            Company I Wahpeton, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-429            1st ND Infantry, Grand Forks Machine Gun Company, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-430            Rifle Unit, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-431            Company M Grand Forks, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-432            Company D Minot, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-433 – 434 Lisbon Regimental Band, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-435 – 436 Regimental Buglers, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-439            Distant view of Fort Lincoln (N.D.) buildings and Regimental Band playing 1916
00834-440 – 441 View of buildings at Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-442 – 444 1st ND Infantry on review, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-445            Camp scene at Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-446 – 447 1st ND Infantry on review, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-448            1st ND Infantry in camp, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-449 – 450 Mess scene, 1st ND Infantry, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-451            1st ND Infantry on review, Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-452            Camp scene at Fort Lincoln (N.D.) 1916
00834-453 – 454 ND Legislature
00834-455            ND House of Representatives
00834-456            Lynn Frazier and ND Senate
00834-457            ND Legislature
00834-458            ND Senate
00834-459 – 460 ND Legislature
00834-461 – 463 ND Senate
00834-464            ND House of Representatives
00834-465 – 466 ND Senate
00834-467 – 468 Birds eye view of unidentified town
00834-469            E. G. Patterson Jersey Farm
00834-470            Farm ND
00834-471            E. G. Patterson Jersey Farm
00834-472            Farm
00834-473            Sheafs on Farm
00834-474 – 475 Fields on Farm
00834-476 – 477 Class photo
00834-478            Group photo
00834-479            Telephone Traffic Convention Bismarck (N.D.) 07-11 to 07-12-1916
00834-480            Governor John Burke and group of men Bismarck (N.D.)
00834-481            Telephone Traffic Convention Bismarck (N.D.) 07-11 to 07-12-1916
00834-482            Captain Grant Marsh
00834-483            Group in front of Bismarck Country Club ca. 1916-1917
00834-484            Birds eye view of Mandan (N.D.)
00834-485            State Reform School, Mandan (N.D.)
00834-486            Heart River
00834-487            William J. Burns in Grand Pacific Hotel lobby, Bismarck (N.D.) ca. 1912
00834-488            Stock in Cannonball River at Mott (N.D.)
00834-489            Branding
00834-490 – 497 Badlands
00834-498            Indian game On-na watchee. Photo by Morris & Kirby
00834-00499 Arthur O. Anderson ca. 1918         
00834-00500 Private Clarence E. Annis ca. 1918         
00834-00501 Carl Alfred Arneson ca. 1918         
00834-00502 Private Ezra William Barrows ca. 1917         
00834-00503 Private Napoleon Beaudry ca. 1918                                              
00834-00504 Private Harold W. Beltman ca. 1918         
00834-00505 Private Bernard S. Bredell ca. 1917         
00834-00506 Private Matthew Brew ca. 1917
00834-00507 Private Peter Raymond Brolander ca. 1917         
00834-00508 Private F. N. Carlson ca. 1918         
00834-00509 Michael Patrick Donoghue ca. 1918         
00834-00510 Private Clifford Doty    ca. 1917         
00834-00511 Private Ralph Bernard Early ca. 1917         
00834-00512 Magill Theofield Ellison ca. 1918         
00834-00513 Private Deemer H. Faltz ca. 1917
00834-00514 Paul Farup ca. 1917         
00834-00515 Dewey W. Fink ca. 1918         
00834-00516 Private Benjamin Burton Fleming ca. 1918         
00834-00517 Private Raymond Gilbert French ca. 1918         
00834-00518 Clifford Gallipo ca. 1918         
00834-00519  Private Paul Pecher Girard ca. 1918         
00834-00520 Private Ingvold Gjertson ca. 1918         
00834-00521 Mervin C. Grover ca. 1918
00834-00522 Corporal Fred M. Grube   ca. 1918
00834-00523 Private Gunder Aslakson  ca. 1918         
00834-00524  Corporal Marvin Eugene Hanson ca. 1918         
00834-00525 Private Raymond Alexander Hanson ca. 1917         
00834-00526 Corporal John M. Hafner ca. 1918         
00834-00527 Sergeant Earl V. Jefferson ca. 1917         
00834-00528 James Garfield John ca. 1918         
00834-00529 Gunner Arthur S. Johnson ca. 1918         
00834-00530 Edward Johnson ca. 1917         
00834-00531 Melvin Johnson ca. 1917         
00834-00532 Sveinn Jonasson ca. 1918         
00834-00533 Private Claude Keller ca. 1918
00834-00534 Private Clarence Larson ca. 1918         
00834-00535 Private Charles Albert Larson ca. 1917         
00834-00536 Corporal Martin O. Leslie ca. 1918         
00834-00537 Ben Brand ca. 1918         
00834-00538 Private Olaf E. Lund ca. 1918         
00834-00539 George Robert MacNamara ca. 1918         
00834-00540 Private Harry Julian Madsen ca. 1917         
00834-00541 Corporal Orval Manning ca. 1918         
00834-00542 Private Ralph McGarvey ca. 1918         
00834-00543 Gordon McGregor ca. 1917         
00834-00544 Frank Midak ca. 1918
00834-00545 Private Richard Muri ca. 1918         
00834-00546 John J. Murphy ca. 1918         
00834-00547 Sergeant Leo Carl Nebraska ca. 1917         
00834-00548 Corporal John O'Hare ca. 1918         
00834-00549 Private Henry L. Olson ca. 1918         
00834-00550 Knute Olson ca. 1918         
00834-00551 Louis Ousley ca. 1918
00834-00552 Private Lars Paul Peterson ca. 1918         
00834-00553 Private Frank Proisl ca. 1918
00834-00554 Frederick Jonas Renn ca. 1918         
00834-00555 Lyle B. Rich ca. 1918         
00834-00556 Private Fred James Roach ca. 1918         
00834-00557 Private A. Jay Rugg ca. 1917         
00834-00558 Private Harley B. Salzman ca. 1918
00834-00559 Private Ernest Sanders ca. 1918         
00834-00560 Private Louis Carl Sayer ca. 1918         
00834-00561 Private Wyatt E. Silker ca. 1918         
00834-00562 Lloyd W. Spetz ca. 1918
00834-00563 Private Raymond Stake ca. 1918         
00834-00564 Private Lawrence Sylvester Stephenson ca. 1918         
00834-00565 Private Melvin Strandvold ca. 1918         
00834-00566 Adolphus James Thibert  ca. 1918
00834-00567  Private Glen Earl Trowbridge ca. 1918         
00834-00568 Private Preston Vincent Wall ca. 1918         
00834-00569 1st Lieutenant Kennedy Scot Wanner ca. 1917         
00834-00570 Edwin Gray Washburn ca. 1918         
00834-00571 George Ward ca. 1917
00834-00572 Seaman Buell Mills Wetherbee ca. 1917         
00834-00573 Private John Henry Wilson ca. 1918         
00834-00574 Private Theodore Wong ca. 1917         
00834-00575 Private Alfred H. Youngquist ca. 1918         
00834-00576 Nathan E. Whipple ca. 1917
00834-00577 John Young ca. 1910
00834-00578 Horace J. Blanchard ca. 1905
00834-00579 Martin G. Myhre ca. 1915
00834-00580 Morten L. Mortenson ca. 1920
00834-00581 Haldar O. Bratsberg ca. 1920
00834-00582 A. Guy Divet ca. 1920
00834-00583 Thomas Pendray ca. 1915
00834-00584 James J. Regnery 02/19/1918
00834-00585 Sergeant Clyde Arthur Neer ca. 1917         
00834-00586 Private Anthony William Zirbes ca. 1917         
00834-00587 Fred Hermann ca. 1917
00834-00588 Sergeant George Stine ca. 1917         
00834-00589 Nels Magnuson ca. 1920
00834-00590 Oliver C. Martin ca. 1920
00834-00591 L. D. Wiley ca. 1915
00834-00592 Girdell A. Patterson ca. 1920
00834-00593 John E. Paulson ca. 1915
00834-00594 F. H. Kelly, Brocket (N.D.) ca. 1920
00834-00595 Oscar Lindstrom ca. 1915   
00834-00596 Gilbert W. Haggart ca. 1920
00834-00597 Frank G. Prater ca. 1920
00834-00598 Claude C. Turner ca. 1920
00834-00599 James N. Kunkel ca. 1920
00834-00600 Frank P. Allen ca. 1920
00834-00601 John W. Benson ca. 1920
00834-00602 Peter O. Thorson ca. 1920
00834-00603  Edward E Cole ca. 1915
00834-00604 Claudius A. Ward ca. 1920
00834-00605 Leonard P. Sandstrom ca. 1915
00834-00606 Burleigh County draftees in front of the Post Office, Bismarck (N.D.) 03/29/1918
00834-00607 Burleigh County draftees in front of the Courthouse, Bismarck (N.D.) 07/00/1918
00834-00608 Burleigh County draftees in front of the Post Office, Bismarck (N.D.) 4/29/1918
00834-00609 Burleigh County draft inductees in front of the Post Office, Bismarck (N.D.) 06/28/1918
00834-00610 L. L. Stair 1921
00834-00612 Martin Thoreson 1920
00834-00613 Carrol D. King 1920
00834-00614 David H. Hamilton ca. 1920
00834-00615 Porter Kimball 1920
00834-00616 James A. Harris 1920
00834-00617 Edward M. Nelson ca. 1920
00834-00618 Lewis H. Larson 1920
00834-00619 Stewart Wilson 1920
00834-00620 Charles H. Noltmier XX
00834-00620 Charles H. Noltimier, Valley City (N.D.) XX     
00834-00621 John W. Ivers ca. 1920
00834-00622 Albert S. Gibbens  ca. 1910
00834-00623 M. S. Lang ca. 1915
00834-00624 Nick N. Nelson ca. 1915
00834-00625 C. W. McGrey ca. 1915
00834-00626 Roy A. Yeater ca. 1920
00834-00627 James W. Brown ca. 1920
00834-00628 Private Walter Anderson circa 1918
00834-00629 James H. Sinclair circa 1915
00834-00630 Moving a pier under the Northern Pacific Railroad Bridge, Bismarck (N.D.) 05/26/1918
00834-00631 Moving a pier under the Northern Pacific Railroad Bridge, Bismarck (N.D.) 05/26/1918
00834-00632 Moving a pier under the Northern Pacific Railroad Bridge, Bismarck (N.D.) 05/26/1918
00834-00633 Moving a pier under the Northern Pacific Railroad Bridge, Bismarck (N.D.) 05/28/1918
00834-00634 Moving a pier under the Northern Pacific Railroad Bridge, Bismarck (N.D.) 05/28/1918
00834-00635 Moving a pier under the Northern Pacific Railroad Bridge, Bismarck (N.D.) 05/28/1918
00834-00636 Leonard Edward Algeo 1918     
00834-00637 Scott Bredell circa 1917
00834-00638 Evangelical Church, New Salem (N.D.) 07/1913
00834-00639-Lewis Ferandus Crawford 1915
00834-00640-County Treasurers' Association on the Benton Packet Company excursion Steamboat Scarab, above Bismarck (N.D.) XX
00834-00641-State Penitentiary from the NE, Bismarck (N.D.) XX
00834-00642-State Penitentiary, cell house interior, Bismarck (N.D.) XX
00834-00643-State Penitentiary, cell house interior XX
00834-00644-State Penitentiary library, Bismarck (N.D.) XX
00834-00645-State Penitentiary horse barn XX
00834-00646-Missouri River ferry at Bismarck (N.D.) landing    1909
00834-00647-Andrew A. Bruce circa 1915
00834-00648-Killdeer Mountain Veterans at dedication of Fort Rice (N.D.) 1913
00834-00649-Constitutional Convention reunion at the State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) circa 1914
00834-00650-Constitutional Convention reunion at the State Capitol, Bismarck (N.D.) circa 1914

612 East Boulevard Ave.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505
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