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Appendix A: Military Documents

  1. Fort Buford Plan Map 1893Map of Fort Buford, 1893. Gardens are in shady area south of fort buildings. From Remele, ed., Fort Buford and the Military Frontier on the Northern Plains 1850 – 1900. Bismarck: State Historical Society of North Dakota, 1987, p. 72.

  1. North Dakota Garden Survey. From Victory Garden Report 1943. NDSU Archives Institute for Regional Studies, SB 321.N67.

  1. North Dakota Farm, City, Community Gardens. From Victory Garden Report 1943, NDSU Archives Institute for Regional Studies, SB 321.N67.

  1. Suggested Plan for a Small Garden. Victory Garden Report 1944. NDSU Archives Institute for Regional Studies, SB 321.N67.